Showing posts with label transformers ride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transformers ride. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Special " 101 " ! Technical Problems on Ratatouille, Transformers, Forbidden Journey, and more

Technical problems happen all the time in all rides around the world, Disney or not and most of the time no one is really to blame except the technology. In the old days, when rides technology was more simple than it is now the ride didn't had to stop because a POTC Audio-Animatronic was not working, for instance. But now, with the trackless vehicles, projection effects and more it seems that having a "101" the code for technical problem on a ride may happen more often.

Just a few days ago some "101" happened on WDS Ratatouille ride and Universal Orlando Transformers and D&M has videos about them for you,  always interesting as it allows to show the rides with the lights on. Let's start by the one of Ratatouille which happened when Max, D&M collaborator, and DLP Welcome webmaster was precisely riding... and filming "when suddenly something went terribly wrong" as they say (!) No one was hurt of course and WDS cast-members did a perfect job by escorting the riders back to the loading room where they've waited to ride again a few minutes later.

Ratatouille 1.0.1. from DLP Welcome on Vimeo.

Next one happened on Transformers last Tuesday and was a bit more serious. Fire rescuers were called to rescued guests from the ride as guests were stuck in one of the worst places on the ride - about 40 feet down from the ground and far enough from the top that fire rescuers had to rappel down with ladders to reach the car.  The 12 passengers were rescued by the firemen and everyone is safe.

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101 can happen of course on any rides and the two next videos will show you another "101" which happened during Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey at Universal Orlando, showing all the mechanism of the famous Kuka robot arms upon which the guests are seated.

This next one, although filmed vertically, shows clearly decor elements placed all along the ride.

One more for the road with this great video showing Disneyland Space Mountain all lights on due to another "101"!

Finally, talking about Ratatouille you can see how the night lighting is stunning thanks to the great picture on the top showing Remy Plaza at night. I wonder if it's Michael Valentino, the great WDI Imagineer specialist in lighting - who did the one of Space Mountain - who did it... The picture is excellent too, so good that i thought it was a DLP official picture, but no, it was shot by a talented fan and apparently he might have more great shots to come!

Photo: copyright Disney Central Plaza

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Transformers The Ride 3D Making-of Video

Transformers The Ride is undoubtedly one of the two best "E-Ticket" rides of the year - the other one being of course Radiator Springs Racer. Although, as i i've said before, i'm not a big fan of the movies or the Transformers mythology i have to admit that the ride is fantastic and those of you living or going to California or Singapore must not miss it, really.

Now, Universal had the good idea to put on You tube the 22min Transformers The Ride Making-of special that was aired recently on NBC and it'll give you the chance to have a look at how this great ride was done! Don't miss it!

Video: copyright Universal Studios

Friday, April 20, 2012

Transformers Ride now in Soft-Opening at Universal Hollywood !

If you're living in South Cal and more specially in the L.A area i have a great news for you as according to Screamscape it seems that soft-openings for the Transformers ride have began at Universal Hollywood! So, you might take your chance to ride this incredible ride before its Grand Opening on May 25th and if you do so i count on you to let us know in the comments how awesome (or not) it was! In the meantime you'll find below a new preview video showing a bit of the making of the ride.

The good guys of Mice Age had a special preview and were the first people on the ride when it opened to guests yesterday. In addition, they were allowed to actually walk the entire length of the track last week, before the ride began employee previews. They have some stunning photos you won't see anywhere else and you can read their report HERE.

And for those of you who can't go to Universal Hollywood, here is the on-ride video. And no need to say that if you intend to go at Universal Studios in a near future or simply want to keep the surprise it's better to don't watch this on-ride video!

Picture and video: copyright Universal Studios

Monday, April 16, 2012

Why Radiator Springs Racer vs Transformers Ride Will be the E-Ticket Match of the Year

Something pretty unique is about to happen in a few weeks from now in South Cal. For the first time two major E-Ticket rides will open almost simultaneously and both rides are so good that i should even talk about them as "E+ Tickets"! The Transformers ride will have its Grand Opening on May 25th at Universal Hollywood while Cars Land Radiator Springs Racer will start on June 15. I had the luck to do recently the Transformers ride in its first version at USS - and in a few seconds i'll let you know all the good i think about it - and although i've never ride Radiator Springs Racer - nobody did except John Lasseter, Bob Iger and WDI Imagineers - i know almost all about it so i think i can also have an opinion or at least some feeling on this highly-awaited ride. And let me tell you that it's gonna be extremely interesting to watch what will happen in two months when both rides will be open as it surely will be "the E-Ticket match of the year".

