Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Production on Hold On David Fincher's 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

So, it seems that we will have to wait a bit more for the release of David Fincher's 20000 Leagues under the sea... According to SlashFilm Disney is not ready to move forward, even if recently Australia offered to the studios a $21.6 million rebate to shoot the movie in the country, and the movie might not be released before 2015 at the earliest. 

Apparently the delay is coming from casting issues as Brad Pitt who was supposed to play the role of harpoonist Ned Land turned down the role. Rumors said that Channing Tatum would replace him but it didn't worked either. 

Personally i think it will be hard to make a better 20000 Leagues movie than the original one, even with what is possible in our days with special effects. Everything was perfect in 1954 Richard Fleisher's movie, the casting, the submarine design, James Mason as Captain Nemo, the look of the whole movie, etc...

Anyway, we'll see what happen, and in the meantime enjoy this great high-res file of a 1950's 20000 Leagues under the sea poster that personally i didn't knew...

Picture: copyright Disney

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Editor's Note: Don't miss the new Disneyland update on Mice Age, specially if you want some news of the future for both Anaheim parks! And, yes, new great rides are coming, soon... or not...

Create Your Own Star Trek Movie Thanks to the New Effects of the Action Movie FX iPhone App !

Star Trek Into Darkness grossed nearly $84 M in its first four days and the movie fully deserves them as it is a real good one as i told you previously in my review. I've watched it again this week-end and it's just as good the second time than it was the first. This is due not only to the brilliant direction of J..J Abrams and the excellent script but also to all the actors who are playing extremely well. Not to mention the quality of the editing, the visual effects, etc... If you've not watched yet Star Trek Into Darkness , go ahead, you shouldn't be disappointed.

That said, Bad Robot, the company of J..J Abrams and the publisher of the highly popular Action Movie FX App - available on the iTunes AppStore - did an update of the App with five new FX and all are Star Trek effects! The five Star Trek visual effects are : Enterprise fly over, Warp effect, Photon torpedoes, Teleportation, and Phasers guns, this last one not show in the video below. So, you certainly won't do a whole Star Trek movie with this, and considering that it is just a smart phone app the FX obviously have huge limits but you still can have some fun with them and film your own short Star Trek movie, and to show you how it looks i did a short video for you. Although it's just an iPhone app, you'll probably be surprised by what it is possible to do now with a simple phone... and a bit of editing magic with iMovie.

Picture: copyright Paramount Pictures

Video: copyright Disney and more

Monday, May 20, 2013

Cars Land Coming At WDW Disney Hollywood Studios ?

Editor's Note: If you want to have the latest news about the coming of a Cars Land at WDW Disney Hollywood Studios you better don't miss Screamscape latest update as Lance have some surprising infos about it.  And believe it or not but apparently the DHS Cars Land version might not include the Radiator Springs Racer ride... but new rides specially designed for it, including one inspired by the upcoming animated movie "Planes". Go ahead and do the jump HERE

Wouldn't it be cool to have a Main Street Electrical Parade in your own home?

Wouldn't it be cool to have your own Main Street Electrical Parade going all along Main Street U.S.A in your own home? Well,  Alex George did it, and not only he did it, but he did it amazingly perfectly thanks to Robert Olzewski Disneyland Main Street miniatures buildings and a clever mechanized route as well as computer-controlled lighting.

The first video below show you his Main Street Electrical Parade going down Main Street...

...and as i'm sure you want to know how he did it this second video will show you his secret!

Videos: copyright Alex George

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Great Gatsby Review

As it is often the case on Sundays, and as the big season of movies has started, here is a movie review, and this one is about Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous novel "The Great Gatsby".

Baz Luhrmann is the australian director of the brilliant and acclaimed "Moulin Rouge", released some years ago, and i remember that at that time a good friend of mine who is the best film editor in France and who's doing editing for all the great french directors told me that Roman Polanski for whom he did the editing of the award winning "The Pianist" recommanded him to watch Moulin Rouge. At that time as i didn't watched it yet and was a bit reluctant because of the baroque style of the movie, i asked him: "but isn't the style a bit too much?" and he answers me: "yes, but it looks great!".

