Showing posts with label splash mountain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label splash mountain. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Loss of Innocence

This video of WDW Splash Mountain1992 Grand Opening was uploaded on Youtube in 2010 but Mice Chat member Evanator posted it some days ago on the Mice Chat forum with this title "Did this actually happen?" and he added: "this video seems a little over the top...". Frankly, when you look at this grand opening from our present time i can understand that someone asks this question, but in the meantime the question itself reveals what has changed between 1992 and 2011.

After all, all the enthusiasm of this ceremony, even the fact they put dancers up to the top of Splash Mountain is fun and sympathetic, isn't it? So what has changed and make this grand opening looking "over the top"? Well, it's the innocence that you can feel when you look - i should say "feel" - at the cast, and even the whole thing. Back in 1992 they were not afraid to be over the top or even a bit cheesy, the quality of energy with which it was done was more important than anything else. Sure, the whole ceremony looks a bit "over the top" but in our pessimistic days so much innocence seems to come almost from another century, if not from another planet.

Since 1992, Sept 11, two wars, the increase of corporate cynicism, politicians irresponsibility and the big trouble that we all know in the economy transformed radically our society. So, for sure, our time have less innocence and the reality is more violent. That's the price to pay for greed and foolishness: the loss of innocence. It's a tragedy, really.

Back in 1969 the U.S.A were stuck in another war, the Vietnam war. At that time legendary John Lennon and Yoko Ono did a famous "bed-in" during a week against the Vietnam war. During that week they've stay in bed and received anyone who wanted to discuss with them. It became one of the most famous 1960's events/happenings and today Yoko Ono decided to put online the rare documentary directed by Nick Knowland, only released a long time ago in VHS. It will be online only until August 21 and Yoko Ono said that "There are things in that movie who can be useful to today's activist". She added "We were so naive John and I at that time that we thought that we could change the world only by giving interviews while we were in a bed in front of cameras! Remember that a war can be over if we want it, it all depends of us. John would have been happy to say this". I've embedded it below, and for those of you who would like to download this piece of history, i remind you that you can do it thanks to the latest version of Real Player.

These videos also give me a chance to repeat what i've said before, i.e that the Time Machine already exist, so no need to look for it in the future, it's already there, and it is movies. The great thing with cinema, when you look at any film at least twenty years old is that you can go back at the time it was shot. Of course it's even more obvious when you look at early last century movies but just take a 1960's movie and look at it without any ego to be able to get "inside" the film, in "fusion" with it if i can say, and you have no idea how you will travel back in time. So, it's time for you to travel back to 1992 at this Splash Mountain grand opening and in the 1960's with John Lennon and Yoko Ono!

Video: copyright Disney and Lennon-Ono

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is Splash Mountain back in the game for DLP's 20th Anniversary attraction ?

A very interesting - and intriguing - news was posted two days ago on Europa Park press web site. For those of you who've never been at Europa Park, it's Germany biggest theme park and the park have a great theming. The park was open long before Disneyland Paris and belong to MACK, the ride manufacturer. On a certain point of view Europa Park is a huge MACH show-room. And that's why this press release is so interesting. Here it is:

"On Friday, 28 August 2009, Al Weiss, responsible for the operative business of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts worldwide with more than 100,000 employees, visited Europa-Park together with Philippe Gas (CEO Euro Disney), Georges Kalogridis (Chief Operative Officer) as well as Andrew de Csilléry (Vice President Strategic Planning) for an exchange of experience. (see picture above)

The guests were especially enthusiastic about the outstanding quality and detailed theming of the 13 European themed areas and about the park´s four hotels. Together with Europa-Park´s managing partner Roland Mack and his sons Michael and Thomas, who are also in the management of Germany´s biggest theme park, the four were able to discover the park´s fantastic offers for the whole family. Especially the new “blue fire Megacoaster”, which was realised by the manufacturing company MACK Rides, thrilled Al Weiss and his colleagues."

Now, all the question is: why Disney top executives like Al Weiss (3rd from the right on the picture) and Philippe Gas (Euro Disney CEO and 3rd from the left on the picture) took the time to come to Europa Park, which is not far from Paris, but a long trip from L.A? Obviously they were not there only to enjoy the good rides of the park. May be the second part of the press release give us a clue:

"For many years, MACK Rides has been delivering rides to Disney theme parks all over the world. Especially the water rides at Europa-Park attracted the interest of the guests, who want to expand the range of water attractions in their company. For Roland Mack, who will be the first German to become Chairman of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) in 2011, the meeting was a good opportunity to discuss the future of the industry with international experts. For the managers of the Disney group it was very interesting to get to know the theme park industry from a successful family company´s point of view. "

Now this press release become really interesting. Why? First, as we know, Disneyland Paris is always waiting for a Splash Mountain. Two, i've been told by good sources that DLP's management really would love to add this beloved attraction to the park - and as we can see Philippe Gas DLP CEO was part of the trip. And three, DLP and Europa Park share one similar problem for water " rides with an outside splash: the long cold and wet weather between November and April. Except that Mack succeed to design a supersplash ride that can be ride even during winter time as you can control the amount of wetness. There can be a huge splash but the riders will not get wet at all. Or only a little bit. Exactly what DLP needs if they finally decide to build Splash Mountain.

Mack is maufacturing many kind of rides and may be one that could be perfect for the future WDS Ratatouille attraction. But it's not me but the press release who says that "Especially the water rides at Europa-Park attracted the interest of the guests, who want to expand the range of water attractions in their company". Of course Disney can have a water ride project that we've never heard about or this "water rides interest" could be for the future Village Nature water park, but considering that DLP's Magic Kingdom really need a big water ride, i think we can put again Splash Mountain in the list of possible future attractions. Although Ratatouille is supposed to be "the" 20th anniversary attraction, may be, finally, the game is not ended yet.

Thanks to leave a comment or discuss this article on D&M english forum on Mice Chat

Press release text and picture: copyright Europa Park

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Disneyland's Splash Mountain celebrates its 20th Anniversary

It's Disneyland 54th Birthday today, but it's also Splash Mountain 20th Anniversary! This Tony Baxter attraction opened officially on July 17, 1989 and was at the time it was built one of the most expensive projects created by Walt Disney Imagineering - $75 million.

Disneyland guests loved it from the first day and other versions were built in WDW and TDL - but unfortunately not at DLP.

To celebrate this 20th anniversary i wish i'll have more things, but at least the picture above is a real nice one, a beautiful high-res picture of the attraction. Enjoy it!

Picture: copyright Disney