Showing posts with label Shanghaî Disneyland video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shanghaî Disneyland video. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Shanghaî Disneyland Tomorrowland D&M HD Night Video "Just Like if You Were There" !

To keep you waiting before i post next week my Shanghaî Disneyland review, here is a HD Video of SDL Tomorrowland at night that i've filmed when i was there. Note that the video shows only everything "outdoor", not the indoor part of the rides. Tomorrowland is beautiful at night with its always changing lighting and the shots are voluntarily not too short to give you the feeling  to see SDL Tomorrowland "just like if you were there"!

Video: copyright Alain Littaye - Disney and more

Monday, August 29, 2016

"The Making of Shanghaî Disneyland" Video

Disney released a great 6.35 min video titled "The Making of Shanghaî Disneyland", which is a mix of footage previously released before with new footage. Here it is below!

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Stunning 85 Min Steady Walking Tour Video of Shanghaî Disneyland!

In addition to the great Tokyo Disneyland article - see below - i have a fantastic "one more thing" for you tonight with an absolutely stunning walking tour of Shanghaî Disneyland. Incredibly filmed by SoCal Attractions 360 with the most steady shooting you've ever seen this 85 minutes walk-through video is a non-stop travelling in each land of the park and is the closest you'll ever be to visit Shanghai Disneyland without leaving your home, Definitely don't miss it!!!

Video: copyright

Monday, June 27, 2016

4K "Crystal Clear" Video of Shanghaî Disneyland Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue Ride !

After the Peter Pan's Flight video yesterday So Cal Attractions 360 is back with the best « crystal clear » video of the new Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue ride at Shanghaî Disneyland! Make sure to choose the 4K option available in the definition choices!

Video: copyright So Cal Attractions 360

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Shanghaî Disneyland Adventure Isle Roaring Rapids Full Ride HD Video !

At last Adventure Isle Roaring Rapids is open and we have a first video filmed by Youkuber M_Patros of the full ride which include two falls and more surprises with of course the AA Q'araq creature which seems to don't be at 100% of its capacities. The ride is always in test mode and the AA creature is not working yet as you willl see. It seems that the skin of its right front leg don't cover the metallic structure so there is may be the issue they try to resolve. All the rest of the show seems to work properly but, yes, the video shows a ride not fully operational and please keep this in mind when you watch it.

Video: copyright M_Patros

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

THREE New and Better HD Video of Shanghaî Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean : Battle for the Sunken Treasure Ride ...and How They Did the Ride Special Effects!

Three new very well filmed HD videos of the FULL Pirates of the Caribbean : Battle for the Sunken Treasure ride were uploaded on Youtube, and these new videos are MUCH BETTER than the first one we saw, which was already very good. On this first new one, from Theme Park University, you'll see more clearly the decors, especially the underwater sequence! Theme Park University has also posted pics of the queue decor, and more, that you can see HERE

The next video is in two parts and was filmed by Matthew Eberle. In this other excellent footage you'll see some of the scenes even better and the video starts from the ride entrance, i.e for the first time you'll see all the queue decor, up to the boarding room!

And one more for the road with this next video filmed by Chrysalis Travel, in which some visual effects can be seen better, especially the two "ghosts" pirates in the underwater sequence and Davy Jones on his boat in the final battle.

And now, if you're still wondering how they did all the ride effects KingRCT3 did a video with the Matthew Finnemore footage to explain them to you!

Video: copyright Theme Park University, Matthew Eberle, Chrysalis Travel, KingRCT3

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Shanghaî Disneyland Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue Full Ride Video ! - Now Edited With a Second HD Video !

At last a video of the SDL Tomorrowland Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue full ride. Filmed by Matthew Finnemore, the one who did the great POTC video, the filming is okay but a bit less good than his previous videos as he didn't resisted to fire with the laser gun at the same time. As about the ride itself, i have a mixed opinion about it as i'm not sure it's better than the regular version of the Buzz Lightyear ride we know, probably because too many "ennemies" look the same, at least from what i can see on the video...

Edit: We've got a second full ride video for SDL Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue and, although Matthew Eberle who filmed it was shooting with a laser gun at the same time, it's a better quality video than the one above, which is already of good quality. Still not 100% what i'd like to see of the ride - camera centered a bit too much on the target and not enough big shots of the whole rooms - but i 'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Video: copyright Matthew Finnemore, Matthew Eberle

Artwork: copyright Disney - Shendi

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Shanghaî Disneyland Tomorrowland TRON Lightcycles Power Run POV Full Ride Video

If you've not watched it it in the big Shangahî Disneyland article below, here is the best video so far of the awaited TRON Lightcycles Power Run ride at Shanghaî Disneyland Tomorrowland!

Video: copyright Airfime Chao

Friday, May 6, 2016

New Shanghaî Disneyland Trailer Version 2 !

