Showing posts with label disneyland paris from sketch to reality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disneyland paris from sketch to reality. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2019

Acclaimed Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality Book To Be Released At Last in ENGLISH eBook Edition ! Pre-Order it Now at the Special Price of 14,99€ !

Since YEARS i've been asked if the Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book will be released in ENGLISH eBook edition, either by readers for whom the price of the book printed edition was too high, or by others who already own the book and wanted to have it in digital edition to be able to take the book with them when they visit the park, as the book tell all the story of the making of the park.

Today, i have good news for all of you as the 320 pages Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book will be at last released in eBook edition this April, and you will be able to have the book all the time with you and read it on your mobile, tablet or computer, and inside the park!

This will be the exact same edition than the updated English edition, and, yes, just like the French eBook edition, it will include a selection of 60 best videos about the park, Imagineering, hotels, and more!

And there is one more good reason to order this eBook edition: the pictures have never looked so beautiful, and there is a reason for that: the eBook reproduce the original pictures files exactly as they are, meaning that the pictures look 100% like the originals as you don't have the usual loss or slightly change in colors that usually happen during the printing, as good as the printer can be.

And to celebrate the release of the book in its English digital edition the first 100 people to order it in eBook format can get the book at the price of 14,99 € if it is pre-ordered before May 1st! And there is no shipping fee as it is an eBook edition! Once released, the ebook will be sold on the Apple, Android eBook stores at 29,99€ and on Amazon Kindle at a higher price.

In addition, everyone who will pre-order the book will receive GREAT surprise gifts that you'll get instantly once i receive your payment, a cool way to keep you waiting until the eBook edition will be available next month ( Note that these gifts won't be available when you'll purchase the book on the eBook stores once the eBook will be released ).

You can proceed to the payment only by Paypal or credit card via Paypal even if you don't have a Paypal account. Payment with Paypal must be sent at this email address:

To order the Disneyland Paris book, from Sketch to Reality eBook edition with the special 14,99€ price send me an email to: with your first and last name and please specify to me if you own an Apple or Android device or account.

The book has 320 pages, tells the story of the creation of the park and includes 750 photos including 250 concept-arts from Walt Disney Imagineering! See pictures below and you can also watch the video that presents each page of the book below.

One more thing: This is a book which its printed edition is sold now between $200 and $2000 ( true!) depending of sellers, so don't miss this eBook edition special offer at very reasonable price while it last!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

LAST TWO DAYS to Enjoy The Special Offer on The Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" Book!

The special offer on the acclaimed Disneyland Paris book will end on January 31, meaning that you have only TWO days more to order the book and enjoy the special offer price. Copies of the Disneyland Paris book are still available in its English edition. The French edition is now out of stock but if you're French, and wish to purchase the book in its english edition a PDF file of the full French text of the French edition will be sent to you.

Here is all you need to know to order a copy of the "Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality" book for those who have never seen the book. First, it's a gorgeous 320 pages coffee table book with 750 pictures of the park including 250 WDI artworks, all DLP attraction posters, and dozens more of sumptuous artworks! The text by Disney historian Didier Ghez tell the story of the creation of the park from dozens of interviews of WDI Imagineers who built the park. It's also probably the best gift you can find for a Disney Parks fan - and it is true! Have a look below to the mosaic pictures showing a selection of pages of the book.

To place your order for the DLP book, please send me an email at: with your shipping address. The price during the  special offer is 65€ ( instead of 85€ ) and shipping worldwide is 22€ ( except Belgium and Italy for which it is 29€ ).

As i've said above for French readers a PDF file of the full French text of the French edition will be sent.
Lecteurs Français: Etant donné que l'édition française est épuisée, un fichier du texte complet original en Français sera envoyé aux acheteurs Français ne comprenant pas l'anglais.
Egalement, Il me reste trois exemplaires de l'édition collector française, état neufs, 250€ pièce, si intéressé me contacter à l'adresse email ci-dessus.

Also, each order will receive two surprise gifts - actually there is more than two - and these are GREAT gifts that each DLP fan love!

You can pay with Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. For Paypal payments please send directly the full amount  including shipping ( 87€ worldwide, except for Belgium and Italy for which it is 104€ ) at:  If you wish to pay by credit card and bank transfer, let me know in your email and i'll tell you how to do.