Soooo, on my left we have the "heavy weight" Radiator Springs Racer, one of the most awaited ride in Disney theme park history, part of Cars Land, a brand new land including two others rides, the creation of a town, and the biggest rock work that WDI Imagineers ever built. And RSC is even two rides in one with an indoor dark ride part and an outside part using more or less the Test Track technology. One of the big asset of Radiator Springs Racer on the Transformers ride will be that your Cars vehicle will move not only in real decor, but inside a world totally recreated. No 3D projections here, all is "real", and WDI Imagineers even created "automatronics" that should make the ride memorable and exhilarating for each fan of the Cars movies - and even those who are not.

You've seen pictures of the huge Radiator Springs mountains and even videos of the vehicles in test mode but you don't know a lot about the dark ride part of the ride. I won't spoil any of its scenes but what i can tell you is that the whole ride is essentially inspired by the first Cars movie and almost all of the characters from it will be in the ride. There is so many clever imagineering ideas in how they create the scenes that you'll be amazed, really. And also, your ride will not be necessarily exactly the same each time you'll ride RSR. And don't ask me why! There is absolutely no doubt that Radiator Springs Racer will be an instant success, and no doubt too that the ride is definitely a E+ Ticket ride, one of these major rides that we see in Disney theme parks only each ten years, or more.

Now, on my right we have the "challenger", the Universal Hollywood Transformers ride. First, let me tell you that i'm not a big fan AT ALL of the Transformers movie. And also, i don't believe one second in any "Transformers mythology". For me these robots are just toys, and that's what they were at the start, and the whole thing for me is just a huge license operation. Which means that when i entered the Transformers ride in its USS version the Transformers mythology which is present in the pre-show didn't had any appeal to me. But the pre-show is so well done this top secret NEST military bunker with plenty of video screens explaining the ride's back story was designed so intelligently that i couldn't stop thinking that those who do care about Transformers are really going to love it. Note that you can see today pictures of the USH version pre-show in Mice Age preview report HERE.

And then it was time to get aboard EVAC, the ride vehicle, supposedly an Autobot transformer robot. As you know the Transformers ride use the same amazing technology that Universal used on the Spiderman ride, but improved. And - oh my God - "improved" is not a word strong enough to describe how amazingly good this ride is. Not only they indeed improved the 3D projections and the screens are even bigger too but you can feel that it was done with intelligence and that they were really decided to get the best from the technology. Wait until Optimus Prime tell you these simple words "Follow me!" and how you'll be amazed to watch your vehicle moving at high speed inside the city to escape the Decepticons. Of course it's all an optical illusion and your vehicle don't really move, but it's so well done that you'll really think that you're inside the screen, inside the city. Same when you'll be sucked into a whirling vortex generated by Devastator, another Decepticon created by several robots. Or when a F-15 fighter jet Decepticon will fling EVAC through the air, sending your vehicle crashing into a building - amazing, really! And i could go on and on as almost each scene of the ride - which includes not only 3D projections but also real decors and special effects - was done with intelligence - i mean, you can feel the intelligence behind it. And, good news, as Screamscape revealed last friday the Universal Hollywood Transformers version "will use Dolby 3D, the same incredible 3D system we first saw used on Star Tours last year, and which Universal also just put to use on the upgraded Adventures of Spider-Man at Islands of Adventure last month". In two words, the ride will be even better than the version which opened at USS last fall. Lucky Angelinos!

Considering that Radiator Springs Racer will be part of a whole new land and not a ride "only" as Transformers will be the match may seem unequal and that's may be the reason why the smart guys at Universal are opening Transformers three weeks before Cars Land opening - well, actually it might be even a month and a half before as it seems that soft-opening might start at USH at the end of April. Obviously Universal wants to create the buzz on their ride and count on all South Cal theme parks fans word of mouth to make a success out of Transformers. Honestly, as i've said, the ride is so good that people who will do the ride will probably, just like i did, have only one desire when they'll go out: to go back and ride Transformers again. And the same will happen for Radiator Springs Racer ! So, who will "win" this E-Ticket match of the year? Personally i think there will be no winner, the two rides are so good and so different that both will be a different and tremendously enjoyable experience. Depending of the kind of "world" you prefer you may prefer one or another, but one thing is sure: i strongly recommend you to ride both of them, as both will worth the price of admission!

