Showing posts with label disney and more. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disney and more. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2019

Disney and more Needs Urgently Your Support !

Editor's Note: Folks, I have no good news today as Disney and more needs urgently your support, and it's serious so please make sure to read this below!

I've started D&M 12 years ago and in these 12 years, believe it or not, i've posted around 5600 articles. That's 466 articles per year, which is quite insane. Most of them were not short articles, as you know, and I always spent a lot of time to make them as perfect as possible, something that i'm sure you probably feel. During all these years i succeeded to keep Disney and more without any publicity - except for my Disneyland Paris book - as just like you i really don't like to have Ads everywhere in an article. Until now it was okay for me because the sales of the book were bringing some revenues but now that there is no more copies of the DLP book, things are getting of course more difficult.

I always enjoy posting every day as well as on the D&M facebook page, as much as i'm sure you always enjoy the D&M updates. In addition, Disney and more is a gold mine of pictures, artworks, videos, and more, like no other site as all pics are always in the best size and definition available and without any watermark most of the time. Also, I don't want to have to put a pay wall to enter D&M because i hate pay walls, just like everyone. But no need to be a genius to understand that if there is no pay wall, no publicity and no more printed books or others items to sell, there is a serious problem of revenues.

In these 12 years i think i have asked only twice or so for your support so it's difficult to say that i abuse of doing this, but today the situation is truly serious and this time i really need to ask for your support and generosity. As usual the easiest way to send your support is through Paypal and i've created a page on Paypal where you can place your donation. I think there is a minimum of only 10€ but you're welcome to send more, of course. Also, as i don't want to have to ask for your support each month i've put a goal of a 10000€ amount so it should help to resolve the problem at least until the end of the year, and in the meantime with a bit of luck some projects i'm working on will finally enter into action - and this include one that you will love.

HERE is the link to the Paypal page to send your support 

If you can't access the page, you also can send directly your donation to:    and if you send it this way, please send it in the mode "for family and friends".

I know that we all get used to have everything for free on the net, but we know it's not really true. As someone put it: "when it's free, you are the product" - you know, all these sites who cynically make money with your datas. Like everyone I hate that, and there is nothing like this with D&M, and it will never happen. I know that you enjoy D&M because if not i wouldn't have 4-5000 pages read each day and 40000 followers on Facebook. So, asking for a 10€ minimum donation doesn't sound exaggerate to me, is it?

There is also a good news: everyone who will donate will be rewarded by great surprise gifts. And you will even have the choice of the gifts, and all are great ones! So, after you sent your donation, don't forget to send me an email with your name to let me know at : so i can send you the surprise gifts to thank you.

Most of all, i thank you by advance, from the bottom of my heart, for your generosity.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Farewell Post...

New Disney and more updates are now over - the last article was about Disneyland Paris future and you'll find it below - and as promised here is a "Farewell post" in which i'll try to answer some questions that you'd like to ask me. And, as there has never been an article on Disney and more without pictures i add to this farewell post a selection of photos that i''ve personally shot at Disneyland Paris last September. Just for the fun i tried that day to shoot some of the pictures on a different angle than we usually do either to have simply a different frame or to bring a bit of strangeness and have some of them not instantly recognizable, although it won't take long to you to identify from where i've shot these pics. Okay, let's go for the questions and answers!

Will i come back posting on D&M? : Frankly, the honest answer is : i don't know. Simply because no one knows what the future is made of, but we know that he generally brings surprises. That said, I’m incredibly exhausted and it is almost a matter of life or death for me to stop posting each day. As usual when i do something i invest myself « body and soul » at 100%, and if you add that there was also a lot of invisible « wizardry » in D&M and that wizardry always eats a lot of energy then you’ll know that it’s time for me to take a looong break. But i don’t know if i will resist to do special posts when something really "big" will be announced like a Star Wars or Marvel lands, for instance. I may do also something about Shanghaî Disneyland as i own quite a lot of good domain names about SDL and it’ll be a pity to don’t use them…  :-)  But a new article each day as i did the last seven years is absolutely out of question. Anyway, do not delete Disney and more from your bookmarks now as, who knows, you might need the link again in the future...

Will all Disney and more websites be shut down? : Certainly not, all D&M sites will remain open, they are a gold mine of pictures, artworks and informations and it will be a shame to close them. 

Will i stop posting on Facebook? : During the next weeks, most probably. I may post again on Facebook but may be not as many daily posts as i used to do. Keep looking anyway on the D&M Facebook page from time to time.

Will i post new articles on the others D&M sites? : This i may do, as i still have pictures for instance of Tom Scherman that i must post on the Tom Scherman website, or it might be interesting posts about new technologies on my Innoventions Blog, or anything related to Star Wars on my Star Tours website. You'll find the links to all these websites by scrolling down on the right column of D&M.

