Saturday, September 14, 2013

" Escape From Tomorrow " Final Poster

Here above is the final poster for the controversial "Escape from Tomorrow" movie. You know, the one filmed entirely at WDW without Disney authorization and presented months ago at the Sundance Film Festival. The movie will be released in limited theaters and VOD on October 11. Provocative, the poster? Noooo, who said that?  ;-)

Am i curious to see it? Of course i am. Not because of the theme but because i'm curious to see if it's a GOOD movie or not. To film at WDW and make it look like a weird place is not difficult, what is difficult is to transcend this and to make out of it something which is art. And that's not given to anyone. Kubrick would have been perfect for that but Stanley is not anymore with us, unfortunately. But the movie score is really good, sounds more like a movie score from the 50's or 60's. But the music is not everything, too. So, now they have to be at the height of both the initial idea and the movie score, and that's what i'm curious to see. Answer next month, i presume.

Didn't watch yet the trailer? Here it is. I also remind you the synopsis: The film follows the last day of a family vacation for Jim White (Roy Abramsohn) and his family. The morning starts with Jim’s boss calling to tell him he’s laid off, but he chooses to keep the information to himself and spare his family’s good time. Unfortunately, his day takes a downward spiral, and the park starts to become a stream of disturbing encounters and visions. Jim becomes slightly infatuated with two French girls (Annet Mahendru and Danielle Safady) whose paths he keeps crossing, but even they eventually fall prey to Jim’s increasingly oddball hallucinations. Or are they hallucinations? 

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