Showing posts with label princess and the frog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label princess and the frog. Show all posts

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Korean Illustrator Gives European Fairy Tales a Magical Eastern Makeover

South Korean artist Na Young Wu did these wonderful asian style illustrations of classic European fairy-tales, with characters  wearing hanbok, the traditional Korean formal wear. I think she did a marvelous job and i hope you'll like them as much as i do!

Above: Alice in Wonderland, below: Beauty and the Beast

Princess and the Frog

The Swan Princess

Red Riding Hood

The Snow Queen 

Frozen - Elsa

The Little Mermaid

Snow White

Pictures : copyright Na Young Wu

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Princess and the Frog Review

I finally had a chance to see last night Princess and the Frog and here is my review. The movie was released in France last week only and unfortunately the press screenings happened when i was on holiday last month and i've missed all of them, so this is the reason why i couldn't write before this review.

So, i saw Princess and the Frog in perfect condition yesterday evening and i liked it a lot! I think it's a wonderful Disney animated movie and i strongly encourage each of you to go out as soon as you can and see it!

First, the animation is first class animation, just like in the old time of Disney animated movies, and Disney animators did a fantastic job, really. The characters are perfect - everything is perfectly done, in fact - and some of them are really funny like the crocodile or the rich daughter character. Backgrounds are sumptuous and Randy Newman's music is as great as you can expect from such a talented composer.

Though, it took Princess and the Frog more than six weeks to make $100 M at the U.S box-office and the movie is not as successful as the latest Pixar movies. So, where is the problem - if there is one? If we except the huge success of Avatar who took a lot of spectators, some may say that if Princess and the Frog was not extremely successful it's because it's a 2D animated movie. Let's think about this one minute : personally what i liked in Princess and the Frog was precisely that it has the class of Disney animated features in the grand Disney tradition (as John Lasseter would say). And it's true that when you see it you have the feeling it could have been done anytime between the 1950's to the 1990's as the animation style and the "Princess" storyline could have been one they choose to adapt in these old days. But that's a big part of the movie charm, precisely! It is this quaint charm which makes it enjoyable.

However i can see two reasons which could explain its so-so success at the box-office. First it's a "Princess" movie and although i don't doubt that young girls can still believe to these poor-girl-who-finally-meet-the charming-Prince stories i think that it's not anymore the same with parents. Let me be clear: even forty years ago adults didn't believe that this kind of fairy tale was true. But, in our 21st Century age, the cynism of the society reached such a point that it has almost destroyed any form of innocence in people's mind. Life is harder and harder - and it's going to get worse - and it's more and more difficult for adults to keep (even hidden) a childhood spirit.

I know that when we go to Disneyland it's precisely to find back this "childhood spirit", but we know that it's not the real life. Back in the 1950's - 70's when the future was bright it was different. Innocence was not yet replaced by cynism and even adults could be sensitive to these "Princess" stories. But not anymore. And that's probably one of the reason why "Princess" didn't had the success it deserves.

One other reason could be that in the times we're living people like what is "shiny". And i have to admit that CGI animated movies have a look more "shiny". It's absurd because it is the animation quality and the storyline which should be more important, but the look of CGI animated movies is more "charming" for the eye. And, by the way, we can see this love for shiny everywhere if it's not in any product. As you know i'm a big fan of Apple computers but i'm furious that all Mac computers have now - and only - a glossy screen. The reason why Apple is doing this is not only an economic reason but also because, precisely, glossy-shiny screens are as i've just said more charming for the eye.

All of this to say that the high quality of Princess and the Frog is not into question. It's probably more difficult now to have huge hits at the B.O with a 2D animated movie but that's not a reason to stop 2D animation. Right now the international box-office of the movie is $149 M but if we except Germany and Italy where the movie was released last December - and France since last week - the movie has yet to open in theatres of many major countries like the U.K or Japan. So, in the meantime, please go out to watch Princess and the Frog, it's a wonderful movie with great characters and, as i've said, top class animation. I'm sure you will love it!

/Film did recently a great behind the scenes Princess and the Frog documentary called "Frogumentary" and filmed at Walt Disney Animation Studios. It's now released in four parts on Youtube and i've embedded it below. Great document, don't miss it!

Picture: copyright Disney

Video: copyright

Monday, January 18, 2010

Princess and the Frog French Premiere in Paris

Princess and the Frog opened November 25th in the U.S but international releases are beginning this month. So far, the movie opened in Europe in Germany and Italy. On a certain point of view it's a good thing as the phenomenal success of Avatar all over the world would have seriously hurt "Princess" box-office.

In France the movie is released in one week and Paris Premiere happened last sunday at the REX Theatre, a grand art-deco theatre, one of the last in Paris that remains from the 1930's golden era.

The video below shows the guests stars of the evening, all of them are french singers, actors or TV stars who will be unknown for my american readers. And of course, they speak french, so let's say that today's topic is specially for my french readers!

Video: copyright Disney

Friday, January 1, 2010

What is Disney waiting for to introduce " Augmented Reality " in their toys line?

James Cameron's Avatar world wide box office has reached $760 Million in only two weeks, which is simply phenomenal. If you have not seen Avatar yet, go to see it as the movie is fantastic, really. Some complains that the story has nothing special, but that's not the point. You must watch Avatar with the heart, not only with the mind, then you will enter the world of Pandora and the movie will look like a dream...

