Showing posts with label universal studios korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label universal studios korea. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2012

Universal Studios South Korea Almost Confirmed

After one in Osaka, Japan, one in Singapore, and one eventually coming in Moscow, it seems that Universal will soon begin the works on their project of Universal Studios Korea - South Korea of course. According to the latest news a bill for government funding is going to be presented in the South Korea congress and apparently they are hopeful that it will pass.

Many different artwork was released since the announcement of the project five years ago but some elements remain the same.

On the artwork on the top and on the closer shot below we can see the entrance (top center) and that the park should have a N.Y city streets land (top center right) - you can even see a statue of liberty - a Revenge of the Mummy ride (on the left, where you can see a giant Pharaoh head), a Waterworld show (bottom left), a whole Jurassic Park land (bottom center), and a big coaster partly going over the center lagoon on which you can see 360 degrees floating projection globes. Although these are recent concept-arts, there is no doubt that the design will have some changes and improvements before the park open, an opening schedule apparently for 2016 although some are saying that Universal would be pleased to open the park before Disney open Shanghai Disneyland.

On the older artwork below, most of the elements described above are already there but with another big "dueling" coaster on the right of the Revenge of the Mummy building. Note that i wouldn't be surprised if it was not part of the final park as Universal realized in Singapore that Asian people were a bit too impressed when they see the Battlestar Galactica coaster and don't ride it that much.

About hotels, it's also interesting to notice the Venetian resort, located just outside the park as you will see on the artworks below, as well as another hotel (with a red roof) and what seems to be a City Walk dining and night entertainment area. The area on the right, behind the venetian resort, on the other side of the main road, might be a water park.

While we talk about Universal Studios some news about the Harry Potter Wizarding World coming to Universal Studios Japan. According to Screamscape HERE and quoting an article HERE "Universal Studios Japan will increase the theme park’s footprint by one fifth (to build the Potter land)" and "the new Wizarding World will feature several attractions, including a school for wizards as well as a recreation of Hogsmeade Village". If it's well done the "school for wizards" might be fun!

Artwork: copyright Universal Studios

Monday, July 26, 2010

Asia: The Theme Parks battle is about to begin !

I went back from vacation last friday, and as usual i had a choice of magazines when i entered in the plane. So, i choose the last issue of TIME magazine and also another one called ASIA News. And the big surprise was on the front cover not only with Mickey and Schrek, but also the title: "The Battle of Theme Parks"!

Incredible, i thought. I'm going back home and theme parks news are "falling from the sky" before i even asked for them! In this long and interesting special report ASIA News reporters details the theme park battle which is about to begin in Asia. Well, as a matter of fact it already began with the new Universal Studios Singapore but in the next years South Korea should have three new theme parks from Paramount, Universal and MGM, China is awaiting Shanghaî Disneyland, India will have a Bollywood theme park, etc....

So, below, you'll find the full ASIA News report, starting with the first article called "Mickey vs Schrek". Just click on each page to get them on bigger scale, the reading will be more comfortable.

The next article in this interesting special report is about Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDL financial results are not fantastic yet but it's a bit logical as the first of HKDL new attractions will open only in 2011 with Toy Story Land.

Next article is avout Universal Singapore and a interesting list of all the upcoming theme parks in Asia and South East Asia. Strangely, they forgot Shanghaî Disneyland but perhaps it is because the final opening date is not officially announced yet.

One thing is sure: in the next five years theme parks development in Asia is going to be huge. And it'll be very interesting to see who will win the battle which is about to begin!

All pages: copyright Asia News

Sunday, February 28, 2010

After Singapore, where will be built the next Universal Studios ?

When Universal Studios Singapore will finally open - and so far they're talking about March 10 for a soft-opening of the park - what will be the next destination for a future Universal Studios theme park? Well, as we've seen in a previous article they do have a project in South Korea (concept-art above). But recently i was told that although some of the people who worked on Universal Singapore are contracted to do one more Universal Theme Park in Asia, the one announced for South Korea might not be the one...

