Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Disney and more Time machine - Back in time to 1964 : Walt Disney and the New York World Fair attractions

The 1964 World Fair gave a lot of work to WED Enterprises - now " Walt Disney Imagineering " - as the Imagineers were designing four different attractions for it. But thanks to them, the future of Disney theme parks will be changed forever.

One of them is known now as "Great moments with Mr Lincoln" , and here below we see a photo and video of Walt with WDI sculptor Blaine Gibson and Lincoln's head sculpture.

The second one was a flume ride full of little audio-animatronics - " It's a small world " - and here is Walt standing with Mary Blair.

And here is a video of Walt presenting the model with Mary Blair.

This next picture was shot inside the World's fair pavillion and is coming from a special report issued in the National Geographic magazine.

The third one was the great " Carousel of Progress " , who stunned at that time the audience with its great audio-animatronics figures and i will comeback on this one later.

Of course, the AA of Mr Lincoln and Carousel of Progress were opening the door for the future Pirates audio-animatronics, but Walt was so happy with the small world boat system that this last attraction lead to the development of a Pirates of Caribbean flume ride - instead of a "walk-through" as it was envisioned at the beginning.

And, of course, there was the Magic Skyway attraction that WED created for the Ford pavillion using Ford cars to move the audience through scenes featuring life-sized audio-animatronic dinosaurs and cavemen. The dinosaurs scenes that the visitors watched in their trip back in time are now part of the primeval world at Disneyland - and then were recreated at Epcot's Universe of Energy .

But the vehicle system - at the world's fair guests were seated in Ford vehicles lead to another transportation system well known by Disneyland and WDW guests : the People mover.

LKet's have a closer look to it, now, with these two youtube videos.
On the first video below, Walt presents the Magic Skyway project, directly from the imagineering workshop.

This second one is a clever editing of pictures of the Magic Skyway attraction at the world's fair, with the original audio commentary by Walt himself.

Always at the 1964 world fair, visitors could ride another amazing attraction, but the General Motors "Futurama 2" was not designed by WED enterprises. Ironically, Disney had earlier been asked by General Motors to produce their exhibit, but he declined.
Futurama 2 depicted life 60 years into the future, this time 2024. Scenes showed a lunar base of operation, an Antarctic "Weather Central" climate forecasting center, underseas exploration and "Hotel Atlantis" for underseas vacationing, desert irrigation, and land reclamation, building roads in the jungle and a City of the Future. Visitors rode through the dioramas in 3-abreast chairs on a ride train. The Futurama exhibit was sponsored by General Motors and proved to be, too, one of the most popular exhibit at the World's Fair with more than 26 million persons attending the show in the two 6-month seasons the Fair was open.

So, i added for the pleasure a third youtube video about this Futurama 2 attraction , Enjoy all of them!

Photos: copyright Disney and National Geographic
Videos: copyright Disney for the two first videos

All my thanks to the different people for the youtube links

Monday, August 13, 2007

Hello, all. Disney and more is back after this short summer break.
Since the beginning of the blog four months ago, you may have noticed that there was no advertising on the site. Now there is some, mainly on the right column or at the end of the topics.If you don't have your own website, you may don't know it, but it really takes a loooong time to find the best documents for each topic, or scan them, etc...and any support from you will really be welcome. I've tried to insert the ads as subtle as possible - and it will be improved later on.
At the end of each new topic you will find an Amazon link, and the product is generally in relation with what the article talks about, when available. I personally know each of the books or dvds that i choose for these Amazon links, and they are really great !
Last but not least, you also have now the possibility to do a Paypal donation if you wish, you'll find the Paypal button right after the "Have a look at the new articles " on the right column. To all of you, Disney and more fans, thanks for your support!
And now, on with the show with Walt Disney's Mars and beyond!

Walt Disney's Mars and beyond - Photos and videos

At the end of the 50's , the conquest of space was in the air, and Walt Disney produced for his tv show his famous "Man in Space" animated series.

Always visionary, Walt asked Wernher Von Braun - who will designed later the Saturn 5 rocket for the Apollo missions - what could be his vision of the future space travels. Von Braun is the first on the left on the picture below.

Von Braun - who was a man who knew what the word rocket means as he worked on the german V2 project during world war 2 - designed some amazing spaceship, as you will see on the videos below.

Here is Walt and Wernher Von Braun again with models used for the show.

Ward Kimball, Disney's famous animator and imagineer worked on the project - here he is with Walt and one of the model of the spaceship to Mars.

