Showing posts with label hall of presidents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hall of presidents. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2018

All of Presidents - Andy Thomas Paintings

No, it's not an article about the "Hall of Presidents" that you, Disney fans, are thinking about, but one about the great paintings of Andy Thomas. You may have heard recently about this painting showing a selection of famous Republicans Presidents having a drink, and one of them is Donald Trump. The painting - see below - was done by painter Andy Thomas and you may have seen it in the background during an interview of Trump at the White House, but it was not the original painting, Andy Thomas confirmed that the one at the White House is simply a high quality laser print and that he kept the original painting in his workshop.

Andy Thomas started his series of Presidents paintings years ago with famous ones showing Republicans or Democrats Presidents playing Poker or Pool or simply having a drink together, and himself is not in politics - his favorite presidents are Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. He says he wanted to do "feel good paintings" and that's what they are indeed. They're also fun because he puts together people who for some never know each other and you can't stop wondering what Abraham Lincoln, sit in front of Trump on Thomas latest painting, would have thought of the Donald - my guess is that he most probably wouldn't have liked him. Most of the time they seem to have fun together and obviously one told a joke which make them all laugh, but you'll never know what the joke was.

Have a look at the pictures below, click on each to see them in big size - i let you find who is who on each painting and i suggest you have a read of these good interviews of Andy Thomas HERE and HERE in which he tells more about and why he's painting them, and you'll also discover others of his paintings about the Old West and even Pirates. Andy is a great “story teller” and collectors compare his paintings favorably to the works of Remington and Russell. Through his paintings, Andy allows the viewer to be a participant in the scene rather than a spectator.

Below, Democrats Presidents playing Poker with Andrew Jackson ( back ).

Republicans Presidents playing Poker with Abraham Lincoln ( back ).

Democrats Presidents playing Pool with Andrew Jackson. ( back )

Republicans Presidents playing Pool with Abraham Lincoln.

Democrats Presidents chatting and having a drink with Andrew Jackson. Franklin D. Roosevelt ( back )

Republicans Presidents chatting and having a drink with Abraham Lincoln ( back ). That's the one with Trump.

If you wonder who are the others Presidents on this painting, here it is. When asked who is the unidentified man coming in the background, Thomas answered "It's the first Republican woman president" - to eventually be elected in the future.


Three more presidents portraits painted by Andy Thomas, of Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama.

Andy Thomas also did many paintings of the old American West, like these below, with a true "Frontierland" spirit. In the first one below, titled "Americans Storytellers" on the same principle than the president painting he put together people of different eras and you'll see Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway and Norman Rockwell. I have the feeling there is two American Presidents listening in the background - Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt.

Next painting below is titled "Huckleberry Finn" in tribute to Mark Twain young hero.

Next one below is titled "The Rescue".

Next painting below is titled "Leaving Old Mexico"

Next one below is titled "Cowboys ( playing ) Craps".

And this funny one titled "After the Poker Game".

He also did a few "Pirates" painting like this one below titled "...and the band played on".

Those of you interested by order some prints can do it either on HERE or  HERE where you can see many more of his paintings too.

Pictures: copyright Andy Thomas

Friday, June 8, 2018

Disney's America, The Disney Theme Park That Never Was

We had a look two days ago at the "Glacier Bay" land "that never was", and today i invite you to discover a Disney theme park that, unfortunately, was never built, the famous Disney's America project. Announced in 1993, it was supposed to occupy 1200 acres of a 3000 acre property in Prince William County, Virginia.

Bob Weis - who was at the head of the creative development for the park - defined it as "an ideal complement to visiting Washington's museums, monuments and national treasures" was supposed to be a park " that will be a venue for people of all ages, especially the young, to debate and discuss the future of our nation and to learn more about its past by living it". A place where guests "will be able to have rides, shows and interactive experiences that are both about the history of America, about America today and also give you a sense of America in the future. And he added: "In some ways the park is a timeline, we start in the mid-1860s and go backward or forward in time".

