Showing posts with label Hong Kong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hong Kong. Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Videos: Super Typhoon Mangkhut Hit Hong Kong and Hong Kong Disneyland With 225 Km/h Winds

Super Typhoon Mangkhut has hit Hong Kong today with winds on 225 Km/h and when you'll see the video below you'll understand why there is good reasons to fear that HKDL will be seriously damaged, somethi,g we will know soon. The short video below show the waves in Hong Kong harbor. And i can tell you that you really need strong winds to see waves like this in HK harbor as on this side Hong Kong is protected by Kowloon on China main land, right in front, and Lantau Island on the left.

Mangkhut was recorded packing sustained winds of 173 kilometers per hour (107 miles per hour) and gusts up to 223 kilometers per hour (138 miles per hour) as the storm's eye passed south of the territory in the early afternoon, according to Hong Kong Observatory. In neighbouring Macau, for the first time in its history the territory's famous casinos were ordered to close, and all fishing boats from Guandong province have been called into port.We’ll know tomorrow or so what damages the typhoon did at HKDL located on Lantau island...

In the meantime, have a look at these videos showing Hong Kong devastation today by Super Typhoon Mangkhut and its winds of 225 Km/h. I really have a bad feeling for Hong Kong Disneyland park and resort on Lantau Island... Does anyone living in Hong Kong intend to go to the park once the Typhoon will be over and can shoot pictures and video of the damages for Disney and more? Please send me a FB message if one of you can do it, and of course don't go at the park until it's perfectly safe to go. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Hong Kong’s Legislative Council Approves Hong Kong Disneyland Expansion Funding for $1.4 Billion!

Great news to start the day as Hong Kong’s Legislative Council approved the  funding for $1.4 Billion of Hong Kong Disneyland Expansion!

From Variety: "Hong Kong’s Legislative Council has approved the government plans to co-finance the $1.4 billion (HK$10.9 billion) expansion of the Hong Kong Disneyland theme park.

The expansion plan was proposed in November last year, but came under increasing fire from lawmakers who challenged it in finance committee and other council sessions. After months of procedural delays, LegCo today approved it by 30 votes to 24.

Lawmakers became hostile to the spending plans due to a combination of the park’s losses last year and publicity about Walt Disney’s continuing to receive management fees despite the facility’s poor performance.

In March, Disney offered to equally split the cost of the expansion, despite being the minority owner. It also offered to waive variable management fees for two financial years. In return, the government’s ownership stake will fall from 53% to 52%, while Disney’s will increase from 47% to 48%.

“We have gone through a lot of analysis. We have also pushed very hard in the negotiation. We believe that this package is really the best package that we can achieve,” said Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Gregory So.

“Hong Kong Disneyland Resort’s multi-year expansion that will leverage some of the most popular stories of the Disney brand including Marvel and ‘Frozen’,” said Samuel Lau, executive VP and managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort."

Basically, it means that everything on the rendering below, including the new castle, will be build between 2018 and 2023. The new HKDL castle will "open" in 2019 ( picture on top ).

But before, in 2018 HKDL guests will be able to enjoy a new Marvel attraction at Tomorrowland in the building where is now the Buzz Lightyear ride - which will become an "extinct" attraction. The ride will apparently use the same Omnimover vehicle and guests will meet different Marvel super heroes, including Ant-Man...

 Also opening in 2018, Adventureland show place with a Moana show.

 In 2019 it will be the  inauguration of the new castle, as i've said, and in 2020 a big "Frozen" themed land will open in the back of Fantasyland!

Last but not least, in 2023 a major Marvel "Avengers" E-Ticket attraction will open in Tomorrowland, build where is currently the track of Utopia, which is now closed.

This is great news for Disney Parks fans, may be a bit less for Hong Kong taxpayers as more than 50% of this $1.4 Billion expansion will be financed by Hong Kong government - so with the money of Hong Kong tax payers - but we'll see what the future will tell!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Friday, December 23, 2016

Now HKDL Guests Can Sail to Hong Kong Disneyland with Hong Kong Famous Star Ferry !

HKDL guests can now take the HK Star Ferry from Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier to Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Pier, probably the coolest way to go to HKDL - for 180 HKD ( 23$ US ) - while enjoying the stunning view of Hong Kong bay! Highly recommended for you next visit at HKDL, instead to take the train, and both last the same time, around 45 minutes. Sail on and soak in the extraordinary view! 

