Showing posts with label billets walt disney studios. Show all posts
Showing posts with label billets walt disney studios. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Walt Disney Studios Cinémagique Attraction Updated !

Here is an interesting news about one of the best attractions at DLP Walt Disney Studios! The Cinémagique attraction has been updated, which means that some films clips have been replaced by others, and the new clips are coming from more recent movies - also probably more known by young children. Here are the changes and where they happen - thanks to Nash of the DCP forum - and a warning as there is spoilers ahead :

In the Titanic sequence when the character Georges - played by Martin Short - open a series of different doors:
- Jack Sparrow saying "This bullet wasn't meant for you!" from Pirates of Caribbean : the Curse of the Black Pearl
- A scene from Pixar's The Incredibles, when they have a dispute during lunch
- Gollum shouting, from Lord of the Rings (2 or 3)

During the attack in the medieval battle scene :
- A battle shot from Narnia Chapter 1
- A battle shot from Lord of the Rings (2 or 3)

During the farewell scene, at the end :
- A kiss from Black Swan
- Another kiss from Slumdog Millionaire (not 100% sure it's coming from Slumdog)
- A kiss between Colette and Linguini from Pixar's Ratatouille
- Farewell scene from Andy to Woody at the end of Toy Story 3
- A kiss between Jake et Neytiri in Avatar
- A kiss from Lord of the Rings - Return of the King

All these movie clips are short clips but as long as they keep the emotion of this great attraction, it should be fine.

For those of you who have never seen Cinémagique, the attraction is a tribute to cinema history, and it's done in a brilliant way. Actually it's one of my favorite attraction at the WDS and one who come to visit the park must not miss it!. Here is the story line: The movie begin by a black and white 1920's sequence until somebody inside the audience is magically transport inside the movie - just like in Woody Allen's Purple rose of Cairo. Then, the man goes from one famous movie sequence to another - digitally include in the original shots, and funny and emotional things happen between him, the characters of the original sequences and a girl played by french actress Julie Delpy. That's basically how the attraction movie goes.

And, for those who have never seen it or don't plan to go soon at the WDS i've found for you on Youtube a video of the full attraction - in two parts - and it's the previous version, which includes film clips that have now been removed. You won't have some of the in-theater effects like the falling rain but there is not much of them during the attraction so it shouldn't be a problem.

Again, Cinémagique is a wonderful tribute to movies, so i hope you will like it. No need to say that you must watch the videos below in full screen mode!

I also want to let you know that The Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality book which will tell you all about the creation of the park with 320 pages and 750 pictures and WDI renderings always has a special offer and is now available with immediate shipping! Place your order now for a collector's edition copy while you can get a 20% discount on this wonderful book! To know how to order and send your payment please go HERE or use the Paypal one-click purchase button below.

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Disneyland Paris obtains a 150M € revolving credit facility from WDC - Ratatouille Dark Ride now on its way at WDS

The sky is brighter over Disneyland Paris today, and especially over the Walt Disney Studios. I've told you recently that we'll have early January an announcement about DLP future, and here it is, as DLP officially announced today that "Euro Disney obtains a 150M € additional standby revolving credit facility from The Walt Disney Company in connection with an approval from its lenders to increase its investments." Here is the official release:

"(Marne-la-Vallée, January 10, 2012) Euro Disney S.C.A. (the "Company"), parent company of Euro Disney Associés S.C.A., operator of Disneyland® Paris (together the "Group"), announces that, on January 6, 2012, it has obtained an additional standby revolving credit facility (the "Additional Facility") of € 150 million from The Walt Disney Company. This Additional Facility expires on September 30, 2018 and was advanced in connection with the approval from its lenders to increase the Group’s investments by up to € 250 million. These investments correspond to the annual recurring investment budget for fiscal year 2012 and a multi-year expansion of the Walt Disney Studios® Park, which includes a new attraction. The Additional Facility is separate from the € 100 million existing standby revolving credit facility (the "Existing Facility"), which expires on September 30, 2014 and is still undrawn. The other terms and conditions of the Additional Facility are substantially the same as the Existing Facility.

