Showing posts with label hong kong disneyland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hong kong disneyland. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

BREAKING : Construction of Quarantine Centers on Hong Kong Disneyland 2nd Park Land Started On February 18th

Remember that Disney gave recently his agreement to Hong Kong Government to build a quarantine centre on the unused land kept for HKDL second theme park?  Well, apparently Hong Kong Government directly hired China Harbor Engineering as contractor to build the quarantine centre at Penny's bay on the site adjacent to Disneyland parking lot. Construction of the Penny's Bay quarantine center began on February 17th with the goal to complete the first batch of 100 quarantine facilities in May 2020.

Below, Google translation of an article in Chinese, so far to be a perfect translation:
"The news was announced last week on HK mainland website and the board was asked for details, reasons and the cost of the direct appointment. It was replied two days later, saying the project was commissioned by the civil engineering development department in accordance with government purchasing procedures. The Engineering co. Ltd, is responsible for land formation and infrastructure construction at the quarantine centre, but they failed to respond about the cost of the project, the reasons why it directly hired the company and why no invitation for tenders were done.

Public opinion criticizes the government for having commissioned contractors to build quarantine camps without calling for tenders. Government officials have revealed that the government will use the lottery fund to allocate 190 million yuan for the construction of a quarantine center at Penny's Bay, on the land planned for the construction of a second park in Hong Kong Disneyland and the engineering project was approved by the members of the public works group. The company "China Harbor Engineering" is responsible for the construction."

Saturday, February 15, 2020

BREAKING: Hong Kong Government Obtain Disney's Consent to Use Part of the Land Kept for HKDL Phase 2 for Coronavirus Quarantine Facilities

Hong Kong government obtain Disney's consent to use part of the land kept for HKDL phase 2 for coronavirus quarantine facilities. "Secured the consent from the company to offer part of the site of phase 2 land designated for Disney theme park for future expansion. At this stage, the HK government is still looking for a suitable location, but it hopes to use the phase 2 land of the resort if necessary."

This is the land that you can see on the picture above, which is kept for HKDL second park. As the park is closed for now, last week Hong Kong government was thinking asking Disney to use HKDL hotels for people under quarantine, but of course there was no way Disney was going to agree on that,with all the decontamination problems which inevitably would happen once the outbreak wil be over, etc...

Luckily Disney had this empty land to offer in exchange, on which it should be not too complicated to build temporary quarantine facilities, and as HKDL second gate won't be built anytime soon, it shouldn't be any problem.

Watch the video below with a Hong Kong official talking about this.

Below, good aerial picture of Hong Kong Disneyland, showing on the right the land kept for the second park, the land that Disney agreed for a use in quarantine facilities, if needed. According to This is Mr B, Disney has set a threshold for building the second park, which is to reach 10 million visitors within a year, and construction of the phase 2 is planned for / or after 2025. If Hong Kong Disneyland reach 10 million entrances in 2025, or at least 8 million, the second phase will be kept. ( Hong Kong Disneyland's best performance in the past years was 7.5 million ). If there are not 8 million visitors in 2025, you can say bye-bye to the phase 2 of Hong Kong Disneyland.

Even before the coronavirus outbreak and the temporary closure of the park HKDL was seriously hit by the unrests in Hong Kong. How much hit? This CNN article HERE posted last year will give you an idea - CNN by the way confirms that Hong Kong Disneyland has agreed to lend Phase 2 vacant land to the government as potential quarantine facilities, as have said city officials in a press conference yesterday:

“We need quarantine facilities for surveillance. We will leave no stones unturned … We have secured the company’s consent to use part of the site if it is needed,” said Edward Yau Tang-wah, head of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau.

The HK government has not released any schedule or plans on whether or when the designated site will be used. There are currently 56 cases of confirmed novel coronavirus in Hong Kong.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Why HK Government Request to Allow the Use of HKDL Second Park Land for Housing Will Be a No-No for Disney

If you follow D&M Facebook page you may have read that "Hong Kong Disneyland urged to allow site earmarked for second theme park expansion to be used for transitional housing". As explained in this South China Morning Post article "Hong Kong city’s housing minister has urged Hong Kong Disneyland to give up the land reserved for the theme park’s future expansion to unlock land for transitional homes – a complete U-turn on the government policy of not allowing residential use there.