Ho-Ho, i thought, what could that mean? I couldn't have more details but i started to think if there was a good reason that the South Korea project might not be Universal Studios future destination. Now, before i go further, please note that next paragraphs are pure personal thoughts, nothing that is written below must be taken as official or even the truth because it's not - or may be it will be, time will tell.

The first thing which is interesting to note is that Universal Studios Korea opening date was scheduled for 2014. And so, you ask? Well, 2014 is also the scheduled opening date for Shanghaî Disneyland! And, considering that South Korea is so close to China AND Shanghaî AND that Universal know that Shanghaî Disneyland opening will be one of 2014 major events they might think it won't be a good idea to open a new theme park that same year, especially one that will be at only two hours flight from Shanghaî. In two words, knowing the Disney marketing machine - and that Shanghai Disneyland will include many elements to please a Chinese/Asian audience - the timing might not be the best to open a Universal Studios in South Korea. If this info that next Universal Studios in Asia will not be in South Korea is right, then this could be a good reason. Another good reason could be the two others theme parks projects that Paramount and MGM are planning to build in South Korea...

But if South Korea is not Universal next destination in Asia, then where will it be? We know that Universal have parks in Japan and now in Singapore. Singapore being close to other south-east Asian countries like Thailand, Cambodgia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines we can't expect a park in these countries. Dubaî and Beîjîng projects have been cancelled, and with Disney having two parks in China's other major cities i won't bet that next Universal Studios will be in China. Although we must not forget that Universal is not afraid to compete with Disney at the same location. Whether it's in California or in Florida Universal Studios are only a few miles away from Disney we can't totally exclude that Universal might build a park in Shanghaî. But i have to admit it's hard to believe that it will happen.

If we consider that Shanghaî won't be the next location, where else in Asia could Universal build a new theme park? And why not in India! I remind you one of my previous articles revealing that Disney is looking over India for a future Magic Kingdom. Sure, it's not for now, but with a population of more than one billion it's understandable that any major company look in direction of India. And i must say that if Universal's strategy was to open their next theme park in India it could be pretty smart. Why? Because Disney is stuck in China at least for the next eight to ten years. They must fix HKDL attendance problem - which hopefully they will do thanks to the new attractions - they have this big park coming in Shanghaî, and dealing with Chinese administration is not that easy. While Disney is stuck in China they won't go in another major project, especially in India. So, it might be the right time for Universal to look over the Indian market. For sure there is a lot of poor people in India who might not afford a trip to a Universal Studios but the middle class is growing quickly and in four-five years from now India will be an even more powerful country, economically speaking.

And where would you build a theme park in India if you had the power to do so? Well, Mumbaî (Bombay) could be the right place. Why? First, Mumbai is India's largest city, is considered the financial capital of the country and serves as the economic hub of India. I don't know (unfortunately) India and i might be wrong but i have the feeling that Mumbai is, of all Indian cities, probably the closest to some occidental cities. AND, important point, Mumbai is the home of the famous Bollywood movies studios, the largest film producer in India and one of the largest in the world if not the largest. What place could be better for a theme park movie studio? Young Indians are aware of all major American blockbusters and it will be probably easier to deal with India's administration than with China's officials. They already have six amusement parks in Mumbai - including one called "Fantasy Land" ! - but nothing as sophisticated as a Universal Studios. Not to forget that Mumbai is at three hours flight from the Emirates rich customers. Frankly, if i was Universal, i will build a Universal studios in Mumbai, the perfect city to enter the Indian market while Disney can't do it. New Delhi could be another possibility but i have a better feeling with Mumbai as the right place for a theme park themed on movies.

If India was not "the" choice, where could they open a new Universal Studios? In Asia, there is only one other place and it's not even really in Asia: Australia. I could see a Universal Studios in Sydney. It's not too close to China or Japan which will help to avoid Disney competition, but the 20M Australian might not be enough, economically speaking, even if we include New Zealanders.

