Showing posts with label Indiana Jones 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indiana Jones 4. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Indiana Jones tribute part one - The making of Raiders of the lost ark

Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull will be released in three months, and, even if we all would love to watch it right now, i'm afraid we have to wait.

So, in the meantime, i thought we could have a look back at the making of the previous Indiana Jones movies, beginning by the first one, Raiders of the lost ark.

Let's begin with some concept-art by Jim Steranko, wonderful comic book artist, and magician, too. And if Indiana Jones don't look like Harrison Ford on them, it's normal, as these production artwork was probably done before the final casting.
The first one above shows a scene which don't really exist in the final movie.

The one below shows the snake sequence, but if you look well, the temple is not an egyptian temple like in the movie.

This next one shows the famous battle between Indy and the pilot of the flying wing.

And this last rendering is about the truck chase scene.

Let's have a look now to some production shots. Here is Spielberg filming in Hawai's jungle.

This picture show the filming of the opening sequence, with the indians.

Here is Georges Lucas and the crew, always in Hawai.

This next picture shows one of the huge studio set.

Harrison Ford and Spielberg, probably talking about the opening sequence.

I mean, this sequence.

Spielberg and Karen Allen during the "streets of Cairo" filming. Note that this sequence was filmed in Morocco, and not in Cairo.

Here is the sea plane which appears in the movie.

Spielberg and Ford near the cargo ship.

The making of a mask for the final sequence of the opening of the ark of the covenant.

And here is another one, probably for the same sequence.

In the part two, coming soon, we will have a look at the making of Indiana Jones and the temple of doom!

All pictures and artwork: copyright Lucas Film Ltd.

Pictures coming from the Indiana Jones official web site.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New photos from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and some story-line secrets...

Three new photos of the Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull were released, and the highly awaited trailer could be released on Valentine's day - February 14th.

On the first picture above, Indy is inside the famous government warehouse that we saw at the end of Raiders of the lost ark, presumably to find againthe Ark, and all the question is: WHY? We will have the answer in 3 months and 2 weeks from now, so, it's not too long to wait.

The next picture show Indy, and his son - play by Shia LaBeouf and Karen Allen who play again the Marion Raverwood character from "Raiders". Obviously they're not in lack of weapons!

The third one is an Empire magazine exclusive , and show the "villain" character russian agent Irina Spalko play by the excellent Cate Blanchett, and Indy seems to be in trouble!

Finally - look out, spoliers ahead - here is a picture of how the " crystal skull " should look. This is not the picture shown on the web site - the picture was removed today, probably on the request of Lucas film. This one below is a promotional flyer from Japanese company Takara Neduke, makers of necklaces and trinkets, and was posted by Action Figure Insider.

And if you have the feeling that this skull could be more extra-terrestrial than human, you may be close to one of the plot's secret. Nothing confirmed, however, but this Lucas interview from IGN Movies tell us more:

" I'm the one that has to come up with the story, and the MacGuffin, the supernatural object that everyone's going after," Lucas said, referring to the Hitchcockian term for the plot gimmick that propels the narrative forward. Lucas stuck with his long-gestating idea even when Spielberg and series star Harrison Ford continuously rejected it.

"So this went on for 15 years," Lucas recalled. "And finally we got to a point where everybody said, 'Look, we're not doing that movie.' And I said, 'Well, look, I can't think of another MacGuffin. This is it. This works. I know this works.' And then we stopped. I just said, 'O.K.,' and that's about the time I started Star Wars again. But then Harrison was kind of interested. And I said, 'I won't do it unless we can have that MacGuffin. Without the MacGuffin, I will not go near this thing.'"

The filmmakers finally found an approach to Lucas' MacGuffin that they all agreed on when David Koepp turned in his screenplay. "What it is that made it perfect was the fact that the MacGuffin I wanted to use and the idea that Harrison would be 20 years older would fit," Lucas told the magazine.

"So that put it in the mid-50s, and the MacGuffin I was looking at was perfect for the mid-50s. I looked around and I said, 'Well, maybe we shouldn't do a 30s serial, because now we're in the 50s. What is the same kind of cheesy-entertainment action movie, what was the secret B movie, of the 50s?' So instead of doing a 30s Republic serial, we're doing a B science-fiction movie from the 50s. The ones I'm talking about are, like, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Blob, The Thing. So by putting it in that context, it gave me a way of approaching the whole thing."

