Showing posts with label ratatouille. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ratatouille. Show all posts

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Learn How to Make a Ratatouille EXACTLY Like Remy Did it in Pixar's Ratatouille Movie

I've got something great for all of you who love Pixar's Ratatouille movie. If you remember it well, the climax scene is near the end of the movie when the food critic taste the ratatouille prepared by Remy, and absolutely love it because it reminds him his childhood. At DLP Walt Disney Studios, guests can order a ratatouille when they eat in the greatly themed restaurant located at the exit of the Ratatouille ride, but unfortunately the dish is not prepared like the one Remy does in the animated movie. To be fair, the restaurant did it apparently once, on Grand Opening day - or for the press event - and, since, when you order a ratatouille the waiters will bring you a regular French ratatouille which is not the same.

Actually, what Remy prepares for the food critic in the Ratatouille movie is not really a ratatouille but a dish called "Confit Byaldi" which is a sort of a modern spin on the famous ratatouille. Now, cook Andrew Rea did the video below in which you will learn how to cook and do a "ratatouille" EXACTLY as Remy did it in the Pixar movie! Andrew Rea method even looks easier than in the Pixar animated film, and the final result looks as good!

Have a look in the video below at how he prepares the dish like in Ratatouille, and then do it yourself at home!

Picture: copyright Disney - Pixar, Andrew Rea

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Are Guardians of Galaxy, TRON and Ratatouille Rides Coming to Epcot?

Is the future of Epcot looking bright again? The new Frozen ride is extremely successful and the new Soaring movie is another brilliant addition but according to several sources Disney may has big plans for Epcot and P_Radden posted on WDWmagic this summary of things to come, indicating what is already greenlit or not:

- Universe of Energy is getting a GotG ( guardians of Galaxy ) overhaul, green lit.
- Wonders of Life might get a GotG phase 2, not yet green lit.
- Communicore (outside of mouse gear and starbucks, possibly club cool) will be updated/overhauled, green lit.
- Mission Space will get a refurb/update, green lit.
- There are plans for Imagination, but not green lit yet.
- The Land and Seas pavilions as well as Test Track and Space Ship Earth will remain as is.

Now, according to a short article of WDWNT an "Epcot riddled by IPs may be on the way". More specifically a TRON attraction similar to the one at Shanghaî Disneyland Tomorrowland and a Ratatouille ride like the one at DLP Walt Disney Studios for, of course, the France area at Epcot World Showcase. 

It would make perfectly sense to have a TRON ride at Epcot Future World and it's may be even the ride that the park is waiting for to have its attendance rising spectacularly at last, though the new Frozen ride should help for that, too.

Same for the Ratatouille ride which would fit perfectly in the France area, but there is a bit more to say about this one. Although WDI Imagineers can do a "copy and paste" of the TRON ride which seems perfect as it is - though if they can make the ride a bit longer no one would blame them - some changes would be needed on the Ratatouille one to make it even more enjoyable. When the ride opened at DLP WDS everyone was under the charm of the stunning Parisian theming - indoor or outdoor - and so far guests like very much the ride, but ...all this and the huge amount of money spent on this mini-land didn't had the expected result in financial terms or even in attendance that the WDC was hoping for. 

What went wrong? The WDC generally always blame France and European economy for the poor financial results of the resort and they're not totally wrong, to be fair. But for Ratatouille it's a bit different. Re-creating a Paris area when you have the real one at 40 minutes from the park is not as exotic for the guests as another environment. It's fun, but it don't transport you in another world like Frontierland or Adventureland can do, for instance. At Epcot it's different because Parisian architecture is so far from Florida. And that won't have to build it as "France" is already built at World Showcase. Basically they need only a backstage show building to install the ride which will save a lot of money. Now, about the ride itself. First time i did it i liked it of course because the Imagineers work and theming is wonderful. But did i wanted to ride it again and again when i've exit? May be not, and that's indicates there was some thrills missing in it. I understand that the goal was to create a family ride which would fit for every age, and specially young children, but i think there is still some margin of improvements to make it more memorable while not too hard to ride for children. Some details can be also fixed easily. For instance the fact that you can see during the ride the bottom of the screens destroy a bit the feeling of immersion. Hiding the bottom of these screens shouldn't be the most difficult thing to do. 

I've even more concerns about the Universe of Galaxy overlay with a Guardians of Galaxy theme and the UOE pavilion could close as soon as Fall 2016. Though i'm happy to hear that WDW DHS Tower of Terror will be preserved i'm not really happy of this GoG version in UOE. I don't see them keeping the Dinosaurs scenes with a GoG storyline so i guess we can say bye-bye to them, which is a big mistake as kids love Dinos as everyone should know. After World of Motion and the beloved Horizons ride it will be one more original Epcot ride which will disappear. If they really don't want to pay for a new show building why don't they use the one of Wonders of Life which is closed since years, and just a few yards from the Universe of Energy pavilion? And by the way, if they really want to make Universe of Energy a more exciting ride while keeping the Dinos i've got a great Dinos ride concept waiting for them HERE which would fit perfectly. 