Chan said on Monday that he hoped Hong Kong Disneyland would show social responsibility “We have a contract with Disney that the piece of land will be specially reserved for future extension of the theme park, and should not be used for residential use,” Chan told legislators at a housing panel meeting. “But we hope Disneyland can consider its social responsibility and allow an exemption, so that the site can be used for transitional housing, until it has some long-term uses.”

The land is located "to the east of HKDL on Lantau Island and measures 60 hectares and was reserved for a possible second-phase development of Disneyland under a 2000 deal. Some short-term use of the site was allowed until more long-term plans were worked out. There have long been calls to use the land for housing." By some estimates, it is enough space for 20,000 flats able to house 80,000 people.

The reason why HK Government want the land is because "unaffordable property prices in Asia’s financial hub have been identified by Beijing and local authorities as a cause of social anger as the city grapples with months-long pro-democracy protests. The public housing waiting list now averages 5.4 years for the 149,500 or so applications submitted. Authorities are under intense pressure to identify land for new housing estates, but have been criticised for not moving quickly enough".

So, on the insistence of lawmakers, "Secretary for Transport and Housing Frank Chan Fan has urged Disneyland to consider its social responsibility and give up the site for transitional residential use, despite a government agreement on the land being used for phase two expansion. The contract, with a 20-year option to purchase the land, renewable for two five-year periods, specifically says that until a decision has been made, it can only be used short term for sport, cultural and recreational activities and the like. A lack of road, water and electricity infrastructure has also limited its use."

No need to say that Disney is most probably extremely embarassed by the request and here is why. Have a look at the picture below showing the aerial shot of HKDL 2nd park land, empty for now. I've indicated where is what for those of you who are not familiar with HKDL.

Now, as said above the land "has enough space for 20,000 flats able to house 80,000 people". Even is the land is big, you won't put 80,000 people on this land in low-rise buildings and it will request to build high-rise towers, like they build everywhere in Hong Kong. Then, all these people will need shops where yo buy food, all kind of facilities, eventually a school for their children, etc... I mean, 80,000 people  is really a lot of people, even by China's standards. In France it would be considered as already a big medium size town.

But there is worse as, as you've seen in the picture above the land for the second park is located right in front of the entrance of the current park, like Disneyland and Disney California Adventure, with eventually a bit more space between both parks. Now, think how it will look with high-rise buildings built on that empty land. To help you i've been on Google to find a picture of Hong Kong buildings shot more or less from the same angle and paste them on the picture showing the empty land. It's quickly done with Photoshop and i'm pretty sure that the proportions are not perfect, but you'll get the idea.

Now, do you see where the problem is? Even if we don't talk about the logistic of having 80,000 people living next door to the park, the high-rise buildings would mean a HUGE visual intrusion problem, so big that there will be no way that HKDL Imagineers could succeed to hide it, thus destroying the immersive feeling and magic of the park. And that's why Disney can't accept HK Government request to give the land for "transitional housing", and why it will be a no-no.

For more details, make sure to read the South China Morning Post articles HERE and HERE.

Important Editing: D&M reader Allan let us know about a previous SCMP article, saying that the “transitional housing” could be made of prefabricated modular housing assembled and stacked on site, and could be limited to three stories high, which at least could resolve the problem of visual intrusion that will be impossible to avoid with high-rise buidings:

"Construction of Hong Kong’s first social housing development would be made from prefabricated units and could be completed quickly under a government-backed pilot project for the needy. Unlike traditional methods of construction, prefabricated modular housing is built and completed off site, then delivered to the location to be assembled and stacked. Such structures could be limited to three stories to avoid complicated and stringent design requirements, a source said.

Some 80 to 90 prefabricated modular housing units could provide temporary homes for the city’s less fortunate. By using some modular units, and putting them together like Lego, they can build the houses in a relatively short period of time."

You can read the full SCMP article HERE.

Original Picture: copyright May Tse

Monday, August 5, 2019

Hong Kong Disneyland Cast-Members Join Hong Kong Strike, Several HKDL Attractions, Shows and Restaurants Closed Today

That's it, Hong Kong Disneyland Cast-Members go on strike, along with thousands workers all over Hong Kong, including Hong Kong airport where 2300 aviation workers are on strike and 200 flights cancelled because of airport chaos.

