Showing posts with label Brad Bird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brad Bird. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2015

Brad Bird's Tomorrowland Review

I’ve been in theater yesterday evening to watch Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland, and i liked it a lot. I think it’s a great film done with talent and courage and it was needed to do a movie on this subject, not so easy to transform in a movie. And, although there is plenty of action, that’s why you have sequences of « talks » which are needed to explain what is going on. By the way it’s also probably the reason why the story was kept secretly as it was probably impossible to really explain it and make sure it has been well understood without any misunderstanding. On the « paper » it’s pretty simple and one of the good idea is that the movie stands on a feeling that almost all of us have: why the future looked like a bright, big, beautiful tomorrow in the 1960’s and is now looking so dark, if not « no future »? The film has its own explanation which fit well with the story ( but not for the « real » reality ) with a secret society called Plus Ultra created by great visionaries like H.G Wells, Jules Verne, Edison, Einstein, and Walt Disney among others, and Brad Bird does a good job, as well as each actors, all perfect, to keep the story “believable“ - if i can say.

The film, though, miss greatness by a few inches but Brad Bird is not to blame because, although the movie concept is fascinating and there is a lot to say and write about it, it’s extremely hard to create a story out of it. And i know what i’m talking about as i’m myself trying to do a script since years which would talk about why the world is getting mad and i don’t succeed to find the way to transform it in something which can make a film. And i think that probably no one can do it, except may be Stanley Kubrick who unfortunately passed away. The reason why is that we’re talking here about something which belongs to the part of the “invisible“ in life and it’s very hard to transmit that in a popular movie. Kubrick did it wonderfully in Eyes Wide Shut, a movie talking about what it really is to be a couple and the invisible link between two people, but he had the chance to have found the perfect story to tell it. 

To come back to Tomorrowland which talk about the future i think that Brad Bird and his co-writers really did the best they could do to transmit this message about the future, and what we must do, even if Tomorrowland is not really a "film message“  in the intellectual meaning of the word. But Brad Bird find also his limits in Tomorrowland and, with all the respect and admiration i can have for his films - i loved all of them - he is not Kubrick and don’t have this ability to reach and transmit a fifth dimension that Kubrick had. That said, Tomorrowland is full of idealism and even innocence and it’s the most charming part of it, with of course the great visuals. I’m curious to see how it will work at the box office and what people will think of it. I think it will be fifty / fifty but that’s not important as i’m sure that you will take great pleasure watching it.

Picture: copyright Disney

Thursday, October 9, 2014

First Teaser Trailer For Brad Bird Tomorrowland !

Disney released a first teaser trailer for Brad Bird Tomorrowland - to be released in 2015 - and if you've read my yesterday's article you know that Tomorrowland tells the story of a "Florida girl who dreams of the future while watching the launchpads of Cape Canaveral being disassembled. She goes exploring them one day and, after landing in a bit of trouble, finds herself in possession of a mysterious pin. Touching it reveals a vision of a place that may not be a different world but simply a better one." In the trailer below, you'll see exactly what happen when she's touching the "Tomorrowland" pin!

The trailer also gives us our first look to this Tomorrowland itself - picture below... which seems to fly at high speed a kind of Rocketeer...

We won't learn more today but the trailer looks definitely promising!

Pictures and video: copyright Disney

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

First Look at Brad Bird Highly Awaited Secret Film "Tomorrowland"

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly we have a first look and learn more about Brad Bird highly awaited and secret film "Tomorrowland":  

 "A Florida girl who dreams of the future while watching the launchpads of Cape Canaveral being disassembled goes exploring one day and, after landing in a bit of trouble, finds herself in possession of a mysterious pin. Touching it reveals a vision of a place that may not be a different world but simply a better one. Then it’s gone—out, out, brief candle!—and the quest to discover the real Tomorrowland begins.

“We begin our movie asking what did [the future] used to be?” Bird says. “What’s good about the future and what’s scary about it? And we wrestle with those things in a slightly mythical way.”