Yes, but what kind of rides and shows guests would have enjoy at Disney's America? Well, once they entered the park, guests would have found themselves in a detailed Civil War era village, the hub of "Disney's America.

From that point, guests could discover either "Native America" and explore the life of America's first inhabitants - including an accurate Native American village reflecting the tribes that were known in this part of the country. And also enjoy interactive experiences, exhibits and arts and crafts, as well as an exciting white water river raft ride that would have gone all around the area, based on the Lewis and Clark expedition.

Guests, then, would discover Presidents' Square, a celebration of the birth of democracy and those who fought to preserve it. The "Hall of presidents" of Walt Disney World would have moved to Disney's America.

A Civil War Fort would have plunge guests into a more turbulent time of American history, and adjacent to it, a big battlefield, where Civil War re-enactments and water battles between the Monitor and the Merrimac would have once again be fought.

Moving in the 20th century, a replica of Ellis Island building where many immigrants came through, guests would have live the "immigrant experience" through music, ethnic foods and a great live show presentation.

Enterprise, a factory town, would have highlights American ingenuity and guests could have ride a major roller coaster attraction called the "Industrial Revolution" , traveling through a 19th century landscape with heavy industry and blast furnaces. And, on either side of the coaster, exhibits of famous American technology that have defined the american industry in the past, as new developments that will define industries in the future.

On Victory Field guests would have experience what America's soldiers faced in the defense of freedom during the world wars. It would have look like an airport area with a series of hangars containing attractions based on America's military fight using virtual reality technology. The airport would have serve also as an exhibit area of planes from different periods, as well as a place for major flying exhibitions.

Another area, the State Fair, was going to show how - even during the big Depression of the '30s - Americans knew how to entertain themselves. With folk art exhibits and a live show on baseball, guests could have enjoy, too, classic wooden thrill rides in memory of Coney Island.

Finally, in Family Farm, WDI imagineers would have recreate an authentic farm where guests could have the opportunity to see different types of farm industries related to food production in addition to some hands-on experiences like milking cows and learning what homemade ice cream tastes like.

Mind you, all was not lost in this Disney's America project, as some of the concepts were finally used in Disney's California Adventure. Jim Hill wrote an article about it, and you can read it HERE.

After the big battle between Disney, and almost everybody who lived in Virginia - okay, i'm exagerating a bit - the project was cancelled. However, in 1995 Disney envisioned to build it - guess where? - at Knott's Berry farm that the Knotts family, tired to run their theme park, wanted to sale. Jim Hill, again, wrote another great article describing all what happened, and you can read it HERE

All photos: copyright Disney Enterprises Inc

All my thanks to Jim Hill for some of the infos included in this article.

Many many thanks to Michael of the excellent Progress City web site.

Those of you who want to find more infos on the Disney's America battle can find good links HERE

All pictures: copyright Disney

Monday, December 18, 2017

The Hall of Presidents Officially Reopen at WDW Magic Kingdom With Donald Trump Audio-Animatronic !

Following a year-long transformation, The Hall of Presidents will officially reopen at Magic Kingdom Park on Tuesday, December 19, with enhancements that will bring the story of the American presidency to life as never before. The epic theatrical production was envisioned by Walt Disney himself to honor the country by honoring the presidents of the United States.

This endeavor began with a single animated figure of President Abraham Lincoln that was developed for the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair. In 1971, advances in technology made it possible for Imagineers to make Walt Disney’s vision a reality by including every chief executive who ever served the United States of America.

The history of innovation at The Hall of Presidents continues to this day. In addition to updating the show’s content, Imagineers have incorporated the latest in theatrical design and Audio-Animatronics technology. Landmark moments in history come alive on a panoramic 180-degree screen that transports guests across more than 200 years of the American story. High-impact projection, sound, lighting and other enhancements take guests into rare and indelible moments in history that helped define a nation.