Do i have Disney related books projects? : Well, it's a question everyone is asking me since the Disneyland Paris book was published 13 years ago and there is no doubt that i'd like to do others books. But "IF" i do new ones it'll be a different kind of books, not necessarily related to Imagineering but it'll be gorgeous books anyway, the kind of books you can't live without them! I promise to let you know if it becomes real.

What will i do now? : Well, i have several projects - not related to Disney or even theme parks - that i really want to do, most of them "pictorial" books projects, and either it will be printed books or eBooks but they're gonna take me sometime and i'm afraid i also will have to learn to use new softwares to create them which will take additional time, too. I also have plenty of rushes i've filmed around the world the last ten years that i really want to edit. And not to mention some documentaries about David Lean movies as i am a big David Lean specialist.

How do we do without you? : C'mon, there is plenty of good websites about Disney theme parks on the web! But here are the ones i suggest you to check each day to make sure you don't miss anything. If you check all these daily, you'll do exactly what i was doing to be sure i didn't missed any precious infos: First, check daily the choice of good articles links that Lance is posting on Screamscape, i've always learned a lot about new projects that i didn't knew thanks to him. Of course, also check the great articles that our good friends on Mice Age are posting, and especially don't miss their Tuesday update when they talk about DL and DCA future. Then, go each day on Disney News Central, the best way to find easily what are the new posts on a selection of the best sites related to Disney or Universal. But there is a price to pay: you must not be lazy to scroll down the Disney News Central page! Check also ThemeparX on which are posted each day or so new pics of all theme parks projects in development. 

About Disneyland Paris: You have a list of DLP related websites on the right column of Disney News Central but check regularly DLPWelcome where Max is posting his great DLP pictorial updates that you've seen on Disney and more. Max will continue to post at least two or three times per month great pictures about what's happening out there. Also make sure to check Hello Disneyland!, the site of Maureen who did the great pictorial updates you saw recently on D&M as she will have more gorgeous pictures of the parks for you. Always about DLP, the Disney Central Plaza and ED92 forums will bring you fresh infos about DLP projects whether it is in their forums or on their Facebook pages. And there is of course plenty of others websites and forums about DLP in each European countries, so make sure to check the ones of the country you live in.

And about anything else non Disney related, whether it is about movies, artworks, etc... i'm going to reveal you my source, the one i was keeping secret and that other sites i'm sure were wondering about - "where does he find all this?" - : it's Geek Tyrant, a great site talking  about anything geek whether it is movies, collectibles, artworks, etc... and Joey post almost instantly when the news are released. Most of the Disney Princesses artworks posted on D&M or on the D&M Facebook page, for instance, were found there. So make sure to check Geek Tyrant each day as you'll find always something interesting, even if it's not about Disney. 

Will the Disneyland Paris book remain available? : Yes, but as long as there will be copies available, of course. So far, there is still copies available whether it's the new regular and updated english edition or the french collector edition, so if you don't own it yet you can order the book. It's also the best way to find back the Disney and more "spirit" if you miss it as not only the book talks about Imagineering but it also include 750 pictures of the park and among them 250 fantastic WDI artworks. Check on the book website HERE to learn more and order this beautiful book!

Well, i think i did not forget any question but if it's the case feel free to ask me in the comments! And, most of all, i want to thank you "from the bottom of my heart" - as good old' Sammy Davis Jr would have say - for your fantastic support all along these years, Disney and more wouldn't have been the same without you, really!

Love to everyone.


Pictures : copyright Alain Littaye - Disney and more

All pictures were shot with the Sony RX 100 M3, an amazing 20 MP professional compact camera that, once again, i highly recommend to each of you.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's Disney and more Fifth Anniversary!...and Let's celebrate it with a Rare Document Showing the Making of Disneyland Paris!

It's Disney and more fifth anniversary! Yes, five years ago, in April 2007 i was posting the D&M first article and since then you are each day almost 4000 people to visit the site, so i wanted to thanks all of you to be so faithful to Disney and more!

And i thought that the best way to do it was with a very unique document filmed at WDI in 1988 during the making of Disneyland Paris by the great Eddie Sotto - who was at that time Disneyland Paris Main Street U.S.A show-producer. And who else than Eddie himself could introduce this great video and explain to you who and what you will see in it? I'm sure you will love this rare document so now, here is Eddie Sotto introduction, right after this never-seen-before picture of Eddie shot before opening day in front of Main Street Motors! Thanks again to all of you for your support during these last five years and all my deepest thanks to Eddie!

Eddie Sotto:

Disney and More has been my favorite source for all things Disney for the last five years. I want to congratulate Alain on a great job and it has been an honor to have been featured from time to time.

This video is very unique in that it is a "home movie" from inside of Imagineering. I shot this back in 1988 as a means of showing the French office what all of us looked like back in the States. I was about to go to Paris for a considerable time and this was a means of building morale and putting faces on those endless conference calls. Two decades later, it is an interesting curiosity, a time capsule of what it was like back then to be an Imagineer. As you watch the video I thought you might like to know who some of the people are and what you are seeing.