Although no assurances can be given, the Group believes it has sufficient funds to finance these and other necessary investments and repay its borrowings consistent with the scheduled maturities, based on its existing cash position, liquidity from the Existing Facility and the benefit of certain conditional deferrals permitted under the Group’s existing debt agreements."

What does this mean, in clear? In clear, it means that DLP now have the money to build the Ratatouille dark ride as well as the mini land around the ride. It also means that the banks probably refused to deliver the cash without a kind of guarantee from the WDC. Now that the park have it works should begin anytime soon as they need two years to build the ride and land. You probably won't be surprised to learn that 150M € is more or less the cost of the Ratatouille ride, so basically what is happening is that the WDC provides to DLP the needed amount to build the ride which will go back for a big part in the pocket of Disney as DLP is of course buying the new attractions to WDI, i.e Disney. Are not they smart at Burbank?

That said, even after paying for the Ratatouille ride the park will still have a credit facility of 100M €, that they had before today's announcement and that they can "use" until 2014. For sure you can build other rides with 100M € and we will know soon what the park expect to do with it. Although their priority is to expand the WDS chafes are that they will use a small part of this money to enhance some DLP ride - hello Jack Sparrow AAs in POTC - or a new placemaking in another part of the WDS, and why not another ride. In the meantime, today is a happy day for DLP fans as this time, this is it, a major E-Ticket ride is on its way!

Picture: copyright Disney

Don't forget to pre-order a collector's copy of the Disneyland Paris book, on its way for reprinting.Just go HERE to learn how.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Now that Toy Story Playland is opened, what will be DLP's next attraction ?

Toy Story Playland will open officially next tuesday - big pictorial report about it coming very soon on D&M - and with less than two years before Disneyland Paris 20th Anniversary it's time for a new update about DLP's future. In two words, here is the program: no Little Mermaid ride - may be and hopefully it will come later, Star Tours 2 most probably coming at Discoveryland, and the highly awaited Ratatouille dark ride is, as we will see, "double confirmed" although not yet officially.

Two words about Star Tours 2, first. Although there is no signs that Star Tours 2 is on schedule for Discoveryland i still put my bets on it mainly because it's pure logic: there is not one good reason that the park won't have it in a very near future. The ride definitely needs a new version to boost the attendance, the cost won't be too high for something which will be almost a new attraction, and it's the less expensive choice for DLP's management for a new ride in the park to celebrate the 20th Anniversary.

And we must remember that it's Disneyland Paris park 20th Anniversary - not the one of the Walt Disney Studios. However, as we saw during the 15th at DLP the Anniversary party don't last only one year but generally at least two. It's a marketing trick to keep guests coming at the park to enjoy what is supposed to be a big Anniversary party and generally it works well. Which means what? It means that Star Tours 2 could be very well scheduled as a "20th Anniversary" attraction not opening in 2012 2013, which will be already DLP's 21th Anniversary but "officially" always the 20th Anniversary celebration, if you see what i mean...

Anyway, in the meantime you can have a look at this new video - released today by the Disney Parks Blog - which will appear in Star Tours 2 queue next year!

Whether Star Tours 2 will come or not one thing is sure: the awaited Ratatouille attraction will be THE 20th Anniversary E-Ticket ride. And this time, folks, there is no more doubts about it. Only a worldwide financial break down could have some effect on DLP's management decision to build the ride. The budget - translate: the money needed to build the ride - was approved by the banks early this year and, more important, works have began on the location that DLP Imagineers reserved for this future attraction.

We're going to talk about this but first let's have a look to what we know now for sure about the ride itself. And i'm not talking about rumors here. By the way, the Disney Central Plaza forum - DLP's fans biggest forum - did recently a pretty good résumé of what is non-officially confirmed and it matches perfectly with what i've learned from my own other sources.

