Showing posts with label innoventions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label innoventions. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How Litlle by Little Disneyland Innoventions Become a Marvel Super Heroes Pavilion

Remember this rumor a few years ago saying that Disneyland's Innoventions will be shut down and be replaced by a Marvel attraction? Well, Innoventions is still there and we don't have a ride instead of it but little by little the whole pavilion is indeed becoming a Marvel one. And now, after "Iron Man Tech Presented by Stark Industries" and "Thor: Treasures of Asgard" that DL guests can always experience it's Captain America who will come at Innoventions on March 7 in "Captain America: The Living Legend and Symbol of Courage"!

Of course, all this is done to promote the new "Captain America, The Winter Soldier", but this you already knew it, didn't you?

Picture: copyright Disney - Marvel

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Disneyland Innoventions Thor : Treasures of Asgard Experience Video

Thor : Treasures of Asgard is opening today at Disneyland Innoventions but DL Annual Passholders had a  Preview and the first videos started to appear on youtube showing the full experience including the teleportation to Asgard and the meet and greet with Thor himself.

I was wondering how they will do the teleportation effect and it's done using mainly light effects, nothing sophisticated here, probably for  budget reasons or simply lack of time. The whole experience looks pleasant and there is a funny moment during the meeting with Thor when a young child try to pick-up thor's mighty hammer "Mjolnir" that Thor tosses around easily but the child - or any other guest - can't succeed to lift!

Have a look at the full Thor experience video below, filmed by Fresh Baked Disney.

Picture: copyright Andy Castro - Mice Chat

Video: copyright Fresh Baked Disney 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Disney Dream Pretty Cool Innovations

Disney parks released a new video showing the new innovations aboard the new Disney Dream ship. We talked about these previously but i must say that they look pretty cool. Have a look at this short video which shows most of the new innovations, including a "dinner talk with Crush" at the Animator's Palette restaurant!

And, talking about innovations, after watching the video below, jump on my Innovations Blog where the best Magic act done with an iPad awaits you!

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Saturday, March 13, 2010

D&M Innoventions : Microsoft Courier vs Apple IPad

D&M Innoventions series are each week-end on Disney and more and the goal is to introduce some amazing technologies. If you like Epcot, Tomorrowland and the spirit of the Future, then this article is for you!

Since yesterday it is possible to pre-order on the Apple web site the awaited IPad which will be released in the U.S on April 3 and at the end of April in other countries. I am always not happy that no webcam is included on the device, even if it will probably be the case in the next version. However, except if you're really in a hurry to get Apple's tablet, i strongly suggest you to wait until the end of the year.

Why? Well, not only the IPad V2 will be better as it's always the case, but also because Microsoft is working on its on tablet concept, it's called "Courier" and it looks damn' good! Think about it as an "infinite diary" where you could collect any theme park pictures you'd like when you surf on the web, or even shoot pictures with it when you're at Disneyland (a camera will be included) and share them, etc... all this with an AMAZING user interface. If you use each day a diary or a Filofax AND need a mobile device to read your emails, go on internet, note ideas, take pictures on the go, read ebooks, etc...then Microsoft's Courier will be for you. It's going to revolutionize the diary concept, and boy do we need it! But if you're looking for a device to look movies or play video games, then the Apple IPad will be a better choice.

As you know, normally I'm a Mac addict, the kind of Mac addict who doesn't even want to hear the word "Microsoft"! But it seems that this time Microsoft has designed a product that I would be pleased to order! So, this "Courier" looks great and we have now more details about it. Courier will be under an inch thick, will weight a little over a pound, and will not much bigger than a 5x7 photo when closed. But as you may have already understood Microsoft tablet will open like a book with two screens inside, so i think we can say it's more a "booklet" than a "tablet".

And why Courier will have two screens, you ask? Well you'll understand in a minute on the videos why this dual screens is a great idea but here is more details from Engadget: "The dual 7-inch (or so) screens are multitouch, and designed for writing, flicking and drawing with a stylus, in addition to fingers. They're connected by a hinge that holds a single iPhone-esque home button. Statuses, like wireless signal and battery life, are displayed along the rim of one of the screens. On the back cover is a camera, and it might charge through an inductive pad, like the Palm Touchstone charging dock for Pre.

