Showing posts with label andrew stanton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label andrew stanton. Show all posts

Sunday, March 11, 2012

John Carter Review

I saw John Carter today, and here is my review and what i think about it. First, is John Carter a bad movie? Certainly not, but: is it a very good movie? Certainly not, too, and this is where the problem is. There is plenty of great scenes in John Carter, but there is also scenes which are more "B" movie. I wouldn't say that i disliked the film because it was entertaining but some scenes simply doesn't work.

I have to say that i've never read the original novel but from what i've been told by a friend who did the script is quite faithful to it. The only problem is that we're now in the 21th century and not early 20th when the book was written. So, Andrew Stanton, brilliant Pixar director, did a few changes like the martian flying ships which looks more technologically advanced than in the book where they were closer to wooden flying pirate flying ships. And this not a problem. What is a problem is that the people which are in these modern-technologically-advance flying ships are dressed like if they were coming out of a set of a Roman Empire movie. Sort of.

The question of the credibility is also sometime a problem. After all we're on Mars, some of the inhabitants are four arms green martians and others just look like humans (which apparently is also faithful to the original book). I can understand that the green martians would have a different organism than ours, helping them to breathe normally on Mars, but it's a bit more difficult to swallow for the "others" martians, looking like us Same for the hero, John Carter who is teleported from Earth in less time than it takes me to write it. The giant leaps that he is able to do are okay but it's more hard to believe that he can do all these leaps without any ankle sprain during the whole movie! Okay, it's a fantasy movie, but still...

That said some sequences are truly spectacular, and no, it doesn't look too much "Star Wars" - except may be the battle with the white apes in the arena - and not too much "Avatar" either. The western part at the beginning is okay, and i liked also the "Twilight Zone" twist at the end. Actors are good and of course as expected the Mars princess as charming as she can be is not insanely sexy as she looks in the legendary Frank Frazetta paintings. But considering that Disney is the producer, it's a no surprise. That said there is a scene in the second part of the movie which looks very "Frazetta" when John Carter is fighting alone against hundred of "bad" green martians.

According to Box Office Mojo John Carter should make $30M in its opening weekend, certainly less than expected by Disney but as the movie was released worldwide this week the opening week might be not bad. Not sure, though, that John Carter will make more than $250M - the production cost - and i'll also be surprised if there is any sequel - I wouldn't count on it and don't expect too a ride inspired by the movie. If you've planned to watch it, go ahead, there is plenty of good things in John Carter, beginning by Michael Giacchino score, just don't expect the movie of the year because it won't be. But for his first movie Andrew Stanton did a good job. Now, is there any one in the audience who have seen John Carter this week-end? Let us know what you think about it in the comments!

Andrew Stanton also talked recently about story telling in one of the always great TED conferences, and you can watch him in the video below.

Picture: copyright Disney

Monday, March 5, 2012

John Carter Ten Minutes Clip !

John Carter is released in just a few days and two friends of mine who saw the movie in a press screening in Paris just loved it! I will see it later this week and post my review. Disney marketing has been surprisingly bad in the promotion of the film but i've been told that the movie is so good that it should be a success anyway. In a last - desperate? - attempt to introduce the story and the John Carter character Disney just released a ten minutes clip which are basically the ten first minutes of the movie, i.e the "western" part of the film, before he "goes" on Mars... I remind you that John Carter tells the tale of war-weary, former military captain John Carter, who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly involved in a conflict of epic proportions between the inhabitants of the planet.

An extended version of the fight with the white ape - on Mars, this time - was also released recently and here it is below.

Picture and videos: copyright Disney

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New John Carter Clip

Disney has released a new clip from John Carter - previously "of Mars". This one is showing Woola, half dog-half geeko, who considers John Carter as his master since he was the first one to save his life, These animals can move incredibly fast and have a mouth with dangerous razor teeth.

That said, and although Disney marketing is tring its best to promote the film, the news are not very good as early box-office tracking estimates for the film are extremely weak. As it is said in a Daily Beast article: “The geek generation isn’t responding. It’s too weird for the family audience. Then it has the Disney brand and PG-13? I’m not sure who it’s for,” says a rival studio executive who requested anonymity for fear of burning bridges in Hollywood". And it's true that what we've seen so far from the movie reminds a bit of others well known movies including Star Wars, Avatar, Gladiator, Prince of Persia, etc, etc... So, some are afraid that John Carter could be a massive failure just like "Ishtar" was 25 years ago (Ishtar being, with Waterworld, always the reference in terms of total failure at the box office).