Even better, you can purchase a promotional package to enjoy the water tour and receive free Disneyland souvenirs plus a refreshment on board. Promotional package details can be found HERE or below. Options exist which include ticket to the park, and even one with afternoon tea or set lunch at HKDL Walt Cafe!


The Star Ferry's Water Tour tickets are sold over the Water Tour ticket counter at the Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier on the date of departure on a first-come-first-served basisNo online booking and reservation is currently offered. Please purchase in cash of Hong Kong dollars.

Schedule & Fares

The Star Ferry's Water Tour runs round trip between Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier and the Disneyland Resort Pier in daytime. In the evening, you can join our tour to see all Hong Kong's famous harbour side attractions with the ICC Light Show & Symphony of Lights show.

From Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier to the Hong Kong Disneyland Pier (45 MINUTES)
Ticket holders are entitled to a round trip ticket to the Hong Kong Disneyland Pier. A refreshment coupon is included.
From the Hong Kong Disneyland Pier to Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier (1 HOUR 10 MINUTES)
This ride is designed for passengers to enjoy the journey via Tsing Ma bridge and container terminal on board. 
This ticket is designed for passengers to enjoy the journey via Tsing Ma bridge and container terminal on board. A refreshment coupon is included. 
This ticket is especially for passengers who would like to watch the ICC light & music show and multi-media laser show (A Symphony of Lights) on board. A refreshment coupon is included. The steering route covers the western part of Victoria Harbour and Kai Tak Cruise Terminal. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hong Kong Disneyland New "Disney Paint the Night" Parade Should Debut September 2014 !

The name of the new Hong Kong Disneyland night parade has been revealed and it is: "Disney Paint the Night". It will debut this year and although HKDL didn't announced yet precisely when it will start in 2014, from what i've been told the new parade should start this September. September being also the month of the HKDL Halloween season it means that you can also say goodbye to the "Glow in the Park Halloween Parade" which last performed on Oct31 after running for 7 years - as i told you in a previous D&M HKDL update. 

I remind you that the new "Disney Paint the Night" parade will have a new interactive concept with guests. As you know the glowing ears in Disney parks are receiving signals and change color. With the new "Disney Paint the Night" parade there will be new devices which will enable guests to send signals to change colors on the parade floats or costumes. So far, it seems that this new parade will be the first one to introduce this new kind of interactivity with the guests which looks to me as an interesting idea... though i'm curious to see how they will manage all the guests signals when sent at the same time to a same float...

Talking about Hong Kong Disneyland i also told you recently that because of the works on the new Iron Man Experience ride - most of the land for the show building being on the other side of the train track - the Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad will be closed, literally, during one year or so. And this was confirmed if i can say "officially" by the new HKDL visitor guide below... the train has disappeared on the new map - see below before / after.

Last but not least, those of you interested by the annual business review" as they call it, can download the PDF released yesterday for the fiscal year 2013 HERE 

Don't miss below the great article about Epcot's World Showcase Africa Pavilion that never was and tomorrow the part two of it!

Picture: copyright Disney, HKDL

Sunday, March 17, 2013

All About Hong Kong Disneyland Mystic Manor, Opening in May !

It's now official, Mystic Point and the highly awaited Mystic Manor attraction will open at HKDL in May, in two months from now! This will be the newest WDI "haunted" manor - the last one designed by WDI Imagineers was DLP Phantom Manor in 1992. So, how will be Mystic Manor? What is the ride storyline? In this great article you will find all the answers with WDI original artwork, and the good news is that the ride will be almost identical as it was unveiled at D23 Expo some years ago.

Mystic Point will be the last of the three new lands to open at HKDL and when Mystic Manor will open it will be an "instant classic" attraction. Before i go further i want to warn you that there will be major spoilers all along the article. If you don't want to know anything about the storyline, this is definitely not the right article! Also, click on each pictures to see them in big and explore details. For real pictures of the manor itself - the outside - please go HERE.

