Showing posts with label Shanghaî Disneyland Drone Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shanghaî Disneyland Drone Video. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Shanghaî Disneyland Week-End Update - New Spectacular HD Drone Video !

Here comes the Shanghaî Disneyland week-end update you're waiting for and we have something great today as a new HD drone video was uploaded on Youtube providing new views of the park, some on angles never seen before. As usual i did screenshots for you and, as the video was shot at sunrise, i've enhanced all pics and lighted them a bit. Definitely click on each picture to see them in larger size.

The two first pictures above and below showing Mickey Avenue and Disneytown in the background are interesting. First, you can see how short Mickey Avenue is from park entrance point - probably half the lenght of a regular Main Street so guests will be on Gardens of Imagination - SDL "Central Plaza" - pretty fast. Two, you can see clearly how close to Mickey Avenue Disneytown is - literally stick to it - and i'm curious to see how will work the visual intrusion from one to another as at least the high red building of the Walt Disney Grand theatre will be visible.

Next picture shows the castle and Gardens of Imagination as seen from the entrance to Adventure Isle.

On the two next pictures the first one shows SDL castle, Dumbo ride and TRON dome in the background, and the second one provide a view of SDL Fantasyland with Seven Dwarfs Mine Train coaster.

The next screenshot shows of course Treasure Cove, but what is interesting is these two unused big piece of lands on the left. For sure, something will be built there in the future!

The next picture shows Adventure Isle on the left but have also a look at the big backstage "avenue" area in the center.

The drone then turned in direction of SDL Tomorrowland providing a view on the land, also note the unused piece of land at the entrance of Tomorrowland.

The drone then went over this huge piece of land close to Adventure Isle Roaring Rapids and there is no doubt that they have the room there to build a whole land or a very large hotel. It's a bit curious they didn't used it from the start as when they will build something there it will be hard to avoid cranes, etc... which will be visible both from guests in the park and those who will arrive from the train station behind.

Great view of Adventure Isle and the park as seen with the drone over this big piece of unused land.

The two next pictures shows a great view of the park entrance  and the Wishing Star lake nearby. They give a pretty good idea of the distances you'll have to walk to reach the park entrance.

We'll end these screenshot series with three perfect views of SDR train station, the lake and areas nearby.

Now, i suppose that you're dying to see this new drone video so here it is below, make sure to watch it in HD 1080p!

See you soon for a new Shanghaî Disneyland update and don't forget that this week-end is the last days to enjoy the special offer on the Disneyland Paris book at 60€ only - see offer below or on the right column!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

New Awesome Shanghaî Disneyland Drone 4K Video !

Each day brings more Shanghaî Disneyland awesomeness and today we have a new drone video, and it's a 4K video so make sure to choose to watch it in 4K definition to have a crystal clear image! As usual i did some screen captures that you'll find also under the video!

Make sure to click on each pic to see them in big size!

A great view over SDL Fantasyland...

Mickey Avenue and the Gardens of Imagination...

SDL Tomorrowland...

Adventure Isle and Treasure Cove...

A close-up on Treasure Cove...

...and another one on Adventure Isle.

This last picture is interesting as it shows the huge land which is still available behind POTC Fortress and Seven Dwarfs Mine Train mountain... Big enough - and a part of this "free" land is missing on the left - to put a Star Wars land or an Avatar land there... OR as rumored, an Expedition Everest.

Make sure to stay tuned on Disney and more as we have Shanghaî Disneyland updates every day or so!