Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why you shouldn't expect to " Soar over the World " before 2011

Don't know if you've noticed it, but it has been quite a while since we've heard about the awaited "Soarin' over the World" movie. Generally, in the forum rumors, everybody keep saying that the movie has been filmed, and should arrive at DCA or Epcot anytime soon.

On the DLP forums, most of the members were ready to bet some months ago that "Soarin over the World" would be the next big "E-Ticket" at the Walt Disney Studios - I even wrote an article explaining where the Imagineers kept the room at the WDS to build the attraction in the future. And then, it became almost official that a Ratatouille dark ride should be WDS next big E-Ticket and no-Soarin' attraction was schedule for the future.

Well, the reality of all this is a bit different. Soarin' over the World will definitely not be the next attraction at WDS, but it doesn't mean that it will never come at the WDS. In fact, if DLP executives didn't choose it as the next WDS E-Ticket it's simply because they couldn't do it. Why? Simply because the movie is not filmed yet, and won't be before 2010!

Last year, WDI imagineers began scouting locations around the world, and they will continue this year. Once the locations are choosen, they'll need to have government's authorizations to film from an helicopter, and in some not-totally-democratic countries it's not that easy and can take a long time. The shooting itself - except if they change the dates - is scheduled for 2010. There is probably different reasons for that. First, the new "grand opening" of Disney's Caifornia Adventure - the park who need the most a new Soarin' movie as the first one is already 9 years old - won't be before 2011-2012. And it seems that Disney and WDI want to "keep" the new movie for this new beginning of DCA. And Two: an economic reason. Lot of works will happen at DCA in the next two years, it's not going to be cheap this time and they are definitely more important to create a brand new park than a new Soarin' movie.

So, let's keep the date of 2010 for the shooting. Now, may be it don't looks like, but this "Soaring over the World movie" is going to be a real challenge for WDI imagineers. Why, you ask? Well, as in this new "Soarin'" movie we will soar "over and around the world" it means different filming in different locations, right? And here come the question of the best season. Very probably the filming should happen in spring or early summer, to avoid landscapes with no leaves on the trees of winter or summer monsoon rains in other locations. Not to mention that for some other countries, it will be another season than spring which may be the right one for filming.

Before i go further, a little warning as there will be some spoilers ahead.

Now, the big question is : over which location will we "soar" in this new movie? Well, WDI imagineers have chosen some countries and if they don't change their plans, prepare yourself to soar over England, France, Italy, Egypt, India, China, Japan, and for the U.S.A: the Grand Canyon - which, by the way, is a perfect logical choice, as it’s one of the most known America's natural wonder. We must not forget that the movie will probably be watched in different countries, on different continents - not only eventually at the WDS but may be, too, at TDS - and WDI Imagineers have to take this into account. Whoever you will ask in Europe or Japan, everybody have seen pictures of the Grand Canyon and know about it.

Also, there is no South America country in the list above - which doesn't mean it's not part of the Imagineers plans. They have the choice: Brasil and Rio de Janeiro's bay or Iguaçu Falls, The Amazonia forest, The old Inca Machu-Pichu fortress in Peru, all these would be spectacular locations to soar above...

However, the other part of the Imagineers challenge will be probably to avoid filming a too "obvious" Travelogue. It's not going to be easy, as each country have its own iconic place/city/monument and it's a little bit everyone's dream to fly above them.

Now, what is coming next is pure personal thought, as i don't know which place in each country will be filmed. I mean: i really don't know. So what you will read below is pure personal speculation, although the locations choice below could very well be the one that will be filmed!

Also, please note that the pictures below are NOT Disney pictures, but a photomontage that i did with aerial views and the "Soarin'" vehicle from the "Soarin' over California" press picture. I've tried to choose aerial views which give you the soaring "vertigo" feeling as close as it should be in the final movie - click on each picture to see them in big size to get the "effect".

Now, think about the India sequence, who wouldn't love to soar above the beautiful and romantic Taj Mahal?...

...or, for Italy, over the gorgeous Venise, the City of the Doges? Soaring over the Grand Canal would be great!

For England, will we soar over the legendary Tower Bridge? I can almost see the camera plunging between the two towers of the bridge...

...And for China, can we escape to soar above The Forbidden City?

But may be it's a wrong question. Everyone would love to fly over these historical landmarks, so where is the problem to fulfill our dreams? So WDI Imagineers shouldn't think if a location is too obvious or not, it's not the problem, really!

