Friday, February 22, 2008

Disneyland famous celebrities - Part Three

Since 50 years many celebrities from around the world came to visit Disneyland, Anaheim. Here is a third series of historical pictures of some of them, this time about famous political figures.

Above with Walt Disney, India legendary prime minister Nehru, both aboard a Jungle Cruise boat at the end of the 1950's.

Emperor of Japan Hiro-Hito entering - peacefully - Disneyland - yes, the same one who launched the attack on Pearl Harbor !

President Harry Truman - yes, the man who dropped the "Bomb" on the japanese!

President Ike Eisenhower with his wife enjoying one of Main Street vehicles.

John Kennedy with Ahmed Sékou Touré, President of Guinea near the Disneyland Railroad. This picture is incredible. Look not only at Kennedy and Sékou Touré's faces, but also to all the other persons around them, beginning by Sékou Touré's body guard on the right who don't looks cool at all...

Richard Nixon came many times at Disneyland, first in 1959 as Eisenhower vice-president for the Monorail inauguration ceremony, here with his wife Patricia and his two daughters - and Walt, of course...

A close shot on the scissors and the ribbon - there was a funny moment as the scissors didn't succeed to cut the ribbon!

Same day, same family, in front of the Matterhorn!

And finally, he went inside the submarine - where he should have stayed forever!

Some years later, always with his two daughters, sitting on the Main Street fire god, this guy really liked Disneyland!

Another U.S president who came twice was of course Ronald Reagan, first as an anchor man for the tv show of Disneyland grand opening in 1955...

And then in 1980's as the president of United States, and Grand Marshall of Disneyland parade!

Let's end this series of political figures at Disneyland - and have some fun - with our former and ineffable french president Jacques Chirac with his wife Bernadette ( not an italian model ) and Mickey at Disneyland's guest relations office.

All photos: copyright Disney

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

EPCOT 25TH ANNIVERSARY - a special celebration - HORIZONS tribute - photos , artwork and video

Here it is at last, the grand tribute to Horizons that i've promised to you four months ago ! And this one is going to be a really big tribute to this Epcot beloved attraction, one of my favorite. Lot of pictures, for the first time in big size, plenty of artwork, and great video of the whole ride at the end of the article, with the links to the previous Epcot original attractions artwork articles.

Horizons, designed by imagineer George Mc Ginnis and Collin Campbell opened on October 1, 1983 and was about the future!...and more specifically, Horizons was dedicated to "humanity's future" with this principle "If we can dream it, we can do it!".
Not only the building was huge, but the 14.45 minutes ride was one of the longest one ever created by Walt Disney Imagineering. Lot of audio-animatronics - 54, exactly , and 770 props all along the ride, not to mention the 12 film projectors, the two Omnisphere screenshow, and a huge capacity of 2784 guests per hour.Everything was great: the story line, the theming, the music, everything!

During 10 years - from 1983 to 1993 - the attraction sponsor was General Electric, as we can see on this picture of the entrance.

Right after the entrance, the Futureport announced the "destinations"

It's time to board in one of the Horizons vehicles

First, we had a look back to some of the great visionaries like Jules Verne, then to how the future was dreamed in the 30's.
Here is a picture of the model of that scene.

And here are pictures of the real thing.

The next scene was a vision of the future from the 50's.

After these opening scenes the Horizons vehicle moved to the Omnimax film sequence with images of the DNA chain, or the space shuttle lift off. The next scene was the 21st century Habitat sequence , also called the Nova City living room.

A huge backdrop painting was done for that scene, here is three close shots of this artwork.

The next scene brings the guests at Mesa Verde, a desert farm of the future...

And then to a submarine habitat...

But also inside a space colony and the "crystal lab"...

The Holographic "happy bithday" party line was the next scene, and the special effects were at that time really impressive.

The guests had then the possibility to "choose their tomorrow" with a choice of three destinations: Space , Desert, and Undersea. A screen came in front of the vehicle and a short movie was played. A good idea, but the image definition was not as good as it would be today.