So, in the story line that WDI Imagineers imagined, the Manor owner is an explorer called Lord Henry Mystic, a member of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers. If you remember well, Harrison Hightower III, the owner of the Hightower building at Tokyo Disney Sea - i.e the Tower of Terror - was also part of the same society. At HKDL action is supposed to be in 1908 and Lord Mystic is still alive and exploring the world. He is inviting us to this remote outpost in the Jungle. Mystic has a friendly companion, a monkey called Albert.

In the first scene above Henry Mystic will appear and warn us that a new artifact - a box - that he just bring back from one of his expeditions is supposedly enchanted and must be open very carefully.

We will then enter the loading room and board in the attraction vehicles which, let's remember it, are not omnimovers like in the Haunted Mansion and will be able to move in any directions or even spin.

Albert the monkey is intrigued by the box and will try to open it. And when he does, just like the box of "Pandora", the forces inside the box will be unleashed. A mysterious smoke will get out of it and will start to take over the different rooms. All the artifacts that guests will see in all the rooms will suddenly and magically come to life.

Inside the next room - the Music room - music instruments will start to come to life. I won't be surprised if we find in this room some Haunted Mansion effects - remember the piano who play by itself in the doors corridor?

The Greco-Roman Mediterranean room will be the next one, and statues or paintings will suddenly be alive. Here too, Imagineers can use improved Haunted Mansion effects, and we should probably have audio-animatronics for the "live" statues.

In the next room, the "Nordic Chamber" , expect a cold temperature when the Vikings will come alive!

Scene seven, "The Armory", should be more frightening with suits of armors coming alive - hi again to another Haunted Mansion effect - arms trying to chop towards us and even canons will blast at us, allowing the Imagineers to take advantage of the spin motion of the ride vehicle that will spin away like if we've been hit for real. When i look at the blast effect in the rendering it reminds me the "ring of smoke" effect used in the Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull attraction at Tokyo Disney Sea, and i won't be surprised if they use the same effect for the canon blast.

Egyptian Mummy lovers should be delight with the next room - the Egyptian room - where we can expect mummies coming alive and interesting special effects on the Egyptians bas-reliefs.

The next scene is called "The Tribal Room" and there is two renderings for it. The first one below is not only a dramatic scene with the "lava" statue but is also interesting on other points. If you look at the left of the artwork you will see a Tiki room tribute with not only Tikis masks but also a Tiki drummer , exactly the same one that we can see in the Disneyland beloved attraction. If you look at the right part of the artwork you'll see other tribal masks who obviously are throwing darts. i bet you that Imagineers will use the same effect used in Indiana Jones Adventure when you go through the "dart" room, just before the scene with the huge rolling ball.

The second rendering seems to confirm what i've just said - but Albert the monkey have more difficulties to escape the darts and arrows...

In scene 10 - the Chinese room - a monkey king statue which stands in its center will come alive and create a turbulent vortex, like a tornado. Four vehicles will join together and, due to the tornado wind effect, will begin to spin in an amazing choreography. At this point Albert the monkey understand that if he doesn't stop all this hell he will be in trouble forever...

In the final scene Albert will try desperately to close the enchanted box. Of course, at the last second he will succeed and bring everything back down to normal. Right after that, Lord Henry Mystic will pop up and say "Hi everybody, i hope you enjoyed your trip, i'm sure there was no problem with any of the artifacts and that everything is fine. Please come back and visit again when you're in the neighborhood!".

Looks like an instant classic attraction, doesn't it? Personally, i can't wait for its opening which unfortunately seems to be schedule for 2013.

Let's have a look at other Mystic Manor artwork and model pictures beginning by the ride vehicle design researchs.

Let's end with two more pictures with the "big" model of Mystic Manor.

The story line of the attraction as described above is coming from an Imagineer video interview that you can see on Youtube HERE. The technical aspects are my own speculations.

For those of you who love WDI artwork i remind you that the Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality book" which will tell you all about the creation of DLP include 250 WDI Artwork (!) and 500 pictures of the park on 320 pages. Have a look at the video below which will show you the whole book!

The book is still available either in its english or french edition and you can still enjoy a 20% discount special offer and the book is now available with an immediate shipping! Reviews from all those who have already received the book are "over the top" so, place your order now for a gorgeous collector's edition copy while the special offer on this wonderful book is still available! To know more about the book and how to order and send your payment please go HERE or use the Paypal one-click purchase button below.

Pictures: copyright Andy Castro

All artwork: copyright Disney - Disney Enterprises.