Showing posts with label star tour 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star tour 2. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

Star Tours 2 Opens at Tokyo Disneyland - Full Video Report !

Last week was HKDL Mystic Manor's week and this week will be probably the one of Star Tours 2 which will have its official opening at TDL early May. But the attraction is now already in soft opening at TDL Tomorrowland and thanks to two TDL fans - François Couperin and vinylmatiOn - who posted videos on Youtube you'll be able to have a full look at this new Tokyo Disneyland version.

The ride movies are obviously the same but as we will see it seems that TDL had a special treatment and got some new pre-show movies and a new"hitchhiking droids" scene too. There we go for a complete tour and we begin by a video of the entrance concourse.

The next videos show the pre-show room with C3PO , R2D2 and the Starspeeder.

Always in the same room, the pre-show movie, and this one looks the same than in the U.S versions.

However,  it seems that they've introduced a new segment with the storm troopers calling to join the empire. In the video below it starts at 1.30 min and, as i unfortunately didn't did the ride in U.S theme parks, please let me know if this storm trooper part already exist in the DL and WDW versions or not, thanks.

Others pre-show movies are showing the spaceport and different destination planets. The two first videos below probably exist in the U.S versions but i wouldn't be surprised if the others below showing different planets with animated movies would be exclusive to TDL . And the animation style looks specially for japanese too. Thanks, too, to let me know if these are TDL exclusive or not.

Let's have a look now to the droids all along the pre-show and the first one is the droid of the security area, the one scanning luggages. In the video below you have the full sequence in "real time" with the different luggages.

Another droid this one apparently checking the guests.

Hitchhiker robots! Now the Hitchhiker ghosts of the Haunted Mansion are not the only ones! And these droids seems to be a TDL exclusive too...

The Droid customs and chinese shadow scenes.

A video of the thermic image security process.

It's time to embark in a Starspeeder and apparently TDL Star Tours boarding area has now a different lighting with new colors...

The video before boarding in the Starspeeder looks the same than in the U.S.

We'll end the tour with this travelling showing Star Tours 2 exit after the ride.

Thanks a lot to François Couperin and vinylmatiOn for all their videos!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Star Tours 2 coming to Hong Kong Disneyland Tomorrowland !

Although it's not totally official yet, i have a great news for all Hong Kong Disneyland fans: Star Tours 2 is coming to HKDL Tomorrowland! You can expect it probably the year after Mystic Manor opening, i.e in 2014 or 2015 the latest, and certainly before Shanghaî Disneyland opening. Although it's not official yet there has been recently some leaks and The in its report last week said that "The park reportedly plans to build an artificial lake and another amusement facility with a theme similar to Star Wars".

Personally i knew it since a while from my personal source and i think that Star Tours 2 will be a major addition to HKDL Tomorrowland. With the opening of four major attractions/land between now and 2015 Hong Kong Disneyland will be ready to face Shanghaî Disneyland opening. By the way, there is also a kind of logic in all this: If you follow the expansion plan of Hong Kong Disneyland, Autopia was opened in Tomorrowland in 2006, Animation Academy opened in Main Street in 2007, It's a Small World and Toy Story Land were the expansion for Fantasyland in 2008 and 2011, and Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Manor will be the expansion for Adventureland in 2012 and 2013. If you trace HKDL move, you'll understand that their next expansion plan should be back to Tomorrowland, and that's exactly what it's gonna be.

Now, where exactly will they put ST2 in Tomorrowland? Jump to my Star Tours 2 site to discover the exact location where Star Tours 2 will be build at HKDL Tomorrowland, and more details!

Picture: copyright Disney - Lucas Film

Don't miss the HKDL Wallpapers application for iPhone and iPad with gorgeous pictures of the park, you'll find it on the iTunes Appstore! See article here
Direct iTunes link HERE!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Star Tours 2 : The Adventures Continue Coming to Tokyo Disneyland Spring 2013

You were the first to learn about it last month when i revealed that Star Tours 2 was coming to TDL and today it's officially confirmed by Oriental Land: Star Tours 2 is definitely coming to Tokyo Disneyland and will open Spring 2013!

Jump on my Star Tours 2 website for more details about it, including TDL official press release.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Two New Star Tours 2 Full Ride Videos - Hoth / Death Star, Kashyyyk / Coruscant Sequences !

Just posted on the D&M Star Tours 2 section two new ST 2 "full ride" videos - with also some footage showing the pre-show. The first one is showing a different beginning than the other full ride video embedded two days ago in a previous article - here it's the Storm Troopers beginning instead of the Darth Vader one. The first destination" is also Hoth but the second destination is different - it's the Death Star sequence with the Boba Fett chase - and the ending is different too. We also see more shots of R2D2 as Starspeeder pilot! And the second one is showing the Kashyyyk and Coruscant sequences with another different ending!

