Saturday, November 1, 2014

Disneyland Paris Oct 31 Halloween Party - Part One & Two !

Hope you had a great Halloween party last night! Like all Disney Magic Kingdoms Disneyland Paris had a Halloween party last night and Max, D&M contributor and DLPWelcome webmaster was there and shot great videos for you.

Editing : This article has been updated with new videos of the Halloween party. If you've read the part one, scroll down to watch the new videos!

Let's start by the opening announcement and Maleficent promenade.

The next video will show you Mickey's Halloween Celebration cavalcade during that memorable night!

Next is the Minnie's Pirate Academy and the show happened on the Castle Stage!

We'll end this part one with a video of the Goofy's Shake Your Drums show, at Videopolis.

The next video below shows Meet and Greet with Disney characters during this Halloween party!

The next video shows the castle fountains and eerie lighting on the castle during this Halloween party.

We will end with what looks to have been a great Halloween Disco -Very Dance Party last night !

Pictures and videos: copyright Max Fan, DLPWelcome

Friday, October 31, 2014

Watch LIVE Tonight Disneyland Paris Halloween Party !

It's Halloween tonight, and for the first time in Disneyland Paris history you'll be able to watch tonight LIVE the awaited DLP Halloween party thanks to the LIVE Stream of ED92, and all you'll have to do is to go HERE  from 8pm !

Thursday, October 30, 2014

More Details About Tokyo Disneyland New Fantasyland ! Frozen Land Definitely Not Coming at TDL , More Probably at TDS !

All-right, i've found the Tokyo Disneyland rendering in a better definition and even enlarged this new file so now we can see clearly what are the changes and additions coming at Tokyo Disneyland Fantasyland!

First, as i've said in yesterday's article Tomorrowland Grand Circuit Raceway and Star Jets will be removed but a big part of TDL Tomorrowland Terrace will disappear, too. However, as you'll see on the enlarged version below the entire Toon Town will stay, including the Gadget Go Coaster.

Now, the building on the left of Space Mountain is for sure It's a Small World which will be relocated from where it was previously - near the Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall - to where the Grand Circuit Raceway currently is, and this is probably a premiere in a Disney park that such a big attraction will be relocated.

And what will come on its former location, you ask? Well, it'll be an Alice in Wonderland mini land, just like the one envisioned for WDW Magic Kingdom before being cancelled, what you can see on the artworks below, shown in a Disneyland exhibit called the "Realms of Fantasy" and posted December 2012 in a previous D&M article.

Above, the future Alice area at TDL, Below the artwork for WDW New Fantasyland.

The Dumbo ride will also be relocated and placed behind the castle, not far from the Winnie the Pooh ride, and reimagined to look like the one at WDW New Fantasyland. And, yes, it is indeed Beast Castle that we see on the right, with Belle village,  and most probably a Be our Guest restaurant.

What is still more mysterious is the area which will be built where TDL Tomorrowland Terrace currently is. We can see plenty of different buildings,  vegetation, rocks, water and waterfalls but surprisingly we can't see any entrance, so i suppose we'll have to wait a bit to learn more about this part. One thing is sure, though, contrary to what i thought yesterday it will NOT be a Frozen land...

...and, as nothing looking like a Frozen set can be seen on this new artwork, it means that if there is for real a Frozen land - as it has not been confirmed yet by TDL - that the new "port" at Tokyo Disney Sea will BE a Frozen land. And it doesn't sounds specially like a good news to me. Don't get me wrong, i have no doubts that WDI Imagineers can build a Frozen port that will look great but i think that a Frozen land should be located in TDL Magic Kingdom rather than in the more realistic Tokyo Disney Sea. A Mystic Point land with Mystic Manor would be much much better, specially close to Lost River Delta and the Indy pyramid instead of a Frozen Arendelle. And i'm pretty sure that you'll agree with me on this.

As for what will be the buildings in the picture above some like WDWNews Today think that the original Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty meet and greets - that were removed from early plans for Florida’s New Fantasyland - will be included in Tokyo Disneyland’s Fantasyland - i.e what you can see in the center of the rendering below - but i can't confirm this for now.

Anyway, we've learned a bit more about TDL New Fantasyland, and for the rest, we'll probably have to wait until a 2015 TDL announcement. One more thing: as we know TDL has to face a bigger competition of Universal Studios Japan with the opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter - and probably soon a Diagon Alley. Although TDL and USJ are not close together as WDW and USF are in Orlando, there is something fun to see that the TDL counterattack is somewhat the same, i.e a New Fantasyland.

All artwork: copyright Disney, Oriental Land

Big Development Plans Announced for Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea !

Huge announcement from Tokyo Disney Resort today as TDR announced  big developments for Tokyo Disneyland Fantasyland and Tokyo Disney Sea for an amount of 400 Billion yen! Here is the full press release, and i tell you more about all this right after it!

Update: Don't miss the new article posted today HERE which brings you more details and visuals on this new TDL Fantasyland!

URAYASU, CHIBA— Oriental Land Co., Ltd. announced that plans for the further development of Tokyo Disneyland® and Tokyo DisneySea® Parks have been decided. The plans, outlined in the Oriental Land Group’s “2016 Medium-Term Business Plan” (for the period of March 2015 through March 2017) announced on April 28, include a 500 billion yen level of investment in the theme park business over the next ten years.

The plan for Tokyo Disneyland Park centers on the redevelopment of Fantasyland, which will nearly double the size of the themed land. Work on implementing this large scale area development has already begun. In addition to the renovation of the existing Fantasyland, major new attractions, restaurants and shops are being considered for Area installation in the expansion site.

Tokyo DisneySea Park
Site for new themed port
Oriental Land will also further invest in the two Parks in multiple ways: renovation or creation of attractions and entertainment programs; development of hardware that will enhance the Guest experience in the Parks; further improvement of restaurants; easing of congestion; development of measures to protect Guests from hot and cold weather; and other ways of to make a more comfortable environment for all Guests. Furthermore, investment will be made to strengthen the theme parks’ “backstage” support functions and operational base.
In addition to the above investment in infrastructure, Oriental Land will continue to raise the level of hospitality provided by Cast Members, which is vital to the Disney theme parks, by strengthening human resources development and raising employee satisfaction to an even higher level.

Tokyo DisneySea Park is the development of a new themed port in the expansion site located south of Lost River Delta. This eighth themed port will include major new attractions, restaurants and shops.

Oriental Land’s aim for the two Disney theme parks is for them to continue to be places where Guests will have unforgettable experiences that are unlike anywhere else in the world. Oriental Land will strive to make this a reality through the above investments to maximize the value of the theme parks.

1. Amount of Theme Park Business Investment
The breakdown of the 500 billion* yen level of investment in the theme park business over the next ten years ( fiscal year** 2014 through fiscal year 2023 ) is projected as follows.
(Orientation of Investment)

*Includes 150 billion yen level of investment for renewal and improvement. **The fiscal year is from April through March

2. Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea Development Plans
Centering on the redevelopment of Fantasyland at Tokyo Disneyland and the development of a new themed port at Tokyo DisneySea, as well as the introduction of new attractions and other facilities, Oriental Land’s investment will aim at maximizing the value of the theme parks. Moreover, the amount of the additional investment for the Fantasyland redevelopment is expected to be the largest ever for Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.
◆ Large-scale Development Plans for Both Parks

Preparations for creating comfortable environments at Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea Parks:
By further enhancement of restaurants, easing of congestion, introduction of measures to protect Guests from hot and cold weather and other actions, Oriental Land will proactively create environments that Guests can enjoy in comfort.
Concrete Examples:
• Restructure the show viewing area
• Enhance restaurants further
• Make service facilities more comfortable • Restructure the IT environment

A moveable stage will be installed in Mediterranean Harbor at Tokyo DisneySea to increase visibility of shows and the areas from which shows can be viewed will be expanded. (Start of utilization scheduled for March 1, 2015)

Under consideration for Tokyo Disneyland is the introduction of a restaurant situated on the parade route so that Guests can leisurely enjoy dining while watching a parade.

Strengthening the base for operations including support functions:
In order to handle the highest level of Park attendance and provide the best Guest service, business-use land, including the land for the theme parks, will be created in the backstage area (the operations base for the theme parks) by enlarging support facilities and moving some facilities.
Concrete Examples:
• Move and enlarge the Logistics Center and Central Kitchen to company-owned
property nearby
• Move part of the administration functions to company-owned property nearby
The contents of this release are still at the planning stage. Details for each subject will be announced as soon as they are decided.

( End of the Press Release )

All-right, so what does all of this mean? It means that in Tokyo Disneyland Tomorrowland the Grand Circuit Raceway and Star Jets will soon be extinct attractions. It's hard to see on the low-res rendering but it seems that a big part of Toon Town should stay. May be the Gadget Go Coaster will go - not sure, though... On the top of this article you have the rendering in the size it was released. And below, another file in bigger size to explore it in details, though in much lower resolution. Click on it.

Now, to help you to locate where is what, here is a Google Earth 3D screen capture, more or less shot on the same angle than the rendering.

And here is another Google Earth screen capture, shot on the reverse angle, with this time the Grand Circuit Raceway in the foreground.

