Showing posts with label john lasseter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label john lasseter. Show all posts

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Disney Release Charming Jungle Cruise Book Including Audio CD With Narration by Former Skipper John Lasseter !

Disney Parks released the "Jungle Cruise" book for children - in the same series than the previous "Pirates of Caribbean" book which was excellent - and it includes a CD with narration by John Lasseter who, i remind you, was a Jungle Cruise skipper a long time ago. The Jungle Cruise Skippers have been contributing material to the attraction's spiel, and they have contributed for a big part to the attraction success.

Here is the official presentation with above and below some pictures of the book illustrated by Edwin Madrid:

"Enjoy the pun-omenal jokes written by the Walt Disney Imagineers and the Jungle Cruise skippers from the world-famous Jungle Cruise attraction. Guests board a boat and travel with a witty and experienced skipper to exotic rivers of the world, and leave smiling with memories of their vibrant voyage.

In this book, Erwin Madrid's original illustrations accompany the jokes of the classic attraction, and together they steer readers deeper and deeper into lush lands filled with adventures, animals, and laughs. The included CD, featuring narration by John Lasseter, invites people to relive the rollicking journey or experience the magic for the very first time as they read."

It definitely looks like a charming book and personally i will order it anytime soon, specially considering that it cost on Amazon only $13.68 and even $12.04 in "new condition".  Thanks to use the link below as it'll also bring some support to D&M!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Fall of John Lasseter? Hell, no!

Until now John Lasseter was one of the luckiest man in the world. Beloved by Disney and Pixar fans for his contribution to animation and all the great PIXAR classics, Principal Creative Advisor for Walt Disney Imagineering, and recipient of so many awards and honors that i've stopped to count them - he's probably not far to have received as many awards as did his hero Walt Disney.

But today, the list of famous people in trouble because of past sexual harassment or wrong behavior with their employees seems to never end. Yesterday it was the turn of famous interviewer Charlie Rose and today the unthinkable is happening as John Lasseter announced he's on leave after report of misconduct and apologizes "for making some employees feel disrespected and uncomfortable". Let's try to understand what really happened and start by the memo that was sent by John Lasseter to Pixar employees, and then i have more to say after it. The Hollywood Reporter article who posted Lasseter memo is HERE.

John Lasseter memo to PIXAR employees:

"I have always wanted our animation studios to be places where creators can explore their vision with the support and collaboration of other gifted animators and storytellers. This kind of creative culture takes constant vigilance to maintain. It’s built on trust and respect, and it becomes fragile if any members of the team don’t feel valued. As a leader, it’s my responsibility to ensure that doesn’t happen; and I now believe I have been falling short in this regard.

I’ve recently had a number of difficult conversations that have been very painful for me. It’s never easy to face your missteps, but it’s the only way to learn from them. As a result, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the leader I am today compared to the mentor, advocate and champion I want to be. It’s been brought to my attention that I have made some of you feel disrespected or uncomfortable. That was never my intent. Collectively, you mean the world to me, and I deeply apologize if I have let you down. I especially want to apologize to anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of an unwanted hug or any other gesture they felt crossed the line in any way, shape, or form. No matter how benign my intent, everyone has the right to set their own boundaries and have them respected.

In my conversations with Disney, we are united in our commitment to always treat any concerns you have with the seriousness they deserve, and to address them in an appropriate manner. We also share a desire to reinforce the vibrant, respectful culture that has been the foundation of our studios’ success since the beginning. And we agree the first step in that direction is for me to take some time away to reflect on how to move forward from here. As hard as it is for me to step away from a job I am so passionate about and a team I hold in the highest regard, not just as artists but as people, I know it’s the best thing for all of us right now. My hope is that a six-month sabbatical will give me the opportunity to start taking better care of myself, to recharge and be inspired, and ultimately return with the insight and perspective I need to be the leader you deserve.

I’m immensely proud of this team, and I know you will continue to wow the world in my absence. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to working together again in the new year.