If you've never seen the book before, don't miss the video below showing the full 320 pages of the book!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Last Ten Days to Enjoy The Special Offer on The Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" Book!

The special offer on the acclaimed Disneyland Paris book will end on January 31, meaning that we're now entering the last ten days to enjoy the great special offer. Copies of the Disneyland Paris book are still available in its English edition. The French edition is now out of stock but if you're French, and wish to purchase the book in its english edition a PDF file of the full French text of the French edition will be sent to you.

Here is all you need to know to order a copy of the "Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality" book for those who have never seen the book. First, it's a gorgeous 320 pages coffee table book with 750 pictures of the park including 250 WDI artworks, all DLP attraction posters, and dozens more of sumptuous artworks! The text by Disney historian Didier Ghez tell the story of the creation of the park from dozens of interviews of WDI Imagineers who built the park. It's also probably the best gift you can find for a Disney Parks fan - and it is true! Have a look below to the mosaic pictures showing a selection of pages of the book.

To place your order for the DLP book, please send me an email at: with your shipping address. The price during the  special offer is 65€ ( instead of 85€ ) and shipping worldwide is 22€ ( except Belgium and Italy for which it is 29€ ).

As i've said above for French readers a PDF file of the full French text of the French edition will be sent.
Lecteurs Français: Etant donné que l'édition française est épuisée, un fichier du texte complet original en Français sera envoyé aux acheteurs Français ne comprenant pas l'anglais.
Egalement, Il me reste trois exemplaires de l'édition collector française, état neufs, 250€ pièce, si intéressé me contacter à l'adresse email ci-dessus.

Also, each order will receive two surprise gifts - actually there is more than two - and these are GREAT gifts that each DLP fan love!

You can pay with Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. For Paypal payments please send directly the full amount  including shipping ( 87€ worldwide, except for Belgium and Italy for which it is 104€ ) at:  If you wish to pay by credit card and bank transfer, let me know in your email and i'll tell you how to do.

If you've never seen the book before, don't miss the video below showing the full 320 pages of the book!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Why the Disneyland Paris Book Is So Great, Part Two: Disneyland Paris Aerial Pictures

In the previous article about the Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality book i've shown you the great renderings of the Disneyland Paris that never was which are included in the book. Today, i will show you another type of great documents which you can also find in the book and it is stunning pictures of Disneyland Paris seen from above. And all these pictures were shot by aerial photography master Yann Arthus Bertrand who did the acclaimed "Earth from Above" book. No one is better than Arthus Bertrand for aerial pictures and we were extremely lucky to have pictures from him in the book!

Above, a fantastic view showing Big Thunder at sunset and a part of DLP Frontierland. And below another aerial shot of DLP Big Thunder. A great one as it shows almost all of BTM track!

One of the most gorgeous aerial shot of Disneyland Paris ever done showing the whole Frontierland! Click to enlarge the picture.

On this next shot, the Disneyland Paris railroad is entering Adventureland and passes in front of Indiana Jones Temple du Péril.

Talking about Indiana Jones Temple du Péril here is another picture showing the temple seen from above.

Let's stay in Adventureland with this great aerial picture of Captain Hook's pirate ship and Adventure Isle.

Let's move now to Fantasyland with this beautiful sunrise shot showing the back of Sleeping Beauty castle.

Another fantastic picture showing a big part of Fantasyland with also the Disneyland Paris railroad passing by.

Now, you need to know that all these great aerial pictures that you will find in the book are reproduced on full double pages ( or full page for the vertical shots ) which makes them even more spectacular when you're reading the book as each double page is 31 X 46 cm!

And when we didn't had pictures of Yann Arthus Bertrand, like for instance for Discoveryland, you'll find spectacular pictures like this one showing the Nautilus and Space Mountain, also reproduced in the book on a double page.

However Yann Arthus Bertrand also did aerial shots above DLP hotels and came back with some great ones like the one below showing the Newport Bay hotel which is reproduced on a double page in the chapter about DLP Hotels and Disney Village.

By the way, whether it is an aerial shot or not, each time a picture deserved to be on a double page you'll find it in the book. A good example is this next one, a stunning night shot showing the Main Street Electrical Parade in front of Sleeping Beauty castle.