From CNN's Ben Westcott: "Hong Kong Disneyland is one of the areas called to go on strike today. Organizers aren't just calling people to strike in Hong Kong's metropolitan centers - they're also calling for a strike in Disneyland. The amusement park is eerily empty today, with only about 50 people milling around outside the park and about a dozen going in. It's a far cry from the park's usual long lines, which can stretch to an hour's wait on busy days - especially on sunny summer days like today, when children are on vacation. Some attractions are shut at Hong Kong Disneyland today. Inside the park, signs notify visitors that some of the attractions and rides are closed today - though this may also be due to renovations. Food carts and restaurants are shuttered. Even "It's a Small World" is closed."

Indeed, as many HKDL cast-members are joining today's major Hong Kong strike, several rides in Hong Kong Disneyland are closed today. Hong Kong Disneyland official website has posted this message: "Hong Kong Disneyland and Inspiration Lake Recreation Centre are open today, though the opening of certain facilities might be affected. Thank you for your understanding".

HKDL official App list these as "closed today": Big Grizzly Mountain, Mystic Manor, RC Racer, It's a Small World, Jungle Cruise, Tarzan Treehouse, Adventureland Rafts to the Treehouse, Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad, Jedi Training and others, and main shows like "Mickey and the Wondrous Book" and "Moana: a Homecoming Celebration" are also cancelled. Some of the park restaurants like Explorer's Club, River View Cafe, Sea Breeze Bar are also closed. So, with all these closed there was really no point to go the park and Mickey and the gang probably must have feel alone today. If you're planning to go to HKDL tomorrow, better check what attractions will be open before going...

Now, There is something important that you need to know and that you’ll read nowhere else, to understand what is happening currently in Hong Kong and the world and in the weeks to come. As it happen that i had made studies of Chinese Energetic Medicine ( also known as Acupuncture ) in a previous life, here is some teaching from it: Since a few days, there has been a change of energy as we enter in the “energy of the Autumn” which is the METAL element. Like each year between the end of July and the beginning of August the “metal” energy ( from the five elements as defined in Chinese energetic medicine ) enters in action for three months.

The metal energy feeds the lungs and the large intestine and in human being life rules the age between 50 and 68 or so. But there is something else : as my acupuncturist teacher - who was a genius - teached me long ago the "real destruction is the metal”. What it means is that it’s the moment of the year where THOUGHTS of destruction pop up in human’s minds. Most of the big wars started during the metal season like World War II, or the Koweit invasion by Saddam Hussein, and as the metal energy rules until the end of October, it can happen after August, like Sept 11 which happened also during the metal energy period. Interestingly, because the metal energy IS the real destruction, in ancient China they were keeping the prisoners for death penalty until the fall to execute them because they were considering - and they were right - that the fall and its metal energy period was the right time to execute someone.

This year the metal energy is supposed to start on August 5 but a few days before you can usually feel it. It’s also why there was two mass shootings Saturday in the U.S, seven bombs in Bangkok, Thailand, on Friday, etc… What is really important to watch is what will happen in the next two weeks, specially in Hong Kong as until the next full moon we are in the period called “the rise of the energy” which happen each time a new energy is launched, i.e the moment where it can be the most violent. Watch closely what Beijing and HK government will decide in these two weeks as i can tell you they will be tempted to go up for force measures.

The metal energy rules also power, and especially financial power, that’s why most of the stock exchanges crashs also happen during the season of the metal ( like in 1929 or 2008 ). And we better hope that temperatures will not rise excessively in the next three months as in this case the hot temperatures ( heat is “fire” ) during the “metal” season creates what is called “a fire of the metal”, meaning that it’s even more destructive. We had this in Paris 15 years ago or so, they were riots in Paris suburbs during three weeks and during these three weeks the rioters spent their time to put on fire almost everything in METAL ( cars, buses, warehouses, bus stop shelters etc… ). The “fire of the metal” which was in the air made them wanted to put the fire everywhere, or to fight with anything made from metal, some were even throwing cast iron radiators from their building roof on the police down there! After three weeks, the French government decided that it was enough and decided a cover few. But we were already at the end of October and i knew that the winter energy was going to start in the next days, and winter energy is the "water element". And, in the energies hierarchy, “the water extinguish the fire” in the mind as it does in material world. And it’s exactly what happened, three days later there was no more riots, not specially because of the cover few but because the THOUGHT had changed in rioters mind for the peaceful water energy instead than the destructive one of the metal energy.