The offices shown are on Rodier Drive, not far from WDI main offices on Flower Street in Glendale California. Today that building houses some of Disney's Research and Development department. After DLRP opened, the building was remodeled and Indiana Jones for Disneyland was also designed in that space.

The video opens in my messy office. I was the designer responsible for Main Street USA in Paris and on my desk were the concept sketches for Town Square East. Lots of failed ideas on wads of paper! Above my drawing board is a rendering of a Spacecraft. That was the first rendering I had done at WDI, a George Lucas inspired rendition of Disneyland's Carousel Theater. We had several ideas for a travelling show with Aliens, etc. But the design was eventually shot down when Tomorrowland and Lucas parted ways. A model of the show building appears later in the video.

Outside my office you will see a cast of characters from both the Main Street team and Operations.The chap hiding behind a Newspaper was the watchdog project manager Chris Dick. He was part of a British firm we all resented at times that oversaw the project. Juan Delgado (Hawaiian Shirt) and Sandy Mullally (light hair and a bit older) were our Senior Interiors designers. So talented. Sandy worked in film prior and dressed sets for "Paint your Wagon" in the 60's. Juan brought his cuban flair to the Cable Car Bake shop color scheme. Wild stripes and San Francisco styling. The blond woman is Joan Kuba, who helped in selecting props and dressings. We had to add the props to the blueprints and find antique furniture, so that was quite a task. Sam Hutchins, (the man with the glasses at my door) was the head of Park Merchandise. We would negotiate the size and design of the retail stores around the conference table. This was typical in the development of a park. Both parties meet and negotiate and review the design. The gent at the drafting board with the giant Pine Cone was Peter Kelly, a Set Designer from the film industry. He worked on films by my hero John De Cuir, like Hello Dolly! and Ghostbusters. He was working on the City Hall for Main Street at that time. You can see some of the elaborate swatches of wall covering and trims on the walls. I tried to get as many Hollywood Set Designers as I could on the architecture team.

Others in the background were French hires coordinating the engineering, and Imagineers like Richard Wood organizing the drawings. Not a fancy office by any means but it was where it all happened.

The model shop is the next stop and you can see many models that were used later in the guidance of those who built the real figures and sets. Some were for presentation and massing purposes, others as a means to build the final show. Pirates had quite an exterior model. We even show the interior arcades for scale. The Big Thunder Model for instance was covered with tin foil squares, each representing an amount of plaster and cement. The estimators would count the squares to figure out how much all the rocks would cost! You will recognize all the lands and some are more advanced than others. Main Street never got as good a model as the other lands because it was considered to be copied from WDW. We showed them! You will notice Tim Delaney, Designer of Discoveryland, and the joking Bob Baranick working on Phantom Manor. Bob has been a friend prior to Disney, built the Lucas Spaceship model for me, and is best known for his work of Tarzan's Treehouse and a redo of Pirates back at Disneyland, where he was an Art Director. I could go on. So many talented people in the video! But that's the real story. It takes lots of great people bringing their talent to the table to build a great park! Hope you enjoyed a trip to WDI circa 1988.

Video and Eddie Sotto photo: copyright Eddie Sotto, whom i thanks a lot!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Saturday, June 25, 2011

New for your Smart Phone : Disney and more Mobile Version !

I always try to improve Disney and more and i saw that Blogger recently added a new feature which allows the Blogger blogs to have a mobile version of the blog, lighter and faster to download on a mobile phone. So, because the front page of Disney and more is usually pretty long and "heavy" to download i choose this new option and if everything works well at Blogger the mobile version of D&M should be the one appearing on your smart phone.

How does it look? Well, it's a lighter version of the D&M front page and normally what you should see first is something like the above picture. Then, after you choose the article you want to read you'll see a page like the one below, and all you have to do is to scroll down. The text should be bigger, so easier to read,and as i've said the mobile version is much lighter and it'll take less time to download each page. Of course it's free - it's not an app- and if you own a smart phone - and not only an iPhone but any smart phone including one working with the Android OS, please try it and let me know if it works...or not, and also if you think that this mobile version of Disney and more is better for your mobile phone, thanks!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Disney and more 4th Anniversary !

We're already April 7th in France and that's the anniversary date of Disney and more. Yes, it's already four years since i did my first post on D&M! Last year, a little bit after the 3rd anniversary i was so tired that i even announced the end of Disney and more but finally D&M is still here, and so am I.

If you're part of the Disney and More faithful readers who were there from the start you know that i generally bring something new each D&M birthday. Last year it was the great Tom Scherman web site and this year i also have something new for you! A new section of D&M is opening today and is all dedicated to an upcoming and highly awaited Disney attraction.

For now, you will find on this new site all the related articles previously posted on D&M but all new articles about this great ride will be posted on this new web site - and don't worry, i'll let you know on D&M when i will do so, so you won't have to check both sites.

I can hear you think "what ride are you talking about, Alain?", so the best is to let you open the door of this new room in the D&M mansion, and it's very easy, all you have to do to discover it is to click HERE.