Both are of course giant spoilers but if you want to watch them, jump HERE.

Picture: copyright Disney-Lucas Film Ltd

Friday, May 20, 2011

Star Tours Grand Opening ! First Official Star Tours 2 Video ....and more !

Here it is, the first official video showing the Star Tours queue decor and clips from each destination! Have a look at it, and then jump to the D&M Star Tours 2 section for more about ST2 Grand Opening, Disneyland ST2 "early departure" event as well as the first FULL RIDE video!

Video: copyright Disney - Lucas Film Ltd

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Star Tours 2 : C3PO meets Georges Lucas in Starspeeder 1000

Although a previous picture of C3PO was released some months ago this new one shot at Disneyland give us a better idea of his dimensions, where as the new Starspeeder 1000 pilot he will sit, and all this with his creator standing next to him - Georges Lucas himself!

Talking about Star Tours 2, do you know that Disneyland Paris didn't announced yet any plans to "upgrade" Discoveryland's Star Tours to Star Tours 2? And it is DLP 20th Anniversary next year! To be honest, considering that WDI Imagineers need 9 months only to transform the attraction DLP executives still have some time to make their final choice and to give the green light to begin the works. We'll see...

Picture: copyright Disney

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Star Wars week-ends Posters, news from Star Tours 2, and more

The Star Wars Week-ends will come back soon at Disney's Hollywood Studios and some new Star Wars Week-ends posters were released recently. Blue Sky Disney and the Disney Blog did talk about them and you may have seen them on these sites.

However, as in the previous years WDW also did posters for the SW week-ends, i had the idea to find them all for this article. The new one are just as fun as the old one - done on an "airport" theme - as you will see.

Hat Tip to Blue Sky Disney and the Disney Blog who were the first to post them.

While we are talking about posters here are others done by free-lance artists, not related to the week-ends but interesting, graphically speaking.

I am sure you will instantly recognize where the artist who did the next one took his inspiration...

I like also the simplicity of that one, done for Episode 1.

Some news about Star Tours 2 came from the /Film web site and it seems that filming for the awaited new version has began in West Hollywood: "Our source reveals that the revamp will incorporate prequel characters (like Naboo citizens and Geonosians) along with many aliens from the original trilogy (Aqualish. Bith, Rodians, etc). In the action sequence, the Star Tours vehicle is now going to be chased by Boba Fett. C3PO and R2-D2 are still the hosts, and Anthony Daniels will be recording his parts this week. Admiral Ackbar holographically communicates with the Star Tours vehicle. Right now they’re shooting mostly green screen footage, as it is the middle part of the production timeline."

Update: Yesterday, May 3rd, the Los Angeles Times revealed that Frank Oz, "the voice of Yoda", said in an interview last november that he has been "recording dialogue for the new Disney ride". As this news is coming from the horse's mouth - sorry, from Yoda's voice himself - i think we can trust him!

So, if /Film and the L.A Times are right that's really good news, and this time i think we shouldn't have to wait too long to travel again in another part of the galaxy.

Star Wars Week-ends posters: copyright Disney and Lucas Film Inc

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Good news from all around the world

Some interesting good news were released on other web sites the last two days. Honor Hunter of Blue Sky Disney was the first to let us know about the new TDL Monsters Inc ride and Go Seek attraction web site...with new pictures like this one below...

The attraction is a big E-Ticket - probably the major WDI attraction this year - and is opening next month April 15! No need to say that we'll talk again about it.

On Screamscape, their usual good sources are talking about a Princess and the Frog restaurant supposedly to open at WDW. It should include "animatronic figures of some of the film’s characters, including a figure of “Louis” who is a Jazz singing alligator character who apparently does a lot of comedy bits in the film and also plays a trumpet". More about it HERE.

Then, do you remember my Star Tours 2 article two weeks ago? Well, Al Lutz has a GREAT update on Mice Age today, and you'll learn that Star Tours 2 is now schedule for a 2011 opening at Disneyland. And the show will include a guest "facial recognition" new special effect! Al is also giving a lot of news about the future of DCA and DL, so don't miss Al's update!

And tomorrow it will be my Disneyland Paris update, where you will learn all the good things that new palisades can mean. Below, the brand new "Playhouse Disney" entrance sign.

See you tomorrow!

Picturesd: copyright Disney and Oriental Land Co

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Who have some news about Star Tours 2 ?

Some years ago, in 2005, Georges Lucas himself announced at the Star Wars Celebration III event: "Star Tours will be getting an overhaul soon". Since then, we heard some infos or rumors and then, nothing. It's just like if the project had fall into a black hole! So, let's have a look back to this Star Tours 2 saga, a story by itself.

