Friday, April 29, 2016

Shanghaî Disneyland Treasure Cove and Pirates of Caribbean Update

We're back at Shanghaî Disneyland today for a special look at SDL Treasure Cove and Pirates of Caribbean Battle for the Sunken Treasure, thanks to pictures posted on Chinese social website Weibo by various people.

The first pictures above and below shows the entrance of the highly awaited POTC ride.

Next picture shows a warning at the entrance of the land: "Abandon all hope ye who enter here!"

And to make sure you understand the warning a look at this throne and its death skull should make things clear...

A view of the lagoon and the wrecked ship on a cloudy day...

Next is a quite good picture showing the pirate galleon in Treasure Cove lagoon...

A picture of Treasure Cove lagoon with Skull Island on the right...

The sign of Doublon Market, one of the shops of the land...

Next photo was shot from the top of POTC fortress... of course all what you see on the roof will be hidden to the sight of SDL guests.

We'll end with a great picture showing part of the "underwater" scenes with the sunken ship and its treasure - remember the ride title "Battle for the Sunken Treasure"? Obviously the underwater "dry for wet" lighting is not working yet on this picture.

See you soon for a new Shanghaî Disneyland update!


SWW said...

Looking good! Of all the areas if SDL, this is the one I'm anticipating the most. Thanks for assembling this update, Alain.

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in how they pull off the transition from dry to wet, but the picture looks awesome, like you're really underwater, shame on Disney for taking the cheap route for the Little Mermaid ride.

K. Martinez said...

Now these are great! We're finally getting to see this area at ground level and in closer detail. I really do like the rockwork in the lagoon area and the dry for wet scene looks every interesting. Can't wait to see more on this area. Thanks, Alain.
