Showing posts with label Snuggly Duckling Tavern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snuggly Duckling Tavern. Show all posts

Thursday, December 4, 2014

...Or is it Tangled Snuggly Duckling Tavern - and not Mystic Manor ?

Thousands of you have read yesterday's D&M article in which i was wondering if Mystic Manor was envisioned for Shanghaî Disneyland as a building silhouette in the back ground of Fantasyland looked like HKDL beloved ride. Well, although i really thought that it was Mystic Manor i now think that may be it's not the case, and this since a kind D&M reader has posted this comment: "That facility is on the working park plan and is currently under construction, so it's definitely not Mystic Manor. It's most likely 'Tangled Tree Tavern' inspired by the Snuggly Duckling ( which also has a purple onion dome/spire ).

And i think he's right. Let's have a look again at the part of Fantasyland enlarged from the new SDL bird eye view artwork, the mysterious building being on the left in dark blue...

Now, here is some artwork from the movie showing the Snuggly Duckling Tavern, and as you can see, it does have a tower with a dome, a bit like the one of Phantom Manor...

...not to mention that SDL Imagineers could also eventually build the Tangled tower, too.

But how can we be sure that it'll be Snuggly Duckling Tavern and not Mystic Manor? Well, there is a good way to know it and it's to check in the list of all names of SDL rides and restaurants, shops, etc.. leaked on WDW Magic forum one year ago. And what do we find in the Fantasyland list: "Tangled Tree Tavern" ! Bingo. So, yes, i do think now that i - and everyone who thought that it looked like Mystic Manor - was wrong and i think that SDL guests will be able to order drinks and food at the Snuggly Duckling Tavern once the park will open. Which by the way mean that the inside decor will look like this...

...but without having guests to face or fight with the Snuggly Duckling Tavern thugs!

For me, the case is closed, i think that it will be the Tangled Tree Tavern and not Mystic Manor that we'll find at this location. One of the other reason is because i think it will fit better close to the Winnie the Pooh ride and the Hundred Acre Wood, and that the transition will be easier between both than it would be with Mystic Manor. So, HKDL fans who didn't liked the idea to lose their Mystic Manor exclusivity can cool down, as it shouldn't be the case... for now.

Pictures: copyright Disney