This next non-3D Google Earth screen capture is a "vertical" shot of the area, and i've circled in white what is supposed to change ( i've included Toon Town but most of it should stay ).

Also, the actual Fantasyland will be renovated and its rides very probably updated. Now, and although TDR didn't announced the names of the new attractions that will be include in this Fantasyland expansion it seems that a major Frozen ride will be part of it, which is no big surprise. By looking at the rendering, my guess - right or wrong - is that it could be this area.

We can also see on the rendering another castle which is probably Beast castle, with eventually a Belle village like at WDW.

The other building on the right of Beast Castle, above, is probably a relocated It's a Small World, which is  currently near the Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall, where something else will apparently come instead of IASW, may be an Alice in Wonderland "experience".

As for Tokyo Disney Sea, things are more simple as they will use the big land unused since TDS opening on the left of Lost River Delta and the Indiana Jones Pyramid to create a new port, the theme being unknown for now, although some are talking about a Mystic Point land which would be perfect for TDS. TDR also announced that the scale of this new themed port will be about the same as Arabian Coast.

Here is a Google Earth 3D view of the area where the new port will be built, and it will include a new bridge for a direct access directly from Port Discovery.

And here is another Google Earth shot, vertical, where i've circled in white the area indicated on the TDR document above.

Last but not least, the rooms of the three wings - Toscany, Venice and Porto Paradiso - of the Hotel Miracosta at the entrance of Tokyo Disney Sea will be renovated and have a new design. here are concept-arts for the three different wings as well as one showing the painting on the ceiling and a mural painting for the Capitano Mickey rooms in the Toscano wing.

All of this is indeed good news, and we should know next year what will be the attractions include in the new areas!

Pictures: copyright Disney, Oriental Land, Tokyo Disney Resort, Google Earth

Avengers 3 : Infinity Wars Teaser Trailer !

As announced yesterday during the Marvel event the third Avengers movie will be named : Infinity Wars, and will be released in two parts. Now, and although Avengers 2 ( Age of Ultron ) will be released only next year and "Infinity Wars only in 2017 and 2018 they've shown yesterday a teaser trailer for this Avengers 3 : Infinity Wars, that only guests who were at the event were supposed to see. But you what it is in these internet times, someone filmed it secretly and put it on line.

So, here it is and watch it quickly as i wouldn't be surprised if it was removed from Youtube. And watch it till the end as you'll have your first sight of the real bad guy, Thanos himself, played by Josh Brolin, picture above.

Picture and video: copyright Marvel

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Get a Special Look at Marvel's "Avengers: Age of Ultron"

The promised new footage from Avengers : Age of Ultron is released and the first part of the video below is the clip they've shown at ComicCon last July, the second part being more or less the same than the trailer posted three days ago.Have a look!

Picture and video : copyright Marvel

DLP Update: The Magnificent Lighting of WDS Ratatouille Land at Night

God knows that on Disney and more we've talked about the new WDS Ratatouille attraction on every angle but there is one that was missing, and it's how great the new land look at night. Thanks to the great pictures of Max, D&M contributor and DLPWelcome webmaster you'll see today the magnificent lighting that WDI Imagineers have realized in the Ratatouille land.

We all know how talented the Imagineers specialists in lighting can be at WDI - one of the best example is the magnificent lighting that Michael Valentino did for Space Mountain in Discoveryland - but here the main problem was to have the lighting of this Parisian area looking realistic, like it is in Paris, and i think they've succeeded pretty well, with lights in almost each window of the buildings, the lampposts being the same than in Paris, etc... They did a great job, and i'm sure you will enjoy the pics!

Although the Ratatouille merchandise shop is not yet open - but should be in a few days - the sign is now in place with the name of the shop "Chez Marianne, Souvenirs de Paris".

I'll be back soon with a new DLP update and in the meantime i remind you that there is still signed copies of the Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality book available with a special offer running this month of October at 75€ only instead of 100€ ( + 15€ shipping worldwide ). The book include 750 pictures with 250 WDI renderings and it's a perfect gift for you or the one you love for Christmas and you'll find all details and a one click payment with Paypal HERE or below.
You can also send me an email with your order at :

The book is also available on ebay in its english signed edition HERE and in french signed edition HERE.   

Don't forget to send me an email with your shipping  address AND the name to whom you wish the book to be dedicated! 

You can use the Paypal buttons below for the english edition, or for the french edition. If
you don't have a Paypal account you can also pay directly with your credit card with these buttons without opening a Paypal account. If itdon't works please send me an email at:

Paypal button for ENGLISH Edition :  

Paypal bouton pour Edition FRANCAISE : 

Don't know yet the Disneyland Paris book? Have a look at the video below or on the book website HERE.

Pictures: copyright DLPWelcome