Thanks again to all of you for your support during these four years!

Alain Littaye

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Wikipedia list of never built Disney Attractions, Theme Parks, Resorts, and more...

You all know the great Wikipedia web site, right? Well, last week i had a big surprise when i found this "List of never built Disney attractions" page ! I don't know who had the good idea to do this list, but it's pretty well done, and there is even some projects i've never heard about before!

Here it is below, and i added some attractions that were not listed. I did also web links for some of them, if you click it will send you to previous D&M or Jim Hill articles with more pictures and infos about them. And, when available, i added concept-arts of these never built projects.

The list is divided in different sections - Theme Parks, Properties, Resorts, Theme park lands, Attractions, Restaurants and Attraction additions. Inside these sections, there is sub-sections for each park.

This list is not exhaustive and of course doesn't include the dozens of WDI secrets projects that we've never heard about !

Okay, here is this Wikipedia list, and there we go for probably the longest topic ever published on Disney and more!


Disney's America : A patriotic park to be located in Haymarket, Virginia.

Port Disney : An American version of the Tokyo DisneySea theme park to be located in Long Beach, California.

WestCOT : An Epcot park to be located where Disney's California Adventure is now.

Disneyland East : A park to be built on the former grounds of the 1964 New York World's Fair in Queens, New York. It eventually became the Walt Disney World Resort.


Disneyland, California

International Land : A land to be placed on the lagoon hosting the Submarine Voyage and the other boat ride attractions. Eventually became the idea for World Showcase at EPCOT.

Chinatown : A side-street expansion to Main Street USA.

Discovery Bay : A Jules Verne inspired land to be located on the far side of the Rivers of America. Ideas went to Discoveryland at Disneyland Paris.

Hollywoodland : Referred to in later development stages as "Roger Rabbit's Hollywood", a Hollywood themed land to be located between Main Street USA and Tomorrowland. The side of Space Mountain facing the land would have been converted into the hill with the Hollywood letters on it. In addition, it would have featured the Great Movie Ride from Disney's Hollywood Studios. Eventually evolved into Mickey's Toontown.

Mythia : A Greek and Roman myths and legends inspired land planned.

Tomorrowland 2055 : An update and make-over of Tomorrowland.

"Big City USA" : A New York themed area where the Fantasyland Theater sits now and was to have featured a big Broadway-style theater which was to have presented live stage show every day. Became inspiration for the American Waterfront at Tokyo Disney Sea.

Edison Square : This would have been a sidestreet expansion to Main Street USA themed around the addition of electricity into American homes. Would have featured a statue of Thomas Edison, and a show about harnessing electricity. Eventually became the basis of The Carousel of Progress.

Liberty Street : This would have been a sidestreet expansion to Main Street USA themed around an American town circa 1776. Would have featured shops, The Hall of Presidents, a beautiful bay scene, and recreations of famous American landmarks. This idea would later be brought to life in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom as Liberty Square.

Epcot World Showcase, Florida

Costa Rica Pavilion

Equatorial Africa Pavilion : Announced to be opening in 1983 on both souvenir maps and a TV special on EPCOT Center's opening. This would have mixed tribal dances and shows with African artwork in a recreation of an African village. It was never built due to budget and lack of sponsorship from African nations although many ideas for this land later appeared in Animal Kingdom.

Israel Pavilion : Advertised on billboards when EPCOT opened, this would have recreated ancient Jerusalem with a courtyard stage and open-air restaurant. Unbuilt due to both budget and security issues regarding the state of Israel.

Soviet Union Pavilion : Planned in the early 1990s, this would have been placed between China and Germany and dominated by a recreation of Red Square. The center building would have housed a sled-like ride showing the Russian landscape based on Russian folk tales. There also would have been a unique show mixing together film, Audio-Animatronics and a live actor that would showcase Russian history.
It was in the final stages of approval but was later cancelled due to the breakup of the Soviet Union and the info released by the Russian government revealing the horrors committed by the Communist regime.

Spain Pavilion : Also advertised on billboards circa 1986, this would have had a boat ride similar to Mexico with a design mixing parts of Barcelona and Madrid along with a film on Spain's lush history along with a restaurant.

Switzerland Pavilion : Planned primarily to bring a Matterhorn-style ride to Epcot.

United Arab Emirates Pavilion

Venezuela Pavilion

Iran Pavilion : Was in the final stages of approval but was later cancelled after the Shah of Iran was Overthrown by the Islamic Fundamentalist Regime and the Iranian Hostage Crisis which created a wave of Anti-Iranianism throughout the nation.

Animal Kingdom, Florida

Beastly Kingdom : A myths and legends inspired land planned for Animal Kingdom, Florida. Was replaced by Camp Minnie-Mickey due to budget cuts. May be built in the distant future.

Disneyland Paris

Main Street 20-30's : Instead to have a “turn of the century” theming, imagineers had designed a main street set up at the 20’s-30’s , ruled by gangsters, jazz, cinema, with a totally different theming.

