Monday, November 30, 2015

Shanghaî Disneyland Update : New Drone Video !

We're back again at Shanghaî Disneyland to start the week as a new drone video was released in China. As usual i did screen captures for you telling you where is what.

I couldn't embed the video from the Youku website but you can watch it HERE.

The drone flight starts from the back of SDL Tomorrowland and the blue building you see on the right is the Tron Light Cycles Power Run show building - you can see a bit or the outdoor Tron "cover" on its right.

The drone then fly towards the castle and over fantasyland buildings, the one for the peter Pan Flight ride being most probably the building in the left bottom corner. On the left of the castle, the Voyage to the Crystal Grotto ride.

Getting closer to Enchanted Storybook castle...

The drone then turn to be right in front of the castle

On the right of the castle, the Alice in Wonderland Maze... and behind the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train coaster...

The drone then turn back and will return by flying to Tomorrowland but first this nice shot from behind the highest towers of SDL castle, with the Tron cover structure in the background.

Interesting things to note on these views of the flight towards Tomorrowland, starting by how close to the castle is the Dumbo the Flying Elephant ride...

The park is almost completed but but they have a serious problem of vegetation which is yet to come.

getting closer and closer to Tomorrowland with the Jet Packs ride on the bottom left. Interesting also to see that the path from the Gardens of Imagination ( SDL central Plaza ) is leading to the elevated walkway of Tomorrowland... So you won't have to go up to reach it - but you'll have probably to walk down to access the restaurant and shops down there.

 A last - and closer - look to the Tron "cover" structure now completed!

That's it for today's Shanghaî Disneyland update, more to come soon, and in the meantime i remind you that you have until midnight L.A time ( 9 A;M paris time on Tuesday morning ) to enjoy the Black Friday price on the Disneyland Paris book, see on the post below or HERE.


Unknown said...

Looks like it's coming along nicely! I'm still concerned it lacks some of the charm disney parks ar famous for, but I know better than to underestimate the talents of an imagineer! Still no firm official opening date? My plan was for a September trip. I like to give a new park some time to work out the kinks!

Unknown said...

So a January opening looks outta the question

Alain Littaye said...

Don't even think about an opening in January, Jason!

Video Drone said...

We're back again at Shanghaî Disneyland to start the week as a new drone video was released in China. As usual i did screen captures for you ...