Before we arrive to the videos below, i have more rare pictures for you. First, a model of the building.

Then some artwork for the "Main Shuttle port"

Here is a fantastic painting showing a city of the future.

But one of the biggest backdrop painting was the "Looking back at tomorrow". Here are some very rare photos showing the painter at work - Robert McCall, a famous artist who worked mostly for NASA - and details of the painting.

And now it's time for you to board inside a Horizon vehicle and enjoy this fantastic ride, thanks to this 3-part youtube videos from Century3Horizons, that i thank a lot, and congratulate for the high quality of the filming.

Just like everybody who did the ride at Epcot, you will love Horizons instantly, it was Imagineering at its best! And don't forget: If we can dream it, we can do it!

You can know more about Horizons, read the original script and listen the great music theme on the excellent Horizons web site HERE

I remember you that you can find the previous articles about Epcot's original attractions artwork: for Spaceship Earth HERE, for The Living Seas HERE, for Communicore HERE
, for The Land HERE, and for Journey into Imagination HERE. More coming next week about Universe of Energy!

Photos and artwork: copyright Disney Enterprises Inc

Youtube videos thanks to Century3Horizons

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The " Cinemagique " attraction movie you will never see at the Walt Disney Studios

No special news today, so here is again an interesting article - previously post May 5, 2007 . It's about the first concept for the Walt Disney Studios Cinemagique attraction.

When the Walt Disney studios open in Paris in 2002, the Cinemagique" attraction was one of the best one, and still is. For those of you who have never seen it, the attraction is a tribute to cinema history. Here is the story line: The movie begin by a black and white 1920's sequence until somebody inside the audience is magically transport inside the movie - just like in Woody Allen's Purple rose of Cairo. Then, the man goes from one famous movie sequence to another - digitally include in the original shots, and funny and emotional things happen between him, the characters of the original sequences and a girl. That's very basically how it goes.

Now , some weeks ago, i was reading an article on the very good cartoon brew web site, talking about something called "Balloon movies" done by a mysterious director...just to discover that what they were talking about was one of the first and abandoned concept for Cinemagique!

In this other concept, we always had the famous movie sequences, but a facetious balloon - digitally include in the original shots with After Effects - was going from a sequence to another.
Not only it's perfectly done, but also funny or poetic. Here is what the director said in his own words about it:
“The main through line was a romance between a guy in the audience and a woman in the movie. The “every man” goes into the movie (right through the screen) and meets a beautiful woman there. There is a spark of romance. He is then chased by villains out of her movie and stumbles through many other classic films, lost and alone. The woman leaves her movie to go on a quest to find him.

“So — now you’re probably wondering where the balloon shots come in. Well they don’t. Not in the final show. However, just before we committed to film the project, we decided to go through a kind of wild card period. Float some totally different ideas. I thought it might be fun to do a nod to “The Red Balloon”. I did a few of these balloon shots at home and took them into the studio. Everybody enjoyed them. So we explored a possible version centered on that idea. I did more and more shots, took them in, hunkered down with the editor and stitched together a draft. We all got a kick out of it, but utimately decided that we missed the romantic comedy of Plan A. So after the diversion, we returned to our original course.

“So I had all these shots at home that I’d done on spec. I figured that since I did them and they contain no material from the studio, and I don’t reference the context we used when toying with them, they’re safe to post.”

Please note that he didn't say that it was in relation with "Cinemagique" , I did.

Of course you certainly would like to see how it looks, and here is a youtube video where you will see the different sequences all together, plus a new one on "Lord of the Rings".

And remember to look for the arrival of the balloon!

Here are the name of the famous movies :

Harold Lloyd
King Kong
The Wizard of Oz
Singing in the rain
African Queen
Buthch Cassidy and the Sundance kid
Once upon a time in the west
North by northwest
The Empire strikes back
A" musical"
Gentlemen prefer blondes
Mary Poppins

Lord of the Rings

youtube videos by Cybershire
cartoonbrew web site at:

Photo: Alexandre Rosa

Monday, February 18, 2008

New HD version of the WALL-E superbowl trailer

Pixar released a new HD version of the superbowl WALL-E trailer. Although it may look the same, there is no Woody and Buzz, but a little bit more shots of WALL-E with the vacuum cleaner.