Then, because we will travel around the world, i'm ready to bet that imagineers will play with the time of the day. And, because each location do have a "better" time to be filmed, WDI Imagineers will be right to do so. Why not, for instance, begin the "flight" by the Giza Pyramids at dawn? I know very well the place, i've been there many times in my life, and the best time for magical light on Giza Pyramids is definitely at dawn. Also, Egypt civilisation is the oldest one of all the countries listed above. To choose for the opening sequence Egypt and a dazzling view of the Pyramids at dawn would make perfect sense.

As for the evening sequence, soaring over London by night - the old Victorian city, the town of Peter Pan and the Darling family - would be wonderful. And if they need a Magic Kingdom for the "fireworks" final sequence, there is Disneyland Paris, just a few miles down in the south!

Even better: the best would be to have a different ending for each park where the attraction will play in the future. Take Hong Kong Disneyland for instance. Hong Kong at night is dazzling, and then they could "cut" to a scene with fireworks over HKDL castle. Same for Epcot, or TDL or the future Shanghaî Disneyland. Different ending for each park will not only be logical, but also great for fans who will discover a not-totally-the-same version when they'll visit Disney parks in other countries...

But in each country there is also plenty of natural wonders like, for instance, the Grand Canyon. And WDI imagineers may prefer to film them instead of cities or historical landmark like the Forbidden City in Beijing. Or may be they will do a mix of both to help the audience to identify instantly the "country".

To come back to the release date, once the filming will be done in 2010 the Imagineers will still have to do the editing and the music score, fix everything right which takes sometime, some months...and all of this lead us to the end of 2010. And, as NO new attraction is opening in winter ( okay, except Star Tours in January 1987, i agree ) i think it's reasonable to say that a grand opening of "Soarin' over the world" won't happen before - at least - 2011.

One more thing, and i'm sure that most of you who've ride the first "Soarin'" will agree with me: Dear Imagineers, please try to do a longer movie - which should be the case anyway as a roundtrip around the world in less than 5 minutes would be reaaally too short - 7-8 minutes would be fine, if possible ten, it's never too long when you soar above all these wonders...even if we must keep in mind the attraction hour capacity. Also: pleaaaase keep - or adapt - the original and fantastic Jerry Goldsmith music score!

In the meantime, let's all be patient and wait with confidence until 2011, as we can be sure that this awaited "Soarin' over the world" will be an awesome experience!

NEW!: You can now discuss this article on the Disney and more English Forum on Mice Chat !

Soaring vehicle image on the pictures and HKDL picture: copyright Disney

New Disneyland Nightastic Videos !

Disney released a new "Nightastic" video and this is one is longer - and better - than the previous one. Have a look!

And for those of you - just like me - who won't be able to go to Disneyland this summer here is a two part video of the Nightastic fireworks - including the sequence with Dumbo flying over the castle - as well as one of the new Main Street Electrical Parade at DCA both shot in High-Definition by HV10N90!

Top Youtube videos: copyright Disney

Nightastic Firework and Main Street electrical parade videos: copyright HV10N90 whom i thanks a lot!

Monday, June 22, 2009

First pictures from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland - Edited version

If there is a movie that i'm really waiting for, it's Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland. The movie won't be released before March 5, 2010, but in recent interviews Burton announced that we have to expect a slightly "darker" Alice in Wonderland.

Today the guys of the CC2K site succeed to get a copy of the script and you can read their script review - full of spoilers so, beware - HERE.

The young Mia Wasikowska - 19 years old - is "Alice" - but 17 years old Alice returning back to Wonderland....

Here is a new picture of Alice when she's "small".

Most of the book's famous characters will be in the movie and it's Johnny Depp himself who will play the madhatter character - a perfect casting indeed.

Here are TweedleDee and TweedleDum.

Helena Bonham Carter is playing the Red Queen...

And Anne Hathaway is the good White Queen...

Disney also released concept-arts showing some decors of the movie

As you've already guess, we must expect a very different Alice in Wonderland, darker, but also closer to Tim Burton usual world. I think it can be great, we'll check this next year!

All Pictures: copyright Disney

Luxo Jr Audio-Animatronic Living Character Premiered at Disney Hollywood Studios

Luxo Jr, the famous Pixar mascott is the new WDI Audio-Animatronic "living character" and is now "live" at Disney Hollywood studios!