All this to say that you need to watch what is going to happen not only in Hong Kong but in the rest of the world for weeks to come as things could get awry pretty quickly ( but of course specially in Hong Kong ). And also in your mind, if you get angry and want to kill someone, that also will be because of the Metal energy ruling in master until November 5 this year. So, cool down!

Pictures: copyright Disney, CNN

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Best Video of Ant-Man & the Wasp: Nano Battle Ride at Hong Kong Disneyland

Here is so far the best video of the new Ant-Man & the Wasp: Nano Battle Ride at Hong Kong Disneyland ( in terms of everything: filming, lighting, etc… although the ride is probably slightly darker in real ) filmed by SoCal Attractions 360. Enjoy!

Video: copyright SoCal Attractions 360

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

There is Still Disney Parks Where the Entrance Ticket Will Cost You $59 Only !

Sick of the never ending increase of the ticket prices at Disneyland and Walt Disney World? If you find that now the price to pay to enter Disney's U.S magic kingdoms is just insane i have good news for you: there is still Disney parks on the planet where the entrance will cost you not more than $59 / 52€ - and for a regular entrance ticket! Sure, the parks are not in the U.S and the plane ticket will cost you more but as you will see at the end it might cost you less for one week than a week at WDW.

Here we go: The entrance ticket for Shanghaî Disneyland starts at 399 CNY which equals $59 only. No kidding. All you have to do is to visit the park during the week and avoid the three weeks of Chinese New Year in February. As you'll be in Asia why not enjoying a visit to Hong Kong Disneyland at the same time? Entrance ticket for HKDL starts at 619 HKD which equals $78 only.

If you live in the U.S, chances are that you know already almost all attractions of DL and WDW and that you've never visited HKDL and SDL and both of them have plenty of attractions that you'll find nowhere else ( Tron Light Cycles, Jet Packs, Raging Rapids, Adventure Isle Challenge Trails, Pirates stunt show, Alice in Wonderland Maze, Voyage to the Crystal Grotto,  at SDL, Mystic Manor, Grizzly Gulch, Iron Man Experience, Ant-Man and the Wasp : Nano Battle, at HKDL and more ) or awesome new versions of your favourite attractions ( Pirates of Caribbean Battle for the Sunken Treasure, Peter Pan's Flight, Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue at Shanghaî Disneyland ) and some of the best themed lands you've seen!

And here comes the good news: by chosing to visit both parks it will allows you to get insanely cheap plane tickets round trip prices! First let's see what cost normally a round trip ticket from New York or L.A or Toronto to Orlando International Airport, thanks to a search with the great website ( below prices from NY La Guardia or Los Angeles LAX or Toronto YYZ ):

Now, let's see how what it would cost to go from the same cities in the U.S or Canada to Shanghaî, then Hong Kong then back to the U.S or Canada, with dates chosen in March. The search was done again on and you must choose the "multi-city" option on the top to get the right prices. And i remind you that we're not talking now about a two hours flight but about 12 or 14 hours flights which are of course generally more expensive.

New York JFK - Hong Kong - Shanghaî - New York JFK, from $644 for the THREE flights:

Los Angeles - Shanghaî - Hong Kong - Los Angeles, from $632 for the THREE flights:


Toronto - Hong Kong - Shanghaî - Toronto, from $688 for the THREE flights:

Don't want to go to HKDL but only visit Shanghaî Disneyland? Here is what will cost you the round trip flight to Shanghaî from New York JFK, and it starts at $408 only:

Editing: For our friends in England who like usually to go to WDW and here is what would cost a round trip London Heathrow - Hong Kong - Shanghaî - London in July. Star Wars land won't yet be open at WDW this summer, neither the awaited new Harry Potter roller coaster at Universal Orlando, so why not going this year to visit Disney parks in Asia instead? It'll cost you for the THREE flights £655 when the cheapest round trip flight at the same dates in July from London to Orlando cost £610!

And for our friends in France, here it is and it will cost you 624€ only for the three flights, and on Lufthansa and Cathay Pacific, two legendary airlines!

Now, although these flight prices are surprisingly cheap,, the idea to fly to Disney parks in Asia and save money will probably work better for a couple than a family of four. There is no doubt that it cost more than flying to Orlando, meaning that you need to save money somewhere else so the trip will remain competitive with a week spent at WDW. 

