Monday, March 31, 2014

Rare Color Pictures of Walt Disney at Disneyland

I thought it would be a great way to start the week with this series of rare color pictures of Walt Disney at Disneyland, so let's go back in time with Walt!

On the first picture below Walt is driving a Disneyland railroad locomotive arriving - or departing? - at Main Street Station!

On the next pic below Walt is aboard a vintage Main Street fire dept vehicle.

Nothing is better than to relax after a long day and on the picture below Walt and family are obviously relaxing in the private apartment that was built for Walt over Disneyland fire dept!

Walt and Lilian on a great picture that seems to me was shot in front of the Plaza Gardens restaurant...

Walt with his grand son in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle...

...and  sharing a drink with him later the same day.

How great it surely was to be a kid in those years and to walk though Fantasyland chatting with Walt!

Walt on Tom sawyer Island with "Tom Sawyer", probably when TSI was introduced at Disneyland.

On the next pictures you'll see Walt with audio-animatronics animals of the Jungle Cruise!

Pictures: copyright Disney, Getty Images

J.K Rowling Harry Potter Spinoff Book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" Will be Adapted in a New Film Trilogy

The New York Times revealed in a article on Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara that J.K Rowling Harry Potter spinoff book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" will be adapted in a new film trilogy.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is in fact a reproduction of a textbook owned by Harry Potter and was mentioned in the first Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The textbook was written by magizoologist Newt Scamander, a fictional character in the Potter series, magizoology being the study of magical creatures. According to the New York Times, "three megamovies" are being planned, and the main character will be Scamander. Here is what J.K Rowling had to say about the project and how the story fits in with the Potter universe:

“When I say he made Fantastic Beasts happen, it isn’t P.R.-speak but the literal truth. We had one dinner, a follow-up telephone call, and then I got out the rough draft that I’d thought was going to be an interesting bit of memorabilia for my kids and started rewriting! Although it will be set in the worldwide community of witches and wizards where I was so happy for 17 years, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is neither a prequel nor a sequel to the Harry Potter series, but an extension of the wizarding world. The laws and customs of the hidden magical society will be familiar to anyone who has read the Harry Potter books or seen the films, but Newt’s story will start in New York, 70 years before Harry’s gets underway."

Although not a Potter sequel, the news of a new "wizarding world" trilogy will be exciting for Harry Potter fans. Here's more infos about the book for those of you who didn't read it:

"Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts, provides the Foreword and explains the purpose of the special edition of this book (the Comic Relief charity). At the end, he tells the reader, "...The amusing creatures described hereafter are fictional and cannot hurt you." He repeats the Hogwarts motto: "Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus",Latin for "Never tickle a sleeping dragon".

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them contains the history of Magizoology and describes 75 magical species found around the world. Scamander says that he collected most of the information found in the book through observations made over years of travel and across five continents. He notes that the first edition was commissioned in 1918 by Mr Augustus Worme of Obscurus Books. However, it was not published until 1927. It is now in its 52nd edition.

In the Harry Potter universe, the book is a required textbook for first-year Hogwarts students, having been an approved textbook since its first publication. It is not clear why students need it in their first year, as students do not take Care of Magical Creatures until their third year. However, it may be used as an encyclopaedia of Dark creatures studied in Defence Against the Dark Arts classes. In his foreword to the book, Albus Dumbledore notes that it serves as an excellent reference for Wizarding households in addition to its use at Hogwarts.

The book features doodles and comments supposedly added by Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The comments would appear to have been written around the time of the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. These doodles add some extra information for fans of the series; for example the "Acromantula" entry has a comment confirming that Hogwarts is located in Scotland."

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Disney Will Produce a Movie About Magic, Hires Magician DelGaudio as Producer

Disney will produce a movie based around the world of magic, and they hired a real illusionist named Derek DelGaudio - picture below - to produce the film. So far, good idea. The movie doesn't have a title yet, and all we know at this point is that it will talk about "the history of magic’s last 100 years as seen through the eyes of one magician" and that the script will be written by Keith Bunin.

DelGaudio is an award-winning magician who is known for his sleight of hand and card tricks.  He's also an artist-in-residence at Walt Disney Imagineering - a temporary appointment that began earlier this year and lasts two months.  - so he already has a connection with the studio and he's the one that helped to bring this project to life. The movie will be produced by Justin Springer, who worked on Tron: Legacy and is also developing a live-action version of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, and Disney's remake of The Black Hole. The news is coming from The Hollywood Reporter HERE.