So, you see, in addition to the 250 WDI renderings and the 750 hundred of others great pictures of the park, and the great text from Didier telling all the story of the making of the park, the Disneyland Paris book has even more to offer than you might have thought. All the pictures you've seen above are of course include in the Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book, and if you don't own the book yet, you now understand why it is such a great book.

I have just a few copies of Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" available and you still can enjoy the Christmas Special Offer on its English edition, so make sure to order a copy if you don't own it yet, as it is the last ones! The French edition is totally out of stock but if you're french, and wish to purchase the book in its english edition i will send you a PDF file of the full French text of the French edition.

To place your order for the DLP book, please send me an email at: with your shipping address. The price during the Christmas special offer is 65€ ( instead of 85€ ) and shipping worldwide is 22€ ( except Belgium and Italy for which it is 29€ ).

For French readers a PDF file of the full French text of the French edition will be sent.
Lecteurs Français: Etant donné que l'édition française est épuisée, un fichier du texte complet original en Français sera envoyé aux acheteurs Français ne comprenant pas l'anglais.

Also, each order will receive two GREAT surprise gifts!

You can pay with Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. For Paypal payments please send directly the full amount  including shipping ( 87€ worldwide, except for Belgium and Italy for which it is 104€ ) at:  If you wish to pay by credit card and bank transfer, let me know in your email and i'll tell you how to do.

If you've never seen the book before, don't miss the video below showing the full 320 pages of the book!

Pictures: copyright Yann Arthus Bertrand

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Why the Disneyland Paris Book Is So Great - Part One : The Disneyland Paris That Never Was

The acclaimed Disneyland Paris book "From Sketch to reality" has still a Christmas special offer running until January on the last English copies and , as i realized that a lot of people who don't own the book yet has never seen it, here is a two part article to let you know why the book is so great.

As co-author of Disneyland Paris: From Sketch to Reality, I had access to thousands of images and concept paintings from the Imagineering. The book include 500 pictures of the park and 250 WDI renderings, all showing lands, rides, park shops and restaurants which WERE built at DLP, but what you may not know if you don't own the book yet is that it also include pictures of what WAS NOT built but envisioned by DLP Imagineers, in two words the "Disneyland Paris that never was". In this first article, I will tell you more about a less known angle of the book – and a very interesting one – the part of it which talks about the Disneyland Paris wasn’t built. And I think you’ll find that many of these ideas were really good and should have been built!

In the first image above – that you will find in the book’s first chapter – you’ll see a “winter” version concept showing the Fantasia Gardens, in front of the Disneyland Paris hotel located at the entrance of the park. Disneyland Paris imagineers have drawn a small frozen lake on which guests could have ice-skated.

On the next image below – done by Disney legend Collin Campbell – you’ll see Imagineer Eddie Sotto’s design of the 1920′s Main Street concept. In this version, Main Street would have had an elevated tramway and the train station would have looked just like the one in the movie “Hello Dolly!”. The Emporium was to be behind the elevated train station so exiting guests would be let out into the upper floor of the store and trickle down. The Gas Station was to be where the Firehouse is currently located. And the reason why a Service Station was put into the project was because in the 1920′s the transition from horse-drawn streetcar to automobile had already been made and the automobile had won.

A year after Michael Eisner had declined this 1920′s design, he said to Eddie Sotto that he should have done the 1920′s idea anyway because it would have been understood better in Europe. But, by then it was unfortunately too late…

The painting below was created by Nina Rae Vaughn. Behind The Town Square East block of buildings, Eddie had envisioned a private restaurant for the sponsors of the park. This idea was first pioneered with Club 33 at Disneyland and this one had a secret entrance underneath the railroad station that would lead to a hidden terminal, and in that terminal there would have been an American-style streamlined locomotive train complete with dining cars, inspired by the famous “20th Century Limited”. Imagineers thought this could be the most unique private restaurant in Europe.

Disneyland Paris’ Sleeping Beauty Castle is acclaimed as one – if not THE – most beautiful castle of all Disney Magic Kingdoms, but did you know that others concepts were also envisioned? In the first one below, a remarkable Herb Ryman painting on which you’ll also see the elevated tramway on the right. Herb had designed a DLP castle close to the original one at Disneyland…

…On this next rendering by Tim Delaney you’ll see a very different castle concept, a futuristic one!

