Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WDS Ratatouille Dark Ride Artwork and Blueprint Unveiled !

The always excellent Mouetto from Disney Central Plaza forum found the blue-print and some artwork of the awaited Ratatouille dark ride, expected to open at the Walt Disney Studios in 2013. If everything goes well, i.e if the park succeed to have the agreement of the banks for the needed amount of money.

It's a great find from Mouetto who found these documents at the Chessy City Hall. The construction permit has been approved and is now - according to the french law - available to be seen by anyone.

The artwork above shows how the area will look and, as you can see, when WDS guests will enter the Ratatouille area they will see Paris building facades as well as a fountain. You'll note also the Gusteau sign on the top of the left building, identical to the one we saw in the animated movie. On one of the building a "patisserie" sign might indicate that a food store will be here but this can change. One thing is sure, there will be a restaurant and if there is a logic it should be a table service restaurant with a decor identical to the Gusteau's restaurant. Note that this is my own thoughts about the decor but once again this would be a logical choice. Close to the restaurant, on the right, the entrance of the Ratatouille dark ride.

The next document is a blueprint showing the location of the Ratatouille area. As expected it is located near Toy Story Playland, behind the costuming building and near the back exit of TSP through the giant blue barrel. The facility is really big and my feeling is that there is not more than 40 meters between the TSP exit and the entrance of the Ratatouille ride. Also, i'll be curious to know how they will hide the back of the costuming building which is very near from the Ratatouille facility.

This last document is perhaps the most interesting as it shows the whole mini-land in 3D. As you can see the main building - which will be used mainly for the ride is really huge, not only in length but also in height as it's even higher than the four storeys Paris facades. Even if the part in the foreground is kept for the restaurant and shops the main building is really big and the question is: why is it so high? Will the attraction vehicle go up and down? We'll know more about this in the future but for now let's have a closer look at the entrance - on the bottom right - where we can see that an outside queue area has been designed to protect WDS guests from the rainy days that can happen in Paris in the winter.

In a previous report i've posted pictures of the road going from the main entrance of TSP to the Ratatouille area. The road is already designed like a Paris street - with cobblestones and typical Parisian benches and lampposts - and i re-post here these pictures.

Click on the panoramic picture below to see it in larger scale.

A sculpture of Gusteau - Ratatouille's chef - was sculpted on the arch sticked to the blue barrel. It is now hidden but as you can see on the picture below it's really the case and it's really a sculpture of Gusteau.

The picture above was shot by Alexandre Rosa, a former Disney and more contributor, during the cast member TSP preview days. Two days after the land opened for annual passholders soft-openings Gusteau's sculpture was hidden as you will see on the pictures below.

At that time there was a good reason for that - there is always a good reason for anything done by WDI Imagineers! - and it was that DLP execs prefered to keep secret for a while the future land which will open during DLP 2013 fiscal year. No more Gusteau's sculpture means no questions from the guests, etc...

Unfortunately, all signs related to Ratatouille couldn't be hidden beginning by the face of Remy, Ratatouille's main character that anyone can see on EACH bench of this Parisian street. Have a look at the picture below...

Don't see Remy? Okay, let's have a closer look. Do you see him now?

The next panoramic, shot from the Parachute Drop attraction, will show you the area where the Ratatouille ride will be build. The building you see on the right is actually located backstage and is the "costuming" building where cast-members come each morning to pick their costume - a Paris backdrop is supposed to hide the building along the street when the Ratatouille ride will open. And on the left of this building, behind the blue barrel, is the land reserved for the Ratatouille ride and Paris area.

Christian, from www.eap-magazin.de sent me this picture showing the land where the Ratatouille ride will be build. Note that there is on the left more land that you don't see on the picture. As you can see it's a pretty big area and I wonder if they will keep the big trees located at the center of the land... my feeling is that they will keep them and it will be a good idea.

Now, when will Ratatouille open at WDS? Of course it all depends of when the works will begin. And the sooner will be the better as i've learned that WDI Imagineers needs apparently two years to build everything and one year to install and test the ride. One full year to install and test the ride might seem a long time to you but i remind you that Ratatouille will use a trackless vehicle system, will have a lot of 3D projections effects and that, basically, it's a new kind of ride for WDI Imagineers. The Little Mermaid which will open June 3 at DCA is a classic onmimover ride in comparison.

Even if eventually they can reduce the timing to 21 months they need to begin the works next September to have an opening Summer 2013. And to begin the works they need the money green light from the banks. And so, you ask? Well, from what i've been told, the Ratatouille budget - for the whole area including the restaurant - is close to $165M, if not more. That makes 116M euros right now and the park needs probably more money for the 20th Anniversary events. Which, i agree, is quite a lot of money for a park that is always in a difficult financial situation. So, we better cross our fingers that the banks will give their green light for the Ratatouille ride and as soon as possible if we want to enjoy in 2013 what will be an amazing E-Ticket ride!

Pictures: copyright Disney or Disney and more

Arch with Gusteau's sculpture picture: copyright Alexandre Rosa


SP said...

Great great great ! :D
All of this is wonderful but I already knew it, like every big DLP fan ^^'
I was then wondering about the "surprise" article that you were supposed to publish a few month ago and if there was more unveiled/interesting things in it.
I mean, you've always been extremely good at understanding the logic of this park and guessing it's future so maybe you've got something more to tell us... I'm praying for it because this ride is a true, interesting and innovative one that would bring so much to DLP and I have so much hopes for it !!! :)
Thanks again for all your work.

Brian said...

Thanks Alain, I am wondering whether they banks which are asked to offer DLP the money they need, will publish that as soon as they actually offer it(so we know that DLP can start building)? Also wondering if they will let the customing building be remained. I read that part of the building will be used for a store and toilets, but can not imagine that in future, this building will still eb unused in the park, while it takes a space as big as the entire ratatouille area.

Alain Littaye said...

To Brian: Yes, very probably DLP will announce officially Ratatouille in the next weeks or so after they succeed to have the approval of the banks.
About the Costuming building: it will stay where it is as they need it and it is strategically located between the two parks which is extremely helpful for all cast members. I've also heard that part of it might be transformed and be the Ratatouille area rest rooms but i can't confirmed this at 100% for now.

Omiyage said...

Wow! Fantastic news for DLRP! Thanks for sharing the photos and plans. You say this is a new kind of ride for WDI. To me it sounds a lot like a mix between Pooh's Hunny Hunt (at TDL) and eg Toy Story Mania (at DHS). Shouldn't take them too long to build and test the ride unless they plan to use a completely new ride system. Let's hope for 2013 at the latest. The resort could really use a major new E-ticket attraction.

Marco Antonio Garcia said...

This is going to be an amazing ride and is definitely going to bring a lot to DLP- it is going to increase DSP attendance a lot and finally make it a full day park, hopefully with a good place to eat.

If the Resort doesn't get the money from the banks, The Walt Disney Co. should put the money for the project. They're spending a lot in Shangai, Florida and Anaheim, so why can't they put some money in Paris, that really needs it, as well? They should increase the park's capital and their share in it. Come on Bob Iger!

Brian said...

Thanks for your answer Alain!
As some discuss the height of the building, which could indicate there will be several levels, I think there could be another reason. Because you'll be of the size of a rat in this ride, everythink needs bo much bigger (same as TSPL), a kettle with soup is suddenly three times as big, which needs a higher building. Is that an option?