As i told you in a previous article the attraction cost should be between 130 and 150 $M which is indeed pretty expensive and there is good reasons for that, i mean good technological reasons: the Ratatouille dark ride will use WDI latest high technology with trackless vehicles thanks to the same LPS technology that Imagineers used on the Winnie the Pooh ride at TDL or in the future and awaited Mystic Manor at HKDL. But there is more as WDS guests will have to wear 3D glasses to enjoy the 3D projection effects that DLP imagineers have designed for the ride. And some of them should be really amazing. Recently an external manufacturer designing a huge steel dome for the ride unintentionally revealed that the dome will be used for projection effect in the Ratatouille dark ride. For sure the 3D scene inside this hemispherical dome should be a pretty immersive experience - see picture below. A trackless 3D ride with projection effects? For some of you it may sounds like the Spiderman ride at IOA and it's interesting to note that part of the technology for the Spidey ride was supposedly brought to Universal years ago by a former WDI need to say that WDI was not happy...

But the Ratatouille ride at DLP's Walt Disney Studios will be more than a sophisticated ride. In fact it's a whole Parisian area that will be build. From a typical parisian path starting on the right of Toy Story Playland, lay with cobblestones like the one you still can walk on in some of Paris streets. And when WDS guests will arrive in the Ratatouille area they will find not only the attraction itself but a shop, a small plaza, probably a Paris backdrop painting and even eventually rest-rooms all themed in a perfect parisian style. A restaurant would be perfectly logical in a Ratatouille area but nothing is confirmed yet on that one.

Talking about parisian style the queue area of the attraction should be perfectly themed as the queue line decor will put the guests on the rooftops of Paris with breathtaking height feeling, thanks to forced perspective. At least that's how it was envisioned by Imagineers one year ago and if WDI Imagineers didn't changed their plans for the queue decor - which sometime happen to reduce the costs - it should be a perfect introduction to the ride. An interesting fact about the queue area is that it will be designed for a pretty long queue. Don't panic, it doesn't mean that you'll have to wait hours before boarding in the vehicle, but Imagineers who always know how successful will be an attraction can estimate how long the queue might be and theme the queue area on this appraisal. To give you an idea, the queue of WDS Crush Coaster was designed for a 45 minutes queue but the attraction is so successful that the queue always start outside the ride entrance. Without any doubt DLP Imagineers have learned from this and the queue area for Ratatouille should be designed for a longer queue, which means more theming before you board in Ratatouille vehicles, and this is generally good news.

As what will happen during the ride itself, and although the ride is of course inspired by Pixar's movie, as i told you in my article posted in July 2009 it should not be a dark ride which will follow the chronological order of the movie scenes (like Snow White or Pinnochio rides)...but i can tell you that WDS guests should be immersed in some of the movie key scenes.

I told you at the opening that works already began and it's right. And i'm not talking only of the path leading to the Ratatouille area but about the ride location which will be behind the costuming building where until recently stand trees, part of a little wood. As you will see on the pictures below posted recently on the Disney Central Plaza forum most of the trees have been cut and by the end of the summer - or 2010 last quarter - foundations works should begin.

The last question is of course the opening date. As i told you above this 20th Anniversary is the one of the first park but the WDS are such a problem that DLP's second gate have the E-Ticket ride priority. Mind you, it doesn't mean necessarily that the ride will open in April 2012 (i remind you that April 12 is the park's opening anniversary date). Just like they did for the 15th Anniversary when Tower of Terror opened only in December 2007 and not April, the Ratatouille dark ride might open later. Why that you ask? Well, it's mainly an accountancy trick: Disneyland Paris fiscal year always ends in September. Which means that an attraction which opens after September 30th, 2012, will be counted in the 2013 budget and fiscal year. Of course, as it always take two years to build a big E-Ticket part of the budget is spent before the opening of the attraction, but probably a big part - and i'm talking here about WDI's invoice to DLP - is probably paid when the attraction is complete, which by the way would be logical. With an opening at the end of 2012 instead of April 2012 most of the budget will be count in DLP's 2013 fiscal year instead of 2012 fiscal year. And, as there is probably new parade or shows also envisioned for the 20th, not to mention other projects like the big World of Disney store, all of them having a cost, it might have some sense on an accountancy point of view to delay a bit Ratatouille's opening to have a big part of the attraction cost counted on the 2013 budget and fiscal year. My guess is that Ratatouille might open late 2012 if not in April 2013 to boost again the 20th Anniversary celebration. In this case, may be Star Tours 2 might open in 2012 as its cost will be much less expensive than the Ratatouille ride and as it is also difficult to consider a 20th Anniversary without no new attraction at all. But i sincerely hope DLP fans will not have to wait that long if we don't want them to become hysterical!

