Showing posts with label phantom manor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phantom manor. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Watch the BEST Video of Phantom Manor New Version And Discover the Doom Buggies Hidden Passage !

Max, D&M contributor, was among a selection of photographers that Disneyland Paris invited last Friday evening to shoot pictures and film Phantom Manor new version. And for this special private shooting the doom buggies speed was reduced at half, allowing to shoot a video and see each details better than ever before! Here is Max video below, by far the best video you've seen of the new version of the ride, and don't go away as there is more after!

I don't know about you but i always wished to be able to stay in the doom buggy when we arrive at the end of the ride to watch where they are going after the unload room. We see them turning and disappearing in a hidden passage, just to reappear a few seconds later in the loading room. Exceptionally, Max was allowed to stay in the doom buggy and for the first time you'll be able to discover this secret passage, so don't miss the video below!

Picture and video: copyright DLP Welcome

Monday, April 1, 2019

Will Disneyland Paris Phantom Manor Re-Open for DLP 27th Anniversary on April 12 ?

Some Disney and more readers planning to come to Disneyland Paris on April 12 for the park Anniversary asked me if chances are that Phantom Manor would re-open for this celebration day.

I'll give you an answer in a few seconds but, first, a reminder of what happened last week when Disneyland Paris released what could be seen as indirect news about Phantom Manor reopening when DLP announced that Spirit Photography, located temporarily in front of Phantom Manor, will close on April 23. At that time i said that it probably meant that Phantom Manor will NOT reopen before at least April 24, because Spirit Photography is right in front of the entrance of Phantom Manor, meaning that it had to be removed to allow guests to move inside Phantom Manor. I then added that, from that date Phantom Manor could reopen ANY day between April 24 and May 11, the date that leaked recently.

And guess what? I was wrong! After checking it appears that DLP announcement of the closure of Spirits Photography is nothing more than a regular closure announcement like the park does when they close a shop, a restaurant or an attraction. And if it happened that Phantom Manor is ready for an opening anytime soon they'll simply move in one night this small Spirits Photography to allow guests to enter inside Phantom Manor garden and access the ride. Which means that potentially, and if the attraction was at last ready, Phantom Manor could reopen before April 24.

Now, back to the question about a Phantom Manor reopening on April 12. The short answer is "probably not" as there is still no certainty on the re-opening date. DLP Imagineers would love to have it ready for April 12 and they're working hard to have the ride ready as soon as possible but due to the past shifts on the date this time it has to be a "dead sure" re-opening date.

In addition, Today is April 1st ( and by the way this article is NOT an April Fools! ) and DLP Anniversary is now in 11 days. And except if DLP Imagineers finally resolve all the issues they had on Phantom Manor in the next two days, it'll be probably too short for DLP to have everything ready for the park Anniversary ( to train the ride cast-members and maintenance team about the changes and new effects, to prepare a media event, send invitations, etc ).

But there is a big "but" as on April 12 DLP also organize during the evening an InsideEars event during which all webmasters of fans websites will learn plenty of informations about the park future. And of course, there is little doubt that the date of Phantom Manor re-opening will be announced. I don't think that InsideEars members will get a ride preview during this InsideEars evening, but never say never as if the ride happen to be ready in a few days, DLP might be tempted to do a preview during the InsideEars event...

So, most probably Phantom Manor will not be open on April 12 but from what i've heard so far it seems that DLP envision an opening for the very beginning of May, may be shortly before the target date of May 11 that was leaked one month ago. Meaning that DLP fans definitely won't have too long to wait now to discover the updated version of Phantom Manor - and don't worry, all the big, major scenes you love will still be there.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Disneyland Paris Frontierland & Phantom Manor Update

Here we go for a new DLP update, this time all about Frontierland AND the  awaited reopening of Phantom Manor, thanks to pictures shot by Max, D&M contributor and DLP Welcome webmaster. Phantom Manor reopening has many delays and was expected to finally on February 16, but recently we learned that, finally, it won't be before April.

