Showing posts with label space mountain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space mountain. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2017

Disneyland Paris Update: Soft-Opening Starts at Hyperspace Mountain as the Ride Gets Ready for its Official Opening on May 7 !

Hello everyone, today we'll have a new Disneyland Paris update, always thanks to Max, D&M contributor and DLPWelcome webmaster. And this new update is all about the Hyperspace Mountain soft-opening that happened last week-end, but a very strange one as no visual effects were working and riders had to agree that the ride will happen in total blackness! I suspect they did this both to test the new trains and to train Space Mountain cast-members to precisely these new trains, and may be also to keep the exclusivity of the discovery of Hyperspace Mountain for guest of the Star Wars evenings on May 5 and 6.  Anyway, the soft-opening happened and Hyperspace Mountain will start for real on May 7, i..e in two days from now but thanks to the Star Wars evenings today and tomorrow we may have ride videos before it actually officially open!

Inside, the terrible posters of the planets disappeared to make room for posters with the spaceships of the Star Wars universe. Minimalist changes, partly because of the layout of the building.

During the Soft Opening, guests also discovered a new «Space Mountain : Mission 2» video presentation of security measures. This new presentation is much better than the previous one with a true Steampunck atmosphere and Visual effects that works. The fact that it is a "Mission 2" video probably also shows that Hyperspace Mountain is temporary.

Here’s a first look at the new decor of the boarding room, with Star Wars colors on the new banners for «Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission».

The new Vekoma trains, the "MK-1212", were of course the reason for our coming to this soft-opening. What can we say? The seat is better, the on-board audio system is latest generation and promises an amazing sound. New harnesses make us forget the head who was previously knocking like a punching ball. The ride now happen smoothly. Some may find the new harness system not comfortable for breathing, but to avoid this make sure when you move in to don't tighten the harness up upon you at its maximum, you will be very well hold on your seat anyway. One thing is sure, the experience is much better with these new trains. About the trains theming, Max think it’s perfect, inspired by Jules Verne and the land steampunk theme, all present. Even the colors of the trains who can surprise because they don't match the ones on Space Mountain dome, but it's quickly forgotten between the Columbia cannon icon on the harness, the Sun design from the Cannon and all others designs reminding the style of the land. In resume, the new trains and the quality of the experience is superior to the previous trains. The use of this Vekoma MK-1212 train should be widespread on all these types of Vekoma coaster in others Disney parks in the world.

nHyperspace Mountain will open officially in Discoveryland on May 7 but the first launches with all effects are awaited for tonight and Saturday, so stay tuned to D&M for more about this and first videos!

Pictures: copyright DLPWelcome, Disney

Friday, April 7, 2017

Legendary Imagineer George McGinnis, Creator of Beloved Epcot Attraction "Horizons", Dies at 87

Today is a very sad day as legendary Imagineer George McGinnis passed away at 87. George was the kindest man you can imagined, and very humble too. George McGinnis who was the last Imagineer personally hired by Walt Disney in 1966, found himself right away in design meetings with Walt and for the next three decades, George contributed to such high-profile projects as the new monorails, Epcot's Horizons - the most beloved of all extinct attractions - and two Space Mountains.

On the picture above, Glenn Durflinger (left), who led the team of architects producing construction drawings, and George McGinnis, Space Mountain concept designer, review the final Space Port concept model. 

Working alongside Disney luminaries like Marty Sklar, Bob Gurr, and John Hench, George brought his unique background as an industrial designer to the creation of the Mark V and Mark VI monorails, and much of Disneyland and Walt Disney World's Space Mountains. His concept art, often begun on the back of napkins, influenced the final look of many theme park attractions.

This Space Mountain sketch by George McGinnis was apparently a design effort when it was still believed there could be exposed track on the exterior.

But George's heart and soul went into one of the most beloved attraction unfortunately no longer in existence: Epcot Horizons. As the manager of Disney's Industrial Design Department, responsible not just for Horizons but for other Epcot attractions, Horizons has always been for George one of his favorite creations and Disney fans consider it as Epcot's golden age. Here is a great video of Horizons full ride with a restored footage.

Horizons POV Ride Through Restored Video - EPCOT Center - 1990 from RetroWDW on Vimeo.