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril is a great DLP Adventureland roller coaster ride with an Indy theme, but some of the scenes envisioned by WDI Imagineers were unfortunately cancelled, like the great one below in which the train would have entered a tunnel through the mouth of a giant stone head!

Talking about this Indy temple, another rendering that you will find in the book, reveals that DLP Imagineers had envisioned not one but TWO temples, with two different coaster tracks. Look closer at the artwork below and you’ll see the second temple in the back.

In Fantasyland, Alice’s Curious Labyrinth is a Disneyland Paris exclusive, and guests must find their way through the maze to reach the Queen of Hearts castle. In which they can climb to the upper floor and have a unique view of DLP Fantasyland. But, what was also envisioned was to have a slide for young kids to go back to the “ground floor”, and children would have exited the slide by going through the mouth of the Queen of Hearts! Actually, the slide – without the head of the Queen of Hearts – was built and was operational for a few months after opening before being permanently closed because children were hurting themselves at the bottom of the slide.

DLP Discoveryland as well had others concepts than the one currently built. On this next artwork, you’ll see a very different Tomorrowland entrance than the one which currently exists.

But, of all the Discoveryland concepts that never were, the most spectacular would have been Discovery Mountain, a unique new version of Space Mountain! On the first artwork below you’ll see a great Tim Delaney painting showing Discovery Mountain at night. The transparent tube on the left would have been a direct access tunnel from Videopolis. If you visit DLP, you can still see on the upper floor of Videopolis, giant circular windows which are the same ones through which the transparent tubes would have linked Videopolis to Discovery Mountain.

Inside Discovery Mountain, guests would have found not only a unique Space Mountain ride but also the Nautilus submarine floating in a lagoon with a restaurant inside Captain Nemo’s Grand Salon, access to Star Tours, former Cinemagique attractions and also a “Journey to the Center of the Earth” attraction. The Journey to the Center of the Earth attraction would have been totally different than the one built at Tokyo Disney Sea. In fact, it was the first free fall ride designed by WDI, before the Tower of Terror concept! All of Discovery Mountain would have been a giant tribute to Jules Verne.

So, you see, in addition to hundreds of gorgeous pictures of the park, as well as WDI artwork and a great text, telling all the story of the making of the park, the Disneyland Paris book has even more to offer than you might have thought. All the renderings you've seen above are of course include in the Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book, and if you don't own the book yet, you now understand why it is such a great book, as it not only tells you the story of the making of what actually exist in the park but also shows never seen before concepts of the DLP "that never was".

Copies of Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" with the Christmas Special Offer are still available in its English edition, so make sure to order a copy if you don't own it yet, as it is the last ones! The French edition is totally out of stock but if you're french, and wish to purchase the book in its english edition i will send you a PDF file of the full French text of the French edition.

To place your order for the DLP book, please send me an email at: with your shipping address. The price during the Christmas special offer is 65€ ( instead of 85€ ) and shipping worldwide is 22€ ( except Belgium and Italy for which it is 29€ ).

For French readers a PDF file of the full French text of the French edition will be sent.
Lecteurs Français: Etant donné que l'édition française est épuisée, un fichier du texte complet original en Français sera envoyé aux acheteurs Français ne comprenant pas l'anglais.

Also, each order will receive two GREAT surprise gifts!

You can pay with Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. For Paypal payments please send directly the full amount  including shipping ( 87€ worldwide, except for Belgium and Italy for which it is 104€ ) at:  If you wish to pay by credit card and bank transfer, let me know in your email and i'll tell you how to do.

If you've never seen the book before, don't miss the video below showing the full 320 pages of the book!

Artwork: copyright Disney

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Don't Miss the Christmas Special Offer on the Acclaimed Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" Book!

Copies of the acclaimed Disneyland Paris book "From Sketch to Reality" with the Christmas Special Offer are still available in its English edition! The French edition is totally out of stock but if you're french, and wish to purchase the book in its english edition i will send you a PDF file of the full French text of the French edition.