If you enjoyed this Disney and more article, thanks for your support!

Pictures: copyright Disney, Disney Central Plaza

All my thanks to Disney Central Plaza for some of the pictures.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

DLP 20th Anniversary : All about Ratatouille dark ride, Star Tours 2 , and more !

With less than two years before Disneyland Paris 20th Anniversary it's time for a new update about DLP's future. In two words, here is the program: no Little Mermaid ride - may be and hopefully it will come later, Star Tours 2 most probably coming at Discoveryland, and the highly awaited Ratatouille dark ride is, as we will see, "double confirmed" although not yet officially.

Two words about Star Tours 2, first. Although there is no signs that Star Tours 2 is on schedule for Discoveryland i still put my bets on it mainly because it's pure logic: there is not one good reason that the park won't have it in a very near future. The ride definitely needs a new version to boost the attendance, the cost won't be too high for something which will be almost a new attraction, and it's the less expensive choice for DLP's management for a new ride in the park to celebrate the 20th Anniversary. And we must remember that it's Disneyland Paris park 20th Anniversary - not the one of the Walt Disney Studios. However, as we saw during the 15th, at DLP the Anniversary party don't last only one year but generally at least two. It's a marketing trick to keep guests coming at the park to enjoy what is supposed to be a big Anniversary party and generally it works well. Which means what? It means that Star Tours 2 could be very well scheduled as a "20th Anniversary" attraction not opening in 2012 2013, which will be already DLP's 21th Anniversary but "officially" always the 20th Anniversary celebration, if you see what i mean.

Whether Star Tours 2 will come or not one thing is sure: the awaited Ratatouille attraction will be THE 20th Anniversary E-Ticket ride. And this time, folks, there is no more doubts about it. Only a worldwide financial break down could have some effect on DLP's management decision to build the ride. The budget - translate: the money needed to build the ride - was approved by the banks early this year and, more important, works have began on the location that DLP Imagineers reserved for this future attraction.

We're going to talk about this but first let's have a look to what we know now for sure about the ride itself. And i'm not talking about rumors here. By the way, the Disney Central Plaza forum - DLP's fans biggest forum - did recently a pretty good résumé of what is non-officially confirmed and it matches perfectly with what i've learned from my own other sources.

As i told you in a previous article the attraction cost should be between 130 and 150 $M which is indeed pretty expensive and there is good reasons for that, i mean good technological reasons: the Ratatouille dark ride will use WDI latest high technology with trackless vehicles thanks to the same LPS technology that Imagineers used on the Winnie the Pooh ride at TDL or in the future and awaited Mystic Manor at HKDL. But there is more as WDS guests will have to wear 3D glasses to enjoy the 3D projection effects that DLP imagineers have designed for the ride. And some of them should be really amazing. Recently an external manufacturer designing a huge steel dome for the ride unintentionally revealed that the dome will be used for projection effect in the Ratatouille dark ride. For sure the 3D scene inside this hemispherical dome should be a pretty immersive experience - see picture below. A trackless 3D ride with projection effects? For some of you it may sounds like the Spiderman ride at IOA and it's interesting to note that part of the technology for the Spidey ride was supposedly brought to Universal years ago by a former WDI need to say that WDI was not happy...

But the Ratatouille ride at DLP's Walt Disney Studios will be more than a sophisticated ride. In fact it's a whole Parisian area that will be build. From a typical parisian path starting on the right of Toy Story Playland - yes, the big boxes that DLP fans recently noticed with the word "Ratatouille" on the top are full of artifacts to theme this path which will be lay with cobblestones like the one you still can walk on in some of Paris streets. And when WDS guests will arrive in the Ratatouille area they will find not only the attraction itself but a shop, a small plaza, probably a Paris backdrop painting and even eventually rest-rooms all themed in a perfect parisian style. A restaurant would be perfectly logical in a Ratatouille area but nothing is confirmed yet on that one.