Let's end with something fun with an Indiana Jones merchandise item that i've never expected to see in my lifetime, and it's an Indiana Jones Potato head! It will be released on May 1st and the figure include a jacket, whip and fedora, and a kind of Raiders idol.

Photos: copyright Lucas film ltd and Indiana

Saturday, December 29, 2007


2008 begin in 3 days, and here is a special movie preview with photos and trailers, when available.
For each of them i give you the release date in the USA.

Let's begin by Disney animated features. Of course, the most awaited of all is Pixar's Wall-E, release june 27.
I've already talk about it, so here is above a new picture and, below, the last trailer. For more infos about it, please see my previous posts.

The other Walt Disney animated will be "Bolt", schedule to be release on november 26. Here is a first picture. No trailer yet available.

Always in the "animation" category, but not from Disney, two movies on which i have a good feeling.
November 7 will be the date for Madagascar: The Crate Escape . No trailer yet available, but picture below.

And the other one is "Dr Seuss Horton Hears A Who " release on march 14, and i have an even better feeling on this one, as it is directed by the guys who did the Ice Age movies. Pictures and trailer below.

2008 will also be the year of the second Narnia movie , with Prince Caspian, release on may 16.

If you're fan or archeologist heroes, two movies should make your day. The first one is of course the highly awaited Indiana Jones and the temple of the crystal skull. And it's for may 22.

Here is some images of the shooting in the USA and Hawai.

The other archeologist hero will be back august 1 in the Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.
As you probably already understood, the action this time is in China, and the production did a fantastic job with the recreation of Shangai, circa 1948, as you will see if you click HERE, and here are some pictures.

Another movie will bring us back in time, in 10000 BC, precisely. It is directed by Roland "The day after tomorrow" Emmerich, and it will be release soon, on march 7.

In the Marvel super-heroes category, the Iron Man will touch down in the theatres on may 2. And great
actor Robert Downey Jr is playing Tony Stark/Iron Man.

The other one is the new Hulk movie, played this time by another fantastic actor : Edward Norton, so the movie should be much better than the previous one.
No trailer yet available, but here are some pics. Release on june 13.

A new Harry Potter will also be release november 21, and a Batman "Dark night" on july 18.
But a good surprise may come from the new movie of the Wachowski brothers. After their "Matrix" trilogy, this new movie release may 9 looks pretty exciting. Okay, it may remember you a video game, but i think that, visually speaking, it may be stunning. Click on the image below to see what i mean.

Photos and Videos: copyright : Disney, Dream Works, Lucas Film Ltd, Universal, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Paramount

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Why "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" could very well be the title of the Indy 4 movie

A movie web site report recently that , on the latest Motion Pictures Association of America Title Registration Report, Lucasfilm, Ltd has filed for six different titles for Indiana Jones 4.

The proposed titles include:

Indiana Jones and the City of Gods
Indiana Jones and the Destroyer of Worlds
Indiana Jones and the Fourth Corner of the Earth
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Lost City of Gold
Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Covenant

The web site also say that "City of Gods has been long rumored to be the working title of the production. It also seems to be the best candidate of the bunch Destroyer of Worlds, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and Fourth Corner of the Earth are way to corny for me."

Corny, may be, but at least one of those six titles sounds familiar to the Disney theme park fans, as "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" is close to the title of the Tokyo Disney Sea's Indiana Jones adventure attraction : The "Temple of the crystal skull".

Some may think it's a coincidence. But all this remember me one of my recent topic about the San Diego Comic Con where i show you THIS picture:

With this text above it: "Hasbro who have the license for some of the coming Indiana Jones 4 products revealed their future action figures. They did a special Indy decor for the display, with Egyptian statues and a real-size Ark of the Covenant. But what intrigued me is this model of a Mayan pyramid, also part of their decor. As we know, the previous Indy expeditions didn't lead him to old Mayan civilisation. So, is this the first proof to the rumours that the "treasure" location of the fourth movie will be in Mexico?"

Now, what is important to remember is that the outside decor of TDS Temple of the crystal skull is also a mayan pyramid as you can see on the photo below.

With of course a crystal skull inside...