A Florida girl who dreams of the future while watching the launchpads of Cape Canaveral being disassembled goes exploring one day and, after landing in a bit of trouble, finds herself in possession of a mysterious pin. Touching it reveals a vision of a place that may not be a different world but simply a better one. (You can see the concept art above.) Then it’s gone—out, out, brief candle!—and the quest to discover the real Tomorrowland begins.

Go ahead, jump now to EW to learn more HERE

Pictures: copyright Disney

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Will "Before Tomorrowland" Novel Tell Us More About Brad Bird "Tomorrowland" Mysterious Movie ?

Although we know almost nothing about Brad Bird's mysterious movie "Tomorrowland", a book published by Disney Press and called "Before Tomorrowland" will be released April 2015 and might tell us a bit more about the story - or what happened before the movie story. Here is the book synopsis: "In 1939, at the World Expo. A mother and her son are lead into a conspiration which will go over their wildest dreams". I remind you that he them of the New York 1939 -1940 was "The World of Tomorrow".

The official synopsis for the movie - in which will star George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, Britt Robertson and Raffey Cassidy and is directed, produced and co-written by Brad Bird - is: "Bound by a shared destiny, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor jaded by disillusionment embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory as “Tomorrowland.”

Picture: copyright Disney

Sunday, February 16, 2014

News From Brad Bird's Tomorrowland

We've got some news from Brad Bird hyper mega secret film "Tomorrowland" and they're coming from the horse's mouth as it is Georges Clooney himself who answered recently to Reddit "Ask me anything" questions. 

Although Georges Clooney declined to reveal anything about Tomorrowland plot - supposed to be "a sci-fi mystery about two teens who set off to uncover a place in time and space that they both have memories of" - he said that he's pretty much always strapped into a harness: "I'm on set and literally have a harness on right now. I was late, because right before I was hanging from about 30 feet over four different blue screens. So as we’re talking now there are all these wires and contraptions hanging off of me. It’s really, really, really good and Brad Bird is a wonderful director, and a wonderful guy with a wild imagination. And if I don’t screw it up it’ll be a terrific film. Everybody’s really good in it. Anyway, you always have to be careful what you say about these films so I don’t want to sort of ruin it by telling you that everyone dies in the end. Oops, I've said too much."

I don't think that Clooney really meant that everybody will really die at the end of Tomorrowland and it was probably a joke but here is a bit more, also interesting, about the plot - but not from Clooney this time. The official synopsis is, as we know: "Bound by a shared destiny, former boy-genius Frank — jaded by disillusionment — and Casey, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity, embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space known only as Tomorrowland. What they must do there changes the world — and them — forever."

BUT HitFix has an exclusive scoop in the form of a very brief synopsis sent out to help assemble a cast: "A teenage girl, a genius middle-aged man (who was kicked out of Tomorrowland) and a pre-pubescent girl robot attempt to get to and unravel what happened to Tomorrowland, which exists in an alternative dimension, in order to save Earth."

AND HitFix also added: The "Tomorrowland" that they keep referring to in this break-down appears to be a place where science has blown past the world we live in, and when Frank Walker was a young man, he first encountered the promise of Tomorrowland at the 1964 World's Fair. David Nix was there, showing off his own work, and he told Walker to come back when he was older and his inventions actually worked. A girl named Athena saw great promise in 11-year-old Frank, though, and she snuck him into Tomorrowland. Eventually, Frank was discovered by Nix and thrown out, but not before learning that the girl he loved, Athena, was actually a robot.

"By the time we meet Frank in the film, he's much older, and George Clooney is set to play the part. Nix is the role that actor Hugh Laurie is signed for, and by the point the main story of the film kicks in, Nix has been the mayor of Tomorrowland for many years, and he's become rotten, corrupt. Athena, unchanged since Frank was a young man, plays a key role in the film, and the hero is a girl named Casey who has a quick scientific mind that becomes important as the story unfolds. Nix is a guy who values technical accomplishment over creative thinking, and when he throws Frank out of Tomorrowland, he's not alone. Every creative thinker is banished, allowing Nix to focus purely on aesthetics and technical advancement for its own sake.

