Showing posts with label shanghai disneyland aerial video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shanghai disneyland aerial video. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

New 19 Minutes Drone Video Over Shanghaî Disneyland

We've got a great new SDL video showing Shanghaî Disneyland from above and also from the ground. It comes from Youtuber esperal L and as you'll see, at three weeks from SDL official opening, drones don't hide themselves anymore and fly at sunrise or sunset over the park as this Chinese video was shot during daytime with not too many people in the park but plenty in Disneytown nearby or around. It's also one of the best we've got so far, and could even have been THE best one if the editing didn't included some bad transitions shot effects. Anyway, enjoy the flight!

Bonus with these night shots of Shanghaî Disneyland showing Voyage to the Crystal Grotto, Peter Pan's Flight, Alice in Wonderland Maze...

...and TRON Lightcycles Power Run canopy - yes, its night lighting can change colors!

See you soon for a new D&M update!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Shanghaî Disneyland Week-End Update : At Last, The Perfect Aerial Video !

Here we go for the D&M Shanghaî Disneyland week-end update and I've got an awesome aerial video for you, posted by Youtuber D.Ryan Newark. Don't know if he is the one who filmed it but whoever did it we need to thank him or them as we've got at last a perfect aerial "crystal clear" video with accurate colors - although a slightly bit saturated. And this time you'll see areas of the park not visible in others videos, like Adventure Isle. The video would have been a bit slowdown it would have been 100% perfect, but it was obviously filmed in 4K and that's probably why the footage has such a quality.

As you'll see in the video, rides are in test mode, elephants of the Dumbo ride are flying and the rafts of Roaring Rapids go down the rapids! Nuff' said, here is the video!

With a video as good as that no need to say that i did fantastic HD screen captures for you - don't hesitate to click on each to see them in larger size!  All screen caps are in order of the scenes in the video.

At last, some aerial footage over Adventure Isle and Roaring Rapids! The land behind it that you'll see on the second picture below is the land kept for SDL second park, to be build in ten years or so if everything works well with the first one.

Behind Roaring Rapids, the show buildings for the Tarzan show ( left ) and Soarin' Over the Horizon ( right ).

A closer look at Treasure Cove.

There's something really interesting in this new SDL video and it is - in addition of these stunning views of the park - the areas where there is ...nothing! For instance, on the picture below the land behind Adventure Isle, in the background, is where will be built the second park. But there is something else interesting on this picture, and it is the land which is on the right of Adventure Isle, between Aventure Isle and the lake on the first picture below or on the top of the second picture. There is a huge piece of land there, probably as big as Adventure Isle which mean enough space to build a "medium size land". You'll note that the ground seems even ready for construction. In fact it's a bit more complicated. Until recently dozens of workers houses were there, and now they've removed almost all of them. Meaning that if the land looks cleared it's in fact because the workers houses which were on it are now gone and not necessarily that they've prepared the land for a future park addition coming soon. And it won't be necessarily a new land as i remember a hotel was envisioned to be built there... That said, the day they'll want to build anything on this land, the ground will be ready.

And that's it for this Shanghaî Disneyland week-end update! I'm sure you're joining me to thanks whoever filmed this video for its quality, and i'll meet you next week for a new SDL update!