Here is all you need to know to order a copy of the "Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality" book if you wish to offer it for Christmas. First, it's a 320 pages book with 750 pictures of the park including 250 WDI artworks! It's also probably the best Christmas gift you can find for a Disney Parks fan - and it is true! Have a look below to the mosaic pictures showing a selection of pages of the book.

To place your order for the DLP book, please send me an email at: with your shipping address. The price during the Christmas special offer is 65€ ( instead of 85€ ) and shipping worldwide is 22€ ( except Belgium and Italy for which it is 29€ ).

For French readers a PDF file of the full French text of the French edition will be sent.
Lecteurs Français: Etant donné que l'édition française est épuisée, un fichier du texte complet original en Français sera envoyé aux acheteurs Français ne comprenant pas l'anglais.

Also, each order will receive two GREAT surprise gifts!

You can pay with Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. For Paypal payments please send directly the full amount  including shipping ( 87€ worldwide, except for Belgium and Italy for which it is 104€ ) at:  If you wish to pay by credit card and bank transfer, let me know in your email and i'll tell you how to do.

If you've never seen the book before, don't miss the video below showing the full 320 pages of the book!

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Special Offer for the great "Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality" book English Edition is Ending Soon !

Folks, i'm sorry to say that the Special Offer for the English Edition of the great Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book running since the end of March will end on June 30, meaning that you have just two more weeks to enjoy the 60€ price ( instead of 85€ ) is you wish to order this gorgeous 320 pages book while available! Usually the Special Offer includes a great additional surprise gift, but this new special offer will include TWO great surprise gifts - and believe me, you'll be VERY happy to get them! The book includes 750 pictures of the park, including 250 gorgeous renderings of Walt Disney Imagineering and stunning pictures of the park seen from above. You'll hardly find a better gift for a Disneyland Paris fan so don't miss it as it is the last copies of the book which will not be reprinted!

This Special Offer is for the English updated edition ONLY and the English edition is at 60€ / $65 ( instead of 85€ ) . The shipping worldwide is 22€ ( $24 ). Shipping takes 3-4 days for France, 10-15 days to European countries, 2 to 3 weeks for countries outside Europe.

Special note to buyers with a shipping address in Italy or Belgium : For shipments to Belgium or Italy, the shipping cost is 29 €.

To place your order please send me an email to:

Important Note: I answer to ALL emails so if you don't receive an answer to your email, please check in your spam box in case it would be blocked there.

You can pay with Paypal by sending the full amount - including shipping - by Paypal to: or use the Paypal button below.

If you do NOT have a Paypal account you can pay by credit card, or bank transfer, just send me an email about it at: and i will let you know how to do.

Although you've probably heard about this beautiful book, many of you may have never seen a copy of it. So we've done a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book! The book is so big that it took us seven and a half minutes to show you the full book, and that's without stopping turning each pages! So, if you want to have a closer look at a page don't hesitate to stop the video!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Disneyland Paris Update: DLP 25th Anniversary Latest News !

Hello everyone, here is the latest news from the 25th anniversary coming to Disneyland Paris which starts on March 26, 2017. As usual thanks to Max, D&M contributor and DLPWelcome webmaster. Also, make sure to dont' miss the end of the article as i have a news for those of you who are looking for the Disneyland Paris book but can't put the 100€ for the final French collector's edition copies.

Back to DLP 25th Anniversary and the news of the day is the release on social networks by Disneyland Paris of Concept-Arts of the Frozen float for the new parade « Disney Stars On Parade ». The float puts in scene the heroes of the film in structures imitating wood, but also the gears of the machinery, reminding the steampunk style of the Parade.

The « Disney Stars on Parade » has also many other floats already known in Disney parks which arrive for Disneyland Paris. Indeed, we'll find a unit of the evil Dragon from the « Festival of Fantasy Parade », just as the Lion King / Jungle Book float as well as Peter Pan from the old parade « Jubilation! ». Of course, theming adjustments have been made for the new parade.

