Thursday, August 9, 2012

Disneyland Paris Walt's Restaurant Mysterious "River Idol" Rendering

For those of you who never had the pleasure to have lunch at DLP Main Street U.S.A Walt's Restaurant i have to tell you first that the 1st floor is divided in five rooms, one for each land of the park. Each room have a different theming, including renderings and models in relation with the land. For instance, in the "Discoveryland" room you'll find a Nautilus model - created by the way by the late Tom Scherman - and paintings or renderings on the Nautilus theme. Generally, each painting in the rooms shows an attraction or decor that guest can enjoy at Disneyland Paris.

Now, in the "Adventureland" room, where you also have paintings and model in relation with the land, any guest can see the rendering below with the title "The River Idol" and the name of the artist - Bryan Jowers.

Where it becomes interesting is when we realize that this rendering shows a scene which not only can't be find in any DLP attraction, but also nowhere in any Disney theme park in the world! I can be wrong, but as far as i go inside my memory, i don't remember any Disney attraction showing that scene. And, considering that the decor is beautiful, i certainly would have remember it! So, does it show a pre-show decor? Is it a concept-art for another kind of Jungle Cruise temple? Or for a different Indiana Jones Adventure? Let's have a closer look on the idol...

Here is the answer: In fact this concept-art from WDI artist Bryan Jowers was done for the Disneyland Anaheim "Indiana Jones and the lost expedition" project on which WDI Imagineer Eddie Sotto - DLP Main Street show-producer - was the producer during the early concept phases of the Disneyland ride development. This "River Idol" was supposed to be at the heart of a new Jungle Cruise temple... You can read more about this "lost expedition" concept in an old Jim Hill article HERE.

The reason why this rendering is inside Walt's restaurant is because WDI imagineers were thinking to do this Indy ride in Adventureland, so the rendering made it in as a "tease". At least we know, now, that imagineers envisioned for DLP two major Indy attractions: this "lost expedition" concept and the "Indiana Jones Adventure" for which i'm still praying every night that it'll be the next Disneyland Paris "E-Ticket"!

You'll find many others concept arts of the DLP that never was in my DLP book and this is what makes "From Sketch to Reality" such a great book! And, good news, as until August 30 i do a special summer offer on the Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book which not only include a 20% discount on the regular price but, also, each one who will place an order will receive a special gift - and it's a great one! Below, you can see a video showing the whole book and to know more about the book and how to order and send your payment please go HERE , or send me an email at: , or use the Paypal one-click purchase button below, right under the video!

Artwork: copyright Disney Enterprises


Mark Hickson said...

WoW, Long time, no see!

I remember seeing Bryan Jowers painting hung-up on a mobile storyboard in several different locations at different times at WDI. I was doing TDL while Indy was being constructed and thought they were going to put this into the jungle cruise. Needless to say when Indy opened myself and some of the TDL team went down to the park and asked? Where is the Idol we saw?? I thought it was part of the final scope? Well, it didn't make the cut!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't every DLP-fan (including myself) dream of Indy Adventure as the next big E-ticket? Unfortunately I already have stopped asking myself WHEN they'll build it, and now just ask "will they ever build it"? Because I seriously doubt it.

Moreover, at the moment DLP is taking an enormous risk by building the Ratatouille expansion in WDS. It costs more or less the same as Indy Adventure, but will it be any good? And, more important, will it attract a lot of visitors (who will come back again and again for this attraction)?

Don't get me wrong, I like it when DLP wants to be original and build an exclusive attraction. But in this case, I would have invested the money in Indy Adventure, a guaranteed success!!!
