Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2012

Barack Obama Speech at Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom

President Barack Obama was at Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom last thursday and he did a speech in front of Cinderella Castle.

As the Disney Parks blog reports "Tourism was the topic of this official visit, and the President said the natural place to discuss efforts to make it easier for more international guests to visit the United States was Walt Disney World Resort. While the President’s remarks were for an invited audience and necessitated closing a portion of Main Street, U.S.A., for a few hours, guests at Magic Kingdom Park enjoyed a unique day of their own, with special entertainment throughout the park to keep things magical... A capacity crowd of guests who wanted to hear the President’s speech even watched a live broadcast of his remarks in the most appropriate of settings – The Hall of Presidents attraction in Liberty Square".

Picture and video: copyright Disney - White

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Barack Obama Audio-animatronic will premiere July 4 at WDW Hall of Presidents

Great article in the New York Times about the new and awaited Barack Obama Audio-animatronic coming soon to WDW Hall of Presidents. WDI wizards are apparently doing once again miracles and the Obama AA - that will have its premiere on July 4 - will be the most lifelike of all the "Presidents".

"The exhibit will open with the new film, narrated by the actor Morgan Freeman. At a certain point, the Abraham Lincoln figure will rise and speak to the audience, as it always has, but now it will deliver the Gettysburg Address in its entirety."

Kathy Rogers, senior show producer for Walt Disney Imagineering added “And this is the first time George Washington will have a speaking role”.

Obama AA will have of course a speech - recorded by Barack Obama on March 4 in the White House Map Room - and also another recitation of the oath of office!

Please read the full article on the New York Times web site HERE.

Picture: copyright Disney

Monday, November 3, 2008

Disney and more endorses Barack Obama

I know, I know, you don't expect a Disney fan blog to talk about politics, but, dear Disney and more readers, tomorrow's election of the next president of the United States is such an important issue - not only for the United States but also the whole world - that i can't avoid to talk about it.

After eight years of a Shakespearian tragedy - i always thought that if Shakespeare was living now he will surely write a great play about that-son-who-wanted-to-do-better-than-his father...and the consequences - it's time for America to say Stop! to all this madness. If we except the decision to create a natural park in the area of Hawai to protect sealife, it's hard to find one good decision in eight years of Bush administration.

Barack Obama is not only a great hope for America, but also for the rest of the world. He has the intelligence, the vision, certainly the wisdom, to lead America - i should say to save America - out of the dangerous grounds where the previous administration did put it. You have no idea, dear American readers, how we would love in France to have somebody like Barack Obama as president. Really.

For those of you who missed it, i've embedded below the thirty minutes Ad of Barack Obama which was aired last week. Not only the filming, the photography and the editing is beautiful - not to mention Barack's message - but this short movie has sometime the spirit of a Norman Rockwell painting. Have a look to it, you'll understand what i mean.

Tomorrow's election will change in a way or another the destiny of America and the fate of the world. And it's all in your hands, dear American readers.

Every country in the world is watching with hope and apprehension the result of this election. We know that America can be a great country who will inspire again respect and admiration instead of hate and fear. We know you can do it. So, please, tomorrow, give your vote to Barack Obama.

Thank you, and God bless you.

Note: All anonymous or hatred comments - whether they are against Barack Obama or John Mc Cain - will be deleted.