Two screens, a mashup of a pen-dominated interface with several types of multitouch finger gestures, and multiple graphically complex themes, modes and applications. (Our favorite UI bit? The hinge doubles as a "pocket" to hold items you want move from one page to another.) Microsoft's tablet heritage is digital ink-oriented, and this interface, while unlike anything we've seen before, clearly draws from that, its work with the Surface touch computer and even the Zune HD."

Frankly, if Microsoft succeed to create a "booklet" which works as shown on the videos below I predict a big success to this new device. So, the best is to have a look at the real thing - not totally "real", though, as what you will see on the videos is CGI animation, not the final product which is expected to be released this fall. Important note: these are new videos, not the one released last September, and they show new details on the amazing Courier UI. So, even if you've seen the previous videos, don't miss these new one! Let me know what you think about it in the comments!

Pictures and videos: copyright Microsoft, Engadget

Saturday, March 6, 2010

D&M Innoventions : Pranav Mistry brings us the Future

D&M Innoventions series are each week-end on Disney and more and the goal is to introduce some amazing technologies. If you like Epcot, Tomorrowland and the spirit of the Future, then this article is for you!

I've always thought that a lot of geniuses will come from India and the video embedded today brings a perfect proof. Don't go away as not only you will discover the future and a amazing technology but also a real genius: Pranav Mistry.

Pranav Mistry is born in 1981 in Palanpur, India. He is a young research assistant and a PhD candidate at Massachusets Institute of Technology Media Lab and most of all the inventor of "SixthSense". A lot of modern inventions came from the MIT, and this one is fantastic. Pranav Mistry is passionate about integrating the world of information with our real world interactions. Among some of his previous work, Pranav has made intelligent sticky notes that can be searched, located and can send reminders and messages; a pen that can draw in 3D; and a public map that can act as Google of physical world. His latest invention, Sixth Sense, has been awarded 2009 Invention Award by Popular Science. Pranav Mistry also won Young Innovator Award TR35 by Technology Review and has been called "one of the two or three, best inventors in the world right now".

So, what did he invented? Pranav will explain it to you better than i can do on the video below but, basically, here it is: Right now, you're reading this article on my site, i.e you are on internet. Which means that YOU are coming to the virtual world. Well, Pranav Mistry invented a way to have the "virtual world" coming into our "physical world", i.e exactly the contrary. And, as he did it using things which are already existing we won't have to wait twenty years before it arrives in our reality, it can be done right NOW! And here is the best: all what you will see on this video from a TED conference - if you take the time to look at it, which i hope - can be done for a cost amazingly cheap, not more than $500, i think.

It's not every day that we discover a true genius, and Pranav Mistry is one of them. And the beauty of it is that everything looks so simple...

Below, the 13 min TED video and good news for my non-english readers as you can choose to watch it with subtitles and have the choice of 14 different languages!

And it seems that Pranav opened the way for others researchers as you will see with the next video showing the Skinput system created by Chris Harrison of Carnegie Mellon University and Dan Morris and Desney Tan of the Microsoft's research lab in Redmond. The system is a marriage of two technologies: the ability to detect the ultralow-frequency sound produced by tapping the skin with a finger, and the microchip-sized "pico" projectors now found in some cellphones.

And all this for doing what, you ask? Well, to put it simply, in a near future instead to dial a phone number on your mobile phone you'll be able to do it directly on your hand - and, yes, without holding any mobile phone! Even better, the system will allow to choose options just by tapping your forearm as this one could become part of a skin-based interface that effectively turns your body into a touchscreen!

Have a look below at this other video to be amazed once again!

Video: copyright TED, Skinput

Saturday, February 27, 2010

D&M Innoventions : Mission : Space !

D&M Innoventions series are each week-end on Disney and more and the goal is to introduce some amazing technologies. If you like Epcot, Audio-animatronics or Disneyland Innoventions, then this article is for you!

Today the theme is outer space and this first video will delight those of you interested by Audio-animatronics. Using leading edge control, sensor and vision technologies, NASA and GM engineers and scientists came together at NASA Johnson Space Center to build a new dexterous humanoid robot - Robonaut2, or R2 for short - capable of working side by side with people or assisting NASA astronauts on dangerous space missions!

I know you've all seen a Space Shuttle launch but space shuttle Endeavour lift-off that happened last February 8 was absolutely awesome. There is only four more Space Shuttle missions and may be this one was the last launch at night. Definitely watch the video in full screen mode and i guarantee you a big WOW! All engines running!

