Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Glow With the Show" Ears Debut at WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Fantasmic!

So, last night, these "Glow with the show" ears were introduced at WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios' Fantasmic! show - and will also debut this Saturday at WDW Magic Kingdom "Celebrate the Magic" nighttime projection show and "Wishes" fireworks.

Is it really a good idea or is it the prototype of the right wrong idea? Personally and although i know that these "ears" technology works well i think it's a right wrong idea - except for Disney of course as it brings some cash in. Why? Because the lighting and projection effects of the shows were not designed with these glowing ears in mind. And if you're not in the first row but far behind you now have all these glowing ears in front of your eyes and i'm pretty sure that it spoils the concentration on the show itself.

I may be wrong and i know that audiences can like easily anything which shine - or in this case, glow - but as they say everything which shine is not necessary "gold". That said, have a look at the video below to see by yourself how it looks with the DHS Fantasmic show.

Picture and video: copyright DIsney


Ximagineer said...

My issue with the whole glowing ears thing has been, why would I want to pay for something I cannot see myself?

Alain Littaye said...

Good point, Ximagineer!

K. Martinez said...

The problem I have with the glowing ears is that they're too close to my sightline in the foreground and distracts from the actual show further out. Sort of like cellphone screens in a theater, it's visually distracting.

Jones said...

Well, first of all, they are pretty bright - which means your eyes cannot adjust to the low light levels of a nighttime show. And second, humans are "programmed", if you will, to direct their attention to anyting that is happening right in front of them, regardless of what is happening in a greater distance (which was especially useful when life was more dangerous than today: the sabre tooth tiger a few yards away deserved more attention than the beautiful sunset). Thus it´s very hard to concentrate on the show, you almost have to force yourself to direct your attention away from te ears and to the show. That was at least my impression when I say WoC - maybe other people can control what´s left of the stone age in them better than me, but I doubt it).
