Sunday, October 16, 2011

All about The Adventures of Tintin, released October 26

The hugely awaited "Adventures of Tintin" movie directed by Steven Spielberg will be released October 26 in Europe, November 10 in Asia and December 21 in the U.S. As i told you in my previous post it's an understatement to say that millions of Tintin fans - mostly in Europe as the stories are less known in the U.S - are extremely curious to see how this first movie will be faithful to the comic book stories and Hergé universe.

We already knew that the movie will be a mix of the Secret of the Unicorn and The Crab with the Golden Claws stories but it seems that Spielberg also did some changes. It might be minor changes which will not change the global spirit of each story and the first reviews of the movie are excellent but we'll have to check this when the movie will be released.

Anyway, in the meantime i have plenty of new clips of the Adventures of Tintin - including interviews and making-of - and let's begin by the third trailer.

But i have better for you as they released five different clips of the movie. Here they are!

The next video is not from the official movie but it's a great piece of animation created by James Curran. James is a brilliant animator and he did this short animation which is not the official credits from the movie. But it should have been as he wonderfully gives tribute to each album of the Tintin series in less than 1.12 minute! Don't miss it!

The Adventures of Tintin from James Curran on Vimeo.

Next, four videos showing the making-of of The Adventures of Tintin and the magic of Spielberg and Weta Studios wizards. Plenty of shots showing Spielberg!

Here are three other videos with, in the order, interviews of Spielberg, Peter Jackson and Jamie Bell and Andy Serkis - playing Tintin and Captain Haddock.

And last but not least, for iPhone, iPad and Android phones owners there is even a game inspired by the movie to be released anytime soon by Gameloft. Here is the trailer.

Picture and videos : copyright Paramount, Columbia, Moulinsart and Gameloft


Anonymous said...

Steven Spielberg, like many of us loved the first television stars of the 50's. He made a film honoring the Disney's Legend Zorrow. Even Bill Clinton said he loved that film. We also had Rin Tin Tin or Rinty as his friends new him from the 50's TV series that went up against anouther movie Legend Lassie. Rinty dates back to 1918 and the last ancesstor is buried in Paris France. It's only fitting to honor Rinty with a Legends of Tin Tin movie. Rusty

Anonymous said...

Malgré tout ça, les personnages ne sont pas très jolis, c dommage :-(

Brian said...

It is an interesting technology, but these type of movies always looks a bit weird to me.

Anonymous said...

Motion/Performance Capturing should be outlawed right now...
