Monday, January 18, 2010

Avatar wins Best Motion Picture Golden Globe Award

If you've seen Avatar - and loved it as much as i did - and are living in a country where you couldn't watch the Golden Globes Awards event last night, here is the video of James Cameron receiving the Best Motion Picture Golden Globe Award for Avatar. James Cameron also won last night the best movie director award.

Will Avatar also win the Best Picture Academy Award too? We'll check this on March 7!

I must add that Avatar worldwide box-office is now $1,615,468,000. Considering that Avatar was released just one month ago on Dec 17th, there is no doubt that Avatar will beat Titanic record ($1,842,879,955). And, just in case you're not aware about it , James Cameron has announced that TWO sequels of Avatar will be released in the future.

NOTE: The first video embedded was removed from Youtube. I've found a new video - same sequence - not removed yet. So, watch it while it's still available!


Anonymous said...

My god, even the Golden Globes are now captivated by the hype around Avatar. Although the visuals are stunnig and the best ever on the big screen, the storyline is so simple that even a TV soap has better writing. Best Picture? Avatar? Most definately NOT. This is an insult on all the great story driven movies made this year and all the previous winners of Golden Globes. I'm afraid the academy awards will also be a Avatar show...

Alain Littaye said...

What makes the success of Avatar is not only the dazzling CGI but the emotion from the movie.

A great story with no emotion can't make a good movie, but a simple story with great emotion can make a good movie.

That's the lesson from Avatar.

DisWedWay said...

James Cameron said it right, "We do have the best job in the world creating entertainment for a Global audience!". That is why we love our work.

oyvey said...

There was far more real emotion in most of the other movies nominated. I certainly enjoyed watching Avatar, it was beautiful, but emotion? Within the first half hour you knew everything that was going to happen, and while that doesn't always ruin a movie Avatar's story was so incredibly predictable that if I wasn't enjoying fancy 3D and eye popping CGI I would have been laughing out loud.

I think it's great that people liked Avatar, there's a lot to like but at it's core that story was a dead fish.

Jones said...

One problem with Avatar is not that it has a simple story (simple stories sometimes work best!), but that it has a bad and unconvincing story. The far more serious problem is that it even fails on the visual side - am I the only one who found the CGI utterly unconvincing, sometimes even ridiculously bad? It´s an animated movie, not for one second does it create a "real" world - but as animation, it does not work either, because it tries to be realistic. Add to that the insipid 3D effects, and you have a really bad movie. I really tried to like it, because of the Pocahontas theme, but it just did not work.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people have seen Avatar - I understand the French have a better system of evaluating the success of a movie (do correct me if I am wrong, please!) - they count the visitors, not the dollars - makes more sense to me...