About this new delay of Phantom Manor reopening, as many of you are asking me what is happening, here it is: basically it’s simply technical issues which takes longer than expected to be solved. DLP Imagineers are doing some changes in the ride - don’t worry, all Phantom Manor most famous and beloved scenes will be untouched - but some elements will be enhanced and there will be some things really new that i can’t talk about here. As usual in life, sometime everything runs smoothly and sometime not and it takes more time. In addition, as you know, Phantom Manor is an attraction using the Omnimover, i.e everything must be correctly synchronized with the endless passage of each doom buggy, something which is sometime more easy to say than to do. But with a bit of luck everything will be finally ready for a reopening before April, though probably not before the end of February. So, Phantom Manor might have a reopening sooner than April, except if DLP wants to keep the reopening for DLP 27th Anniversary on April 12.

The outeside area of Phantom Manor has been entirely renovated and the work is remarkable with a high quality result. Whether it’s the woods, the scenery, the gardens, everything hass been renovated. Among the novelties we can notice the new lighst that surround the house, but also new smooth staircases facing the main gate of the manor for access to the paying Fast Pass that will be proposed as soon as the attraction will reopen. in April with 7 months of delay on the initial reopening date.

After several months of interruption, the geysers are working again!

Let's move to the other end of Frontierland to discover the progress of tthe works on the site of the new Chaparral Theater. Construction is moving fast, and fortunately as its opening is scheduled for summer 2019. The foundations have been done and the walls will be installed soon. The area can't be accessed for now as guests can't move further than the Cowboy Cookout Barbecue and can't even access even to Cottonwood Creek Ranch area by train as DLP railroad is stopped until March, officially.

You can see the aesthetics of the new room. The colors used are warmer than those of the other buildings in the land. Here are again the blueprints of the new Chaparral theatre.

More DLP updates will come soon, in the mean time don't miss the Christmas special offer for the last copies of the 320 pages book Disneyland Paris book "From Sketch to Reality" atthe best price available on the web!

From Nov 15 until January 10 it's Christmas Special Offer on the LAST English copies of the acclaimed Disneyland Paris book "From Sketch to Reality" and if you own an Apple device get in addition for FREE the eBook English edition when it will be available in 2019, allowing you to read the book wherever you are. And the eBook edition incllude more than 60 video links to the best available videos of the park! It's your last chance to get a printed copy of this gorgeous book at a reasonable price, no kidding! The book is sold on Amazon by others sellers at $2000 or more - check this HERE - and it's the last time you'll find it at its original price!

Lecteurs Français: Etant donné que l'édition française est épuisée, tout acheteur de l'édition anglaise recevra gratuitement l'édition française eBook du livre! Et l'édition eBook contient plus de 60 liens vidéos d'une délection des meilelures vidéos du parc! Note Importante: cette offre avec l'eBook est réservée à ceux possédant du matériel Apple ( iPhone, Ipad ou iMac ) nécessaire pour pouvoir liire l'eBook.

Here is all you need to know to order a copy of the "Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality" book with the special offer. First, it's a 320 pages book with 750 pictures of the park including 250 WDI artworks! It's also probably the best Christmas gift you can find for a Disneyland Paris fan - and it is true! Have a look below to the mosaic pictures showing a selection of pages of the book.

To place your order for the DLP book, please send me an email at: with your shipping address. The price during the special offer is 100€ and shipping worldwide is 22€ ( except Belgium and Italy for which it is 29€ ).

Also, each order will receive GREAT surprise gifts! ( and believe me they are really great! )

You can pay with Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. For Paypal payments please send directly the full amount  including shipping, i.e 122€ worldwide, except for Belgium and Italy for which it is 129€ at:  If you wish to pay by credit card and bank transfer, send me an email at:   and i'll tell you how to do.

If you've never seen the book before, don't miss the video below or on Youtube HERE showing the full 320 pages of the book!

Videos: copyright DLP Welcome, D&M

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Imagineer Tom Fitzgerald Announces That Vincent Price Original Narration Returns to Phantom Manor!

BIG news announced yesterday by Imagineer Tom Fitzgerald during the Imagineering panel at DLP Disney FanDaze, as Tom announced that, after 25 years, the original Phantom Manor narration by the great Vincent Price will be back when the ride will reopen this fall! 