Talking about other countries Disneyland Paris has been incredibly lucky that Universal executives finally changed their plans and never built in the 1990's a Universal Studios in Melun, a town located at 30 miles from DLP. From what i've been told it was DLP financial difficulties which made them change their plans, but what they've never understood is that DLP Magic Kingdom has been successful from day one. It's DLP hotels which were the problem, back in the 1990's - but not anymore. Thanks to Universal misunderstanding Disneyland Paris never had a dangerous competitor a few miles away from the resort - but never say never as it's still time for Universal to change their minds once again and build a park in France if they want to do so.

Anyway, to come back to Asia, remember that all this was pure personal thoughts and as Universal have a full-time Staff, certainly not as big as Walt Disney Imagineering but with guys who knows how to build a good theme park, there is still a good chance that they will use them for the Korean Project. Time will tell if my vision was right or not, which, by the way, is not really the problem.

Artwork: copyright Universal Studios

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Universal Studios Singapore finally open for " sneak-preview " Sunday Feb 14th !

Edited: After your reading of this article, don't miss the new Grand exclusive report on Universal Singapore with 45 panoramic pictures showing you the whole park! It's HERE.

Universal Studios Singapore will finally open Sunday, Feb 14th, but only for a "sneak-preview"! In theme park world there was "Grand Openings" or "soft-openings", thanks to Universal there is now the "sneak preview" days! In addition to this the Resorts World Sentosa Casino is opening also on Sunday Feb 14th. Frankly, they've found a smart answer to the problem: how to open a theme park not totally operational during Asia biggest holiday when we need people in a casino which is ready for opening?

So, this sneak preview will be every night from Feb 14 to 21 and the park will open from 5pm to 9pm. Good news: admission will be $10 only and with a same-value dining voucher! I tell you more below about what happened this week, but first, the official press release.

Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore’s First Integrated Resort Casino opens 14 Feb 2010; Celebrates with Universal Studios Singapore Previews

Singapore, 11 Feb 2010 - Singapore’s first Integrated Resort (IR), Resorts World Sentosa (RWS), will begin the first day of the Tiger year with the soft-opening of its casino and a preview opportunity to stroll through the amazing environments at Universal Studios Singapore and enjoy the specially themed dining and shopping venues that will complement the incredible attractions, rides and shows that soon will be revealed.

The casino, the Resort’s much-anticipated attraction, will have its first play at an auspicious hour with a private ceremony and welcome its first public guest at 12.18 pm. A day of festivities at the Integrated Resort has been planned to mark the red-letter day, including the debut of its public attraction, Lake of Dreams, and evening previews at its Universal Studios theme park.

The casino opening is part of the initial phased opening of Singapore’s first IR that began on 20 Jan 2010 with the opening of its four hotels: Crockfords Tower; Hotel Michael; Festive Hotel; and Hard Rock Hotel Singapore. Its shopping and dining promenade, FestiveWalk, soft-opened on 30 Jan 2010.

Chairman of Resorts World Sentosa and the Genting Group, Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay said: “In less than three years since the time we broke ground and commenced construction for Resorts World Sentosa, we have taken our vision from drawing board to reality. This is a significant milestone in Singapore’s business history. We promised to deliver a true Integrated Resort, and we have not deviated from that.”

Chief Executive Officer of Resorts World Sentosa, Mr. Tan Hee Teck said: “We know a lot of Singaporeans are looking forward to the opening of both our major elements, the casino and Universal Studios Singapore. We are ready to soft-open the casino but are still fine-tuning the rides and shows in the theme park, which are still on schedule to open in the first quarter of 2010. However, since its Chinese New Year, we decided to offer Singaporeans a week long preview of Universal Studios Singapore with a special and unique first-to-see walk-through opportunity. The theme park’s unique restaurants and shopping venues will be open for guests, although rides and shows will not be operational. However, we are confident that the park’s design, vistas and photo opportunities will truly excite and impress guests and motivate them for return visits when fully operational.”

“We celebrate the New Year with the people of Singapore and are thrilled to provide a sneak peek of Universal Studios Singapore during this festive holiday period,” said Tom Williams, Chairman and CEO, Universal Parks & Resorts. “It’s an exciting time for all of us and a great opportunity to share a glimpse of the action, thrills and adventure that Universal will bring to the region.”