Hilarious Cell Phone Crashing Prank Video Filmed at Disneyland

Here is a hilarious video filmed at Disneyland by the funny guys of MediocreFilms. They went at Disneyland recently to crash a few phone calls and get it on film. In two words, the people on the phones are talking so loud that someone decided to jump into the conversations and have fun with it. The result is very funny and i'm sure you will have fun, too!

Video: copyright Mediocre Films

New Avengers 2 : Age of Ultron Set Video Shows Captain America in Action !

Another set video from the set of Avengers: Age of Ultron and shot by fans was released on Youtube and this time it shows Captain America in "action"! You'll note that's not Chris Evans in the costume. It's his stunt double, and they were shooting some stunts on the Mapo Bridge in South Korea recently!

As you can see it seems that Captain America's costume for Avengers 2 is the same than the one he wear in The Winter Soldier released in a few weeks.

Pictures and video: copyright DiamondHeadSquirtz

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Disney Characters Re-imagined as College students

I have something cool for you for this week-end as here is a fun set of artwork created by Deviant Art artist Hyung86 who re-imagined classic Disney characters... as college students! Also include below the notes of the artist for each Disney character. I think he did a fantastic job and i even think that he's so talented that he should work at Disney Animation Studios! Enjoy the artwork!

I started with Peter Pan ( picture above ) because he represents the youth looking so funny and friendly with tinkerbell in his Converse. Wendy is studying Literature and Languages because she loves English literature. Her favorite writers are James Matthew Barrie, Lewis Carroll and Charles Dickens. She would love writing children's books in a few years.
She loves adventure films (with pirates and Indians) and she's desperately in love with Johnny Depp (yoohoo...yoohoo...)

It's clear that little Tinkerbell had to be in the Adam team as Cheerleader. She is fun, cheerful, dreamy and usually a little bit hyperactive XD
She is secretly in love with Peter Pan so she's always argue with all the girls who are near him, after all the fairies are so small that they can't fit two feelings at once.

Aurora is a design student who loves fashion and sleep.
One of her best friends is Charlotte La Bouff and she usually try all Aurora's costumes.
When she was young her family forced her dress like a smart and sweet princess but actually, she prefer something more urban and sassy. Say goodbye to pink and blue. 

Philip is the boyfriend of Aurora, he is studying Political Science as his father some years ago. He aslo practice fencing and loves Tv series and adventure video games. His favorites are The Legend of Zelda and Skyrim (Fus Ro Dah Maleficent!).

The shy new girl in the school. Ariel is in the swimming club of the University waiting for her "surfer" Eric.

I'll always see Eric like a trendy surfer with his surfboard and his tattoos XD

Ursula is the teacher of the university choir. When she was young she failed in show business and that why she hates all young promises of the choir. (She want to steal everybody's voice) Sadistic, power-hungry, manipulative and ambitious, Ursula only thinks of herself.

Roger and Anita are a perfect couple. They are Music teachers.
Roger is a famous composer and musician. Funny, sarcastic and a little crazy. He has composed tunes for famous advertisements like Kanine Krunchies.
Anita is Roger's assistant. She studied Management and Finance in this University. They love dogs (obviously).

Hercules and Beast will be the Quaterbacks of this university. They are cool, strong and a little bit arrogant.

Megara is the Cheerleader of "heroes" and the girlfriend of Hercules. She is quite serious and sarcastic. She love the gospel and Greek mythology and she's studying anthropology.

I always see Alice like a freaky bohemian girl who's every hour in is inner-wonderland.

Our freaky/Nerd/lovely Belle!

China's heroine now as a modern city girl. She is part of the dance team of the university, loves Jay Chou and Wang Lee Hom

Li Shang is a second year student. He loves martial arts. Capoeira, Judo, Taekwondo, Kung Fu ... he wants to look like one of his idols, Bruce Lee.
He usually helps Mulan with her dance practice.

SnowWhite is a simple girl who loves to sing. It is part of the choir with Aurora and after her lessons, she use her free time to learn more of computer. Obviously she loves Mac XD. The weekends usually helps Kenai and Pocahontas to take care of the Animal Welfare Association in the campus.

Beast is the quarterback of the football team of school. He´s egocentric, cocky and rude but thanks to a girl is changing all that (XD) You do not know who is this girl (Adam give to her his team jacket...)