Hong Kong Disneyland

Frontierland/Wild West : Like the other Disney parks, Hong Kong Disneyland would have a frontier themed land. Scrapped for budget reasons.

Toon Town : A much more advanced version than its sisters across the globe. Would have featured a rollercoaster, animatronic show, character houses, and character meet and greets. May have become idea for Toon Studios at Walt Disney Studios park.

Tokyo Disneyland

Sci-Fi City : A whole new Tomorrowland designed by Eddie Sotto, DLP Main Street's show producer. It would have include "Cosmic Way" , the "Main Street" of science fiction with a theming inspired by the Jetsons, Buck Rogers and Rocketeer. And brand new attractions like the "Rocket Bikes" , "Sci-Fi Zoo" an extra terrestrial zoo, "Lunar Rovers" an Autopia version "on the moon" , "Flying Saucers" , an updated version of Rocket Jets and Hyper Space Mountain, an enhanced version of Space Mountain. Probably the best Tomorrowland theming ever done, and unfortunately never built at TDL for various reasons.
Artwork below by Christian Hope.


Disneyland California

Atlantis Expedition : A re-theming of the Submarine Voyage in Tomorrowland at Disneyland. In which guests would actually have been able to use a mechanical arm that extended right out into the water from their sub window to grab at the gold coins & gems that lined the sea floor. The failure of the "Atlantis" animated movie put this planned revamp on hold.

Geyser Mountain : A Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror style ride to be built in the Frontierland. Digging through the mountain in a huge drilling machine, guests would have become caught in a massive geyser and thrown into the air.

Museum of the Weird : A funhouse style attraction which was later merged with, then replaced by, the Haunted Mansion. The attraction was shown by Walt Disney on Disneyland, the Disney anthology television series.

Haunted House : A walkthrough haunted house featuring famous movie monsters, a murderous sea captain, dazzling special effects, the lonesome ghosts, and a wedding that was torn to pieces! Became The Haunted Mansion.

Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas Ride : A dark ride planned to be built at the character meeting place to the southeast of It's a Small World. Guests would have hopped into coffin sleds (similar to Peter Pan's Flight) and glide through scenes from the movie. Became the inspiration for Haunted Mansion Holiday.

Rogues Gallery : A basement walk-through wax museum beneath New Orleans Square in which Disneyland guests would have seen wax figure scenes recreating pirate history. Basement for it was dug. Was put on hold so Walt Disney and his Imagineers could work on attractions for the 1964 New York World's Fair. Concept eventually evolved into the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

Pirate Wax Museum : Another version of Rogues Gallery. Would have featured famous pirates narrating wax-made scenes. Became Pirates of the Caribbean, when Walt changed the ride system from walkthrough to boat ride.

Plectu's Fantastic Intergalactic Revue : To have been located where America Sings once resided. For a few years, during the planned 'Disney Decade' started by Michael Eisner, a new audio-animatronic show called "Plectu's Fantastic Intergalactic Revue" was to open. It would have been an outer-space musical-variety revue featuring a troupe of Audio-Animatronics itinerant alien musicians whose spaceship has landed in Tomorrowland. However, the idea, which was part of the original 'Tomorrowland 2055' plan, eventually was scrapped due to budget. The space that would have been Plectu's Fantastic Intergalactic Revue is now home to Innoventions.

The UFO Show : Armed with air guns, guests would have boarded cars and tried to shoot "eerie, un-human, gremlin-like targets". Would have been staged upstairs over America Sings. Eventually became the inspiration for Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.

"Nostromo" : A hi-tech interactive attraction based on the movie Alien.In which visitors would have rolled through the darkened corridors of the Nostromo.Riding inside of heavily armored vehicles. Armed with laser cannons guests would have have been sent on rescue mission to find the missing members of Nostromo's crew as well as rid the spaceship of all alien intruders.Eventually concept evolved Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.

Space Port : A Tomorrowland based ride, later the basis for Space Mountain.

Young Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular : An elaborate stunt was to have been produced in collaboration with George Lucas. This action-packed live extravaganza would have thrust Young Indy into a series of thrilling adventures and misadventures, adding a new dimension to the legendary lore of one of Hollywood's greatest heroes." The famous ghost hearse outside of The Haunted Mansion was purchased for the show, until plans were scrapped.

The Island at the Top of the World : A zeppelin ride to a lost civilization in the Arctic designed for Discovery Bay.

Fireworks Factory : An interactive shooter ride designed for Discovery Bay, set inside a fireworks factory, where guests shoot at skyrockets, pinwheels and other fireworks.

Gallery of Illusions : A gallery of illusions. For Discovery Bay.

Voyage Thru Time : A slow boat ride sailing through time which featured dinosaur encounters! For Discovery Bay.

Spark Gap Electric Loop Coaster : A spiraling and dizzy ride designed for Discovery Bay, where the forces of magnetism were demonstrated for guests ( also envisioned for Disneyland Paris ).