For sneak peek week, Universal Studios Singapore will open from 5pm to 9pm every night from 14 Feb to 21 Feb. Admission will be by $10 tickets, rebated by a same-value dining voucher. Sale of the tickets starts from 11:18am Friday, 12 Feb 2010. Guests can visit the box office at the Universal Studios Singapore front gate to purchase tickets for another day (there will be no same day ticket sales available).
Following the sneak peek week, Universal Studios Singapore will open on 22 Feb 2010 to Resorts World Sentosa, Genting, and Universal employees followed by limited audiences of staff families, charities and invited guests. It expects to welcome its first public guests in early March.

Casino Levy
Singapore citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents can start buying the casino levy at the similar time of 11.18 am on Friday, 12 Feb 2010. The levy can be bought from counters outside the Resorts World™ Sentosa casino and online at Details of the tours, levy terms and conditions will be posted online from Friday. Enquiries can be made at or 6577 8888/99.

(end of press release)

So, what happened during this crazy week at Universal Singapore? Well, until yesterday no opening date was announced, not even sneak preview days but Universal Singapore teams worked all days long to fix the technical problems they have on some attractions and to finish all the usuals security tests.

Everything was done to have the park ready to open this week-end - which is Chinese New Year week-end, the biggest holiday of the year in all Asia. I told you last time that some attractions were not fully operational but at least two attractions are definitely not ready for an opening this month. Universal Singapore informed their staff that the Lights, Camera, Action special effects show located in the New York area probably won't be operational before the end of March and the big Madagascar flume ride may not be ready before April. And all the week other USS teams worked on the Jurassic Park ride to make sure it will be fully operational next week-end. If they were small "A" Ticket rides it won't be a problem, but unfortunately the three of them are very good attractions, kind of "D+" or "E" Ticket rides so let's hope they will be operational as soon as possible.

Although USS teams are doing absolutely all their best to have all rides working and safe as soon as possible but even during the park sneak preview days some of the rides won't be operational, as they say in the press release. Nobody is to blame in all this as what happen at Universal Singapore happen for any theme park in the world, and specially theme parks with sophisticated rides. The more sophisticated a ride is, the more difficult it is to have everything working fine. And you know how reality is, so you'll understand that there is no reason that everything works fine at the first push on the button.

If someone must be blame, it would be the guy who choose Feb 14th as the date of 2010 Chinese New Year (there is no "guy" to blame as Chinese New Year happen at the second new moon of the year). If there was not this Chinese New Year next week-end everybody at USS would be probably more relax right now. But there is so much money spent during this holiday that i can understand that Universal Singapore considered a Feb 14th opening as a priority, even in sneak preview mode.

Universal top executives who arrived at the park this week to have a better idea of the situation finally did the right choice or at least the only choice acceptable for the guests security, i.e to have a "sneak preview" of the park with not all rides operational and they'll do a Grand Opening celebration later when all USS 18 attractions will be ready to welcome the guests.

And Don't miss the new great exclusive report on Universal Singapore with 45 panoramic pictures where you will see the whole park! It's HERE.

Thanks to leave a comment or discuss this article on D&M english forum on Mice Chat

Pictures: copyright Universal Studios - Resorts World sentosa

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Universal Studios Singapore set for an opening February 3rd ?

Universal Studios Singapore will be the only major theme park to open this year and here is the latest news about it. My last info about the opening date say that the park should open "most likely" before Chinese New Year which is on February 14th.

BUT another source working on the park says that the park may be in soft opening next Thursday. January 28th could be the "family day" i.e the day when employees who built the park can bring their family as well as special guests. The grand opening date is yet not official but the same source says that Universal Studios Singapore official opening is scheduled for February 3rd.

Before i go further, here is a special and urgent request: If you are a Disney and more reader living in Singapore, and owner of a good digital camera, please contact me by email at: as i am looking for a photographer to shoot pictures of the park's opening. Any help from my Singaporian readers will be appreciated!