I've enhanced the home made Shanghaî Disneyland trailer and created a new version which in my opinion is much better. I realised that some SDL rides with available footage were missing in the version one and added them in this new version! I intend to update the trailer in the near future when new SDL footage will be available.

This new Shanghaî Disneyland commercial is a home made "non-official" one. The official commercial released one month ago was a perfect corporate commercial, with great production, etc... but didn't show Shanghaî Disneyland park. So, i thought it would be great to create a new commercial in which you have both beautiful aerial footage of the park as well as a presentation of the main attractions. All this with great Disney music behind the images! Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

New Awesome Shanghaî Disneyland Drone 4K Video !

Each day brings more Shanghaî Disneyland awesomeness and today we have a new drone video, and it's a 4K video so make sure to choose to watch it in 4K definition to have a crystal clear image! As usual i did some screen captures that you'll find also under the video!

Make sure to click on each pic to see them in big size!

A great view over SDL Fantasyland...

Mickey Avenue and the Gardens of Imagination...

SDL Tomorrowland...

Adventure Isle and Treasure Cove...

A close-up on Treasure Cove...

...and another one on Adventure Isle.

This last picture is interesting as it shows the huge land which is still available behind POTC Fortress and Seven Dwarfs Mine Train mountain... Big enough - and a part of this "free" land is missing on the left - to put a Star Wars land or an Avatar land there... OR as rumored, an Expedition Everest.

Make sure to stay tuned on Disney and more as we have Shanghaî Disneyland updates every day or so!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

THREE New Shanghaî Disneyland Videos !

I've got something great for you for tomorrow's D&M Shanghaî Disneyland week-end update but in the meantime, in appetizer, here are three new SDL videos, two of them being drone videos. The first one below has the drone flying of course above the park but colors for whatever reasons are a bit washed out and the music he puts on it is a real bad version of a Disney tune so you might cut off the sound while watching it...

Editing: Unfortunately the three videos have been deleted by the one who uploaded them on Youtube, which is kind of strange as it didn't looked to be from same Youtuber. Anyway, no big drama, and enjoy the picture above of SDL Castle!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

New High-Def Shanghaî Disneyland Aerial Video !

A new drone video has been uploaded on Youtube and it seems that they don't even care anymore to fly the drones when there are people working in the park as you'll see in the video below. so, no more sunrise videos but unfortunately they gave to the image a dominant colour which obviously is not the reality. I tried on the screens captures below to modify this a bit but it's obviously still not the perfect aerial video with the perfect colors.

Anyway, here is the video which is extremely good on a definition point of view, so make sure to enlarge each screen capture to see details clearly.

And now,  enhanced screen captures!

Friday, March 18, 2016

New Awesome Shanghaî Disneyland Aerial Drone Pictures and Video !

The Shanghaî Disneyland update i have for you this week-end bring you the best SDL aerial "drone" pictures and video we ever had! Even better : the non believers who still think the park won't be ready for June 16 will see with their own eyes how wrong they are as basically the only thing which remain to be done outside is the Gardens of Imagination and the park walkways, two things which will definitely be ready in three months! All over the others lands vegetation is now in place and it's amazing to see the changes that happened since the last two months! 'Nuff said, here we go, and don't forget to click on each picture to see them in big size!

The drone video starts its flight by flying over Fantasyland, SDL castle and Journey to the Crystal Grotto.

Next shot shows a view of Treasure Cove and Adventure Isle, as well as Seven Dwarfs Mine Train on the bottom left.

Let's have a closer look of Treasure Cove and Adventure Isle!

This next shot is the reverse angle of the previous one, i.e the drone is entering the frame by the backstage behind Treasure Cove.

A closer look at Treasure Cove and POTC show building as seen from behind.

Going back to the castle and a great view of Alice in Wonderland Maze and Journey to the Crystal grotto.

Again, see on this closer shot how the vegetation is in place everywhere.

Let's fly over Tomorrowland! On the first screen capture below you can se some buildings located between the castle and Tomorrowland...

And on this next one you'll see the Toy Story hotel located outside the park right behind Tomorrowland TRON attraction.

A closer look at SDL Tomorrowland.

Another look at the park as seen from the back of Treasure Cove and Fantasyland. What is interesting in this shot is the big land available for future attractions at the right of POTC show building and behind Seven Dwarfs Mine Train.

This last shot shows the entrance, not of the park but of the resort or the "Shanghaî tourism zone" in Pudong. Painting is done, flowers and trees are in place and await SDL visitors!

And now here is the CCTV video from where i did these screen shots - and enhanced them too!

Hope you enjoyed this Shanghaî Disneyland update, more SDL updates will come soon. . Disney and more is the only Disney fan site which post Shanghaî Disneyland updates several times per week always doing the best to find for you never seen before pictures. Your support is not only always appreciated but truly needed. Please consider donating via Paypal, you can use if you wish the Paypal button below. Thanks!

Video: copyright CCTV