If you've never seen Vincent Price recording his Phantom Manor narration, here is this unmissable video, first put on line by David Goebel of the excellent Ravenswood Manor website.

Don't go away as there is more, as Tom Fitzgerald also announced that, in addition to a complete renovation of the attraction, changes will allow Phantom Manor guests to know at last "who" is the Phantom! On the next video below, released recently, Tom Fitzgerald tells you more about Phantom Manor renovation.

Videos: copyright Disney, Attractions Magazine, WDI

Monday, March 26, 2018

Disneyland Paris Update : Phantom Manor Renovation, Pirates and Princesses, Cafe Mickey, and more...

Here we go for a new Disneyland Paris update, thanks to Max, D&M contributor and DLP Welcome webmaster. Make sure to read this article till the end as D&M needs your urgent support for reasons explained HERE. Thanks!

The first news this week is the departure of DLP President Catherine Powell as the Walt Disney Company is in full reorganization to prepare the integration of 20th Century Fox, and we learn that Catherine Powell, who was president of Euro Disney since spring 2016, is leaving her DLP position  to take the lead of the « Western Region » division of the new unified « Parks, experiences and consumer Products » ( merging « Parks & Resorts » and « merchandising « divisions ) led by Bob Chapek. Catherine Powell will be able to manage the development policy of the California DLR, Florida WDW, and Disneyland Paris parks, and all the merchandising division for the United States and Europe. Many thanks to her for working on the Resort with the implementation of the multi-year investment plan from 2020 to 2026.

In the meantime, waiting for 2020 and the opening of the Marvel Land at the Walt Disney Studios Park, let’s have a look at today’s news at Disneyland Park.

By the way, talking about Marvel land, i've heard that the closure of the Rock and Roller Coaster for its transformation in an Iron Man coaster - which was rumored to happen this fall - with an opening of the new ride in Summer 2019 have been delayed. RNRC would close fall 2019 and the Iron Man ride would open mid 2020. I know it's frustrating but,  first, i'm going to double check that, and two, if true, the delay is probably due to technical issues which request more time to be resolved. As i've said in a recent update I can't give you more details for now about the Iron Man ride but those of you who think that it will be just a quick lifting are in for a big, BIG surprise. I'll go as far as to say that the Iron Man ride will be hugely popular from day one, probably as much as Space Mountain was when it opened twenty-three years ago!

Back now to DLP Magic Kingdom where the « Festival Pirates & Princesses » will start soon. No surprise, the decorations of the Spring seasons from 2015 to 2017 are back on Main Street USA. It should be noted that the locations of the Bambi, the Aristocats and the giant heart topiaries are very well chosen.

Casey's Corner facade is also currently in renovation.

Let's have a closer look to the topiaries!

On Central Plaza we find the most important change. The plaza is divided into 2 zones, the ones of Frontierland and Discoveryland. The one with the princesses have flower beds in pink and yellow and for the Pirates on the Discoveryland side we find aquatic symbols. Similarly, streetlights help to delimit areas. As for the stages, they are very well thought out and integrated.

At Adventureland, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Indiana Jones coaster are running well. The suspended bridge and a part of Adventure Isle will reopen soon after months of closure for renovation.

As you'll see in the video below, Chaparral Stage, the Theatre of « Frozen Sing-Along » and the « Forest of Enchantment: a Disney Musical adventure » is now completely destroyed before being rebuilt entirely. Apparently the new one will be totally closed, meaning that there won't be open space like on the previous one, which will allow to have the show playing whatever will be the weather and temperatures outside. But the destruction of the theatre may hide another reason and i'll try to learn more about this.

Here is Max video.

Phantom Manor is always in its long total renovation - outside and inside - and on March 22nd we could see the new roof frame on the right side of the building. In addition, the green spaces all around the manor will be totally redone, the ground is now destroyed and the pipes replaced. Objective, all to be refreshed.

On March 23 a themed canvas saw finally put over the scaffoldings - it was about time - and probably will stay until Phantom Manor reopening mid-October ( pictures below and on top from ED92 ).

