Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Shendi Announces Luxury Shopping Center to be Built Nearby Shanghaî Disneyland

The Shanghaî Shendi Group announced yesterday that a 50,000 sqm luxury shopping center will be built nearby Shanghaî Disney Resort. Shendi being the joint venture company of Disney and his Chinese partner for SDL you'll understand easily that if they've decided to build this it's not only to exploit the potential of consumption of future SDL guests but also to build a luxury shopping center before another chinese company decide to build its own mall near Shanghaî Disneyland... Below, the translation of China People online article:

"The resort area of Shanghai that houses the first Disneyland on the Chinese mainland will add a luxury shopping center next to the theme park to exploit the potential of visitor consumption, said Monday the operator area .

Shanghai Shendi Group, operator of the Tourism Zone and stations international resort Shanghai ( SITRZ ) announced Monday the formation of a joint venture with the developer of shops Sales Retail Retail Value for the construction of a luxury shops next to the Shanghai Disney Resort .

Chairman Value Retail Scott Malkin announced that the mall, called Shanghai Village, will be " the most important destination for shopping while traveling in Asia. "

Covering 50,000 square meters, the center will host several international brands and Asian as well as restaurants and cafes and is expected to open in fall 2015, according to Value Retail .

The promoter has already opened a similar set of shops next to Disneyland in Paris, France , and it is about to open its first center in China in May , in the tourist city of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province , in eastern China.

Fan Xiping , President of the Shanghai Shendi Group, said the shopping center will be the second iconic project SITRZ after Shanghai Disneyland .

The group said it placed great hopes in the mall to generate tourism and retail sales.

Neither the group nor Disney have provided an estimate of the number of people who visit the park or income that these visitors are likely to generate . However, Shendi said the Shanghai World Expo 2010, another event which attracted a large number of local and foreign visitors, alluded to how the joint venture will boost retail sales in the area.

The exhibition has attracted 70 million visitors and contributed 4.5 billion yuan ( $ 730 million ) in retail sales in six months."

Picture: copyright Shendi

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