The first important thing you need to know to save money is this one: normally everyone needs to pay for a visa to enter China main land ( Shanghaî ), and the visa for U.S citizens is quite costly ( around $120 or so ). The trick to avoid to pay this insane price - and so to save money - is to use the 72 hours tourist free visa which allows you to stay 72 hours / 3 days in Shanghaî from the moment your next destination when you will leave Shanghaî is NOT the same one you were coming from, which will be the case if you go to Hong Kong next and not back to the U.S to the city you came from. Got it? Thanks to this you'll save $250 if you're two people, $500 if you're a family of four.

Now, even if the park entrance tickets will cost you half ( or almost ) than at WDW you still will need hotel rooms. This is where you can save a lot of money. If you stay in Disney resorts at HKDL or SDL - which are wonderful, no doubt about that, but expensive - you have to be ready to spend a lot of money for the hotel room only. BUT if instead you stay in hotels at Hong Kong itself or Shanghaî you'll find great hotels for a third or half of the price. And Shanghaî and Hong Kong are fantastic cities, you don't want to miss the view of Hong Kong harbour at night or the one of the stunning Shanghaî Bund when the sun goes down, believe me! And for those of you Americans afraid of security your really don't have to worry, both cities are more safe than where you live in the U.S!

Use to find rooms in Hong Kong or Shanghaî - for Hong Kong my favourite area to stay is Hong Kong "Central" and for Shanghaî as close as possible to the Shanghaî Bund. Two hotels in Shanghaî that i recommend at reasonable price: the Jinjiang Metropolo Hotel Classiq Shanghai Bund Circle and the Bund Riverside Hotel, both art-deco style, with prices starting from $50 or $70 only on Agoda. In Hong Kong room prices might be slightly more expensive but you even have on Lantau Island, same island where HKDL is, next door to it, the Silvermine Beach Resort with rooms, if you're lucky, starting at $50 only on Agoda ( HKDL Hotels will cost you at least $170 even on Agoda ). On Hong Kong Island itself it will be harder to find a decent room under $100 but you'll still save money.

So, here it is, you can enjoy two great Disney parks which will be "new" for most of you - and two parks with some of the best "entrance" i've seen - in exotic and safe locations for a price equivalent or probably less than what will cost you a week at WDW but you have to forget about staying in Disney hotels to keep the price competitive with a week at WDW. Which might be a bit annoying i agree but Shanghaî and Hong Kong are so great that in exhange you'll discover two fantastic cities, and access to both parks are easy and direct with the subway. Who will be the first to book his flights?

Monday, February 18, 2019

First Pictures of HKDL Ant-Man and the Wasp : Nano Battle Ride Opening March 31st !

Hong Kong Disneyland released totay their 2018 fiscal year earnings and the park achieved record revenue and EBITDA in 2018 and International guest attendance hits record high for second consecutive year with an overall attendance growing 8% to 6.7 million. Below, the official press release of HKDL AND the first pictures showing the inside of Ant-Man and the Wasp : Nano Battle, opening at HKDL Tomorrowland on March 31!

February 18, 2019, HONG KONG – Today, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) reported record high revenue and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (“EBITDA”) for fiscal year 2018. Revenue rose 18% to HK$6.0 billion for the year ending September 29, 2018. EBITDA jumped 48% to HK$1.4 billion. The robust growth in revenue and EBITDA was attributed to increases in occupied room nights at the resort hotels, park attendance and guest spending.

Annual attendance reached 6.7 million, up 8% from prior year. Across-the-board growth was seen in local, mainland China and international markets, which accounted for 40%, 34% and 26% of total attendance, respectively.

International attendance hit a record high for the second year in a row, mainly fuelled by strong visitation from Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. The continued growth in international guests underscores HKDL’s contribution to bolstering Hong Kong as a top tourist destination in the region, both in the family and young adult segments. Since park opening in 2005, total cumulative attendance has reached more than 77 million.

During the year, per capita spending increased 6%, representing nine years of continuous growth. Hotel occupancy was up six percentage points to 75%. Disney Explorers Lodge, which opened in April 2017, contributed to 44% growth in occupied room nights.

Record revenue and EBITDA reduced net loss by HK$291 million to HK$54 million, an 84% improvement from fiscal 2017.