The TDS attraction have a lot of similar scenes with the Disneyland "Temple of the forbidden eye" version, but with a different story line and a major change in the big scene of the ride as japanese laws forbidden to have some fire effects in the "bubbling death" sequence. So, at TDS it has been replaced by a giant threatening "twister". But all this doesn't mean, of course, that this particular scene will appear in the movie.

To come back to the movie, i have to add that we know now for sure that part of the action of Indy 4 will be located in Mexico - Spielberg is now shooting in Hawai instead of Mexico for production reasons. Let's not forget, too, Lucas gift for marketing - what can be better for the Asian market , and specially the japanese, to have a movie based on an already famous attraction ? - and god knows that the Disney parks are popular in the empire of the rising sun!

Not to mention that the "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" title is not that corny...for me it sounds more like a perfect Indiana Jones title. And not because the imagineers choose a pretty similar title for the TDS attraction - with the agreement of Georges Lucas, let's not forget it - but simply because after "Raiders of the lost ark", "Indiana Jones and the temple of doom" and "Indiana Jones and the last crusade" , "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" sounds like a perfect "Indy" title with a mix of archeological adventure and creepy feeling in it.

So, for all these reasons, and just for the fun, i will bet on "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" for the title of the highly awaited Indiana Jones 4 movie.

Your thoughts?

Photos: copyright Disney-Oriental Land co

Saturday, July 28, 2007

San Diego Comic-Con breaking news : LIVE with the Indiana Jones 4 cast - Video

Fans were hysterical at the San Diego Comic Con when Steven Spielberg and the cast of the awaited Indiana Jones 4 appeared on the convention screen, as you will see on the video below.

But the big surprise was the return of Karen Allen who will play again the Marion Ravenwood character - the one she played in "Raiders of the Lost Ark"! And the great actor John Hurt will play her father - Abner Ravenwood - yes, the one who was supposedly searching for the Ark of the Covenant in the first movie before Indy gets involved in the search, and find it.

Right now, Steven is filming scenes in Hawai.

No more infos about the story line was revealed, but, always at Comic Con, Hasbro who have the license for some of the coming Indiana Jones 4 products revealed their future action figures. They did a special Indy decor for the display, with Egyptian statues and a real-size Ark of the Covenant. But what intrigued me is this model of a Mayan pyramid, also part of their decor. As we know, the previous Indy expeditions didn't lead him to old Mayan civilisation. So, is this the first proof to the rumours that the "treasure" location of the fourth movie will be in Mexico?

And if you're looking for an Indiana Jones 4 wallpaper, here is a brand-new one!

Photos: copyright Lucasfilm Ltd

Picture of the Mayan pyramid model:

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What about some news from the Indiana Jones 4 filming ? Photos and lot of videos from the set !

That's the movie we are all waiting for: the "Indy 4", schedule to be released on May 22, 2008. Although it's not a typical theme park news, as there is currently four Indiana Jones attraction in Disney theme parks around the world ( yes, four, as the Tokyo Disney sea version of Indiana Jones adventure have different scenes than the one in Anaheim )i thought that news about this highly awaited sequel could find its place in Disney and more.

And of course, we want to see images right now, don't we? And we mean "moving" images!
So, the good news is that you will see lot of videos all along this article, thanks to the youtube directors who were there during the filming in New Haven, Connecticut.

But before, what do we do know, right now on this very secret filming?
About the cast, that the young Shia La Beouf will play Indiana's son, that Kate Blanchett and John Hurt are starring in it, as well as Jim Broadbent and Ray Winstone. And we know also , that the great Sean Connery was asked to reprise his role as Henry Jones, Sr. from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. But Connery turned it down because he did not want to come out of retirement, very unfortunately for all of us...Don't worry, Sean, we still love you!

About the "time" of the movie, we know for sure that it is set in the early 1950's. But about the story line, it is still a big secret , although, as we will see below, some rumours may tell us more about it.

But there is always a "day one" when you're filming a movie, and here is a video with these good old Steven ( Spielberg ) and Georges ( Lucas ), alive, and well, precisely on the first day of shooting.

And, by the way, "where is the man with the hat", this other good old fellow, Indy?
Ah, good, here he is, on this short video released, like the previous one, by the production. ( Photo above from Indiana )

As i told you the young Shia La Beouf - currently playing in Transformers - will play Indiana Jones son. But what does he really think about his "father" ?