So, nothing is better than a good video and the next two from Channel News Asia will show you the park - still under construction and with attractions in test mode - but that's better than nothing.

No Universal Studios without the giant turning globe at the entrance of the park and there is one too at Universal Singapore - already turning as you will see on this next short video.

Universal Singapore will also have the Jurassic Park ride but this time it won't be a flume ride but a raft ride! Want a proof? Have a look at the video below showing the raft itself during a test.

And a last good news to end the article: Once the park in Singapore will be open, works will begin soon on the next Universal Studios park. And where will it be, you ask? In South Korea, and here is the rendering.

Universal Studios Korea will be build in Hwaseong Green City and is scheduled for a 2013 opening. The park will include 9 different themed lands, including one focused on both Korean and International movie industry, thrill rides, a water park, shopping malls including a premium outlet mall, hotels, condos, a city walk, golf links and a convention center. And i remind you that in 2011 the spectacular Transformers ride using the same technology than the Spiderman ride at IOA will open at Singapore.

One last question: will the opening of these two new Universal Studios in Asia hurt Hong Kong Disneyland? Considering that one of them is opening now, probably. Frankly, HKDL didn't need that. Although works on HKDL expansion already began, the park will not have new attractions before next year. And at two hours flight (more or less) from Hong Kong a brand new park with rides based on Hollywood most successful movies will be open. So, yes, Universal Singapore opening will most likely have an effect on HKDL. It's not that i wish it, it's just pure logic.

Pictures: copyright Universal Studios

Many thanks to the different people for the You Tube videos

Friday, May 22, 2009

Universal Studios and Paramount will open two theme parks in South Korea !

South Koreans are lucky people as in 2011 and 2013 Paramount and Universal Studios will open new theme parks in the country!

The first one - picture above - will be a Paramount Park in 2011. Located in Songdo International City and spanning across more than 120 acres, Paramount Movie Park Korea will feature more than 30 attractions and several thrill rides based on Titanic, Mission Impossible, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and other movies hits from the studio.

They're also talking about an Indiana Jones attraction but it feels strange to me that they can do it in a non-Disney theme park. However, as Indiana Jones movies were from Paramount, everything is possible. Aspects of Korean entertainment and pop culture will be also incorporated into the park's attractions.
Always in this Paramount Park guests will find a waterpark, and a themed 4-stars resort hotel.

You will note on the picture on the top the Titanic ship and the mountain in the center... this a reminiscence from a visit to Tokyo Disney Sea and what they could have learn out of it?

Universal Studios Korea will open two years later in 2013 in the Hwaseong Green City and the park will include 9 different theme areas, including one focused on both the Korean and International movie industry. Plenty of thrill rides of course - we can expect the most famous one such as those based on Spider-Man, King Kong, and Jurassic Park, and also a water park, shopping malls including a premium outlet mall, hotels, and a "city walk" and a convention center. The park should be three times the size of Universal Studios Hollywood or Orlando, and six times the size of Universal Studios-Osaka!

If you remember an old Disney and more article, MGM also had a theme park project in South korea. Thinkwell company is designing it, and here are three renderings to show you more: the entrance, Hollywood way , and above, a bird's eye view.

The press release described it two years ago as "a world-class theme park, entertainment retail complex and resort hotel. Not a traditional ride park, MGM Studio Park will be an innovative new experience theme park, will consist of unique themed attractions, innovative rides, experiences, original shows & spectaculars and a brand new kind of movie attraction for an all-day experience."

"Hollywood Way, the entertainment retail complex connected to the entrance of MGM Studio Park, is a fantasy backlot come alive with amazing retail, exclusive dining and one-of-a kind MGM branded experiences, nightlife, entertainment and more."

Supposed to open near Incheon Airport first in 2010 and now in 2012 the construction has yet to begin, and it seems they may be a little late in this "theme park war" that will begin soon between these three major companies!

Pictures: copyright Paramount Parks, Universal Studios, MGM