Let's have a fun tour in Autopia at Discoveryland!

To end the day, direction Disney Village where the Mickey Cafe Restaurant welcomes new visitors with the Disney characters. So, for an Italian-inspired menu at €65 (75$ with tax), you will have the pleasure of eating in the company of the characters. A joy moment to share with the family!

On our way toward the Café let's have a look at the Disney Village facades which probably will be changed entirely, as they need it,  when they'll start the placemaking in one year or so.

nAll-right, Max will be back soon with a new update but in the meantime Disney and more need your - urgent - support, and it's no joking'!

Disney and more started 11 years ago and since April 2007, at the exception of the ads or special offers for my Disneyland Paris book, the site never had any publicity - voluntarily as just like everyone i don’t like sites with Ads everywhere - not even a “Paypal donation” button at the end of the articles, except for a very short period, years ago. Sounds cool but it also mean that the site - and so, myself - don’t live on Advertising revenues, or anything else others than the sales of the book. Unfortunately, something happened recently which put my situation in true jeopardy. So, for the first time in 11 years, i have to ask for your support.

What is happening has in fact a name and it’s called “Murphy’s law”. Murphy’s law, basically, means that “everything that can go wrong will go wrong”. We’ve all been through moments like this, when not only nothing works as it should, but every project is stopped no matter what you do or is delayed infinitely, and at the end it’s your own life which is in danger. In this case, and although I always enjoy a lot posting daily articles on Disney and more and find for you the most interesting links for this Facebook page, i learned this week that some money that i was expecting soon won’t come in before months and, as the projects i'm working on won’t also bring revenue before months, i know now that i won’t make it.

So, i find myself in an emergency situation, so truly urgent that i have to ask for your support, and God knows that i really hate to have to do this. The best way to bring your support to D&M is through a donation by directly sending directly the amount you wish to my Paypal account at: It can be any amount whether it is 10, 20 or 50 $ or €, or any amount you wish in any currency, and each donation will be rewarded by a very cool gift.

Editing: Just saw on Paypal that those of you who don't have a Paypal account can send their donation by going to:

I sincerely thank you by advance for your generosity and your comprehension.

Another way to bring your support to Disney and more is, if you don't own it yet, to order one of the last copies of the great Disneyland Paris book. The French collector edition is totally out of stock - except three copies that you can order to me, see below how to do - the ENGLISH edition will also be soon out of stock forever as 40 copies only are still available. As said before, once out of stock the book will NOT be reprinted, so i urge anyone who don't own the book and don't want to miss this fantastic book to place your order as soon as possible!

Lecteurs Français: Etant donné que l'édition française est épuisée, un fichier du texte complet original en Français sera envoyé aux acheteurs Français de l'édition anglaise ne comprenant pas l'anglais. Il me reste également trois exemplaires de l'édition collector française, état neufs et dédicacés, 300€ pièce, si intéressé me contacter à l'adresse email:

To place your order for the DLP book, please send me an email at: with your shipping address. The price currently is 75€ ( instead of 100€ ) and shipping worldwide is 22€ ( except Belgium and Italy for which it is 29€ ). Just like for the French edition the price will go up when we will reach the very last copies of the English edition, so order it now to enjoy the discount price.

You can pay with Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. For Paypal payments please send directly the full amount  including shipping ( 97€ worldwide, except for Belgium and Italy for which it is 104€ ) at:  If you wish to pay by credit card and bank transfer, let me know in your email and i'll tell you how to do.

Also, each order will receive two surprise gifts - actually there is more than two - and these are GREAT gifts that each DLP fan love!

Here is all you need to know about the "Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality" book for those who have never seen the book. First, it's a gorgeous 320 pages coffee table book with 750 pictures of the park including 250 WDI artworks, all DLP attraction posters, and dozens more of gorgeous artworks! The text by Disney historian Didier Ghez tell the story of the creation of the park from dozens of interviews of WDI Imagineers who built the park. It's also probably the best gift you can find for a Disney Parks fan - and it is true!

If you've never seen the book before, don't miss the video below showing the full 320 pages of the book!

Pictures : copyright  DLP Welcome