Disney also posted a statement regarding John Lasseter:

"We are committed to maintaining an environment in which all employees are respected and empowered to do their best work. We appreciate John’s candor and sincere apology and fully support his sabbatical."

The Hollywood Reporter is adding in another article that "one longtime Pixar employee says Lasseter, who is well-known for hugging employees and others in the entertainment community, was also known by insiders for "grabbing, kissing, making comments about physical attributes." Multiple sources say Lasseter is known to drink heavily at company social events such as premiere parties, but this source says the behavior was not always confined to such settings."

Okay. Now, did John Lasseter behaved badly with women? According to the facts reported by The Hollywood Reporter, and even according to Lasseter himself, yes he did. And he's of course right to apologize and to leave Pixar for a few months to think about all this. But, wait a minute, as we live in a world where people react so emotionally and are always fast to make a judgment on  what is reported and mix everything with other things that did not happen, let's say it clearly: as far as we know at the time i write this article John Lasseter did not raped anyone, he didn't walked naked around Pixar Studios and he didn't forced any Pixar employee to any sexual acts. It doesn't mean that what Lasseter did is nothing, it just mean that he's been "grabbing, kissing, making comments about physical attributes" - and that's all he did. "That's all" doesn't mean of course that it's not reprehensible. But does it mean that Lasseter deserves to have his career at Pixar ended and his public image destroyed because of what he did? My opinion is no, it doesn't. It certainly deserves a strong explanation and apologies from Lasseter to the women who were embarrassed by  John behavior, but to go up to the point he must be fired from Pixar looks a bit exagerrated to me, simply because it is forgetting all the rest - the good side of John Lasseter and what he brought to Animation during the last thirty years. In two words, if you want to judge John Lasseter, as long as there is no real crime - and there is is not here - judge him with everything that makes him John Lasseter and not only the small part of him belonging to the "dark side of the force".

But there is more that i want to add: as famous French philosopher Pierre Bourdieu once said: " There is no power, there is only abuse of power". What happen to Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein prove that Bourdieu is right. One month ago Weinstein was one of the most powerful men in Hollywood and in less than a month he lost all is power and is now virtually nothing. That said, what John Lasseter is blamed for looks minor in comparison of what Weinstein did and if Weinstein fully deserved to fall i think that it would be really unfair to put John Lasseter in the same bag. In my opinion, what's happening currently to all of these men accused of sexual harassment or inappropriate attitude towards women, what they're paying for, is for some moments, as short as they were, during which they did "abuse of power".

Now, remember the famous book titled "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"?  Well, it couldn't be more right, men are from Mars indeed, and Mars is an energy which rules the force, sexual power, animality, and - as it was the God of war in ancient mythologies - it also rules agressive behavior. It doesn't justify, of course, that men abuse of this power to assault women and i'll be the first to applaud all these women who have the courage to come out to say the truth about what happened to them, but i'm just asking for a fair judgment here and to don't put a gentle tap on the ass or a hug a bit too warm - as inappropriate as they can be - in the same bag than a rape or a sexual attack. In two words, i ask everyone to keep his common sense and to don't see suddenly John Lasseter as a creep or a monster because it wouldn't have any sense, and it's not the case here. John may have to take some sabbatical months to think about his past behavior, but does he deserves to "fall" for this? Hell, no!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bob Iger Wants a Disney's Frozen Musical Show

Bob Iger is very proud of Frozen and the tremendous success for Walt Disney Animation. So far Frozen has grossed $669M and it hasn't opened yet in China and Japan where for sure it will be too very successful. As Iger says in a Fortune interview "Frozen has restored our mojo", and certainly the one of WDA.

Now, we already know this rumor saying that a Frozen ride will replace Epcot Norway's pavilion attraction "Maelstrom" anytime soon, but now we learn that Disney also wants to create a Broadway musical with Frozen. With all the songs included in Frozen and its great script there is for sure a great musical to create out of Frozen and Bob Iger confirms in Fortune that Disney is in discussions to develop a show, though there is no set time frame. "We're not demanding speed" says Iger, "We're demanding excellence".

