Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Editor's Note: The least that i can say is that my endorsement for Barack Obama did provoke some reactions. I am not surprised, and this is a good sign that we're still living in a democracy.
The daily Disney article is back today, and the first picture below fits perfectly with the U.S issue of the day, i.e that we all live on the same planet, and everything is linked, not divided. The decision of any nation has effect on all the others, specially when it is the most powerful one. And we all know that......it's a small world, after all.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Good Old Time of Disney LP Records

Good news for those who didn't like my endorsement for Obama yesterday, my Disney articles are back!

More seriously, and less provocative, today we will have a look back at the glorious time of Disney LP vinyl records and the first one above is the one which was released more than forty years ago with the song of It's a Small World and 18 favorite folk songs from 13 countries.

For each LP you will find the picture of the front and the back of the album. Photos are in high-res, so if you double-click to see them in big size, you'll be able to read the text in small letters on the back! Below, the back of the It's a Small World album.

Next one is the "Pirates of Caribbean" record with a fantastic cover! On the side 1, the "Pirates of Caribbean Adventure" was narrated by Thurl Ravenscroft.

This one is the rare "Firehouse Five plus Two" record...

And this one was a picture disk released at the time of the "America on parade" parade.

Let's end with pictures of the record of "the Haunted House" and a good news: this record was re-released recently on ITunes, and you can buy all the tracks on the ITunes Store!

Tomorrow, i will post the first par of a great artwork article and part two will be thursday, don't miss it!

LP records photos: copyright Disney

Disney and more endorses Barack Obama

I know, I know, you don't expect a Disney fan blog to talk about politics, but, dear Disney and more readers, tomorrow's election of the next president of the United States is such an important issue - not only for the United States but also the whole world - that i can't avoid to talk about it.

After eight years of a Shakespearian tragedy - i always thought that if Shakespeare was living now he will surely write a great play about that-son-who-wanted-to-do-better-than-his father...and the consequences - it's time for America to say Stop! to all this madness. If we except the decision to create a natural park in the area of Hawai to protect sealife, it's hard to find one good decision in eight years of Bush administration.

Barack Obama is not only a great hope for America, but also for the rest of the world. He has the intelligence, the vision, certainly the wisdom, to lead America - i should say to save America - out of the dangerous grounds where the previous administration did put it. You have no idea, dear American readers, how we would love in France to have somebody like Barack Obama as president. Really.

For those of you who missed it, i've embedded below the thirty minutes Ad of Barack Obama which was aired last week. Not only the filming, the photography and the editing is beautiful - not to mention Barack's message - but this short movie has sometime the spirit of a Norman Rockwell painting. Have a look to it, you'll understand what i mean.

Tomorrow's election will change in a way or another the destiny of America and the fate of the world. And it's all in your hands, dear American readers.

Every country in the world is watching with hope and apprehension the result of this election. We know that America can be a great country who will inspire again respect and admiration instead of hate and fear. We know you can do it. So, please, tomorrow, give your vote to Barack Obama.

Thank you, and God bless you.

Note: All anonymous or hatred comments - whether they are against Barack Obama or John Mc Cain - will be deleted.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

The Halloween season will end tonight at Disneyland Paris, but the spirit of Christmas is already there, at least in Main Street's Emporium - including a lovely Tinker Bell in Christmas costume - as you can see on these two high-res pictures.

Pictures: copyright Randie Soul & Disney and more

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Editor's Note: Is there any better way to end this Halloween week-end than with Tim Burton's short movie Frankenweenie? If you've never seen it, don't miss it below. Also, check Benoit and Marie Laurence best DLP Halloween evening "themed" costumes, their tribute to Phantom Manor's characters is just perfect!

Tim Burton's Frankenweenie

We will end this Halloween week-end on Disney and more with Tim Burton's wonderful short movie "Frankenweenie".

Frankenweenie is a 30 minutes short who tell the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young boy who creates movies starring his dog, Sparky, a bull terrier.

After Sparky is hit by a car, Victor learns at school about electrical impulses in muscles, and gets the idea to bring his pet back to life. He creates elaborate machines which bring down a bolt of lightning that revives the dog.

As you will see the movie below in a few seconds, i won't spoil you the rest of the story, a brilliant variation on the myth of Frankenstein. Although it's one of Tim Burton's first movie, all Tim's personal universe is already there, and Frankenweenie is not only a great tale, but also a marvellous movie.

Burton was fired by Disney after the film was complete in 1984. The studio claimed that he had wasted company resources and felt the film was too scary for young audiences. Thirty four years later, Tim got a sweet revenge, as Frankenweenie is released by Disney in the new Dvd-Blue-Ray edition of Nightmare before Christmas, and Burton signed a deal with Disney to remake the film as a feature length, 3D stop-motion film!

Pictures and Daily Motion videos: copyright Disney

Disneyland Paris Halloween evening best themed costumes

Last night was the Halloween Night special at Disneyland Paris, and as usual, many people were there all dressed in Halloween costumes. I didn't attend the event as the weather yesterday in Paris was really too terrible, but here is some pictures shoot two years ago of Benoit and Marie Laurence, and i think they deserves the title of "best themed costumes".

Some others costumes may look more scary of course, but i think that Benoit and Marie Laurence costumes - a perfect tribute to Phantom Manor's bride and her unfortunate lover are really great!

On the top, Marie Laurence is on Main Street's with the Halloween eerie lighting, and below, Benoit and her are standing in front of the Manor.

They also had the good idea to took some pictures inside Phantom Manor, in the portrait hall. The photographer sent to me a new version of the photo with a special Photoshop "ghostly" effect!

And this picture with Marie laurence standing in front of the bride portrait show how good their themed costumes were!

Pictures by Randie Soul, a big thanks to Benoit and Marie Laurence for these great pictures!