Here is more about George career at WDI: Industrial designer, George McGinnis began his career at Walt Disney Imagineering in 1966. His senior project at the Art Center College of Design, a working model of a futuristic high-speed train, attracted the attention of Walt Disney. George was invited to Imagineering by Walt, who showed him the WEDway PeopleMover system in development. Walt proceeded to introduce George to Dick Irvine, President of Imagineering, who invited George to become an Imagineer.

George’s first assignment was to design miniature transportation models for the Progress City display for the Carousel of Progress attraction that opened at Disneyland in July 1967. He was also responsible for concept design of both the Mighty Microscope for the Disneyland attraction Adventure Through Inner Space and the Saturn-style “winged rocket with boosters” for Disneyland’s Tomorrowland Rocket Jets (1967).

 George McGinnis' sketch based on a rendering of the first concept for the Space Port shows a delta-wing shuttle preparing to launch. The concept changed due to track revisions.

Upside-down astronauts work on the Interplanetary Explorer ship in the Space Port of Walt Disney World's Space Mountain. Note the Krylon-cap shaped nozzles on the ship's ion engines. Sketch by George McGinnis.

From 1967 to 1971, George designed WEDway PeopleMover trains and parking lot shuttle vehicles for Walt Disney World. In 1971, he became a show designer, involved with such major projects as Space Mountain for both Walt Disney World (1975) and Disneyland (1977). A year later, in 1978, he worked on the concept designs for the robots in Disney’s The Black Hole motion picture.

Above: An Horizons elevation sketch by George McGinnis' showing the design for placing scenes from Mesa Verde and Sea Castle back-to-back within the Horizons building.

In 1979, George became manager of Industrial Design for Epcot and later project show designer for the Horizons Pavilion. In addition, he also designed SMRT-1 and the Astuter Computer Revue for the Communicore Pavilion. From 1983 to 1987, George designed the Mark V monorail train for Disneyland, which debuted in 1987. Following that, George contributed design ideas for the Magic Kingdom attraction Delta Dreamflight/Take Flight, designed the Walt Disney World Mark VI monorail, and designed tram vehicles for the Disney-MGM Studios Backlot Tour.

Above: Another elevation drawing by George McGinnis. The final concept package delivered to Architecture in October 1975 included this Space Mountain Space Port elevation. Note the Control Room near the entrance and the projection room and projection surface on the right.

Between 1990 and 1995, George brought his skills as a show designer to several projects for Disney theme parks around the world: boat vehicles for Splash Mountain at Tokyo Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom, Indiana Jones Adventure ride vehicles for Disneyland, the Space Mountain ride vehicle concept for Disneyland Paris, river boats, safari vehicles, and a “steam” locomotive and cars for Disney’s Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World. Since retiring from Imagineering in 1995, George has continued to work for Disney as a consultant on the Rocket Rod concept vehicle for Tomorrowland, river rafts for Animal Kingdom, and California Adventure.

In addition to his post-retirement work for Disney, George designed trolley cars for real estate developer Rick Caruso. Both trolleys are popular attractions at The Grove and the Americana, two of Caruso’s upscale residential/shopping communities in California.

Last year, George McGinnis memories was released by Theme Park Press. Titled "From Horizons to Space Mountain: The Life of a Disney Imagineer", it is George McGinnis autobiography, and i strongly recommend it to you, this book will be a joy to everyone who values authentic design. George shares tales and details—all in the most thorough manner—through his revealing text and illustrations. And to those who wish to pursue Imagineering, in fact, any significant creative career, this will be your guiding treasure.

The book is published by Theme Park Press and you can find it on Amazon in printed edition for $19.95 or in Kindle ebook format for $6.94 only!

In this book George writes in detail of his Imagineering work, his interactions with Walt and many of the company's Imagineers, engineers, and artists, and his career after Disney, which included the design of trolleys for billionaire real estate developer Rick Caruso's upscale California communities. Disney Legend Bob Gurr also did the Preface of the book that you can read below:

"George McGinnis. Let me tell you about George. I never met a designer that exasperated me as much as George. What I did not realize until decades later was that what set my hair on fire at the time was the very characteristic George had that made him probably Walt Disney Imagineering’s finest industrial designer of all time.

