Saturday, October 3, 2015

Shanghaî Disneyland Update : New Pictures of Disney's Most Awaited Project !

And here we go for a new Shanghai Disneyland update with brand new pictures found on a Chinese blog. All pictures were shot outside the park this time and we'll start by new pics of SDL Enchanted Storybook Castle.

Next, pics of Adventure Isle Roaring Rapids mountain. As you'll see they've started to "theme" the mountain by adding vegetation on the "rocks".

One picture of the TRON ride show building and cover as seen from backstage, so from a side that SDL guests will never see.

The buildings you can see raising behind the grass in the foreground are the one of Disney Town. The red one is most probably the building of the Lion King musical theater.

We've got new pictures too of the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel!

But what can we find on the other side of the road nearby the SDL Hotel? Some white cranes birds...

And thefe is plenty of them keeping an eye on the works...

Now, i have a "one more thing" for you. You've seen two days ago the renderings for the Shanghai Village project, a huge art-deco style mall built at the other end of Shanghai Disneyland lake. Nice digital renderings and some of you may wonder when it will be built, considering the delay they already have on the park and resort. Well, it IS built already!!! And we've got the proof with the pics below!

O-Kay, that's all for today about Shanghai Disneyland, make sure to stay tuned on D&M, the only website bringing you each week new pics from Disney's most awaited project!


Anonymous said...

I think its just called roaring mountain

Alain Littaye said...

May be, but it's still the mountain of Roaring Rapids...

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! However, if they were found on another blog, would it not be courteous to credit the original source?

Alain Littaye said...

There is a goddamn' link directly to the Chinese blog, what do you want better than this?

K. Martinez said...

I love the photos of the white cranes. Such beautiful birds. And who doesn't love a Disney mountain? Nice set today. Thanks, Alain!

Tom said...

Thanks for posting these!!!

I think the castle looks great, just as the rapid mountain and the Disneyland Hotel. It's promising that these pictures appeal so much more to me than the concept arts.

1 thought: doesn't the castle look "odd"? It looks like the spires are so out of place, so "alone", without something big in the middle?! Or will they add more maybe?! At least the look of the spires is amazing!

Xavier said...

Right on the money Tom.
Since I learned about the concept to be about all Disney Princess, I nicknamed it the "Package Castle". In this country it's logical that the Princess congregates in social housing :o)
With the 3D rendering & now those photos, the "Hollow Castle" might be more appropriate. ^^
Of course I'll wait until it's finished before moaning. But I would forgive all if the hole is the secret lair of a new GIANT Maleficent dragon or Chernabog for a nighttime show...