Talking about parisian style the queue area of the attraction should be perfectly themed as the queue line decor will put the guests on the rooftops of Paris with breathtaking height feeling, thanks to forced perspective. At least that's how it was envisioned by Imagineers one year ago and if WDI Imagineers didn't changed their plans for the queue decor - which sometime happen to reduce the costs - it should be a perfect introduction to the ride. An interesting fact about the queue area is that it will be designed for a pretty long queue. Don't panic, it doesn't mean that you'll have to wait hours before boarding in the vehicle, but Imagineers who always know how successful will be an attraction can estimate how long the queue might be and theme the queue area on this appraisal. To give you an idea, the queue of WDS Crush Coaster was designed for a 45 minutes queue but the attraction is so successful that the queue always start outside the ride entrance. Without any doubt DLP Imagineers have learned from this and the queue area for Ratatouille should be designed for a longer queue, which means more theming before you board in Ratatouille vehicles, and this is generally good news.

As what will happen during the ride itself, and although the ride is of course inspired by Pixar's movie, as i told you in my article posted in July 2009 it should not be a dark ride which will follow the chronological order of the movie scenes (like Snow White or Pinnochio rides)...but i can tell you that WDS guests should be immersed in some of the movie key scenes.

I told you at the opening that works already began and it's right. And i'm not talking only of the path leading to the Ratatouille area but about the ride location which will be behind the costuming building where until recently stand trees, part of a little wood. As you will see on the pictures below posted recently on the Disney Central Plaza forum most of the trees have been cut and by the end of the summer - or 2010 last quarter - foundations works should begin.

The last question is of course the opening date. As i told you above this 20th Anniversary is the one of the first park but the WDS are such a problem that DLP's second gate have the E-Ticket ride priority. Mind you, it doesn't mean necessarily that the ride will open in April 2012 (i remind you that April 12 is the park's opening anniversary date). Just like they did for the 15th Anniversary when Tower of Terror opened only in December 2007 and not April, the Ratatouille dark ride might open later. Why that you ask? Well, it's mainly an accountancy trick: Disneyland Paris fiscal year always ends in September. Which means that an attraction which opens after September 30th, 2012, will be counted in the 2013 budget and fiscal year. Of course, as it always take two years to build a big E-Ticket part of the budget is spent before the opening of the attraction, but probably a big part - and i'm talking here about WDI's invoice to DLP - is probably paid when the attraction is complete, which by the way would be logical. With an opening at the end of 2012 instead of April 2012 most of the budget will be count in DLP's 2013 fiscal year instead of 2012 fiscal year. And, as there is probably new parade or shows also envisioned for the 20th, not to mention other projects like the big World of Disney store, all of them having a cost, it might have some sense on an accountancy point of view to delay a bit Ratatouille's opening to have a big part of the attraction cost counted on the 2013 budget and fiscal year. My guess is that Ratatouille might open late 2012 if not in April 2013 to boost again the 20th Anniversary celebration. In this case, may be Star Tours 2 might open in 2012 as its cost will be much less expensive than the Ratatouille ride and as it is also difficult to consider a 20th Anniversary without no new attraction at all. But i sincerely hope DLP fans will not have to wait that long if we don't want them to become hysterical!

Thanks to leave a comment or discuss this article on D&M english forum on Mice Chat

Pictures: copyright Disney, Disney Central Plaza

All my thanks to Disney Central Plaza for some of the pictures.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Sachant que je suis l'un des auteurs du livre Disneyland Paris, de l'esquisse à la création, nombre d'entre vous m'ont demandé si je pouvais créer une page qui indiquerait les meilleures offres de séjours et ou l'on pourrait réserver directement des nuits d'hotels ou acheter des billets d'entrée aux parcs.

Voilà qui est fait avec cette page ou vous trouverez les meilleures offres de Disneyland Paris. Comment ça marche? Ca ne peut pas ètre plus simple: trouvez dans la page l'offre qui correspond le mieux à ce que vous cherchez ou au budget alloué pour votre séjour à DLP. Il y a trois sections: les Séjours à DLP qui comprennent nuits d'hotels et entrée aux parcs; Billets d'entrée uniquement; et offres spéciales ou vous trouverez notamment des entrées parcs aux meilleurs prix.