In two weeks we'll be able to have our own judgement on Andrew Stanton movie but i, personally, still trust Stanton's talent and still hope that the movie will be good.

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New John Carter Super Bowl Trailer

The Avengers trailer - see below - was not the only one to be released during the super bowl as Disney also released a new version of the John Carter trailer which includes a few new shots. I remind you that John Carter is released in one month only and i'm very curious to see if Andrew Stanton's adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs novel will be at the height of my expectations...

By the way you probably know that the previous title of the movie was "John Carter of Mars", until it was changed in "John Carter" only. When this was done last year many thought that it was because of last year bad results of "Mars needs Moms" and that Disney wanted to avoid to have "Mars" in the title, but Andrew Stanton recently explained why John Carter Of Mars became just "John Carter":

"Here’s the real truth of it. I’d already changed it from A Princess Of Mars to John Carter Of Mars. I don’t like to get fixated on it, but I changed Princess Of Mars… because not a single boy would go.

And then the other truth is, no girl would go to see John Carter Of Mars. So I said, “I don’t won’t to do anything out of fear, I hate doing things out of fear, but I can’t ignore that truth.”

All the time we were making this big character story which just so happens to be in this big, spectacular new environment. But it’s not about the spectacle, it’s about the investment. I thought, I’ve really worked hard to make all of this an origin story. It’s about a guy becoming John Carter. So I’m not misrepresenting what this movie is, it’s John Carter.

Mars is going to stick on any other film in the series. But by then, it won’t have a stigma to it."

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

John Carter International Poster Released !

An international poster for John Carter was released today and it is the one that you can see above. In addition, Disney also released recently other posters - the ones below - and they're all in wallpaper size, so click on each to get them in high-res!

You know that we love the renderings here at Disney and more, so here is some concept-arts done for this awaited movie.

Finally, Disney released last month a new trailer that i didn't posted on D&M and you can watch it below. Personally i have a very good feeling with this John Carter, released early March world wide. Partly because it is former Pixar animator Andrew Stanton - Wall-E director - who did it. I am confident he will find the right emotion for the film and that his creation of Mars will be memorable. Let's hope i'm right!

Pictures and video: copyright Disney

Friday, December 2, 2011

John Carter of Mars First Trailer !

Disney has released the "first" trailer for John Carter of Mars - now called only "John Carter" - and this one looks really promising! Now i'm much more excited about that movie, the martians looks great, it's visually interesting, the actor playing the hero seems to have the right "energy" for the role....and it's of course directed by Andrew Stanton, a man who know what a good script is - remember Wall-E?

John Carter will be released March 9 in the U.S and in less than three months it will be the second movie to be released which will be directed by former Pixar animators. The first one is the next Mission Impossible released in less than three weeks from now and directed by Brad Bird who did at Pixar The Incredibles and Ratatouille. Bird and Stanton are both extremely talented and it will be interesting to see how good they are in the world of "live motion pictures".

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The John Carter of Mars you (probably) won't see next year in Andrew Stanton movie

Disney released recently the first pictures and trailer from Andrew Stanton's "John Carter of Mars" movie and it looks not that bad. Many great artists illustrated John Carter of Mars since the first release of Edgar Rice Burroughs novel, for instance Frank E. Schoonover with this original 1917 book publication cover below...

But if you were born in the 1960's, John Carter of Mars probably remember you more the great paintings of heroic fantasy master painter Frank Frazetta, like these below and on the top.

Frazetta unique style is recognizable instantly, only him put this kind of incredible "sexual animality" in the characters. For a whole generation, John Carter of Mars was synonymous of the Frazetta illustrations. And that's all the point: will Andrew Stanton characters will be as "hot" as Frazetta paintings? I wouldn't bet on that but i'm curious to see how far Disney has authorised him to go in the movie. It's supposed to be a summer blockbuster movie for all ages so i doubt that we will find this sexual animality in it.

We had a glimpse of that in the trailer and, so far, as you can see on the screen capture above, we can't say that Princess Dejah Thoris costume is as "sexy" as Frank Frazetta painted her. Not bad, but they can do better!

Pictures: copyright Frank Frazetta and Disney

Friday, June 17, 2011

First Concept-Arts of Andrew Stanton's John Carter of Mars

Disney released a teaser poster as well as two concept-arts of the awaited John Carter of Mars, directed by Andrew Stanton, the great Pixar director of Wall-E. There is not a lot to say of the teaser poster above but the concept-arts are more interesting.

