Showing posts with label Tom Hanks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Hanks. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Saving Mr Banks Deleted Scene " Goodbye Pamela "

The Saving Mr Banks Blu-ray will soon be released - on March 18 ! - and it'll include some deleted scenes, like this one below, an important scene called "Goodbye Pamela" which happen when Mrs Travers decides to go back to England!

Saving Mr Banks is released on Blu-Ray and Dvd on March 18! Click below to order it through the D&M Amazon Store!

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Saving Mr Banks Released Tomorrow in the U.S, Three New Great Featurettes to Keep You Waiting !

Saving Mr Banks, one of the most awaited movie of the year - by Disney fans - will be released tomorrow in the U.S! How good will be Tom Hanks playing Walt and Emma Thompson as P.L Travers? Will you have the feeling to go back in time at Disneyland glorious years?

You'll let us know what you think after you watched the movie and in the meantime here is three new featurettes titled Tom Hanks", "The Music", "The Story" to keep you waiting. The three look great, include many new shots not seen before, so don't miss them!

Picture and videos: copyright Disney

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saving Mr Banks High-Res Stills !

Saving Mr Banks, one of Disney fans most awaited movie of the year will be released on December 13 in the U.S, and Disney released new high-res stills which should help you to wait for its release! Click on each pic to see them in glorious high-res!

Among the shots below, pictures of course of Tom Hanks as Walt Disney and Emma Thomson as P.L Travers...

...A picture from a sequence with the actors playing Richard and Robert Sherman...

...or this one filmed at Disneyland with Walt / Tom Hanks on the Carousel...

...But also others stills showing what is obviously a movie flash-back sequence with P.L Travers as a child with her father and the arrival at their home of someone who looks just like... Mary Poppins!

And, yes, the movie also include Mary Poppins  Grand Premiere at Hollywood's Chinese Theater with Dendrie Taylor playing Lilian Disney!

Want more high-res stills from Saving Mr Banks? Jump to D&M Facebook page where you'll find ten more pictures! It's right HERE.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

First "Saving Mr Banks" Poster Released

Disney released a first poster fro the awaited "Saving Mr Banks" movie, and i think they did a pretty good job on this one, don't you think? and, by the way, we also learn that Colin Farrell is also playing in the movie!

I repost too below the first trailer for those of you who may have missed it.

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Thursday, July 11, 2013

First "Saving Mr Banks" Trailer !

That's it, the first awaited trailer of Saving Mr Banks with Tom Hanks playing Walt Disney and Emma Thompson playing P.L Travers, Mary Poppins creator has been released. Apparently the story is about Walt trying to convince P.L Travers to give to Walt Disney Studios the rights to adapt Mary Poppins, and although it's known that the relation between Walt and P.L Travers didn't went that well it is done on a comedy mode. Have a look!

Part of the movie was filmed at Disneyland as we know but also at Disney Studios and Walt's office was recreated as you can see in the picture below.

We can see how Tom Hanks tried his best - and apparently he did a pretty good job - to impersonate Walt Disney...

At one point Disney invites P.L Travers to Disneyland - where she's never been before, hoping she will be finally convinced...

I have a very good feeling on this movie, so can't wait to see more! What about you?

Pictures and video: copyright Disney, Entertainment Tonight

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Toy Story 3 Review

Toy Story 3 is released tomorrow in the U.S - and in July in Europe - and i had the pleasure to watch it last afternoon at Paris press screening. As i don't want to spoil the story-line i'll say just this: you will love it! Probably as much as i did as once again Pixar Animation Studios created a perfect movie.

Once again too the story-line is incredibly well written. You know this when you think back to the movie and search for a scene that could be wrong, and there is no one scene that i will delete as all scenes have a perfect reason to exist. The great thing is that when you think the characters will find a "way out" (in what's happening to them) there is always a new twist in the story. As i've said, the script is so well written that it's pretty hard to guess what will happen then.

It's the same with some of the new toys characters - who is good, who is a "villain"? lot of surprises that i didn't expect and that's a good point, really. It's also a movie full of nostalgia - what's happening to a young boy toys when he's not anymore in age to play with them? - and you'll have scenes with great emotion.

No need to say that the animation by Pixar animators is unbelievably perfect. The last scene is incredibly poetic. There is no doubt that Toy Story 3 is going to be highly successful at the B.O and undoubtedly one of the best film released this summer. One last word about 3D: all i can say is that you better don't expect 3D pop-up effects as there is none. The use of 3D is mostly to give depth and it was probably even more obvious in UP! than in TS3. So if you can't see it in 3D you won't lose a lot. Anyway, just let me know after you saw it but once again, whether you'll see it in 3D or 2D i'm sure you will love it!

I forgot to talk about Day and Night the short animated that you'll se before the movie. Well, Pixar did it again, Day and Night is a charming, funny, and perfectly animated short and it's probably the first short animated to have 2D AND 3D animation on the same image! You'll love it too!

For those of my readers who still have to wait for its release in their country here is a new movie clip which was released two days ago, showing the "escape" of Woody.

This other video is a best-of of five previously released clips.

There was also a L.A Premiere and here is the video showing Tom Hanks, Tim Allen and John Lasseter interviewed on the red carpet.

Pictures: copyright Disney-Pixar

Videos: copyright Disney-Pixar, Associated Press