Une fois que vous avez trouvé l'offre qui correspond le mieux à ce que vous cherchez, cliquez dessus, vous serez transféré sur le site officiel de Disneyland Paris ou vous pourrez finaliser votre réservation ou explorer d'autres offres. TOUS les paiements se font directement avec Disneyland Paris, Disney and more ne prend PAS de réservations ou de paiements.

Trés prochainement, je créerais de nouvelles pages avec photos et description des hotels pour ceux d'entre vous qui ne les connaitraient pas. Vous trouverez en bas de cette page un plan vous permettant de situer chaque hotel.

Merci de mettre cette page dans vos favoris car de nouvelles offres spéciales de Disneyland Paris apparaitront régulièrement. Et si vous ètes un fan de Disney and more le fait d'utiliser ces liens apportera un peu de support au site, ce dont je vous remercie par avance!

NOTE for my foreign readers: for the english version of this page please go HERE.




Et voici un plan du resort pour repérer ou sont chaque hotel si nécessaire! Cliquer pour agrandir.

Photo: copyright Disney

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Disneyland Paris, De l'Esquisse à la Création Réédité, et en Edition Limitée Collector !

Nous sommes à deux jours de Noel et j'ai une nouvelle qui je pense devrait ravir tous ceux d'entre vous qui recherchent désespérément le livre "Disneyland Paris, De l'esquisse à la création", épuisé depuis maintenant plus d'un an. Non seulement le livre va être réédité, mais il y a mieux : la réédition sera exclusivement celle de l'édition collector, celle qui est épuisée depuis huit ans et qui est tellement rare qu'elle se négociait récemment plus de 500 euros sur Amazon.

Merci de lire attentivement les lignes qui suivent pour bien comprendre le mode opératoire afin de commander un exemplaire de cette édition collector. qui sera en quantité limitée.

Quelques mots tout d'abord pour vous expliquer le comment du pourquoi de cette réédition. Comme vous le savez le livre était devenu introuvable que ce soit dans le parc ou en librairie et de toute évidence l'éditeur qui détenait les droits n'avait pas franchement l'intention de le rééditer. Comme celui-ci cherchait à vendre les droits, après de longs mois de négociations j'ai réussi à lui trouver quelqu'un intéressé de rééditer le livre et une maison d'édition qui s'appelle Neverland Editions a été créée spécialement à l'intention de cette réédition du livre.

Dans mes conversations avec le nouvel éditeur celui-ci m'a demandé si le livre avait originellement fait l'objet de différentes éditions. Je lui ai donc parlé de l'édition collector et en recherchant dans les documents datant de la première impression je me suis rendu compte que lors de la première impression il n'avait été tiré de cette édition collector que 550 exemplaires en français et 1270 exemplaires en anglais. L'édition collector étant limitée à 2000 exemplaires en français et 2000 exemplaires en anglais il reste donc 1450 exemplaires en français et 730 exemplaires en anglais en droit d'être imprimés et commercialisés et c'est ceux-ci qui vont donc faire l'objet de la nouvelle impression. Seule l'édition collector sera rééditée, pas l'édition dite "normale".

Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas l'édition collector voici ses caractéristiques: l'édition collector est imprimée sur un papier encore plus luxueux que l'était l'édition normale, a une impression couleur or sur la jaquette et la couverture, est limitée à 2000 exemplaires en français ( et 2000 en anglais ), chaque exemplaire est numéroté, ET chaque exemplaire contient quatre "tirés à part" de magnifiques concept-arts réalisés pour la conception des Walt Disney Studios, chacun d'entre-eux étant encadrables. De sucroit, le contenu du livre de cette nouvelle impression sera strictement identique aux exemplaires de l'édition collector imprimés il y a 10 ans.