Ten years ago, i was at WDI doing some Imagineers interviews and, back in 1998 or so, the imagineers were already thinking about a story line for a Star Tours 2 attraction. At that time the script was basically that the StarSpeeder on the road for Tatooine would be trapped in one of the Pod race, and there we go. An interesting idea was about the ride beginning: In Star Tours first version, if you remember well, the Star Speeder has a sudden left turn and a "fall" - inside the huge room where we can see the Adventure through Inner Space mighty microscope - before ho goes in outer space at light speed. Rex, the driver robot, excuses himself for his mistake, etc...

Now, in the 1998 script, the beginning of the Star Tours 2 movie would have been the same, but instead to wrongly turn left the Star Speeder would have take the right way, i.e moving straight ahead. A way for the imagineers to do a wink of an eye to the first version.

And then we know what happened: Eisner and Lucas relations were supposedly as bad as possible and we had to wait for the end of the Eisner's era and better relations between Lucas Film and Disney new CEO to have the project on the road again.

After Lucas announcement to the fans, everybody was expecting Star Tours 2 for 2007 - as the year was at the same time the 30th anniversary of the first Star Wars movie AND the 20th anniversary of the first Star Tours. But we're now in 2009 and - correct me if i'm wrong - but i don't think we've seen the opening of a Star Tours 2 attraction two years ago.

However, since then, exciting news were released more or less unofficially : Anthony Daniels who played C3PO announced in May 2007 at the Adventure Con comic book convention in Knoxville said that "he just got finished filming the new digitalized upgrade for the ride". He also said: "this update will start up around the end of the year and from what he has seen it looks very, very exciting". Good. Happy to know that.

Then we learned more about the future new special effects:

- Each Star Speeder simulator would be equipped with five 3D retro-projectors screen using the Disney Digital 3D technology. A big screen in the front and two smaller one on each side. The screens on the side are supposed to give complementary views.

- Another source said that imagineers may use lenticular screen for the smaller "3D" scren on the left and the right of the main screen in the front.

- The simulator would have also an additional hydraulic system with the ability to lift up part of the Star Speeder's roof during some sequence or special effects of the movie.

- 3D polarized glasses would have a Star Tours theme.

- The front projection system would be changed to allow the perception of landscapes in 3D. It should be a a double projection of high-definition film on a hemispherical screen - like the one you have in Omnimax theatres. Right now, the projector is inside the simulator, but in this case it may be located outside to cover the whole screen surface, and more, like when the roof will be lift.

- A DTS audio system will equipped each shuttle for a better realism of sound effects, and others loud speakers could be put outside the simulator for other sounds effects.

- Finally three Audio-Animatronics would be part of ride. Two of them would have a "walking" simulation although you will see only the upper part of their "body", and the third one won't walk but would move thanks to its computer program or eventually could have a "live" animation for a better interaction with the guests inside the Star Speeder.

If all of this is really part of a Star Tours 2 experience, it will be great, isn't it? But still, the main question is: when?

In a May 2007 interview about his CGI effects in the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, ILM wizard Hayden Landis said that “Next up (for him) is another nostalgia-oriented project a redo of the Star Tours ride at Disneyland”.

Last year a Screamscape source said that "WDI has been playing around inside the cabin after hours and playing It’s Tough To Be a Bug footage of all things. While this seems odd at first, apparently they are doing it to test a new 3D projection system they are working on for the cabins for the new Star Tours" and other rumors also said that Imagineers were using the Epcot's Body Wars simulators for some tests which i must say would make sense as they can do them secretly in the now closed Wonders of Life pavilion.

And for on opening date, fall 2009 was envisioned, but an opening in 2010 should be more consider if the "Tomorrowland 2010" project that may see the entire land refurbished again for Disneyland's 55th Anniversary is still in the plans. It would be perfect, and also explain why we waited so long as obviously Disney - on a marketing point of view - will need not only a re-theming of the land but also a new attraction.

Now, i must say that the secret is perfectly kept at WDI because none of my sources or imagineer friends know anything about a Star Tours 2 opening date - or, of course, they keep it secret. Anyone out there who have more real news - not rumors - about it is very welcome!

Pictures include in this article including that fake new DLP Star Tours outside decor - and the opening date on the top image which is pure wishful thinking - are not Disney or WDI pictures but were done by two talented members of the french Disney Central Plaza forum - BIX! and McFLY - whom i thanks a lot for their authorisation to post them here.

Thanks also to my friend Pascal Pinteau for some technical infos from his excellent EffetsSpé web site