Pictures: copyright Disney, Universal Studios

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Universal Singapore : Transformers Ride Full On-Ride Video

It took a little while to have someone uploading on Youtube a full on-ride video of Universal Singapore Transformers ride - probably because USS cast members were asked to make sure that no one get out of the ride with a video of it - but here it is, the first full ride video of the most awaited ride of the year.

But, before, here is another video filmed for Screamscape by my good friend Stefan "The Theme Park Guy" Zwanzger which is a walk-through inside the Transformers pre-show. So, if you see this one first and then the on-ride video you'll get an idea of the whole thing.

As you'll see there is many pre-show movies and Dejiki has filmed some of them that you can see below.

And now here is the on-ride video. Two words about it: considering that the ride vehicle is moving the filming is not that bad - except that one scene is dark because one of the screens had a problem - but i remind you that all ride projections are in 3D, and that's why you won't have an image as sharp as it it was in 2D. Eventually if you have 3D glasses like the one they use in Honey I Schrunk the Audience you can try watching the video with them, but i can't guarantee you'll have the 3D effects. And no need to say that if you intend to go at Universal Singapore in a near future or simply want to keep the surprise it's better to don't watch this on-ride video!

If you want to read Stefan review and what he think of the ride please jump on Screamscape USS page HERE or on The Theme Park Guy site HERE.

Transformers had its official opening last saturday and on friday evening a opening event happened at Universal Singapore with Michael Bay.

If you're interested by watching a video of the ceremony, here it is.

There was also a press conference with Michael Bay talking about the Ride, as well as Universal's Creatives Thierry Coup on the right, and John Hallenbeck on the left.

Video: copyright Stefan Zwanzger / Screamscape, Patricklove, video2908 and themeparkinsider

Pictures: TRANSFORMERS and its logo and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. © 2011 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. © 2011 DreamWorks L.L.C. and Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Universal Studios Singapore ® & © Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Universal Singapore Transformers Ride : How they did it

Editor's Note: I'm taking a break this week but i have programmed articles so you'll find new updates almost each day, beginning by the two below and specially tomorrow's article which will be about what will happen for DLP 20th Anniversary. Don't miss it!

That said, it's the big countdown for the new TRANSFORMERS The Ride opening at Universal Studios Singapore in just five days, and probably will become the newest blockbuster attraction.

USS has released a new short video explaining how they create experiences "that put guests in the middle of their favorite adventures". To tell you more here is Mark Woodbury, President of Universal Creative and Thierry Coup, Senior Vice President of Universal Creative.

Picture and Video: copyright Universal studios

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Universal Singapore : Transformers Ride Pre-Show Movie

You've seen in previous videos some bits of the Transformers ride pre-show movies but this new video filmed by Dejiki will show you the whole pre-show movie. Now, there is more than one pre-show movie inside Transformers pre-show and this is the first one of them. The videos of other movies will come later this week.

I also remind you that Dejiki did a full report on the ride that you can read HERE if you haven't read it yet.

Pre-show movie : copyright Universal Studios

New Video Report about USS Transformers Ride

Still no on ride video of the Transformers ride at Universal Studios Singapore, but here is a new video report about it, including short interviews of Universal creatives and shots of all the Transformers area, including some of the ride itself.

Video: copyright takandes

Friday, November 25, 2011

Universal Singapore Transformers Ride : Panoramic Pictures by Dejiki Nicholas

Dejiki Nicholas just sent me a great pictorial report on the Transformers ride which is opening Dec 3 at Universal Studios Singapore. And not only his pictures of the pre-show are "crystal clear" but most of them are panoramic pictures, so you'll be able to see the fantastic pre-show decor "just like if you were there". Click on each to enlarge the pictures.

There we go, and the picture on the top shows the entrance of the ride in USS Sci-Fi City. Below, the beginning of the queue.

Once you enter in NEST the pre-show decor is extremely elaborated, with a lot of pre-show videos as you will see on the embedded video at the bottom of the article. The pictures below are either horizontal or panoramic shots. Again, click - specially on the horizontal pics - to see them in bigger size.

Dejiki, who spent a good 40 minutes watching all the videos in the Transformers queue to fully understand the story provides more details about the different queue areas:

1. Queue Area 2 introduces N.E.S.T and the Autobots to the guests (who are new recruits, and supposed to be going through training).