Luxo Jr premiered today at Pixar place and the animatronic lamp have two different shows. During day time Luxo Jr come out and dance on different Pixar tunes - including You have a friend in me - and on night time Luxo Jr lights up Pixar place.

After WALL-E and Remy the rat from Ratatouille, this is the third Pixar living character designed by WDI imagineers.

Have a look at the very good video below and more pictures available on the Jeff Lange web site HERE.

Youtube video by Jeff Lange

Picture: copyright Disney-Pixar

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Laaaast call for the Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality book , signed edition !

As a lot of my D&M readers asked me if my "Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality" book is still available, here is everything you need to know if you want to order one of the last signed copy of this beautiful book. Please note that NO re-printing of the book is scheduled, and these last available copies may be the REAL last one!

Even at the park where i was two weeks ago, it was impossible to find a copy of the english edition. When i asked at the Storybook store if they had the english edition, i was told that they were out of stock.

So, if you don't have it yet and don't want to miss this 320 pages and 750 pictures book - including 250 renderings from Walt Disney Imagineering, i'm afraid to say that it's may be now or never...

As i am one of the two authors of the book, I will personnaly sign EACH copy with a special dedication to you or anyone you wish if your purchase of the book is for a gift.


Price for one copy of the english updated edition is 87 Euros + 15 Euros for shipping.

If you have a Paypal account you can proceed to the payment by paypal - paypal payment must be sent to the email adress: lawrence55@wanadoo.fr

Important: Note that the price is in Euros, not in U.S $, so you have to choose the "euro" currency when you do the paypal payment.


Price for one copy of the english updated edition is 87 Euros + 15 Euros for shipping.

If you have a Paypal account you can proceed to the payment by paypal - paypal payment must be sent to the email adress: lawrence55@wanadoo.fr

Important: Note that the price is in Euros, not in U.S $, so you have to choose the "euro" currency when you do the paypal payment.

Please confirm me your purchase of the book and payment with an email at: lawrence55@wanadoo.fr

And, of course, thanks to confirm me your order and payment AND the shipping adress by email at the email adress: lawrence55@wanadoo.fr

If you don't have a Paypal account, a bank wire transfert is possible, just let me know.

As i am the one who designed the book, i'm not really at the good place to send compliments about it, but if you are a reader who already own the book, please leave a comment at the end of the article to let other readers know what you think about it.
Previous comments can be read at the bottom of this page where the article below was previously posted.

So, here is a little description of the book, now - See below some pictures of the book pages - click on each of them to see the photo-montage pictures in big size.

The book is a gorgeous "coffee table book" with 320 pages and 750 pictures - of which 500 are park and attractions photos and 250 are Walt Disney Imagineering renderings!

The size is 9 x 12 inches, all pages are in color and it's hardbound with a glossy dust jacket. The text (by Disney historian Didier Ghez), was written after more than 75 interviews he conducted with all the Imagineers who created the park. He goes into just about everything you wanted to know about this unique place that many describe as the best "Magic Kingdom" ever created by WDI.

It took five years to create the book, but it was worth all the time we spent on it, and the book looks just as good as we had hoped for at the beginning - in fact Imagineer Bruce Gordon told us that it was "probably the best book ever done on a Disney theme park". Coming from Bruce who did with David Mumford the great "Disneyland, The Nickel Tour" book, it was more than a compliment.

The first chapter about Main Street has 52 pages and introduces the reader to the "legend" of Main Street, USA. You'll learn all about the Disneyland Paris Railroad, the unique "Discovery" and "Liberty" Arcades; find out about the architecture, the restaurants (like "Walt's," a tribute to Walt Disney, but also inspired by Club 33 in Anaheim) and the shops; with dozens of photos, renderings, models, and reproduced for the first time here, all the "cities of the future" posters located in "Discovery Arcade."

The second chapter on Frontierland discusses the park's western side with extensive sections about its major attractions, "Big Thunder Mountain" and "Phantom Manor." In fact the book has the longest sections ever put together in a book on all the major attractions. The Pirates of Caribbean section in the Adventureland chapter is 26 pages, Phantom Manor has 16 pages devoted to it, as does Space Mountain, it's a small world, etc. The photo material was so great that we kept adding more pages to the book, which was supposed to have only 240 pages when we started... we ended up with 320 upon completion!

The Frontierland chapter also covers the Mark Twain, the River Rogue Keelboats, Fort Comstock, all the restaurants, the shops and Cottonwood Creek Ranch.and featuring stunning photos of Disneyland Paris from the air by Yann Arthus Bertrand, author of The Earth from Above that make spectacular "double-pages," and allow the reader to discover the park from a whole different angle.