However, if you live in the U.S where Princess and the Frog is already released, go to watch it too! So many people went to Avatar that Princess and the Frog is not doing that well at U.S box-office... It would not be that dramatic if the movie was not 2D animation. And you know how executives are, they believe only in numbers... so, if "Princess and the Frog" box office don't reach their expectations they may think that it's the 2D animation which is responsible. Of course it will be absurd but if you want Disney traditional animation to survive give it a little help, just go to see Princess and the Frog, which, by the way, is a wonderful movie.

Let's come back to Avatar now or more precisely to the Mattel toys inspired by the movie - as they introduce for the first time "augmented reality" in merchandise products. Each box of the Mattel toy line include "iTags" to use with your computer and webcam to deliver hi-tech features. How does it works? It couldn't be more simple, all what you have to do is to place the iTags in front of your webcam to see Avatar's creatures or machines appearing on your computer screen. It's pretty cool, and the best is that you have a look at the videos below which will show you more about this in details.

Isn't it cool? Now, all this leads me to this question: what the hell Disney is waiting for to introduce augmented reality in their toys line? All the kids, even the younger one, are now playing with their computer and all computer now have webcams, the only thing that you really need for augmented reality.

Frankly, do you imagine the potential of this with any Disney/Pixar animated movie? Augmented reality, finally, is also animation... All "Princess and the Frog" toys should include an iTag so the kids could see and interact with their favorite character on their computer screen. They will love it! It's time to wake-up at Disney's merchandise section! We're in 2010 and some great technology awaits you!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tiana's Showboat Jubilee begin at WDW Magic Kingdom

Tiana's Showboat Jubilee began October 25th at WDW Magic Kingdom, and the Showboat Jubilee begin as a parade in Frontierland. Then the performers, as well as 30 guests, board on the Liberty Belle Riverboat for the show itself.

Characters and music are of course inspired by those of Princess and the Frog including Princess Tiana, Prince Naveen, Dr Facilier and even Louis the Alligator playing trumpet!

You'll see the whole show below, with a great Youtube video in four parts, filmed by WDWRadio. The whole show looks good and i wonder if they will do it next year at DLP's Frontierland where we have not one but TWO riverboats - the Mark Twain and the Molly Brown - so they won't have the alibi to don't have riverboats to don't do the show!

If you liked the videos - which i'm sure was the case - have a look at WDWRadio where you can see lot of other great videos!

Thanks to leave a comment or discuss this article on D&M english forum on Mice Chat

Picture: copyright Disney

Videos: copyright WDWRadio

Friday, October 16, 2009

NEW Princess and the Frog Artwork !

Disney released new concept-arts for Princess and the Frog showing how Walt Disney Animation bring to life Princess and the Frog characters. Here is a selection of some of them, all beautiful.

There is three different sections, each one has environments and characters artwork. The first one is about the New Orleans part in the movie.

Another section is about Dr Facilier's Lair...

And the last section is about the Bayou.

You will find dozens of other great artwork on the Princess and the Frog web site. Just go HERE where John Lasseter will welcome you before being redirected to the artwork section!

Thanks to leave a comment or discuss this article on D&M english forum on Mice Chat

All artwork: copyright Disney

Monday, October 5, 2009

First five minutes of Princess and the Frog !

The first five minutes of Princess and the Frog were released on Youtube today. Apparently it was not released by Disney as the Youtube video was removed, but i found the same one on Daily Motion Actually only the half of these five minutes are totally finished, the other half is an interesting "work in progress". Have a look, enjoy and let us know what you think about it!

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

D23 EXPO Special Report by Andy Castro : The Walt Disney Studios Exhibit

The Walt Disney Studios had a great exhibit at the D23 Expo where guests could see props, sculptures and paintings that were used in the making of upcoming Disney movies. Thanks to Andy Castro's wonderful pics we will have today a closer look to them.

Let's begin by the items related to the Tim Burton's Alice in wonderland.

Next, the beautiful paintings for Robert Zemeckis "A Christmas Carol". By the way, i just learned today that the movie will have its world premiere on November 3 in London. regent Street, Oxford street and The "City" will be decorated with the colors of the movie. Jim Carrey, Colin Firth, Robin Wright Penn, Bob Hoskins and director Robert Zemeckis will be there for the celebration.

The world premiere will happen at Leicester Square, and for the first time in history, the three Leicester Square theatres will be part of the premiere, with 4000 seats reserved for this memorable event. tickets will be available for everybody so everyone will be able to be part of the premiere. Christmas carols singers ressed in 19th century costumes, snow falls, shows and giant screens will be all around Leicester Square. The premiere will be at the benefit of the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.

Here are pictures of three gorgeous painting - in the grand tradition of Peter Ellenshaw matte paintings. For each painting, you have below the "framed" version and the high-res "flat" picture.

My God, they had the genius idea to show Big Ben while it was in construction! I love this one...

Next pictures are about Jerry Bruckheimer's production, Prince of Persia.

This Chinese Dragon was used in the making of The Sorcerer Apprentice.

Animated movies also had their own exhibit, whether it is 2D animation with Princess and the Frog sculptures...

...or 3D animation with the highly awaited TRON Legacy. Note that all pictures below of the fantastic TRON lightcycle are in high-res.

This last picture will end this article, but Andy and I will be back soon for a last D23 Expo article, and if you love artwork this next one will be fantastic, so don't miss it!

Thanks to leave a comment or discuss this article on D&M english forum on Mice Chat

All pictures: copyright Andy Castro and Disney and more