Monday, January 18, 2010

Princess and the Frog French Premiere in Paris

Princess and the Frog opened November 25th in the U.S but international releases are beginning this month. So far, the movie opened in Europe in Germany and Italy. On a certain point of view it's a good thing as the phenomenal success of Avatar all over the world would have seriously hurt "Princess" box-office.

In France the movie is released in one week and Paris Premiere happened last sunday at the REX Theatre, a grand art-deco theatre, one of the last in Paris that remains from the 1930's golden era.

The video below shows the guests stars of the evening, all of them are french singers, actors or TV stars who will be unknown for my american readers. And of course, they speak french, so let's say that today's topic is specially for my french readers!

Video: copyright Disney


ANONYME said...

on voit que Disney n'arrive plus a faire venir des "vraies" stars...

Anonymous said...

it's also already been released in Austria in mid December (in German and English) ;-)

Anonymous said...

je ne comprends pas pourquoi ce film n'est pas sorti à Noel en France ? Soit disant parce que Disney ne voulait pas court-circuiter "Scroodge"...

Alain Littaye said...

C'est effectivement l'alibi officiel, et il est probable que ce soit vrai. Cela dit, avec le succés d'Avatar qui a raflé toutes les entrées ils ont été plutot bien inspiré...

Juanpa said...

En Espagne n'à été pas encore sorti diffusée... :-/