The good thing in all this is that president Eisenhower, after seeing Walt's series became more interested in the conquest of space, obviously it helped to launch the space program.....and finally to go on the moon!

As always, Walt introduced the show, but this time with a special guest , a giant robot!

Thanks to the youtube links below you'll be able to see the whole show, but if you don't have a lot of time, jump to the last two parts, the most interesting one.

Photos and videos: copyright Disney

You can find the complete series of the three Man in space 1950's tv shows which includes "Man in Space" , "Man and the Moon" and "Mars and Beyond" on the Disney treasures dvd set "Tomorrowland" at amazon.com.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Walt Disney Imagineering Audio-Animatronics Behind the scenes - Photos and Videos

Last time, the "Behind the scenes series" was dedicated to the Pirates of Caribbean attraction, an Audio-Animatronics delight. So, it's a perfect transition with this new Behind the scenes topic where we will have a closer look to the history of the Audio-Animatronics and how they are built and programmed. And i have found really great videos for you, so stay to the end!

The above and following pictures show the Imagineers at work on the AA programming at Disneyland Paris version of "Pirates"

As you can see, there is no water filled yet inside the attraction.

The next big AA show at the end of the 60's was of course the Country Bear Jamboree.

And it was time for the Imagineers to go back behind their console to program these wonderful bears.

Then, in 1976, came the "America sings" attraction, and there was really a lot of Audio-Animatronics to program on this one!

The following pictures are related to the Disneyland Paris Phantom Manor's Audio-Animatronics programming whether it's the skeleton's of the graveyard...

Or one ghost of the grand ballroom

It's time now to have a look at some videos , and let's begin by the beginning.
But, by the way, how did the story of the Audio-Animatronics begin...oh, yes, with a bird...

This next video will tell you more about the history of the Audio-Animatronics, introduce by WDI Imagineer Marty Sklar. But you will see, too, the former Imagineer and master programmer Dave Feiten. You may don't know it, but it thanks to him that we have some of the most realistic movements in Disney's Audio-Animatronics.
Here, he is at work on programming the bears of the Country Bear Jamboree

And don't miss this last and fantastic video who will take you inside WDI secrets in the making of the Audio-Animatronics!

Photos and videos: copyright Disney

All my thanks to the different people who have posted these videos on youtube!

A private visit inside Walt Disney's private apartment and Club 33

What about having a closer look at Disneyland's most secret places?

The Club 33 and Walt Disney's private apartment are really places where only some happy few can go, and today, as i've found videos for you, you'll be able to get in!

Walt Disney's private apartment is located above the Fire Department in Disneyland's Town Square.

And here is a private walk through...

The Club 33 is located in New Orleans Square, and if you don't have your member card, no need to ring at the door!

"Station Village" posted this first video on youtube , and i let him introduce the Club 33 to you : " On a trip to New Orleans, Walt and Lillian Disney personally selected many of the furnishings that were ultimately installed in the club. Unfortunately, Walt died in Dec. 1966, several months before Club 33 would open for business.

Many of the original charms of Club 33 are gone now (Mrs. Disney's butterfly collection; concept art from Disney films; sterling silver table ware; original pen & ink drawings by Heinrich Kley; and even some of the furnighings selected by Academy Award winning set designer, Emile Kuri, have been removed over the years).

Even so, Club 33 is an historic hide-away at Disneyland; still worthy of a visit to the buffet line! And the Beef Wellington... magnifique!"

PaulNaas posted this other video , and it's a walkthrough inside the Club 33 during Christmas season!

Photo of Walt Disney's private apartment: copyright Disney

Great Disneyland wallpaper pictures !

Here is a selection of high-res wallpaper images of Disneyland. Whatever is your favorite land, you will find a great picture. Don't forget to double-click on the one you like to get it in bigger size.

I must remind you as it is written on the "terms of use" page that, in the event you download any material from The Disney and more blog, the download of the material, including any files or images must be for your personal, noncommercial home use only. You may not and cannot sell, print or reproduce in any way any material downloaded from The Disney and more blog, and specifically any material copyright Disney , Walt Disney company or any other companies.

All photos: copyright Disney

All photos: copyright Disney

Orson Welles magic with Lucille Ball and Dean Martin

Here is a topic for those of you who requested in my poll articles about magic!

Orson Welles, the legendary movie director was also a wonderful magician, and on these two rare videos he performs magic with Lucille Ball and Dean Martin!

It's magic, and it's fun!