You can watch it below, or in High Definition HERE

Video and screen capture picture: copyright Disney-Pixar

Take a minute to watch this incredible IPhone application

Here, at Disney and more, we love the IPhone. I know, there is no link between Disney and the IPhone - except Steve Jobs - but sometime, when i see something really amazing, i like to share it with you. That's for the "and more" of Disney and more.

So, as you may know, some incredible applications have been developed for the IPhone, and any one who have a "jailbreaked" IPhone - or IPod Touch - can download them, and it's free. And this new one, called "IAno" is really stunning, as it allows you to have nothing less than a piano on your IPhone.

I know, you're thinking "mmmmh, and what about the sound?" Well, that's the point, the piano sound is fantastic, really amazing, it sounds exactly like a real piano. And you can change of octaves, etc...just like on a real one.

So, just take a minute to watch this short youtube video, it will give you a better idea of what i mean.

Note: to install IAno on your IPhone, you need to have a jailbreaked iphone ( if your iphone is not jailbreaked, you can't install it )

If you do have a jailbreak iphone, so you have also the "installer" application. To get Iano, you must install this source ( in "installer" , then in "sources", then, click "edit" , then click "add" ) :

And then you "refresh" the sources, and you should get it.

Good luck!

Even more amazing: this new video show the first "IPhone Band", three people using IAno and the Pocket Guitar application who create music all together!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Disney and more Time machine - Back in time to 1957 : Disneyland House of the Future photo and video tribute

Built of plastics, a revolutionary material at that time, the four wing"ultra-modern" House of the Future was on display from 1957 to 1967 at the entrance of Tomorrowland at Disneyland.The House of the Future featured the latest in furniture and appliances along with intercoms and other gadgets that were not common in most homes at the time.

Now comes at Disneyland's Innoventions the "Dream Home". Last week, the Disneyland Resort announced a five-year alliance with Microsoft, HP, Life|ware and home builder Taylor Morrison to showcase integrated digital technologies for the home in the immersive, story-telling experiences for which Disney is known. The alliance includes the design and development of the new Innoventions Dream Home attraction, a 5,000+ sq. ft. home belonging to the fictional Elias family, scheduled to open in May in Tomorrowland at the Disneyland Resort.

Keeping with Walt’s vision of bringing cutting-edge and inspiring ideas to Tomorrowland, the Innoventions Dream Home will introduce Disneyland guests to newly available technology from the participating companies that will enhance their lives today, while providing them a glimpse of the emerging digital advances they may find in their homes in the future. The attraction will provide guests with a “high-tech, high-touch” opportunity to experience technology in an entertaining, low-risk environment showing them how the power of technology can connect them to the people and things they care most about.

The technology companies will showcase a wide range of technologies and products in the exhibit, including the latest in mobile phones, PCs, digital music and gaming. The Innoventions Dream Home demonstrates how home technology can be simple, intuitive and fun while helping guests understand how to seamlessly interconnect their home, the surrounding community and the world, helping consumers stay closer to the people, places and entertainment that are most important to them. The alliances also help ensure that the Innoventions Dream Home remains on the forefront of technology with the newest devices and products as part of the exhibit.

Guests will actively engage in this experience as they help members of the fictional Elias family prepare for a trip to World Soccer Championships in China, where their son is competing. Elias family members rotate throughout the house, randomly interacting with guests in the various rooms.

So, this "Dream Home" will open in may, but before, let's have a tribute to the "House of the future" , with the pictures below.

This last picture is the great replica designed by Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily for Disney

But the great document is this two part Monsanto video below that will show you how amazing, specially in 1960's the House of the Future was. Don't miss it, it's just like if you were there, 40 years ago!

Photos: copyright Disney

Video: copyright Monsanto and Disney

All my thanks to Macmouse4 for the great Youtube video