Showing posts with label Brad Bird Tomorrowland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brad Bird Tomorrowland. Show all posts

Thursday, October 9, 2014

First Teaser Trailer For Brad Bird Tomorrowland !

Disney released a first teaser trailer for Brad Bird Tomorrowland - to be released in 2015 - and if you've read my yesterday's article you know that Tomorrowland tells the story of a "Florida girl who dreams of the future while watching the launchpads of Cape Canaveral being disassembled. She goes exploring them one day and, after landing in a bit of trouble, finds herself in possession of a mysterious pin. Touching it reveals a vision of a place that may not be a different world but simply a better one." In the trailer below, you'll see exactly what happen when she's touching the "Tomorrowland" pin!

The trailer also gives us our first look to this Tomorrowland itself - picture below... which seems to fly at high speed a kind of Rocketeer...

We won't learn more today but the trailer looks definitely promising!

Pictures and video: copyright Disney

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

First Look at Brad Bird Highly Awaited Secret Film "Tomorrowland"

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly we have a first look and learn more about Brad Bird highly awaited and secret film "Tomorrowland":  

 "A Florida girl who dreams of the future while watching the launchpads of Cape Canaveral being disassembled goes exploring one day and, after landing in a bit of trouble, finds herself in possession of a mysterious pin. Touching it reveals a vision of a place that may not be a different world but simply a better one. Then it’s gone—out, out, brief candle!—and the quest to discover the real Tomorrowland begins.

“We begin our movie asking what did [the future] used to be?” Bird says. “What’s good about the future and what’s scary about it? And we wrestle with those things in a slightly mythical way.”

A Florida girl who dreams of the future while watching the launchpads of Cape Canaveral being disassembled goes exploring one day and, after landing in a bit of trouble, finds herself in possession of a mysterious pin. Touching it reveals a vision of a place that may not be a different world but simply a better one. (You can see the concept art above.) Then it’s gone—out, out, brief candle!—and the quest to discover the real Tomorrowland begins.

Go ahead, jump now to EW to learn more HERE

Pictures: copyright Disney