Mais, car il y a toujours un "mais", la réalité se chargeant comme d'habitude de compliquer les choses, l'imprimeur qui se chargera de l'impression nous demande - comme le font maintenant tous les imprimeurs - d'avoir le montant nécessaire à l'impression bloqué sur un compte en banque avant de démarrer l'impression. Et c'est pour cette raison que nous lançons dés maintenant une souscription qui va vous permettre de pré-commander le livre et par la même occasion de permettre la réimpression de ce livre si recherché. Le livre a 320 pages et 750 illustrations et a donc un cout d'impression assez élevé mais nous avons calculé qu'il nous faut vendre environ 300 exemplaires pour avoir la somme nécessaire à l'impression et compte tenu du nombre de personnes qui recherchent le livre a un prix raisonnable ( c'est à dire pas ceux pratiqués sur eBay ou Amazon! ) nous pensons avoir sans problème un nombre de commandes suffisantes pour permettre la réimpression.

Voici maintenant comment faire pour commander le livre et tout d'abord une bonne nouvelle: malgré les couts d'impression qui ont considérablement augmentés depuis dix ans - notamment le prix du papier - j'ai convaincu l'éditeur de ne pas augmenter le prix du livre pour tous ceux qui participeront à la pré-commande. En deux mots, chacun d'entre vous paiera l'exemplaire de l'édition collector exactement au même prix que celle-ci était vendue il y a dix ans, à savoir 100 euros. Lorsque les pré-commandes seront terminées, à la parution du livre, l'édition collector sera vendue à un prix entre 120 et 130 euros. La pré-commande du livre vous permet donc de surcroit de bénéficier d'une réduction d'environ 20% sur celui-ci.

Date de sortie du livre: fin Mars ou Avril 2012, nous souhaitons évidemment qu'il soit disponible au alentours de la date du 20ème anniversaire et toute personne qui pré-commandera le livre sera tenu informée de l'avancée dans la réimpression et de la date de parution et d'envoi du livre. Notez que dans l'état actuel le livre ne sera PAS en vente dans le parc. Le service merchandise, pour des raisons que pour être franc j'ai un peu de mal à comprendre a décidé de ne pas commander le livre. Nous ne désespérons pas de les faire changer d'avis mais visiblement leur plan merchandise pour 2012 est arrêté, et il est trop tard pour le changer.

Comment faire pour pré-commander un exemplaire de cette édition collector? Tout d'abord, envoyez un email à: ( avec en intitulé "commande livre dlp" ) pour m'indiquer votre commande, le nombre d'exemplaire que vous souhaitez commander, en quelle langue ( édition française ou anglaise? ) , et l'adresse d'expédition. Pour qu'une commande soit prise en compte il faut nous faire parvenir votre règlement.

Pour effectuer le règlement: Le prix par exemplaire pour les pré-commandes est donc de 100 euros plus 10 euros de frais d'envoi pour la France en colissimo suivi. Pour tout envoi à l'étranger les frais d'envois sont de 15 euros.

Comment régler? Notre préférence va à un règlement effectué par Paypal. Paypal est un moyen extrêmement sur pour effectuer un règlement sans communiquer le numéro de sa carte de crédit. Pour un règlement par Paypal, le montant total incluant les frais d'envois ( soit 110€ pour la France ou 115€ pour l'étranger ) doit être envoyé à l'adresse email suivante:

Si vous n'avez pas un compte Paypal: soit vous connaissez éventuellement quelqu'un possédant un compte Paypal par l'intermédiaire duquel vous pouvez effectuer le règlement, soit vous pouvez régler par chèque ou virement. Merci de m'indiquer dans votre email si vous souhaitez régler par chèque ou virement bancaire ( pas de chèque sur un compte étranger, merci ). Les coordonnées bancaire, RIB, etc… ou adresse ou envoyer votre chèque vous seront communiquées. Un point important: veuillez noter qu'en cas de règlement par chèque celui-ci ne sera pas encaissé avant le début de l'impression du livre.

Enfin, plus vite nous réunirons la somme nécessaire à l'impression, plus vite le livre sera réimprimé, donc merci de ne pas attendre la dernière minute pour pré-commander le livre d'autant plus que le nombre d'exemplaires disponibles de cette édition collector est limité. Merci d'avance infiniment à tous et ci-dessous quelques photos montrant l'intérieur du livre ( cliquez sur les images mosaïques pour les voir en grand).

Alain Littaye

Pictures: copyright Disney