2. Queue Area 4 introduces the Decepticons and battle strategies.

3. Queue Area 5 describes the current situation, in which the Decepticons have broken into the NEST base and help is needed. EVAC, a newcomer Autobot, is mentioned. The "training" is suspended due to this emergency.

4. Queue Area 6 introduces EVAC, and the commanders explaining that the guests/recruits have to battle without training, and with EVAC.

5. Queue Area 7 is the safety preshow, which is surprisingly entertaining. You can read the transcript of it on his site HERE under "Preshow #5".

This last picture shows the last room, just before you embark in EVAC, the ride vehicle.

As you might want to know more about what-is-what in this queue decor the best is to jump on Dejiki web site HERE where you will have more details as well as a full description of the ride. But before have a look at this great video filmed by Bigbearsg which will show you in 11 minutes all the pre-show decor as well as a lot of the pre-show movies, and even the Transformers shop and the new restaurant at the exit of the ride!

All pictures: copyright Dejiki Nicholas

Video: copyright Bigbearsg

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Universal Singapore Transformers Ride : Full Ride Audio, and more

Soft opening of the highly awaited Transformers ride began at Universal Studios Singapore and of course, until the ride will have its official opening on Dec 3 it's not authorised to film the ride. But apparently they didn't said that audio recording was forbidden and, as it's also much easier to do without anyone notice it as you don't have to hold a camera in front of you, a smart USS fan has recorded the full ride audio and posted it on Youtube.

So, here it is and the length of this audio tape also indicates how long the ride is: 4.51 min, almost five minutes, which is great. Enjoy the sound and don't worry, the full ride video should appear anytime soon.

And, talking about images of the ride, USS has just released this video showing new images of the ride, with comments by Thierry Coup, the ride designer. More videos about the ride and pre-show can be watched in my previous post HERE.

Also, a new parade will began at USS starting Dec 31. It will be called "Hollywood Dreams" and USS visitors will witness a parade featuring "intricately detailed floats, special effects, dancers, a custom musical score and some fan-favourite characters". Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) said that the parade will last about 30 minutes, feature a cast of more than 100 performers and will run through five of USS' seven zones once a day on Fridays, Saturdays and selected holidays.

RWS senior vice-president of attractions Dennis Gilbert said: "The immense level of detail is evident in the design of the parade units. Everything about this parade, from the floats to the costumes to the choreographed acts, promises a visually spectacular show".

Audio: copyright Universal Studios Singapore

Sunday, November 20, 2011

UNI Singapore Transformers Ride : First Videos !

Okay, folks, now things are becoming serious. In less than two weeks from now one of the most sophisticated ride in theme park history will open at Universal Studios Singapore, and this is going to be one hell of a ride! Based on the same technology than Spiderman The Ride at Islands of Adventure, but for sure totally enhanced, the ride will also have a fantastic pre-show decor as you will see in the videos below, the first videos filmed inside the attraction. Let's begin by this cable channel news report.

The next video is an official one presented by Robin Goh, from Uni Singapore Media dept and he will explain you more about the pre-show decor. Apparently, even if you have never owned a Transformers action figure or watched a single installment of the Transformers films, don't worry, the pre-show is built to transport the guests into the Transformers world and immerse you into the story from the moment you step in.

And what about the ride itself, you ask? Well, the video below will show you a bit of the ride - just a little bit...

...And if you're not afraid of spoilers you can read a review from a USS cast-member who already ride Transformers The Ride HERE. Once again, serious spoilers ahead, so read it at your own risk!

Picture and video: copyright Universal Studios Singapore

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Transformers Ride Visual Effects : The Challenges of Industrial Light and Magic

On December 3rd, Universal Studios Singapore will launch the highly awaited Transformers ride and Universal promise that this motion thrill ride will showcase "the most advanced evolution of immersive theme park entertainment". Universal Studios Singapore will celebrate the Transformers world premiere at an exclusive evening event on December 2 and Michael Bay, director and executive producer of the blockbuster movies who also served as the attraction’s creative consultant, will be there to help commemorate the opening.

Now, more about the ride itself: The Transformers ride will feature 12 scenes, comprising sets blended seamlessly with hyper-realistic 3-D digital media and special effects to bring tactile realism to every moment. Guests will be unable to discern illusion from reality as they get transported onboard advanced motion-based ride vehicles into the Transformers universe, and partake in the ultimate 3D battle against the Decepticons right alongside the Autobots.