Although The Great Gatsby is less baroque than Moulin Rouge you'll still find in it some reminiscences of Luhrmann's unique style and even if i can't say that it's a totally perfect movie i really enjoyed it a lot. One of the first reason is because of its brilliant cast, starting of course by Leonardo Di Caprio - playing Jay Gatsby - Leonardo being as brilliant as he's always been.

I personally consider Di Caprio not only as a great actor but as a genius actor, and the genius in his case is coming from the amazing intensity - and inside "fire" - that he puts in each role he's playing...

The other very good reason to watch The Great Gatsby is the film production beauty. Whether it's real decors or digital ones you'll be amazed by the beauty of the 1920's New York ( click on the screen captures below to enjoy them in big size ) ...

Not only for the splendor of the big city itself...

...but also for the feeling you'll have of the "roaring twenties"...

...or even for the re-creation of New York poor suburbs...

But it's Gatsby's house that will stun you. Good lord, it's not a house, not even a mansion or a castle, it's Xanadu!

And when the night comes and guests arrive for Gatsby's legendary parties...

It's there that you find back Baz Luhrmann's unique "baroque" style which fits perfectly with what's happening on screen...

The rest of the cast is as brilliant as Di Caprio, whether it's Tobey Maguire, a long time friend of Di Caprio which in this case serves the storyline as Nick Carraway, Tobey Maguire's character is not only the "narrator" but also the one who becomes friend with Jay Gatsby.

Carey Mulligan plays Daisy Buchanan, the "impossible" love of Gatsby and the one who is at the epicenter of the whole story - but i don't want to tell too much about the story itself to don't spoil it for those of you who didn't read Fitzgerald's novel....

The movie is also released in a 3D version and although i'm really not a big fan anymore of 3D movies - specially when they were not filmed in real 3D - i have to say that in this case the way Baz Luhrmann use the 3D is pretty good and if you don't have the choice with a 2D version, you can go and see it in 3D.

So, if you have sometime this week-end you have two different and very good movies to watch, whether it's the new Star Trek - see my review here - or to be one of those invited at the giant parties of the Great Gatsby!

Here is two different trailers of The Great Gatsby.

Pictures and videos: copyright Warner Bros, Village Roadshow Pictures

Friday, May 17, 2013

New " Planes " Trailer Released, It Looks Really Good... And Why The Movie Might Also Be A Trailer For A New Attraction Coming in 2016 At DCA and WDW Epcot !

Disney released at last a real trailer for the upcoming "Planes" movie and i wonder why it took them so long to show us something better than the previous "Top Gun" style shots.  Now it looks not only much better than expected but you will also understand why John Lasseter and Bob Iger decided to release Planes in theater instead than directly on Dvd or Blu Ray.

You can watch the trailer below and as you will see we learn more about the storyline.
Apparently there will be a planes race around the world...

...which will lead the different planes to fly over many countries... India and the famous Taj Mahal... Vietnam's Halong Bay ( or it might be a China landscape )... the north american national parks...

...or even New York.

The animation was done by Disney Studios - not Pixar - and looks really good, so that's a good point. But what is interesting in this planes race around the world is that i wonder if it's not also a way to introduce the new and long awaited  "Soaring over the world'" movie which is not yet officially announced but is in fact scheduled to replace Soarin' Over California at DCA and Epcot in 2016, one year after it will make its debut at Shanghaî Disneyland Adventureland under the title "Soaring Over The Horizon".

And, as i've been told recently that the Soarin' attraction might change its name and become a "Planes" attraction - although the ride system should remain the same - you understand why i make a link between this excellent trailer in which we see planes literally "flying over the horizon", and the Soaring ride itself...

That said, may be there is also another kind of "Planes" ride coming as Mark Hickson, former Imagineer, revealed on his excellent site Disney by Mark that he has been told by an insider source that the new WDI patent called "Twister Ride System" would be used for a "Planes" ride. You can see more patent sketches as well as an explanation of this twister ride system on Mark's site HERE.

I'm sure we will know more about all this pretty soon, may be at the next D23 Expo in three months.

Anyway, in the meantime here is the Planes trailer, hope you'll enjoy it!

Pictures and video: copyright Disney