Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Disney Second Screen Live , The Perfect Movie Fan Nightmare

You know how mad you can be when, watching a movie in theater, you hear cell phone ringing during the screening, just because they didn't "cut" their mobile, Well, it's hard to believe, but Disney is introducing one of the most insane idea i've ever seen with what they call "Disney Second Screen Live", a technology that will allow audiences to interact with the film and between each other of the audience members.

All they'll need to do is to download the free “Second Screen Live: The Little Mermaid' App to their Apple iPad and come with it in the theaters. Then, fans and families will be able to interact with the film, or play games, find hidden treasures and sing along, and finally compete with the audience to win prizes.

Sure it's a limited theaters release and it's done more for kids than adults, but most of all it's a new trick that Disney has found to bring more cash in. But for genuine movie fans it's just the perfect nightmare, and if you're not yet convinced how dumb is the idea and what the result will be, just watch the trailer below. We already had the annoying sounds of pop corn eaters and mobile ringing, not to mention people speaking in the row behind during all the screening, and frankly we don't need that. Sometime too much is really too much, so just say NO.

Picture and video: copyright Disney


Marco Antonio Garcia said...

I completely agree with you Alain, that's a big nightmare!

Some things don't need to become interactive, and movie theatres are one of them.

Marco Antonio Garcia said...

I completely agree with you Alain, that will be a real nightmare!

Some things don't need to become interactive, and movie theatres are one of those things.

Tom said...

"See tLM like you have never before" gets a whole new meaning...

This is ridiculous, I go to cinemas to see a movie, not to be annoyed by people with an iPad or even mobile phone...

Where is the world going :(

Unknown said...

If all the people in the theatre participate, it's note like they're watching the movie but more as if they were playing a game together. Wich sounds awfull, but people have been known to enjoy awfull things.

At least I hope there are going to be special screenings for this, and second screen free ones, but I'm afraid that's were the real problem lays.

Bekah Loves Blog said...

How obnoxious...I hope second screen screenings are separated from those who just want to enjoy the film! I've been looking forward to seeing this on the big screen again for ever and don't want to deal with that. I guess some could find it fun but it should be by choice.

K. Martinez said...

Those little screens on the cellphones are just one of many reasons I don't go to a movie theater anymore. The glare distracts my eyes from the big screen. It just seems easier to wait for the DVD and watch at home than put up with all the annoyances that have cropped up into today's movie theater experience.

Jones said...

Thanks for speaking out so clearly against that ridiculous, nightmarish idea. I spoke out on another forum against the idea, and my comment was not even approved, as it was critical of the idea! (An don´t even think about criticizing it on the Disney Parks blog - all they have ever published are senseless "Can´t wait to go!" comments.
The studios are constantly trying to bring a few 6 - 13 year old boys more to the theatres, and they completely forget that there are millions of adults out there who have stopped going to the movies because of stuff like cellphones. And don´t tell me that adults simply do not go to the movies - in a screening of Titanic, there was an old lady in the seat directly behind me - that lady could well have been a passenger on the Titanic... If you give them the right movies, in the right environment, they will come...
