Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Captain Eo is coming back ( for sure ) at Disneyland next January

According to the Hollywood Reporter - and to my sources, too! - Captain Eo should come back at Disneyland next January. Apparently the huge success of the excellent "This is it" documentary - 220 Milion $ worldwide in two weeks had some effects on the WDC. I hope that DLP executives will also have the intelligence to put back Captain Eo at Paris Magic Kingdom as "Honey I Schrunk the Audience", just like everywhere, is not popular any more.

The good news about this come back of Captain Eo is that 3D effects should be enhanced and Imagineers will probably use the "moving floor" effect from "Honey, I Schrunk the Audience" during some scenes of Captain Eo - like when his ship crashes on the planet, for instance.

Watch for Al Lutz next update on Miceage - may be later today - as i won't be surprised if Al, who was the first to reveal the comeback of Captain Eo, had more details about it. Al in one of his previous update also revealed that Disney intend to keep Captain Eo at DL during four months after what the show should be replaced by "Monsters Inc Laugh Floor" - that's the bad news part of the story - a news which has infuriated Disneyland fans as nobody seems to be a big fan of that show that opened this year at WDW Magic Kingdom. And of course it will also mean the end of 3D movies at DL Tomorrowland Theatre...

In the meantime you can watch without the 3D effects the full Captain Eo movie on these Youtube videos below.

Picture and video: copyright Disney-Lucas Film


Anonymous said...

I would bet that Captain EO ends up staying a lot longer than 4 months, if not the wrong cooks are in the kitchen.

DisWedWay said...

Yes the initial 3 or 4 months were the plan before the movie hit the screen and revealed the potential of Michael's EO comeback. Hopefully all Disney destinations will bring EO back.

Robert/Cologne said...

Eo was certainly one of the best 3D films ever,over the last years of visiting DLP ,and the 2 US parks I have alwys left out the 3D cinema but as Eo was there it was always a must on my list.

Anonymous said...

Captain EO has to come back to Disneyland Paris. The park needs a "new" attraction, and this would be relatively quick and inexpensive to do.

I think France has the biggest Michael Jackson fan base in the World. Whenever Captain EO was showing at Disneyland Paris, the audience were screaming and clapping at the end. They loved it then, and they'd love it EVEN MORE now.

Sebastiaan said...

Question... would you rather see Captain EO or Monsters Inc Laugh Floor in DLP... I would go for the last one...

DisWedWay said...

I was lucky enough to witness Captain EO's opening at Tokyo Disneyland when the special effects blew out all the power and generators were brought in. What a night and what a fan base he had then and still has in Japan. It would also fit better theme wise in the Disneyland Paris Discoverland than Monster's Inc.. Maybe Monsters could go in the new PDL Fantasland expansion?

Robert/Cologne said...

I found Monsters Inc OK but nothing Id want to see twice,sorry.

Alain Littaye said...

I must remind you that absolutely no proof of sexual abuse of children by Michael Jackson exist. A trial happened as we know, and believe me, if Michael was not convicted it's because the case was empty of any proofs.
Some still think that he was guilty, but sorry, what somebody think is not a proof, only a fantasy.

Dreemfinder said...

Nobody seems to be a big fan of MILF? NOBODY? Wow... Either you have great contacts in Disney Marketing or you're just another Disney Dweeb who only knows what he knows. Either way, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

You run an excellent website. Great graphics, good copy. Please deal with the fact that MJ was a freak, albeit a talented one, and that Disney is no place for someone with the baggage his image deservedly carries. Deleting comments such as this won't make MJ any more paletable to Disney guests.

Alain Littaye said...

Dear Anonymous, I can easily agree with you that Michael was more than a little bit "out of this world", but for reasons too long to explain he was not totally responsible of that. In two words some people have a psychical structure that create a very difficult relation with reality. That remembers me another famous quote which says: "madness and genius are the two sides of the same street", if you see what i mean.
Personnally i'm convinced he didn't do anything bad with children. I think he was really somebody who could not grow up, so on a certain point of view when he was saying that he was Peter Pan he was right. His mind was 10 in a body of 40, 45, 50... and he simply could not deal with the world of adults, no "coincidence" at all between them and him, that's why he always had children around him... which i admit may look odd for a "normal" adult but not when you understand the reasons why he was like this.
About the deleted messages, i hate to do this but the comments were defamatory and i can't accept this on my site( just like i don't accept racist or insulting comments which was not the case here).
I repeat that - even if a lot of people are "convinced" that he was a child molester - no proofs or evidence of this exist, and i really think that if there was some he would have been convicted during his trial. So, yes, he looked a bit freak, but child molester, sorry, the reality is that there is no proofs about that.

Anonymous said...

MJ lost a civil suit in the USA and paid millions in several other suits with signed agreements that neither party would "disclose." You can look up the allegations in the lost civil suit, where only a preponderance of evidence is necessary to award damages. MJ admittedly shared his bed with many young boys. Now you can "honestly believe" anything you want, but wishing and hoping will never change the truth. Again, you run a fine website and I'm sure you're a nice person, but you need to recognize MJ for all he was, not just what you wanted him to be. I, too, miss his tremendous talents and i own much of his music...but I can't square his ability to entertain with his admitted misbehaviors. And Captain EO will never re-appear at any Disney Park on American soil, regardless of rumors.