No person I ever worked with stuck to his guns over getting every last detail completely correct, staying true to the design requests given to him. He’d show me every single detail and explain why it was so important. As the manufacturing design guy for his projects, I was ready to roll forward while he was continuing to refine his designs. His main boss, Dick Irvine, would exclaim,”George, you’re glossing the goose!”

An example. The WDW 20,000 Leagues submarine was patterned after the dramatic and fantastical Jules Verne-style submarine. George was going to make sure “his” submarine would truly reflect the Verne concept. It’s just a ride vehicle to me, but not to George! He added a most elegant brass helm and fancy wheel, totally unneeded on a ride. Irvine said no, and I grabbed the parts and confiscated them to my home. I still have them today … my personal monument to George’s unyielding honor to “just do it right”.

And doing it right is what George unfailingly pursued during his entire career with Disney, his work on Rick Caruso’s trolleys and beyond. When I visit Glendale’s Americana today, I still stop to admire George’s fantastical, beautiful (and correct) trolley, another wonderful monument to his superb design integrity."

In tribute to George McGinnis I will post this week-end a great article about Epcot Horizons,  and in the meantime do not miss too George McGinnis articles about DL and WDW Space Mountain posted on Mouse Planet in 2005 HERE, and HERE and from where some of the sketches posted above are coming.

Pictures: copyright George McGinnis, Disney

Text: copyright Theme Park Press

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Disneyland Paris Space Mountain : Is a "Version 3" Star Wars Themed in the Works ?

One more news about Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary as, according to ED92, a Space Mountain version 3 is in the works for Disneyland Paris Discoveryland with a Star Wars version, and should open for DLP 25th Anniversary, along with Star Tours 2. Below the translation of ED92 post which, as long as not officially confirmed, must be of course treated as a rumor, even if ED92 is generally well informed.You'll find also the french version of the post on ED92 Facebook post HERE:

"Some months ago, several Imagineers of Walt Disney Imagineering came to Disneyland Paris to perform some tests on Space Mountain: Mission 2, exploring the possibilities offered by its latest long renovation.
The program would include the very famous Star Wars music in the trains and projections of an epic battle between X-Wings and Tie Fighter.
You understand now, the famous « Space Mountain Version 3" we were talking about since a long time now arrive and will be dedicated to Star Wars!
As usual your adventure will begin with the help of the Columbiad cannon, which this time would not send you to an anonymous galaxy where a star becomes a supernova. This time it will catapult you into the most famous of all open confrontation between the Resistance and the First Order with, as a finale, an exploding Star Destroyer before returning to Earth at light speed.
Note that this new "mission" would arrive in March 2017 along with the new trains for the 25th anniversary of Disneyland Paris and should be a permanent dressing like his "clones" at Disneyland in California, Walt Disney World in Florida and Hong Kong Disneyland.
But DLP specificity, we'll have the opportunity to have a much better quality video, our Mountain having much larger screens than its counterparts.
It would not be the only attraction to host the Star Wars license next year as Star Tours 2 is also scheduled to open for the 25th Anniversary… "

Picture: copyright Disney

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Disneyland Paris Update! : Discoveryland Space Mountain and Nautilus Re-Open After Six Months of Renovation

It's been a long time since i've posted my last Disneyland Paris update but i'm back on Disney and more as you know, and so are the DLP updates thanks to Max, D&M contributor and DLP Welcome webmaster. Space Mountain and the Nautilus re-open today after six months of renovation and in the part two that i will post on Monday we'll have also a look at others areas in the park which are in refurb or just reopened too.

But first, i remind you that i do a Special Summer Offer on the Disneyland Paris book until August 15 and it's the best offer ever! Not only you can order a book copy in its ENGLISH or FRENCH EDITION at 60€ ( + 15€ shipping worldwide ) but for the first time you can have a signed copy for the same price, 60€ instead of 90€ which was the regular price for a signed copy! The copy will be signed by me at your name or another name of your choice if you wish to offer the book to anyone you love. You can order the book easily by sending me an email at:
and specify if you want an english or french edition.