While we are above the Earth, let's stay there a little bit and let's have a look to this new Google's Liquid Galaxy invented by engineer Jason Holt. With Google's Liquid Galaxy the user have a wraparound view of 8 LCD screens providing a incredibly immersive experience of Google Earth.

And, talking about Space Shuttle launch i have a last surprise for you: a perfect video of Epcot's Mission Space filmed by If you've never ride the Epcot attraction the video below will show you everything and put you at the center of the action, just like if you were there, including queue decor, pre-show and the full ride "mission"! Enjoy!

Picture: copyright NASA

Videos: copyright NASA and

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Introducing the new D&M Innoventions section

You may have noticed that i post regularly on week-end some "tech" articles - and exceptionally too during the week as i did last thursday on the new Apple Ipad. So, i introduce today the "D&M Innoventions" section where you'll learn interesting news about future technologies. Let's say it will be D&M "Tomorrowland" where we will have an insight of the future. All tech articles will be listed on the right column in this section. You love Innoventions at Epcot and Disneyland? I'm sure you'll love too the D&M Innoventions articles!

Here we go for a new one, and don't worry, tomorrow i'll be back with Disney / theme parks articles:

It seems that i was not the only one being disappointed with the new Apple IPad. I don't worry too much for Apple, though, as i'm sure they will sell it anyway. And others - like me - will wait for the next version hoping it will bring "the future in the present" as i explained in my previous article.

Precisely, let's have a quick look at the future and what could be the next Apple IMac. On January 14th a new Apple patent appeared describing pretty clearly what could be a new kind of IMac, a IMac Touch. And days later, chinese-language Commercial Times reported that "Apple will launch a 22-inch IMac touch late 2010. Apple will outsource production of the 22-inch model to Quanta, with Taiwan-based Sintek Photronic supplying the touchscreen panel".

Frankly, i have nothing against the concept of a IMac with a touch screen, but until now i had pain in my shoulder at the simple thought that i'll have to lift my arm all day long in order to touch this godamn' screen... Apart the inevitable fingermarks on the screen, this was for me the main problem. And then came this new Apple patent.

As you can see on the picture above Apple resolved the problem in such a simple way that it's hard to believe nobody thought about doing it before. Basically, you will have a normal IMac which, thanks to a articulated arm, will smoothly change its position and move closer to you.

But the transition will also have an effect on how you will use softwares as an include accelerometer will automatically detect the change of position. At that point the UI will enter in touch screen mode as it is written in the "Transitioning Between Modes Of Input" patent description and described in the picture below:

"Transitioning between a high-resolution input mode, such as a mouse-based interface, and a low-resolution input mode, such as a touch-based interface, is described. A change of orientation of a touch screen between a first orientation and a second orientation is detected. Transitioning between the two input modes and corresponding user interfaces (UIs) is based on the detected change of orientation. A change of orientation can be detected with one or more sensors, such as an accelerometer, position sensors, etc. Transitioning from one mode to another can include modifying an item displayed in the UI of the one mode into a corresponding item displayed in the UI of the other mode. The modifying can include enlarging/reducing, obscuring/unobscuring, moving, etc. For example, an item can be obscured by the visual effect of sliding it off of the screen."

So, will 2010 be the year of the first IMac Touch? May be. But there is another reason why it should happen: i've always thought that the Iphone was Apple's Troy horse to convert PC owners to Apple products. Last week Steve Jobs introduced the new IPad working with the same multi touch OS than the IPhone. What does it mean? It mean that the 30 Million + IPhone owners already know how to use the IPad and all of them are, of course, potential buyers. The next step might be the IMac Touch, using the same multi touch interface than the Iphone or the IPad. You got the idea? The idea is to direct little by little to Apple computers the same people who were at first only interested by a mobile phone! I must admit it's a really smart strategy...

And if i'm right we should have some news of the IMac Touch next September when the new IMacs will be announced.

So, what do you think of this new IMac Touch concept?

Pictures: copyright Disney, Apple Inc

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Innoventions "The Sum of all Thrills" : I don't want to be disagreeable, but...

Last Wednesday, October 14, Innoventions new attraction "The Sum of all Thrills" opened. So, i thought: let's do an article about it and went to the WDW press web site to find some pictures of it. That's where journalists go to find pictures when anything new open at WDW, and generally pictures are available in the next day after the opening or so...