Enchanted Snow Palace : A dark ride planned for Fantasyland.

Lightkeepers : A night time pageant created around Tomorrowland 2055 about an entire race of god-like alien creatures that actually created light. They were alleged to come from a far-off mythical galaxy where light was the source of everything. Created as a possible Main Street Electrical Parade replacement. Eventually became the inspiration for the short-lived "Light Magic" nighttime parade.

Rock Candy Mountain : This Disney mountain was planned for Disneyland Anaheim's Fantasyland, but was considered too sickly looking. The Storybookland Canal Boats would have entered and gone on a journey through the Land of Oz while a birthday party for Dorothy Gale took place.

Indiana Jones and the Lost Expedition : A huge complex designed to house the Indiana Jones Adventure as well as a mine cart roller coaster and part of the Jungle Cruise, with the Disneyland Railroad going through the middle.[

Adventures In Science : A history of science exhibit for Tomorrowland. In which guests would have traveled through a microscope through the history of science. Idea became used for Adventure Thru Inner Space.

Duck Bumps : A bumper boat ride to be built against International Street alongside the lagoon. Planned for Fantasyland.

Unamed Windmill Ride : A ride next to Duck Bumps which took guests twirling around on a windmill. Might have been based on The Old Mill.

Unamed Motion Simulator Western Adventure : A motion simulator ride for Frontierland where guests would hop on mechanical horses and watch a western adventure movie and become part of the action!

Dumbo's Circusland : A sub area of Fantasyland where Dumbo and Casey Jr. would have been relocated.

Hot Air Balloon : Would have bordered Discovery Bay and Dumbo's Circusland.

Dumbo's Circus : A nutty adventure underneath the big top with Dumbo leading the way!

Mickey's Madhouse A fun house adventure which featured clowns and such.

Disney's California Adventure

Armageddon Special Effects : A special effects show originally planned for Stage 17 of Hollywood Pictures Backlot. Who Wants to be a Millionaire- Play it! was placed there instead.

Rock 'N' Rollercoaster : starring No Doubt An indoor roller coaster ride featuring music from the Anaheim based band No Doubt.

Mickey's Philharmagic : A 3-D Film planned to replaced Muppet*Vision 3D, but cancelled due to theater size and space restrictions.

Circle of Hands : A show featuring various audio animatronics telling the history of California. Due to budget cuts, the show was canceled and replaced by Golden Dreams.

Chocolate Factory Tour : A tour in the Pacific Wharf, featuring free samples of chocolate.

Incredibles Attraction : An E-Ticket attraction featuring robot-arm technology, themed to the Disney*Pixar Movie "The Incredibles". Was put on hold in favor of "Carsland".

Paradise Pier Water Flume Attraction : A "Chute-the-Chutes" style boat ride which would have ended with a splash into Paradise Bay.

Surfing Lessons : Initial concepts of DCA were to feature surfing lessons in Paradise Bay.

Odessea : A nighttime spectacular on Paradise Bay, themed to "The Little Mermaid".

Lights, Camera, Animation! : A Parade to replaced "Eureka!: A California Parade" featuring classic Disney animated characters. Was dropped in favor of "Block Party Bash".

Pixar Superstar Parade : A Parade to replace "Block Party Bash" featuring Disney*Pixar characters. Was dropped in favor of "Pixar Play Parade".

Walt Disney World

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Dragon Tower : A dragon themed rollercoaster planned for Beastly Kingdom. Laid-off Imagineers took the idea to Universal becoming Dueling Dragons.

Quest for the Unicorn : A hedgemaze planned for Beastly Kingdom.

Fantasia Gardens : A boat ride designed for Beastly Kingdom featuring the mythical animals in Fantasia.

Enhanced DINOSAUR : DINOSAUR was originally planned to have Ankylosaurus-shaped vehicles that would have traveled through prehistoric swamps and jungles. Additional scenes would feature feasting Tyrannosaurs, volcanic eruptions, high speeds, deinonychus attacks, and more.

The Excavator : A runaway mine car roller coaster through an abandoned dinosaur dig planned for Dinoland USA.

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Dick Tracy's Crime Stoppers : A ride based on the 1990 film Dick Tracy.

Baby Herman's Runaway Baby Buggy : A "Star Tours" style simulator ride based on Baby Herman, a character from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Toontown Trolley : A madcap adventure that would have flight simulators surrounded by animated screens to take guests on a hare-raising trolley ride through a zany cartoon world with Roger Rabbit at the helm.

The Great Muppet Movie Ride : A misguided tour through movie history -- Muppet-style

Chinese Theater's Villain Ride : A 3D adventure where WDW visitors would have been menaced by three dimensional recreations of Disney's most famous fiends before the forces of good finally came to their rescue. Planned for the Disney-MGM Studios and would have replaced The Great Movie Ride at Walt Disney World.