Enlisted as NEST recruits, guests are tasked to help the Autobots protect a remaining shard of the ALLSPARK – a powerful energy cube that gives life to the Transformers. As the Decepticons attack the facility in a bid to obtain the shard, guests will be introduced to a new Autobot – EVAC – created exclusively for the ride.

New to the Autobots family, EVAC is a stealth transportation Autobot stationed on Earth designed to transport personnel and classified materials at hyper speeds. For the ride, park guests will board EVAC and begin the ride of their lives, zipping through subway tunnels, down city streets and across rooftops, with the Decepticons hot on their heels. "Park guests, especially fans of Transformers, will be thrilled as they come face-to-face – and be transported – by an Autobot. This epic ride experience will allow guests the opportunity to truly “Ride The Movies".

And it's no one else than Industrial Light & Magic, the famous Lucasfilm division, which produced the ground-breaking visionary special effects and 3-D images exclusively for the ride. Artists that had worked on the Transformers: Dark of the Moon movie and understood its style also contributed to the ride. Jeff White, visual effects supervisor at ILM says:

"In many ways, creating the media for TRANSFORMERS The Ride built upon the pipeline we have developed for the film’s visual effects but for this project there were a few added twists and challenges. The screens on this project were so large and immersive they required us to render at 8k, four times the resolution that we normally render at.

The process began with a lengthy pre-visualization phase where we collaborated with Universal Creative and creative consultant to work out the main beats of the story that would take us through the ride, all with a focus on making it the best interactive guest experience possible".

"We then used a combination of photography from Chicago and completely digital environments to create the backdrops for the action and seamlessly integrated it into the practical sets. Following which was a lengthy and complicated animation process where we worked out the timing of the characters actions and how they interacted with the cameras to make sure it provided the best experience on the motion simulator. Finally, we added lighting and fx simulation for all the dust, papers, explosions and debris to make sure it felt the films.

The Singapore division of ILM did almost all of the work on the pre-show media as the guests enter the facility. They are an extension of our facility and were able to use the same assets, rendering and compositing tools we do in the US. Additionally, since they are where the ride was being installed, they were an invaluable resource to interface with the Universal Studios Singapore to get any information and data that we needed as it was being built.

There were many unique challenges in the making. For instance, instead of a flat screen we have in the ride 12 different screens in various shapes and sizes. The most complicated were the torus screens which were completely immersive and required rendering a 180-degree field of view. Also, each shot on the ride had to take the viewers angle on the screen into account so that as they approached the screen the perspective feels natural.

This required complicated camera blending from the moving ride into our virtual world and we worked very closely with the motion programmer at Universal to make sure it was a seamless blend."

The ride which open December 3 in Singapore will open next year at Universal Hollywood and i have the feeling that the ride should be as memorable as the Spiderman ride at IOA. In less than a month this should be confirmed.

Pictures and video: copyright Universal Studios Singapore or Lucasfilm Ltd.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Transformers Ride : First Pictures of the Pre-Show Decor

Universal Studios Hollywood fans will have to wait till next summer to ride the awaited Transformers attraction but at Universal Studios Singapore the ride will open this December and UNI Singapore already released some shots of the pre-show decor.

As you will see below it looks great and the first picture shows the NEST Orientation Room facility: "Recruits who will join in the battle will receive a briefing from General Morshower here. You must pay attention when you arrive, it is important to know our allies.

AUTOBOTS RACHET and BUMBLEBEE will explain to you how the power-hungry DECEPTICONS came to Earth in search of the ALLSPARK. The leader of the AUTOBOTS, OPTIMUS PRIME, will also introduce the other AUTOBOTS: IRONHIDE, SIDESWIPE, and WHEELIE. Once you are briefed, you will need to prepare yourself, mentally and physically, for this Ultimate 3-D Battle."

The next picture, also released officially by Universal, is showing the ALLSPARK Vault at NEST: "Behold the ALLSPARK, or the only shard that’s left. The final shard is protected deep inside the NEST facility where you’ll arrive for duty. It is your mission, with the help of the AUTOBOTS as a recruit of NEST to protect this from the DECEPTICONS.

The ALLSPARK, which used to be a large cube of energy, can create life from mechanical objects and was the origin of life on Cybertron – home of the TRANSFORMERS. MEGATRON, the leader of the DECEPTICONS is after it to transform machines into an invincible army, and take over Earth."