So, you might have to wait a bit before a Broadway Premiere but my feeling is that a show will come sooner or later. After all when you see decors like the one above showing the Ice Palace it sure will make a nice musical set, wouldn't it? The only question is: will the temperature of the theatre itself be "frozen"?  :-)

You can read the full Fortune article HERE.

Picture: copyright Disney

Saturday, August 10, 2013

D23 Expo : Disney Archives Exhibit, John Lasseter, Bob Iger welcome videos, and more

D23 released a series of B-Roll videos for medias here is a selection! In this first one Steven Clark introduces the D23 Expo.

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John Lasseter love the D23 Expo and he tells you why!

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Bob Iger welcome, Phineas and Ferb, and D23 fans.

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This next video shows the exterior and the installation of D23 Expo.

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The last video below will show you the Disney Archives exhibit!

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Videos: copyright Disney

Photo: copyright Andy Castro - Dateline Disneyland

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cars Land Shops Artwork

Disney Parks has released three renderings showing the shops in the upcoming and highly awaited Cars Land. Above, the concept-art for the Radiator Springs Curios shop where you will find "must-haves pins and Vinylmation themed to all things “Cars,” or antenna toppers, window clings, license plate frames and magnets".

Below the artwork for the Ramone’s House of Body Art: "The Champion Custom Speed Shop collection is sure to meet your need for speed with signature pin-stripe style and laid-back look which appears on a variety of shirts for work and play, hats and accessory items."

Last but not least, the barracks of Sarge’s Surplus Hut where you’ll find "a broad selection of offerings featuring Lightning McQueen, Tow Mater and other classic “Cars” characters."

Meanwhile they did something pretty funny at DCA, i.e they've buried in Buena Vista Plaza a time capsule containing items specific to the park which will be opened by Disneyland Resort cast members only in 2037. They did this to mark the construction of Buena Vista Street and as you will see on the video there will be lot of goodies inside the time capsule for the DLR cast members in 2037!

Artwork and video: copyright Disney

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Disney launch new Cars Land site - High-Res WDI Artwork

Cars Land will open this summer at Disney's California Adventure and Disney launched a new Cars Land site yesterday. You won't learn or see anything more than what you already know but, even if we already know them, the site provide some Cars Land artwork in big size and in better quality than ever, so click on each pic below to see them in big size!

Among them, the Cars Land map and bird eye view of the land...

A great night view of Radiators Springs main street...

Mater's Junkyard Jamboree....

Luigi's Flying Tires

Radiators Springs Racer...

There is also a short video with interesting shots on the Cars Land model...

All this looks great and i think you should put in your bookmarks this new Cars Land site as more pictures will probably appear on it in a near future!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cars Land Update : John Lasseter Tests Luigi's Flying Tires

After the Mater Junkyard Jamboree ride video posted recently, Disney has posted today another video this time showing the Luigi Flying Tires ride with no one else than John Lasseter testing it!

As you know, the ride is inspired by the technology of the famous Disneyland Flying Saucers who had so many problems in the 1960's. I've been confirmed that this time it should work fine, and it looks working fine on the video below!

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Monday, December 5, 2011

HKDL Toy Story Land : The "Perfect" Shots

We're back at HKDL Toy Story Land today with a new series of official pictures recently released, and if i call them "the perfect shots" it's because some of them are not only beautiful pictures of the new land but also were shot on amazing angles that only HKDL can do, like having a camera at the top of R.C Racer half pipe coaster. Those shot with a wide angle lens are also pretty useful to locate where is what at TSL.

Pictures are listed below in order of appearance of each thing/ride when you enter the land. Don't hesitate to click on each to see them in larger size, and enjoy the tour!

Don't miss the new HKDL Wallpapers HD App for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch!
Direct iTunes link HERE!

Toy Story Land Pictures: copyright Disney - HKDL