Mt Fuji Roller Coaster : A roller coaster modeled after the Matterhorn Bobsleds at Disneyland. Planned for the Japan Pavilion at Epcot. It was rejected after protests by Eastman Kodak, sponsor of Journey Into Imagination over a ride sharing the name of their biggest competitor, Fujifilm.

Simulated Bullet Train Ride : A unique variation of Disney's CircleVision 360 show. These WDW guests would have found themselves standing on board a vibrating recreation of the passenger compartment of a Japanese bullet train. By looking out through the over-sized faux windows in this passenger car these folks would then have been treated to a high speed travelogue. As some of Japan's most beautiful scenery continually whizzed by all of the windows. Planned for the Japan Pavilion at Epcot.

Godzilla Bullet Train Ride : Similar to both the Mt. Fuji and Bullet Train ideas, though having the bullet train run afoul of Godzilla in Tokyo Bay, leading to a race against time to get to safety. Planned for the Japan Pavilion at Epcot.

Rhine River Cruise : A cruise down Germany's most famous rivers -- the Rhine, the Tauber, the Ruhr and the Isar. Detailed miniatures of famous landmarks will also be seen, including one of the Cologne Cathedral. Planned for the Germany Pavilion at Epcot. The building that would have housed the ride is still visible at the Germany pavilion along with the ride entrance section.

Magic Kingdom

Thunder Mesa : A huge complex meant to house the Western River Expedition, Big Thunder Mountains, hiking trails and an Indian Village. Planned for Frontierland.

Western River Expedition : A Pirates of the Caribbean style ride through the Wild West. This was first proposed for Walt Disney's Riverboat Square.

Lewis and Clark River Expedition : An earlier incarnation of the Western River Expedition. Was planned for Disney's America but scrapped with the rest of the park.

Fire Mountain : A roller coaster ride through an active volcano. Planned for the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World. Would have started like Matterhorn bobsleds but a lava spout accompanied by fissures would have sent the cars flying in the air. Intended for Adventureland or Fantasyland.

Unnamed Duck Tales Ride Planned for Mickey's Starland (currently Mickey's Toontown Fair) or possibly an unbuilt version of Mickey's Toontown for the international parks. Sketches and comments can be seen in a hidden menu on the rare special edition Duck Tales DVD set available only overseas. Sketches seem to indicate a dark ride style attraction similar to Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin.

Disneyland Paris

Main Street elevated tramway : The imaginers envisioned an elevated tramway going all along main street and inside the arcades.

Discovery arcade Automats museum : A walk-through concept that would have been dedicated to automats - early mechanical figures, full of real antiques.

Ariel's Undersea Voyage : A Little Mermaid-themed dark ride.

Jungle Exploration : A jeep ride designed for the park, similar to Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye.

Tarzan Coaster : The Tarzan "coaster" was envisioned to be build near Captain Hook's pirate ship and using in part the Swiss Robinson Tree structure.

Beauty and the Beast : A Tiki Room style attraction planned for Disneyland Paris.

Discovery Mountain : A huge complex designed to be the Disneyland Paris version of Space Mountain, containing the Space Mountain roller coaster, a tower launch ride, a Nautilus walk-through attraction (later moved to outside the complex) and an undersea restaurant.

Indiana Jones Adventure : A large space has been reserved for an attraction of the same size. Unknown if it may become reality, or is even for that attraction all together.

Pirates of Caribbean shooting gallery : similar to the Frontierland shooting gallery, but with a Pirate theming, it was never built.
Eventually could be part of HKD future Pirates land.

Hong Kong Disneyland

Peter Pan's Flight : A dark ride would have been placed in Fantasyland. It would be similar to the Magic Kingdom one.

Ariel's Undersea Voyage : When unbuilt at Disneyland Paris, imagineers planned to remake the attraction at Hong Kong. Again the attraction was neglected. Currently in the works for Paradise Pier at California Adventure.

Raging Spirits : A speedy roller coaster that whisked guests through a very dark jungle. May have been a copy of Raging Spirits from Tokyo DisneySea.

The Boneyard : The popular Animal Kingdom attraction would have been placed in Adventureland.

Big Thunder Mountain : A roller coaster would have been placed in Frontierland/Wild West area.

Pirates of the Caribbean : A thrill water ride would have been placed in Adventureland.

Unamed fort adventure : A dark ride based in a pioneer's settlement. Special effects would have been included.

Haunted Mansion : A haunted mansion style attraction would have been placed in Frontierland/Wild West area. If built it would have broken the tradition of placing the mansion in a different land at each park.

Grizzly River Run : The ever popular California Adventure river raft ride would have been an opening day thrill. Unknown if the design of the mountain would change.

Soarin' : A soarin' style attraction would have been placed in Tomorrowland

Star Tours : A theater would have been in Tomorrowland.

Tokyo Disneyland

UFO Encounter : One of the most secret WDI project for Tokyo Disneyland where guests become prisoners of an alien - a big audio-animatronic - inside his space ship, a kind of huge flying saucer.