Thus, the new parade will have 8 units:
1. Discover the Magic (La Fée Clochette, Mickey et ses amis /Tinker Bell, Mickey and his friends)
2. Discover Friendship (Toy Story)
3. Discover Adventure (Simba, Nala, Baloo et Mowgli)
4. Discover Imagination (Capitaine Crochet et Peter Pan /Captain Hook and Peter Pan )
5. Discover A New World (Le monde de Némo et de Dory /Nemo and Dory)
6. Discover Enchantment (Prince Philippe, les 3 fées et le Dragon de Maléfique /Prince Philippe, the 3 fairies and the evil Dragon)
7. Discover Romance (Princes et Princesses Disney /Disney Princes and Princesses)
8. Discover Wonder (La Reine des Neiges /Frozen)

In other news, we can discover the future decoration of DLP 25th anniversary, partly based on the one for the 60 years of Disneyland Resort in California in its color code. Main Street Station will be decorated with, in its centre, a « magical medallion » (a screen), which shows a « 25 », or the Sleeping Beauty Castle.

Discover the news Web video series of Disneyland Paris, My Sparkling 25!

At the Disneyland Park, the Castle Stage is undergoing many works to welcome TWO new shows for the 25th anniversary of Disneyland Paris !

Today, Disneyland Paris unveiled the new 25th Anniversary costumes of Mickey and Minnie Mouse!

Max will be back soon with a new DLP update but in the meantime the Disneyland Paris book "From Sketch to Reality" is still available in English regular edition. For the FRENCH Collector's edition only 50 copies are still available, and when this collector's edition will be out of stock, it will NOT be reprinted as it was a limited edition.

FRENCH readers who want the collector's edition with a 45% discount and are ready to accept a not totally perfect copy, make sure to read below after the Paypal buttons!

The price for an english copy is 78 euros and the price for each copy of the remaining 50 copies of the French edition is 100 euros ( which was the original price of this limited collector's edition ). Shipping worldwide per copy is 19€ ( except Belgium or Italy for which it is 25€ ) and you can pay by Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. Just  send me an email at:  to place your order with your shipping address. The Paypal payments can be send at the same email address:

Below, the video showing each of the 320 pages of the book!

Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality is truly a gorgeous book that late WDI Imagineer described as "the best book ever done on a Disney theme park in the last 50 years". It's an awesome gift for any Disney parks fan, so don't miss it while it is still available, and it won't last long!

Below, Paypal buttons for the English or French edition, make sure to choose the right one! The 19€ for worldwide shipping are included in the total amount before the Paypal payment.

Paypal button for the ENGLISH edition:

DLP Book ENGLISH Edition

Paypal button for the FRENCH edition:

Now a note in French for D&M French readers:
Je met en vente une vingtaine d’exemplaires au prix de 55€ qui sont tous en excellent état intérieurement mais qui présentent un défaut, généralement sur un coin de la couverture, du à un choc durant le transport depuis l’imprimeur. En deux mots, c’est des exemplaires qui sont en excellent état intérieurement et sont mème toujours sous film, mais la couverture est légèrement abimée - ou “compressée” - à un endroit. Il est mème probable qu’après avoir défilmé le livre en poussant en sens inverse sur le coin compressé il soit possible dans certains cas de le remettre en place. Néanmoins comme ces exemplaires ne sont pas 100% parfaits on fait 45% de réduction dessus, afin de permettre également aux personnes qui ne peuvent pas mettre 100€ de pouvoir acquérir le livre quand mème, à condition de ne pas chercher un livre 100% parfait. Mais les exemplaires du livre, encore une fois, ne sont pas abimés dans les page sintéieures, donc disons que c'est des exemplaires à 98% en bon état ( et pas "d'occasion" car ils n'ont jamais été lus et pour certains mème pas défilés ). Voir photos ci-dessous montrant le type de dommage sur la couverture du livre ou la jaquette située au-dessus ( le numéro sur la photo est juste là pour identifier chaque exemplaire ).

Ceux qui sont intéressés doivent m'envoyer un email à: et je vous enverrais des photos montrant la partie endommagée pour chaque ex pour que vous choisissiez celui que vous préférez.

Le prix est de 55€ par ex + 19€ de frais d'envois ( 29€ pour la Belgique ) que vous pouvez régler par Paypal, carte bancaire ou virement bancaire. Me dire dans votre email le mode de règlement préféré et si vous habitez en France ou en Belgique, ou ailleurs.

Pictures: copyright DLP Welcome, Disney and more