But since last Wednesday there is still no official picture on line, nothing. Pictures of the new ESPN Innovation Lab that open October 16 at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex are available, but always no pictures about "The Sum of all Thrills". Not even a press release! So, i began to thought "uh, that's strange..." and decided to go to the sponsor web site to see if there some pictures were available.

Before i go further let's talk one minute about the attraction. As we know the attraction use the famous KUKA robotic arm. I thought that Universal Studios had an exclusivity from KUKA on this robotic arm as they will use it in the E-Ticket ride of the awaited Harry Potter land at IOA, but i suppose that when the robotic arm is not used in a ride, it's probably different... Anyway, to come back to the attraction itself, guests "create their own experience by first choosing a ride theme, including a roller coaster, bobsled or jet plane".

"Using multitouch, object recognition tables, guests use math and engineering-based tools, such as rulers and speed dials, to design and customize their ride by adding corkscrews, inversions or steep hills.

The guest can then experience his or her custom ride from beginning to end on the robotic KUKA RoboSim 4-D simulator. Inside the simulator, guests experience their ride on immersive high definition video combined with stereo sound and controlled air motion for a complete sensory experience".

All the reviews on the net about The Sum of all Thrills are good - Werner on Mice age did a very good one about it - so this new addition to Innoventions seems pretty cool.

Now, to come back to my pictures research, i found two pictures on the Raytheon web site. They're include in this article but because i wanted to find better pictures i went to the Raytheon press section. First you have to know is that i knew nothing about this Raytheon company. May be they're well known in the U.S but in France nobody know them, which is not the problem, of course.

Sooo, i arrived on their press picture section and what do i see - like anybody going to find pictures in this section? Pictures of missiles - yep, WAR missiles, all kind of missiles from the well known "Tomahawk" to the "Patriot", as many as you want others Air-to-Ground Missiles and even a ExoSkeleton for soldiers... In two words, Raytheon is a company working in defense industry, manufacturing war weapons. I suppose that some of you would say that they're creating weapons which will help to protect "our" country but whatever is the angle you take the truth is that missiles are weapons that can destroy planes, tanks, buildings, etc...but at the end generally kill people.

No need to say that i was a bit shocked when i saw this and even more amazed that it seems to don't be a problem for anyone - i didn't see any review talking about it. The first thing i thought was "Is Disney out of its mind to have as sponsor a company manufacturing war weapons? ". Then i talked with an american friend who explained to me that considering the U.S "culture of weapon", it was less shocking out there, on the other side of the Atlantic. I can understand this, but i guarantee you that we will NEVER have at Disneyland Paris an attraction sponsored by a war weapon manufacturer. No way, never, the press reaction all over Europe would be terrible, really.

So, i don't want to be disagreeable - specially because i think to all the work and time it took to WDI Imagineers to design this new attraction - but, frankly, don't you think it's shocking that a Disney theme park sponsor is a war weapon manufacturer? I know that Epcot is no longer the utopia it was originally supposed to be, i.e an "experimental prototype community of tomorrow", and finally is a park dedicated to international culture and technological innovation but, honestly, wasn't it possible to find a sponsor manufacturing something else than weapons which kill people? Seriously.

Well, now that i know about all this may be it explains too why the WDW press web site is "silent" about this Innoventions attraction and why you won't find on it any picture...or even a press release.

EDITED: Please read the comments of D&M readers below which help to understand the situation as apparently Raytheon seems to don't be the first EPCOT sponsor working in defense industry as General Motors, General Electric and United Technologies all have (or have had during sponsorship) weapons/defense divisions.

However, to pay tribute to the Imagineers who did a brilliant job on this attraction, here is a video very well filmed on opening day by Attractions magazine which will show you perfectly the attraction itself. Have a look, and then let me know what you feel about all this.

Pictures: copyright Disney, Raytheon and Orlando Sentinel

Video: copyright Attractions Magazine

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Epcot Innoventions StormStruck attraction - Artwork and Videos

Hurricane Ike - the one i told you to keep an eye on it two weeks ago when it was only a tropical storm - hit texas this morning, and very unfortunately it is a highly devastating category 2 hurricane, so let's hope that everybody is in a safe place.

Ike is too far from Florida to have effects on Walt Disney World, but Epcot's guests can have an idea of what a hurricane can do in the new Innoventions attraction "StormStruck, a tale of two homes" which opened one month ago. Below, the official artwork, click to see it in big size.