As has been the tradition with every new president since the attraction debuted, an Audio-Animatronics figure of President Donald J. Trump has been added to the show and features the latest advances in technology that enable smoother and more lifelike movements. President Trump personally recorded remarks exclusively for The Hall of Presidents, just as each sitting president has done for the attraction since the early 1990s.

Rich in innovative storytelling and tradition, The Hall of Presidents carries a legacy and passion for American history that has been part of Disney Parks for more than 50 years.

And now, as i suppose you can't wait to see the Trump Audio-Animatronic, here is a selection of videos of it, as filmed in 4K by WDW Magic and WDW News Today.

The first video below shows the segment with Trump delivering his speech. WDI Imagineers did their best to catch the Trump gesture and the way the AA is moving is quite faithful but the Trump AA is at the end, in my opinion, very bad. May be it's because Trump talked too fast, giving a hard time to WDI Audio-Animatronics programmers to have the AA following the pace of his speech recording. Also and although on the above screen capture the AA look alike quite well like Trump, when you see him moving - whether it is the lighting on the AA or the head sculpture - Trump looks older than in reality which probably will infuriate him! So, in two words, and i know that it was not easy task for WDI imagineers but, as an Audio-Animatronic, this Trump AA is not really a success ...which is perfect!  :-)

The first video below is from WDW News Today and show the whole show, as seen from the back of the theatre to succeed to have in the frame all of the 180° projection on the three screens. So, you'll see the new show editing but won't have a close shot of Trump on this one.

This next video filmed by WDW  Magic also shows the full show, filmed from the center and quiet near from the stage and you'll clearly see the Trump Audio-Animatronic on this one, but not the left or right part of the show.

And now, for those of you who want t go directly to the Trump AA sequence, here it is as filmed by WDW Magic.

Your comments about the Trump Audio-Animatronic are welcome below!

Picture: copyright Disney

Videos: copyright WDWNT, WDW Magic

Sunday, May 21, 2017

No Talking Trump Audio-Animatronic in WDW Magic Kingdom Hall of Presidents?

Earlier this week, an anonymous Disney cast member spoke to Motherboard's Kevin Wong about the possible rollback in a piece titled "Here’s the Secret Backstage Trump Drama at Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents". Since the early '90s, every sitting president has said at least a few lines at the Hall of Presidents. But now Disney is rolling back the attraction to a pre-1993 format, in which only Abraham Lincoln and George Washington speak. Here are a few of the highlights of the article, but definitely read the full article HERE.

"The Imagineers will likely revert the attraction to its pre-1993 format, where only George Washington and Abraham Lincoln recited lines, while keeping the more realistic, grounded tone of the current show."

"Given how polarizing the president is right now, Disney Parks & Resorts is currently trying to find [a solution] that approaches middle ground," said the source in an interview with Motherboard. "They want to include our 45th commander-in-chief in this 45-year-old theme park attraction, while at the same time, not seem to endorse or support some of Trump's more controversial policies."

"Given President Trump's current problems," continued the source, "Walt Disney World might elect to push the attraction's opening date back to the fall and then make further tweaks to the show."

... "Another contributing factor to Trump's auditory exclusion is his own lack of participation and obstinance. Disney reportedly reached out to Trump starting in January, but there has been no compromising effort to get things moving."

"That's a part of this—just getting time with him [to record]," said the source. "I guess there's also been some back-and-forth on his proposed script, which is something they're hoping to use as a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card. If he's not available to record, they can use that as a legitimate excuse… that's kind of what Disney's hoping for."

... "They were convinced that Hillary was going to win," said the source. "They were having conversations in late October and early November on how to dress her. 'Should it be the pantsuit she wore at the [Democratic] National Convention? Or should it be a darker color?' They were thinking along those lines. No one was giving any serious thought to it being Trump."

Remember that, as usual, until anything is announced officially it's always a rumor. May be Trump will now be furious when he learn about that and call WDI to tell them he has plenty of time to record the voice over for the AA ( which i doubt ) and Disney will need to change his mind, but basically i think that so far this "rumor" is very reliable and things shouldn't change.