This last pic was not released officially and is supposed to show the "Control Room", always in the pre-show. No doubt that there will be "briefing " for the riders in these rooms and you'll note the quality of the decors. My feeling is that this Transformers ride should be a Mega-e-Ticket ride probably as much enjoyable as the Spiderman ride at IOA is. Can't wait for the opening!

Pictures: copyright Universal Studios

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Awaited Transformers ride will open next December at Universal Singapore

It's official: the new Transformers ride will open next December 2011. Not at Universal Studios Hollywood but at Universal Studios Singapore! And not only it's official but Universal Singapore has opened a blog where news about this highly awaited ride will be post regularly.

I remind you that the ride is expected to use the same technology than in Spiderman ride at IOA and should be incredibly spectacular. Universal Singapore also released this first video clip which include the footage shown at ComicCon last month, and in which you'll see what is probably a few seconds of some of the ride's projection movies. My feeling is that this one will be a major E-Ticket ride.

Picture and video: copyright Universal Studios

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Will the awaited Transformers ride use the IOA Spiderman ride technology ?

I think it's fair to say that any theme park fan considers the Spider-Man Ride at Islands of Adventure one of the best rides in the world. For many, it's even THE best ride in the world. Now, how good
news would it be if a totally NEW ride using the same technology was coming anytime soon? That would be a great news, wouldn't it? Well, if all that I've been told is true, this new ride should open at Universal Singapore in 2011 and it will be the long-awaited Transformers ride.

Universal Singapore is opening early next year, probably in February or March, but as is often the case when Disney or Universal opens a new theme park, they keep one big E-Ticket to open one or two years after the main opening, just to re-boost the new park. In the case of Universal Singapore it will be the totally new Transformers ride in Sci-Fi City land. And one year later, in 2012, the Transformers ride will open in Universal Hollywood in the former Backdraft building.

All the news I have about it from my good sources seems to confirm that the Transformers ride will use the same technology as the Spider-Man ride at IOA i.e a vehicle mounted on a simulation platform moving in real decor with huge rear projection and all in 3D. The first Spider-Man ride was designed for Universal by Landmark Entertainment, but apparently it seems that this time the creative guys at Universal are designing the Transformers ride by themselves. They will create brand new software for the ride or they will "adapt" the Spider-Man program to the Transformers ride. Also, the new ride will benefit from enhancement in high definition 3D technology.

It's always better to wait for confirmation, but the fact is that using the Spider-Man technology on a Transformers ride is probably the best choice for Universal. Transformers' robots would be difficult to create as Audio-Animatronics, especially when they transform themselves, and a 3D projection would be definitely the easiest way to resolve the problem with a spectacular, and even frightening, result. Just think about one of these robotics arms popping out of the screen, or a rocket launched by one of them as we can see in the rendering above... Which doesn't mean that no Transformers robot can't be expected as AAs. They could do it more easily as long as the robot is not transforming itself and it seems that the ride will also feature two-story tall robots going at it all around you...

Another question is: will they add new effects that were not included, technically speaking, in the Spider-Man ride? Well, it now may be important to remember that the Transformers ride will be build at Universal Hollywood in the former Backdraft building....which, as everybody knows, was a real "pyrotechnic" attraction. Which means that all the gas installation that would be needed to create fire and flames effect are already there - and God knows that there was really a LOT of fire in the Backdraft attraction! So, can we expect pyrotechnic effects in the future Transformers ride? Although it's my own pure speculation, i think we can bet on this, even if it is just for the pleasure. Let's say that there will be a real logic for Universal to recycle their gas installation to add spectacular effects in this new ride.

Above: A marketing picture for the Backdraft attraction.

You may also ask if the Disney deal with Marvel is responsible of not building a Spider-Man ride at Universal Singapore. Frankly, I don't think there is a correlation with the Disney-Marvel deal, as the choice of doing a Transformers attraction was done before they signed it. But Marvel had also envisioned to build their own Marvel theme park in Dubai as it was announced in March 2007. I'm not sure the project is still going on but they were supposed to build attraction on a full library of Super Heroes - including Spider-Man, Iron Man, The X-Men, Incredible Hulk, The Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer. And Dubai is not that far from Singapore, so maybe it was a problem for Universal to get the rights to build the Spider-Man ride in Singapore...which eventually may have lead them to design a brand new attraction using the same technology...

The Spider-Man ride exists only at Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios Japan, and if, just like me, you were wondering why it was not envisioned for Universal Singapore, now you have the answer. Instead of the Spider-Man ride, they will have the Transformers ride with the same technology, and, let's hope, the same pleasure for the guests.