Of course, what they want to do is to use IPs in the hope it will attract guests to the park, but GoG is not Frozen and i'm not sure the IP attraction effect will last as long as they hope. As for a TRON ride which indeed could find its place better at Future World it's a different problem as this time the cost could be higher, except if they decide to get rid of the beautiful - but probably expensive to build - TRON canopy that exist at Shanghaî Disneyland. 

So far, all of these are rumors and of course must be considered like this until official announcements.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Disneyland Paris WDS Update : The Ratatouille Land Pictures You've Not Seen Before !

Here is a new Disneyland Paris update, thanks to Max, D&M contributor and DLPWelcome webmaster. And this time we will have a look at the WDS Ratatouille land in a different way than before, and you'll see plenty of new theming that you've not seen before!

But first, let me remind you to don't miss the great summer special offer on the DLP book which include not only the special price of 60€ on both english or french editions copy but also a great surprise gift that you will love! At the end of the article you'll find the video showing you the whole book if you haven't seen it yet.

Paypal button for the ENGLISH edition: 

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Let's move now to the new Ratatouille land which became instantly popular from day one, with long lines to access to the ride. Good to see this land with plenty of guests enjoying it after we've seen it in construction the last two and a half years. Just like in the real Paris, you can even see - picture above - two lovers relaxing on a bench... 

Note that the weather was cloudy and rainy a few days ago when Max shot the pictures, apparently the sun is back now.

By the way, the water pressure on Remy's fountain at the center of the plaza has been reduced to avoid to have too much water "flying" when there is strong winds. 

In addition to the new pictures showing you other parts of the land that you'll see in a few seconds i also asked Max if he could shoot pictures of the "reverse angle", as well as the arch leading to Toy Story Land, the one with the bust of Gusteau which was hidden during the works.

The main reason why i was interested to get some shots of the reverse angle was to see if there is a visual intrusion of Toy Story Playland Parachute Drop and RC Racer rides for someone standing in the Ratatouille land . And yes, as you can see on the pictures above and below, there IS a serious visual intrusion problem, it's the least we can say, as you can't escape to see Parachute Drop and RC Racer from the Ratatouille land. And, as Peter, a D&M reader just reminded me on the D&M Facebook page, let's not forget also a "scream intrusion" with the screams of the guests on RC Racer! Sure, it's a pity, but don't blame DLP Imagineers as it was almost impossible to hide the two rides, except of course if the Ratatouille land would have been built in a different location. Hopefully when the vegetation will grow up in the future it might hide them a bit more.

Here is a panoramic view that i've quickly done with two of the views above to show you all in one shot.

Not too far from the fountain the merchandise shop "Chez Marianne" is still not open yet but the outside is ready for opening.

I've promised you pictures of the land that you've not seen before and there we go to explore the theming of the area in and around the covered market structure where guests are waiting before entering the show building.

Giant posters Ads with Gusteau and Anton Ego are displayed on the walls.

Nearby this covered market structure there is more theming, like this shop and hotel facades.

A plaque in tribute to the great Chef Paul Bocuse who partly served as inspiration for Gusteau can be seen on the walls.

At the ride entrance for guests with a Fast Pass you'll note the hidden Mickey "holding" the clock.

Let's have a look now at some pictures of the queue decor and loading room!

So many rooftops and chimneys they could do a Mary Poppins ride in there !

Max did the ride once again...

...and suddenly: a 1.0.1! Technical problem, projections and vehicles stopped, guests were escorted by cast members to the exit... and Max filmed everything as you will see on the video below.

There is more Disneyland Paris update coming very soon and next time we'll have a look at the Disneyland park. In the meantime, don't miss the special offer price on the great Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book - for both ENGLISH or FRENCH editions!  Thanks to this special offer you will save $50 on the normal price, so if you don't own the book yet i'm sure you don't want to miss it! Paypal and credit card payments are accepted, so make sure you to place your order now! 

You can use the Paypal buttons below for the english edition, or for the french edition. If you don't have a Paypal account you can also pay directly with your credit card with these buttons without opening a Paypal account. If it don't works please send me an email at:

Paypal button for ENGLISH Edition : 

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Don't know yet the Disneyland Paris book? Have a look at the video below or on the book website HERE.

Pictures: copyright Max Fan - DLPWelcome