Pirates of the Caribbean : Several ideas including drunken pirates in a rowboat overflowing with rum were scrapped. Guard crocodiles and a marooned salesman were also planned for the Treasure Room.

The Haunted Mansion : Many changing and stretching portraits including a man bursting into flames, were drawn but not made. Several other ghost within the mansion such as a ghostly orchestra in the Grand Hall, ghost showgirls, a drunk sea captain, and other hitch hiking ghosts, were all never realized.

A Christmas Carol Overlay for The Haunted Mansion : A Christmas Carol was a considered overlay for the mansion but the imagineers thought it would be boring and not attractive to visitors.

The Magic Kingdom

Pirates of the Caribbean : A pirate captain that looked up at guests and slowly turned into a skeleton. An entire Island of Lost Souls was planned for Adventureland but scrapped.

Splash Mountain : Critters rolling around in a cart full of jewels in the laughin' place as well as waterfalls reflecting the laughing faces of critters.

Haunted Mansion Winter Terrorland : A holiday overlay for Disney World based on the popular Haunted Mansion Holiday overlay in California. The park declined for the attraction, and all the props made for it was transferred to Tokyo Disneyland for Haunted Mansion Holiday Nightmare.

Disneyland Paris

Indiana Jones and the temple of péril : A second temple with another coaster was envisioned by WDI in the late 90's, but never built.

Tokyo Disneyland

Haunted Mansion : A new load area was planned when the park was feared too similar to other parks. A new exit crypt was planned as well featuring the crypts of infamous monsters trying to break free ala Corridor of Doors style. Ideas were made by then retired Disney legend, Marc Davis.


Mineral King Ski Resort : A Disney-themed ski resort.

Walt Disney's Riverboat Square : An indoor theme park planned for St. Louis.

Disneyland Bowl : A 5,000 seat outdoor amphitheatre suitable for concerts and other live events. Would have been located along Harbor Blvd. in Anaheim. Planned for Disneyland Resort.

Disneyland Center : A retail, dining and entertainment area with buildings modeled after memorable Californian landmarks such as Catalina's Avalon Ballroom, Venice Beach's Boardwalk and San Diego's Coronado Hotel along a six-acre lake. The design of which would eventually evolve into Downtown Disney.

Lava Lagoon : A Polynesian themed indoor waterpark planned for Disneyland Paris, with a huge volcano built under a glass dome.


Disney's Asian Resort : To be located where Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa was eventually built in Walt Disney World, Florida.

Disney's Venetian Resort : To be located between the Contemporary Resort and the Transportation and Ticket Center in Walt Disney World, Florida.

Disney's Persian Resort : To be located adjacent to the Seven Seas Lagoon in Walt Disney World, Florida.

Cypress Point Lodge : A rustic-themed resort that was to have resembled Yellowstone Lodge.To be located were Disney's Wilderness Lodge is located now.

Fort Wilderness Junction : A highly themed, moderately priced 600-room resort in the style of Disneyland Paris' Cheyenne Hotel complex.

Disney's Mediterranean Resort : A Greek themed resort to be located on the Seven Seas Lagoon in Walt Disney World, Florida.

Magic Kingdom Hotel : A hotel bearing passing resemblance to the historic Santa Barbara Mission. Would have been located near Downtown Disney. Planned for the Disneyland Resort.

WestCOT Lake Resort : A 1,800 room hotel which would have been built in a horseshoe design curving built in the style of the Beverly Hills Hotel and would been along a six-acre lake.

Disneyland Resort Hotel : A 800 room luxurious complex which was to be constructed in the style of San Diego's world famous Hotel del Coronado : Inspired by Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa in Walt Disney World.

Indian Hotel Hotel modeled after India's Taj Mahal and would been located in WestCOT's Asia area.

European Hotel : Hotel with European style landmarks such as the domes of St Basil's Cathedral. It would been located in WestCOT's Europe area.

Egyptian Hotel : Hotel with an Egyptian theme, to have been located in WestCOT's Africa area.


Disneyland California

Chinese Restaurant : Was to feature the first human Audio-Animatronic, a recreation of Confucius.

The Enchanted Tiki Room Restaurant : Enchanted Tiki Room was originally meant to house a sit-down restaurant. The show building still houses toilets adjoining the Enchanted Tiki Room theatre.

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Copperfield Magic Underground Based around David Copperfield, the famous stage magician Also considered for Downtown Disney.

Gonzo's Pandemonium Pizza Parlor Muppet-themed resturant, The Great Gonzo and Rizzo the Rat's version of a pizza parlor.

Disneyland Paris

Main Street Art-deco restaurant : A luxurious and art-deco restaurant , a kind of private“club 33” located behind the Main Street Transportation Co. building, would have give you the feeling you’re dining on a train.

Vulcania and Nautilus Restaurant : A Disneyland Paris restaurant to be built inside Discovery Mountain, with an entire wall looking out the lagoon beneath Discovery Mountain.

All pictures and artwork: copyright Disney Enterprises Inc.

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