Also, Disney decision is not about politics, it's all about money, period. They try to find a way that don't infuriate neither the Trump voters or the ones who didn't voted for him, and this ONLY to don't lose customers, and so, money. Don't lose time trying to find something else behind this no-talking Trump AA decision as there is nothing else than that.

Picture: copyright Disney

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Disney's America Theme Park Project - Article updated with new high-res scans

We had a look recently at the WestCOT "that never was" project, and today i invite you to another Disney theme park that, unfortunately, was never built, the famous Disney's America project. Announced in 1993,it was supposed to occupy 1200 acres of a 3000 acre property in Prince William County, Virginia.

Bob Weis - who was at the head of the creative development for the park - defined it as "an ideal complement to visiting Washington's museums, monuments and national treasures" was supposed to be a park " that will be a venue for people of all ages, especially the young, to debate and discuss the future of our nation and to learn more about its past by living it". A place where guests "will be able to have rides, shows and interactive experiences that are both about the history of America, about America today and also give you a sense of America in the future. And he added: "In some ways the park is a timeline, we start in the mid-1860s and go backward or forward in time".

Yes, but what kind of rides and shows guests would have enjoy at Disney's America? Well, once they entered the park, guests would have found themselves in a detailed Civil War era village, the hub of "Disney's America.

From that point, guests could discover either "Native America" and explore the life of America's first inhabitants - including an accurate Native American village reflecting the tribes that were known in this part of the country. And also enjoy interactive experiences, exhibits and arts and crafts, as well as an exciting white water river raft ride that would have gone all around the area, based on the Lewis and Clark expedition.

Guests, then, would discover Presidents' Square, a celebration of the birth of democracy and those who fought to preserve it. The "Hall of presidents" of Walt Disney World would have moved to Disney's America.

A Civil War Fort would have plunge guests into a more turbulent time of American history, and adjacent to it, a big battlefield, where Civil War re-enactments and water battles between the Monitor and the Merrimac would have once again be fought.

Moving in the 20th century, a replica of Ellis Island building where many immigrants came through, guests would have live the "immigrant experience" through music, ethnic foods and a great live show presentation.

Enterprise, a factory town, would have highlights American ingenuity and guests could have ride a major roller coaster attraction called the "Industrial Revolution" , traveling through a 19th century landscape with heavy industry and blast furnaces. And, on either side of the coaster, exhibits of famous American technology that have defined the american industry in the past, as new developments that will define industries in the future.

On Victory Field guests would have experience what America's soldiers faced in the defense of freedom during the world wars. It would have look like an airport area with a series of hangars containing attractions based on America's military fight using virtual reality technology. The airport would have serve also as an exhibit area of planes from different periods, as well as a place for major flying exhibitions.

Another area, the State Fair, was going to show how - even during the big Depression of the '30s - Americans knew how to entertain themselves. With folk art exhibits and a live show on baseball, guests could have enjoy, too, classic wooden thrill rides in memory of Coney Island.

Finally, in Family Farm, WDI imagineers would have recreate an authentic farm where guests could have the opportunity to see different types of farm industries related to food production in addition to some hands-on experiences like milking cows and learning what homemade ice cream tastes like.

Mind you, all was not lost in this Disney's America project, as some of the concepts were finally used in Disney's California Adventure. Jim Hill wrote an article about it, and you can read it HERE.

After the big battle between Disney, and almost everybody who lived in Virginia - okay, i'm exagerating a bit - the project was cancelled. However, in 1995 Disney envisioned to build it - guess where? - at Knott's Berry farm that the Knotts family, tired to run their theme park, wanted to sale. Jim Hill, again, wrote another great article describing all what happened, and you can read it HERE

All photos: copyright Disney Enterprises Inc

All my thanks to Jim Hill for some of the infos included in this article.

Many many thanks to Michael of the excellent Progress City web site.

Those of you who want to find more infos on the Disney's America battle can find good links HERE

All pictures: copyright Disney