“This past year HKDL continued to strengthen its appeal as the ideal vacation destination. Our strong entertainment lineup throughout the year, coupled with the launch of ‘Moana: A Homecoming Celebration’ and the global debut of Cookie as a new character in the highly popular Duffy the Bear family, have enticed guests from all markets,” said Stephanie Young, managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “Additionally, innovative initiatives to capture new opportunities were launched, including the first-ever, large-scale outdoor concerts, and the signature 10K Weekend running events, which have broadened our guest base for the park and hotels.”

“The launch of a new Marvel-themed attraction as part of a multiyear expansion and the addition of year-round entertainment offerings and products, along with the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the High Speed Rail (Hong Kong Section), will allow us to continue our positive momentum,” said Young.

On March 31, 2019, HKDL will open “Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!” to the enjoyment of Marvel fans from around the world. This all-new interactive experience is the second instalment in the expansion project that will continue to build HKDL’s Marvel-themed area into an ultimate hub in Asia of thrilling Marvel experiences. This new ride will extend the success of “Iron Man Experience” as guests fight alongside Ant-Man and The Wasp (played by Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly, respectively, from the popular blockbuster film). Guests enter the world of Marvel in Tomorrowland at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Science and Technology Pavilion in the Stark Expo. After boarding a state-of-the-art vehicle at S.H.I.E.L.D.’s research and design facility, guests will join Ant-Man and The Wasp in an epic battle against Arnim Zola and his army of evil Hydra Swarm-bots.

Below the first pictures showing the inside o yje ride - don't forget that all this will be lighted in "black light" so the colors will be more bright than on the pictures below.

Some of the merchandise that will be avaible at the ride exit shop.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Monday, September 17, 2018

Photos : Hong Kong Disneyland Devastated By Super Typhoon Mangkhut

Super Typhoon Mangkhut severely hit Hong Kong yesterday ( see previous post below ) with winds of 173 kilometers per hour (107 miles per hour) and gusts up to 223 kilometers per hour (138 miles per hour) and, as feared, it also hit Hong Kong Disneyland located on Lantau Island.

The park was closed yesterday and is still closed ( see below HKDL announcement on their website ). And there is a good reason why HKDL is always closed today as HKDL is devastated, specially the trees and vegetation but also some electrical poles which fell down, as you'll see on the pictures below. 

The pictures below shows mainly the long promenade which goes either from HKDL hotels to the park entrance or from the parking lot / train station to the park entrance. It is hard to recognize the promenade but in two days when fallen trees will be cut and all leaves and branches removed it should get back more or less to normal.  As for the park itself, according to HKDL message the park is closed "in the aftermath of severe typhoon Mangkhut which has caused tree falls and other damage". I will do another article when i'll find pictures showing inside the park.

In the meantime have a look at these pictures posted on Facebook by Hong Kong Main Street Gazette and Disney Magical Kingdom Blog so make sure to check their Facebook pages HERE and HERE 

This is the hard to recognize lovely promenade going from park entrance to HKDL hotels...

An electrical pole down near the park entrance...

More trees destroyed here and there, picture below near HKDL entrance, in the background left.


Lot of work for sure for HKDL gardeners and cast-members... Below, the part of the promenade going from the train station to park entrance and Mickey fountain.

Editing with new pictures shot by D&M faithful reader Diane Richmond, showing the damages in the area near HKDL hotels. The amount of fallen trees is unbelievable.

Next picture shows the entrance of the new Explorers Lodge hotel...

BREAKING: Hong Kong Disneyland just announced on its website that HKDL park will reopen tomorrow Sept 18. BUT with this note: "In the aftermath of severe typhoon Mangkhut, part of the park areas and facilities are suspended for repair. Inspiration Lake Recreation Centre ( D&M: located outside of the park ) is closed until further notice.”

In two words some HKDL lands - or part of the lands and attractions - may be closed tomorrow. For instance, i wouldn't be surprised if Jungle Cruise was closed ( just my guess ) or some of the "gardens" parts in Fantasyland. Both having a lot of vegetation which are supposed to be the ones which have suffered the most from the high winds of super typhoon Mangkhut which is now officially Hong Kong’s most intense storm since records began, with sustained winds of 250km/h.

The part TWO of this article showing pictures inside the park is now on line HERE.

Thanks again to Diane Richmond, Hong Kong Main Street Gazette and Disney Magical Kingdom Blog, make sure to check their Facebook pages HERE and HERE!