So, on July 5, 2007 the cast and crew of Indiana Jones IV traveled to Essex, Connecticut to shoot a scene or two for the upcoming movie. Filming in Connecticut took place between June 28th and July 6th, mainly in New Haven and Yale university.
And one thing is sure: the property master had a really lot of work transforming some of the city's streets so they look like a 1950's street. All the shops, windows, were changed, and here is a video by Marty Weiss who will give you a glance at how it looks. ( photos above by Madogvelkor )

That's not all: the cars also were different, and a major chase scene needed to have a LOT of 1950's cars everywhere! Let's have a look with pictures and a slide-show video about them.( photo above by Tom Tomorrow )

The New Haven Register has find out more on where filming did take place: "There have been classroom shots, exterior shots and the prerequisite chase scene that includes the Old Campus, Phelps Gate and Yale's library,".

Did they talked about a "chase" scene? Yes! a looong chase scene with Indy and his son on a motorbike - Indy's son is driving - being chased by cars. And here is a short video of it. Note that it's hard to say if it is the actors that we can see on the motorbike or stunt men. Probably the stunt men.

Always in New Haven, as we"ve said above, they've filmed on day 3 some scenes at the Yale University Campus. Here is a slide-show video that let you see more of it, as well as the Chapel street 50's theming where dozens of extra walked around all dressed with 50's clothes. ( photo above by MattKP )

And here is a short video of the filming of a Yale scene.

On July 5, the crew moved to film an Essex Steam Train Scene, and here is another video with a slide show of images shoot on the location.

As you've understood, lot of people - not part of the movie - were close to the set.
But it seems that Spielberg took this not too badly, as this video below show us.

Then, after Connecticut, the main unit moved on to the final location shoot in Hawaii. Steven Spielberg, cast and crew arrived in Eastern Hawaii this past weekend and they’re currently already shooting. After a couple of weeks in Hawaii, they’ll be returning to the Los Angeles area for sound stage work before rushing headlong into post-production.

But what about the story itself? Well first, there is an interesting point in the name of the character play by John Hurt: Abner Ravenwood. Does this name tell you something? It should, as Abner Ravenwood is supposedly the father of Marion Ravenwood, the character played by qKaren Allen in the first movie "Raiders of the lost ark". Yes, he was the one searching for the Ark before Indy arrive and find it in Egypt, as we know. But he was also supposed to be DEAD...well, may be he is still alive, after all...
But if the man who supposedly had spent a big part of his life searching about the Ark of the Covenant is alive, what does THAT mean? It's here where i must leave Quint from the Aintitcool web site tell you more about what he think about the plot:

"...The rumors I have been getting say that the big object being searched for is not Atlantis. It is not the Spear of Destiny. It is not a shard of Noah's Ark. This time Indiana has to go back to square one. There is nothing he can possess that can not be taken away.

What I hear is that he is searching, once more, for the Ark of the Covenant.

The rumor is that the warehouse we see at the end of Raiders is in Groom Lake (aka Area 51) and the Russians are trying to find it in order to one-up the American military might.

That would explain Abner being involved in the story. That would further my theory that INDY 4 will act as a bookend to the series, RAIDERS on one side and INDY 4 on the other."

Mmmmh...what do you think about that? The Ark of the Covenant mixed with the Area 51? Doesn't it looks really a little bit too much? I must add that Quint is also saying that all of this is still a rumour...on the other hand the aintitcool web site is often well informed...

There is also another strong rumour, this time revealed by the IGN web site:
" There are new hints about a possible wedding scene that may appear in the film. Could Indy be tying the knot after all of these years? We don't know, but filming for the rumored on-screen nuptials is taking place outside the First Congregational Church. A New Haven Public Works employee told the Register, "It's my understanding there is supposed to be some kind of wedding inside the church." The actual wedding scene, whoever it includes, will reportedly be shot in Hollywood."

We will probably know more about the real storyline later, but in the meanwhile, if the Ark of the Covenant makes its come back, remember: don't look inside the Ark when it will be open!

Photo above from Just Jared

Many thanks to all the youtube directors for the videos embedded. Watch more videos from them on youtube!