Arthur is a member of the fencing team despite being thin and wimpy. Phoebus is one of his best friends and from who has learned most of his moves. He is loyal to his friends and he's always willing to learn new things being her favorite class History, (with Professor Merlin)

Cinderella wants to study botany and she joined the gardening club at the university. She's a very good student and always seems to arrive before 12 to her room. Her stepsisters wanted to go to a public university but Cinderella proved to be much smarter than they thought ... Is it because she have a fairy godmother?

Shanti is a polite, quiet, sweet and beautiful young girl who's studying tropical fauna and environment. She has some fear of the forests surrounding the university that why she always goes Mowgli. Hates snakes and love bollywoods movies!

Esmeralda has been dancing since she was little. She loves ballet and exotic dances. She love mixing dance styles and for this, usually train with Aladdin (B-Boy) (sound familiar? Ballerina+b-boy ... Step Up

Today's the turn of Tarzan, the City Skater.

Jane. Student of zoology and expert on primates. She loves drawing, walk in the woods and jumping vines (Just kidding XD).She is one of the best students in her class. She has changed her elegant and classic style for something more casual matching with her ​​boyfriend.

Pocahontas is an environmentalist who cares for all the animals in the shelter near the university with his friend Kenai. Aurora made a keychain with the shape of raccoon tail to hang on her bag.

John and Kocoum, Kocoum and John, both are in love with the same woman and play in different team (Kocoum plays with BEASTS and Smith with HEROES)
Serious, strict, stoic, but kind with all his friends, Kocoum is studying physical education and sport pedagogy. He loves go for coffee with friends and spend the evening talking. He shares his love for nature world with Pocahontas.
John Smith studies Naval architecture. He is on the swim and football team with Eric and Adam. He loves nature world but prefer stay in city buildings. 

Aladdin practiced dance with Esmeralda in the college gym. He has been part of a group of breakdancing and loves dance battles. He also practice parkour and his favorite video game is "The Prince of Persia" (obviously, right? XD).

Jasmine is Aladdin's girlfriend. She loves to dance and practice with Mulan new steps every weekend. She is studying political, social and human sciences despite she hates the teacher of this subject ... Yafar! She loves cats (big and small) and would like to travel around the world (something like visit... "A whole new world")

Rapunzel loves everything. She is studying design and fashion and she is on several university clubs. Sewing, drawing, sculpture, crafts ... she also practice martial arts and archery with Shang and Merida. She can do it all!
Rapunzel is curious, funny and sometimes too vibrant (and bipolar)

Tiana was born in New Orleans and she started working very young to pay her university.
She is on the Faculty of Culinary Arts and she would love to have her own restaurant. She's always experimenting in the kitchen and writes everything in her notebook of recipes. (kermit's notebook). She love to hear Soul and Jazz and likes retro clothes (She really love the look of Janelle Monae!)

Fun-loving, lazy, dashing and arrogant Naveen hates the rules. Allthough his parents forced him to study Political Science he prefers to use his time to music.
He enjoys all genres of music and loves learning to play different instruments. 
He meets Tiana while playing in a pub. Naveen asked Tiana for a kiss and she slapped him (She prefers green frogs XD). Naveen has friends... on the other side (Anastacia, Cale, Tulio & Miguel...)

Merida is studying Anglo-Saxon history.  She loves Celtic music and her favorites artists are Enya and Loreena McKennitt (also a fan of Russian Red!)  She is part of the archery club. Her best friends are Kenai and Robin (she feels something ...)

Elsa and Anna were close during their childhood but after some little problems (eternal winter, boyfriends...etc) now their relationship is stronger than ever.
The two sisters are one of the most popular girls in the University. Elsa has left her past behind and finally she's studying what she want, Architecture. Elegant, powerful, reserved and very protective with her sister.
She has started dating a guy a little bit ... cold... his last name is Frost!
Anna, unlike Elsa, is fearless, playful and optimistic. She is always looking for new adventures with her boyfriend, Kristoff. She has a obsession with romance and this has brought her many troubles, usually acts before she speaks, and can be rather impulsive.
She want to be Preschool Teacher.

Kristoff is friendly, nice, funny and a little shy. He loves winter sports and practices snowboarding and ice hockey. He adore the animals, especially reindeers, and likes to go with his girlfriend Anna to visit Pocahontas and Kenai in the shelter near the university
He is studying Meteorology in University. 
Loves the films of the 80s, his favorite movie is LEGEND

Discover more Disney characters artwork by Hyung86 on Deviant Art ! 

All artwork: copyright Deviant Art artist Hyung86