You can use the Paypal button below if you wish and you have  a video showing you the whole book at the end of this article. If you don't have a Paypal account you can pay by credit card or bank transfer.

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality - Include shipping

O-Kay, there we go for the latest news. Disneyland Paris celebrates Space Mountain 20th Anniversary and after a renovation and technical refurb during 6 months, since January 12, the shareholders members and fan websites were invited to rediscover the attraction and attend a conference in celebration of these 20 years.

Yes, it's already 20 years since Disneyland Paris beloved attraction opened and we can tell you that the technical renovations will help to give to DLP guests an amazing journey beyond the stars. Truth be told it's a long time since we've seen the attraction with so much special effects. With time and wear, some had been lost but after six months of renovation all works great and big surprise, all projectors have been changed for better HD visual effects. In addition, some projections have been updated (such as the SuperNova effect) with a better contrast to make it more visible and bring out the details.

Apart the projections, the decors lighting is all operational and Space Mountain is now fully equipped with LED lights. Audio embedded is still the same, no change there. The ride is also the same ( Mission 2 version  ) and the trains haven’t been changed yet and won’t be before 2017. The cannon smoke effect is back as well as the window opening on its side but the cannon still don’t go backwards at the moment of the launch. And i wouldn't bet it will work again even after the second rehab in 2017 as it has always been the effect on which they had a lot of problems and maintenance.

Some Changes are visible right from the ride entrance. The « Space Mountain Mission 2″ sign was restored and decorated, a new « single rider » line was added near the normal entrance and the single rider queue passes under the Columbiad cannon before going up to the mezzanine and then go down to the loading station.

DLP Nautilus also reopen today and legendary Nautilus specialist and Imagineer Tom Scherman would be proud to see his beloved submarine in such good condition, always "floating" in Discoveryland lagoon.

As i told you an event was organized for the reopening and although i couldn't attend the eventMax was there and here is "collectible" credential.

They also give a highly collectible Space Mountain brochure telling the full story of the ride! It would be a good idea if the park merchandise could release it in the park for everyone...

Then it was time for DLP Imagineer Laurent Cayuela who told the story of the ride in the Discoveryland theater, and Max has the full video of it. Plenty of original renderings ( which are all in my DLP book ) were shown and Laurent even talked about the Discovery Mountain project BUT the whole video is mostly in french only, except around 31 min during a video clip.

As you know it's nay Space Mountain and the Nautilus which have been renovated but Videopolis too and the Hyperion looks nicer than ever.

While we are in Discoveryland we'll have a look at the Jedi Training Academy which started recently, to the joy of all the young padawans facing Darth Vader and Stormtroopers. The decor built inside Videopolis is quite impressive but i still think the room is too big for a show which is more an happening than a real sophisticated show. But children love it, which is the most important.

Nearby at the Discoveryland Theater DLP guests can now enjoy a preview of Ant-Man.

Nothing else in the pre-show room except a countdown, they've been a bit cheap on this one, they could have put at least some TV Monitors with behind the scenes of the filming, for instance...

Don't miss the part two of this DLP update on Monday and in the meantime i remind you the Special Summer Offer on the Disneyland Paris book until August 15 and it's the best offer ever! Not only you can order a book copy in its ENGLISH or FRENCH EDITION at 60€ ( + 15€ shipping worldwide ) but for the first time you can have a signed copy for the same price, 60€ instead of 90€ which was the regular price for a signed copy! The copy will be signed by me at your name or another name of your choice if you wish to offer the book to anyone you love. You can order the book easily by sending me an email at:
and specify if you want an english or french edition.

As the Euro is literally crashing since months it also mean that the book is now at its best price ever for our American friends as 60€ currently equals $68 only! It really is the best time ever to order the book as you save money thanks to the special offer AND you save money too thanks to the Euro / $US change rate!
To order your copy with this special offer just send me an email at: and specify if you want an english or french edition. Paypal, bank transfer or credit card payment are accepted.

Don't miss this special offer, and a GREAT surprise gift also comes in addition for all buyers! Watch the video below presenting the full book!

You can use the Paypal button below if you have a Paypal account or want to pay by credit card.

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality - Include shipping

Pictures: copyright Max Fan - DLP Welcome