There's interdimensional travel, human-looking robots, and a quest for revenge on the part of Frank. He is a bitter adult, and the film is not just about Casey's adventure, but also about Frank rediscovering the kid he used to be. It sounds like young Frank actually plays a decent-sized role in the film, so we may see both timelines play out to some extent."

Well, if Hit Fix is right it sounds that Tomorrowland will have a great story, which i'm sure it will have anyway as the movie is in good hands - Brad Bird hands.

Picture: copyright Disney

Friday, November 8, 2013

Brad Bird Awaited "Tomorrowland" Movie Won't be Released Before May 2015

Disney announced yesterday that Star Wars: Episode VII will be released on December 18th, 2015 and today the studio decided to move the awaited Brad Bird's sci-fi film "Tomorrowland" from December 12th, 2014 to May 22nd, 2015, so Disney will be sure to have a big summer blockbuster in place.

I remind you the synopsis of Tomorrowland, written by Damon Lindelof and with George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, and Britt Robertson playing in it: "Bound by a shared destiny, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor jaded by disillusionment embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory as “Tomorrowland.”

Picture: copyright Disney

Friday, December 2, 2011

John Carter of Mars First Trailer !

Disney has released the "first" trailer for John Carter of Mars - now called only "John Carter" - and this one looks really promising! Now i'm much more excited about that movie, the martians looks great, it's visually interesting, the actor playing the hero seems to have the right "energy" for the role....and it's of course directed by Andrew Stanton, a man who know what a good script is - remember Wall-E?

John Carter will be released March 9 in the U.S and in less than three months it will be the second movie to be released which will be directed by former Pixar animators. The first one is the next Mission Impossible released in less than three weeks from now and directed by Brad Bird who did at Pixar The Incredibles and Ratatouille. Bird and Stanton are both extremely talented and it will be interesting to see how good they are in the world of "live motion pictures".

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Monday, September 7, 2009

Venice Film Festival 2009 Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement awarded to John Lasseter and Disney-Pixar Directors

Yesterday was a day of glory for Pixar as the 66th Venice Film Festival 2009 Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement was awarded to John Lasseter and Disney-Pixar directors.

Exceptionally in the history of the Venice Film Festival, the award celebrates not only a single filmmaker, but also the contribution of all the directors of Pixar visionary studio.

The Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement - assigned by the Board of Directors of the Venice Biennale following the proposal from the Festival Director, Marco Müller - was presented to John Lasseter at a special ceremony in the Sala Grande of the Palazzo del Cinema at Venice Lido in the presence of Brad Bird, Pete Docter, Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich.

But everything began with a grand entrance with red carpet and inflatable "Pixar" archs and lot of balloons. On the pictures you will notice Georges Lucas who was there to present the award to John Lasseter and Pixar Film directors.

Why Georges Lucas you ask? Well, it's time to remember that it's him who, a long time ago, created the animation studio which was bought by Steve Jobs and became the incredible Pixar Studio that we know. It is Georges who will present in a few minutes the award to John Lasseter and Pixar directors.

Here are videos shoot on the red carpet. First John Lasseter...

Then Andrew stanton...

Here is Georges Lucas...

Then it was time for some pictures at the photo call...

John also signed some autographs to Pixar fans who were there for this memorable event.

Some of them came with their own painting of Pixar characters.

During the ceremony Georges Lucas did a speech before presenting to John Lasseter and Pixar directors Lee Unkrich, Andrew Stanton,Brad Bird and Pete Docter the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement award. in his speech, Georges said "I think Walt would be very proud that these are the guys carrying on the family business".

John Lasseter declared in his acceptance speech: "Our goal has always been simple: to entertain our audience around the world. That’s something the studio has surely achieved so it’s no surprise that the talented team was chosen to receive this "tremendous honor."

After the Golden Lion award ceremony, it was time for a great screening of a few minutes of Toy Story 3 in 3D! Toy Story and Toy Story 2 also have their world premiere in 3D at the Venice Film Festival. Lucky Venitians!

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All pictures: copyright Getty Images

Video: copyright BiennaleChannel