The first one below shows a city on Mars...

..and this next one shows an airship on Mars known as Barsoom. There is more to learn about the movie, and from Andrew Stanton himself in a good interview that you can read HERE.

The movie is supposed to be released on March 9, 2012 so we will certainly know more in the coming months even if Disney has chosen to don't show even a few minutes of it at San Diego upcoming Comicon.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Monday, September 7, 2009

Venice Film Festival 2009 Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement awarded to John Lasseter and Disney-Pixar Directors

Yesterday was a day of glory for Pixar as the 66th Venice Film Festival 2009 Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement was awarded to John Lasseter and Disney-Pixar directors.

Exceptionally in the history of the Venice Film Festival, the award celebrates not only a single filmmaker, but also the contribution of all the directors of Pixar visionary studio.

The Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement - assigned by the Board of Directors of the Venice Biennale following the proposal from the Festival Director, Marco Müller - was presented to John Lasseter at a special ceremony in the Sala Grande of the Palazzo del Cinema at Venice Lido in the presence of Brad Bird, Pete Docter, Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich.

But everything began with a grand entrance with red carpet and inflatable "Pixar" archs and lot of balloons. On the pictures you will notice Georges Lucas who was there to present the award to John Lasseter and Pixar Film directors.

Why Georges Lucas you ask? Well, it's time to remember that it's him who, a long time ago, created the animation studio which was bought by Steve Jobs and became the incredible Pixar Studio that we know. It is Georges who will present in a few minutes the award to John Lasseter and Pixar directors.

Here are videos shoot on the red carpet. First John Lasseter...

Then Andrew stanton...

Here is Georges Lucas...

Then it was time for some pictures at the photo call...

John also signed some autographs to Pixar fans who were there for this memorable event.

Some of them came with their own painting of Pixar characters.

During the ceremony Georges Lucas did a speech before presenting to John Lasseter and Pixar directors Lee Unkrich, Andrew Stanton,Brad Bird and Pete Docter the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement award. in his speech, Georges said "I think Walt would be very proud that these are the guys carrying on the family business".

John Lasseter declared in his acceptance speech: "Our goal has always been simple: to entertain our audience around the world. That’s something the studio has surely achieved so it’s no surprise that the talented team was chosen to receive this "tremendous honor."

After the Golden Lion award ceremony, it was time for a great screening of a few minutes of Toy Story 3 in 3D! Toy Story and Toy Story 2 also have their world premiere in 3D at the Venice Film Festival. Lucky Venitians!

Thanks to leave a comment or discuss this article on D&M english forum on Mice Chat

All pictures: copyright Getty Images

Video: copyright BiennaleChannel

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A quite Icy Wall-E

WALL-E did pretty well in Japan - currently the box office is $44 M - and they love so much Pixar's robot that they even did a ice sculpture of it, as you will see on these pictures shot by Rika Toriumi near a hotel swimming pool at Okinawa.

And, talking about robot, the japanese - as usual - have released what is probablly the smaller remote-controlled robot in the world, as you will see on the video below!

Pictures: copyright Rika Toriumi

Sunday, February 22, 2009

WALL-E won Best Animated Film Academy Award !

Yes! WALL-E won tonight the Best Animated Film of the Year Academy Award and the Oscar goes to Andrew Stanton and all Pixar animators, and, of course, WALL-E!

Disney and more send its best congratulations to Andrew Stanton and all Pixar animators who worked on this gorgeous animated movie. I personally loved it, so of course i am very happy that WALL-E won the academy-award!

Mmmmh, i think WALL-E is a little bit surprised by his new friend...

Here is Andrew Stanton receiving the Award last night.

Here is a video of Andrew Stanton backstage sending his best thanks.

And here is another video of Andrew Stanton backstage - as well as the winner of the short animated academy award - with Jack Black and Jennifer Aniston after he received the Oscar.

To celebrate this Award you can open a bottle of champagne or stay with WALL-E and have some fun with the WALL-E Pinball on the official website. Just like a real Pinball, with animated effects when the ball hit Eve or the Rocket !

AND for those of you who didn't succeed to watch the Oscar last night and Hugh Jackman fantastic ceremony opening, here is the video!

Pictures: copyright Disney-Pixar