The Adventureland chapter is even more interesting, as many elements of the land exist only in Paris - such as the Bazaar and Aladdin to Africa and the ex-"Explorer's Club." Plus there's a long section about "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril," "Adventure Isle" and "The Swiss Robinson Treehouse" and, of course, "Pirates of Caribbean" the land's major attraction and featuring its amazing Audio-Animatronics! All in all there are 56 full pages about Adventureland, and as in the previous chapters, there are dozens of photos, lots of concept art, and many shots of Imagineers at work. There's even a great bonus here, with the Marc Davis artwork for "Pirates" also included.

56 full pages are also dedicated to Fantasyland. There's an extensive look at Sleeping Beauty Castle, sections on all the dark rides (Snow White, Peter Pan and Pinocchio), as well as a look at "Alice's Curious Labyrinth," the "Mad Hatter's Tea Cups," "Storybookland," and "Casey Jr." There are even 14 pages about "it's a small world" with stunning photos of nearly all the scenes in it. Here the reader can discover a new attraction that exists only at Disneyland Paris, with a great view from above of Alice's Labyrinth.

Discoveryland also gets 52 pages of special treatment, with sections on the Visionarium, the Nautilus, Star Tours, Space Mountain, and everything you wanted to know about the other attractions in this land – Autopia and Orbitron. In fact the Nautilus chapter takes you on a visit with photos of every room of this detailed walk-through and two double page photo spreads, one which makes you feel you're inside Captain Nemo's grand salon, and the other showing you a unique view of Discoveyland featuring the Nautilus and Space Mountain in a kind of "CinemaScope" view.

When the book was released in early 2002, the Walt Disney Studios didn't exist, so you won't see them in the book. But there's still one last chapter about the hotels of the park, and Disney Village too, with the great Buffalo Bill Wild West show that entertains hundreds each evening.

And because every day in a Magic Kingdom should end with a parade and fireworks, we have the Main Street Electrical Parade that close the book, with an Herb Ryman gorgeous painting, see picture on the top of this post.

Photos: copyright Disney

First 2012 Trailer : Wow!... Wow, wow, wow!

Just one word: WOW!

I was awaiting this first "2012" trailer and the least i can say is that i'm not disappointed! I always loved "catastrophe" movies, and especially "end of the world" movies. And Roland Emmerich "2012" is all about that. The movie - which will be released in theatres next november - is based on an old Maya prediction that Dec 21st 2012 should be the end of the world thanks to an astronomical planet position that has been coming to resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years.

In a previous article i show you the 2012 teaser - already very spectacular - but this first 2012 trailer seems to indicate that Roland Emmerich has decided to top the special effects of his previous "Independence Day" and "The Day after" movies. Cast include John Cusack, Woody Harrelson, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt and many more.

Watch by yourself - and don't forget to click to see it in full screen, just to make sure you'll have a big "wow"!

Video trailer: copyright Columbia Pictures

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

There is no new Indiana Jones movie this year, and considering the mediocre quality of the Crystal Skull it's almost a good news! However, on June 9, Lucas Arts released a brand new Indiana Jones video game called "Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings". The game is released for Nintendo Ds and Play station 2 of course, but - and that's where it becomes interesting - also for the now famous Nintendo Wii. Thanks to the Wii technology, the gamer will be able to act like Indiana Jones, and, as one of the game designer said "It's as close as you can get to be a real Indiana Jones".

The 3D animation looks fine, and especially the decors and background as you will see on the videos below. Lot of reminiscences from the Indy movies in the Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings adventure, but that's okay, it should be fun.

As i know you like concept-arts, here are some of them in wallpaper size. More concept-arts available on the game web site HERE

This first video below is the official game trailer.

In this next video you'll see game designers explaining how it works with the Wii.

And this last one shows the first Ten Minutes of "Indiana Jones And The Staff Of Kings" in the Wii version.

And what about a new Indy movie, you ask? Well, if we consider what Shia LaBeouf recently said in an interview - later confirmed by Producer Frank Marshall - they're currently working on a script. Mmmmh...the last time i heard this from a Indy producer was 15 years ago and we had to wait almost as long to see the movie - and not a real good one. So, i'll believe it when i'll see it!

Hat Tip to Blue Sky Disney for the news!

Pictures and videos: copyright Lucas Arts