Some presentation from the official press release, now : As they first enter the Storm Struck venue, guests watch a variety of weather videos and reports on an upcoming storm. Then they enter a theater designed to make the participants feel that they are sitting in their own house – they can even see out into the backyard. This sets the scene for the participants to watch a storm that is coming. Through interactive technology and special effects, guests experience the sensation of the storm getting stronger and be able to watch and feel as the storm passes by "their house."

After the storm, participants go through a series of interactive experiences that will educate them on building safe, strong homes as they rebuild their "virtual home" and see how it would withstand another major weather event. Viewers can see messages and information from all of the sponsors, including State Farm, throughout the experience. The exhibit draws on information that was presented in the State Farm-produced FLASH video – A Tale of Two Houses. This video tells the story of two Florida homes side-by-side during Hurricane Charley in 2004. One home, built in the ‘60s, did not survive, while the other, constructed using building codes post-Hurricane Andrew, did.

While Floridians may be used to strong storms, only a small percentage of the visitors to INNOVENTIONS at Epcot are from the state. The majority of guests are from other areas around the nation and worldwide, which means for many, this would be the first time that they are experiencing such severe weather. This makes the exhibit an opportunity to educate and inform them about severe weather mitigation. "This exhibit allow people who have not experienced these types of storms to understand what other people go through and recognize what they can do to make their homes safer and stronger through construction practices".

Here is the official video that will show you more of what happen inside this ( small ) attraction.

No video available of the show itself - it's probably forbidden to film during the show - but here is a video of the pre-show movie.

At the end of the experience, visitors will leave the theatre but will have the chance to learn even more. Interactive displays and devices will allow guests to understand the weather perils that affect their local areas. This information will be accompanied with mitigation messages. "This exhibit allows people to experience strong weather without actually going through the devastation of a storm," Matthews said. "It's safe, educational and fun."

Photo, artwork and videos: copyright Disney

Youtube pre-show video thanks to CLslinkyman !

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Disney and more Time machine - Back in time to 1957 : Disneyland House of the Future photo and video tribute

Built of plastics, a revolutionary material at that time, the four wing"ultra-modern" House of the Future was on display from 1957 to 1967 at the entrance of Tomorrowland at Disneyland.The House of the Future featured the latest in furniture and appliances along with intercoms and other gadgets that were not common in most homes at the time.

Now comes at Disneyland's Innoventions the "Dream Home". Last week, the Disneyland Resort announced a five-year alliance with Microsoft, HP, Life|ware and home builder Taylor Morrison to showcase integrated digital technologies for the home in the immersive, story-telling experiences for which Disney is known. The alliance includes the design and development of the new Innoventions Dream Home attraction, a 5,000+ sq. ft. home belonging to the fictional Elias family, scheduled to open in May in Tomorrowland at the Disneyland Resort.

Keeping with Walt’s vision of bringing cutting-edge and inspiring ideas to Tomorrowland, the Innoventions Dream Home will introduce Disneyland guests to newly available technology from the participating companies that will enhance their lives today, while providing them a glimpse of the emerging digital advances they may find in their homes in the future. The attraction will provide guests with a “high-tech, high-touch” opportunity to experience technology in an entertaining, low-risk environment showing them how the power of technology can connect them to the people and things they care most about.

The technology companies will showcase a wide range of technologies and products in the exhibit, including the latest in mobile phones, PCs, digital music and gaming. The Innoventions Dream Home demonstrates how home technology can be simple, intuitive and fun while helping guests understand how to seamlessly interconnect their home, the surrounding community and the world, helping consumers stay closer to the people, places and entertainment that are most important to them. The alliances also help ensure that the Innoventions Dream Home remains on the forefront of technology with the newest devices and products as part of the exhibit.

Guests will actively engage in this experience as they help members of the fictional Elias family prepare for a trip to World Soccer Championships in China, where their son is competing. Elias family members rotate throughout the house, randomly interacting with guests in the various rooms.

So, this "Dream Home" will open in may, but before, let's have a tribute to the "House of the future" , with the pictures below.

This last picture is the great replica designed by Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily for Disney

But the great document is this two part Monsanto video below that will show you how amazing, specially in 1960's the House of the Future was. Don't miss it, it's just like if you were there, 40 years ago!

Photos: copyright Disney

Video: copyright Monsanto and Disney

All my thanks to Macmouse4 for the great Youtube video