One last word: Universal said some months ago that Michael Bay was involved in the making of this Tansformers ride, and, well, ooops, it seems that Bay had yet to approve the concept and this kind of false announcement really infuriated him as he said on his web site last year: “They had me in a press release saying I supported it – but Universal has a long way to go in my mind. I don’t support it – I’m not involved and not sure the story of the ride works, and I know Optimus is not going to just show up to be directed by some new people that have never worked with him. I hate when people bullsh*t a quote from me that I never said. I’ll keep you informed. Maybe the guy making the rides at Universal will direct Transformers 3?“

They've probably resolved the problem with Michael Bay by now, and that shouldn't stop this awaited ride to open in Singapore in 2011. Is Disney and more going to do a special report when it opens? You bet I will!

Thanks to leave a comment or discuss this article on D&M english forum on Mice Chat

Many thanks to Nate Walz for the editing of this article.

Pictures: copyright Universal Studios

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Transformers " E-Ticket " ride will open at Universal Studios in 2011

Universal Studios confirmed that a Transformers attraction will open in 2011, and i think we can expect a big "E" Ticket ride...The attraction is schedule to open first at Universal Studios Sentosa in Singapore which open in 2010. Universal released two renderings of this awaited ride and more details in the official press release that you will find below.

'Transformers' to be Developed as Theme Park Mega-Attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios Singapore

UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif., Oct. 20 -- "Transformers," the electrifying blockbuster celebrated for its multi-generational appeal, inventive storyline, spectacular action sequences and special effects, will now be developed as a new theme park mega-attraction in a partnership between Universal Parks & Resorts, Hasbro, Inc. and DreamWorks Pictures.

The attraction will fuse 3D-HD media, mega special effects and stunning robotics with a ride system that will transform perceptions of theme park experiences. The rides are scheduled to make their debuts in early 2011, first at Universal Studios Singapore and then at Universal Studios Hollywood. In "Transformers," Earth's humans are caught in the middle of an intergalactic war between the friendly Autobots and the evil Decepticons, which are able to change into a variety of objects, including cars, trucks, planes and other technological creations.

Tom Williams, Chairman and CEO, Universal Parks & Resorts, said: "'Transformers' will be a jewel in our collection of world-class rides based on great movies. We're thrilled to be collaborating with Hasbro, DreamWorks, director Michael Bay and the film's executive producer, Steven Spielberg, who has been responsible for so many of our signature rides and attractions." Steven Spielberg serves as creative consultant to Universal Parks & Resorts and has worked closely with the company in the creation of some of the world's most innovative theme park attractions. Those attractions include Jurassic Park-the Ride, a featured attraction at UP&R parks in Orlando, Hollywood and Japan, the E.T. Adventure at Universal Orlando and Universal Studios Japan, and the "War of the Worlds" sets at Universal Studios Hollywood.

Larry Kurzweil, President and Chief Operating Officer, Universal Studios Hollywood, said "'Transformers' represents a perfect match for our theme park: an exhilarating blockbuster with a great story, clever humor, non-stop action and flawless special effects. It has all the elements necessary to become one of the world's most exciting theme park rides and a centerpiece attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood, The Entertainment Capital of L.A."

"We are thrilled to be working with Universal Parks & Resorts and DreamWorks to create this 'Transformers' attraction because we believe it will deliver an ultimate one of a kind immersive 'Transformers' experience for our fans around the world!" said Brian Goldner, President and CEO of Hasbro, Inc.

Tan Hee Teck, Chief Executive Officer of Resorts World at Sentosa, the mega resort that is home to Universal Studios Singapore, said: "It is great that Asia will be the launch pad for the first Transformers attraction. Transformers was introduced in the United States in 1983 but traces its roots to Asia. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Megatron are familiar names to Asian audiences, who grew up with the robot toys and love the movie. When Transformers opens in Universal Studios Singapore in 2010, it will be the first of its kind in the world. We may see a surge of Transformers mania.

Director Michael Bay and Executive Producer Steve Spielberg presented "Transformers" in 2007. "Transformers" broke box office records on its way to gathering worldwide gross revenues of over $706 million -- the highest non-sequel gross of any movie in 2007 -- and three Academy Award nominations. The sequel, "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," is scheduled to be released by Paramount Pictures in the U.S. on June 26, 2009.