Monday, July 30, 2007

Lance Burton Magic : Don't try this tour at Disneyland !

It's been a while since i've post a magic tour topic, so here is one today with the great Lance Burton. If you live in America, you obviously know Lance Burton. If you live outside the U.S, may be you don't know him, so let me introduce him to you: Lance Burton is one of the master magician, but you can't see him anywhere else than in Las Vegas, at the Monte Carlo hotel, where he have his private theater.

So, today, here is three different kind of magic tour performed by him , and they worth the 5 minutes you will take to watch them.

The first one is a wonderful classic tour of levitation, and don't miss the "prestige" - the end of the tour!

The second one - a disappearing tour - is so perfectly done you won't see the trick!

And here is the one you better don't try at Disneyland - or anywhere else. It's what is called an "escape" tour, and in this case Lance is attached at the rails of a rollercoaster! The train is launched and Lance have less than two minutes to get free before the train arrive and cut him in half! This kind of "escape" tour was the specialty of legendary magician Harry Houdini, and even if everybody is always pretty sure the magician will get free before the deadly time, in fact, there is always a risk that everything turns bad. This is why magicians don't really like to perform this kind of "escape" tour, but their love to defy death is sometime stronger...

Anyway, here is the video, and, remember, don't try this at home...uh, i mean, at Disneyland!

Videos: copyright Lance Burton

All my thanks for the videos to the different people who posted them on youtube.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney Studios update

Here is a new Disneyland Paris update as a lot of things are happening now in both parks.
We will begin by the Walt Disney studios, as the construction of the new area toward the tower of terror is rising pretty fast. This new street of decors must be ready for December - the TOT itself is supposed to open in January, but expect some soft opening for christmas, if there is no delay in the works.

The metallic structure of the future buildings located at the back of this little street are already built, too.

Grandmath from the very good french forum central plaza did these photo montage, as he think that the new street will very much look like the one at DCA Hollywood studios.
Is he right? For part of it, probably.

Meanwhile, the painting work on the Tower of terror itself is still going on, this time around the “supposedly” broken part of the hotel.

The green domes are finished, too .

This next picture is more interesting than it looks, as what you see here is the land still available in the Toon studio area. As you can see, if in the future they want to expand the land and built a new attraction, they will have plenty of room to do so, which is good news.

Talking about Toon studio, remember last time the pictures of the young kids climbing on Guido and Luigi replicas? Well, what must happen happened, and some fences have been set around them to prevent the kids to climb on the two Cars characters - and to have to repaint them each month. BUT, we are in France, and even the kids have the sense of transgression, so they manage to go under the fences for the smaller or around them for the tallest. When a kid want his shot with these characters, nothing will stop them! I must add that it was inevitable, so let’s just hope that there is a budget for repainting!

And, they did the same for Lighting Mc Queen and Tow Mater located in the decor of the ride itself, as once the ride over the kids were running to have a picture with them, causing some delay for the next people, as the cast members are not allowed to start a new ride if the former guests are still on the set. Frankly, i think these fences are damaging the theming, and, as we saw on the photos above, it don’t resolve the problem...

In WDW they had the same problem and they had a cast member near the cars to prevent the kids to climb on them, maybe the Studios here may have to do the same...

Always in the Toon studio area, this new character from the Ratatouille movie appear in the photo locations.

And on the front lot, this Toon train is coming several times a day. It’s not a parade, but only an orchestra with Chip and Dale on some floats. Not great, but better than nothing.

Some of you regularly ask me what is the difference in the WDS Tram tour with the one existing at WDW. Well, the main big difference is the big set from the Reign of fire movie, a huge decor of London, supposedly destroyed by the dragons.
Nice work, really, and the flames of the dragon hidden in the ruins is launched twice for each tram. However, it's a pity we don't see any dragon head - they simply didn't have the budget for that - and if you want to see one , you'll have to go inside the Sleeping Beauty castle of the first park.

What almost nobody knows is that normally it should have been the decors of Martin Scorcese’s Gangs of New York. When the imagineers saw 6 years ago the set in Cinecitta they were enthusiastic, but the executives thought that Gangs of New York was a too violent movie for a Disney audience. This was really stupid - but you know how can be the executives, specially in the Eisner era - and it’s a pity we didn’t have the Gangs of New York decors who were absolutely great.

Anyway, when the tram exit the London decor, right behind you can see some of the vehicles used in the Reign of fire movie.

Let’s go to Paris Magic Kingdom, now. It’s summer, and everything looks beautiful in the park.

A mexican orchestra is now welcoming the guests in the Frontierland's fort.

By the way, at the top of the fort, if you look well, you can shot this picture of the Phantom Manor and the TOT in the background. You can see it from a small hole between the wood pylones, but you don’t see it from the park, so there is no visual intrusion really.

The major news is the comeback of the Molly Brown river boat. One year ago, a fire happenned on it and since then, the boat was stopped, and frankly, i didn’t expect to see it back so soon. You have to add that the french government told the park that the drivers of the boat must have a river boat driving license (!) and so, all the boat drivers of the park had to go through the exam and get this damn’ license, just like if they were driving boat on the Seine river in Paris. It’s ridiculous, and it’s also for the same reasons that the River rogue keelboats didn’t made their comeback until last week. The other river boat, the Mark Twain is stopped for refurbishment during the next three months.( updated july 30: it seems that finally the Mark Twain made its come-back two days ago )

Big thunder mountain was freshly repaint for the 15th anniversary, and looks really great again.

Recently, the Cowboy cookout barbecue, at the other end of Frontierland, was entirely repaint, too, and, although it looks a little bit too “red”, it's okay , as the color should be “weathered” by the rain over the next few next years.

In Adventureland, a new food cart has appeared, themed on “Pirates of carribean”. This is the fourth themed food cart in the park over the past year, after the “Cool station” in Discoveryland “ , the Main street vehicle, and “l’arbre magique” in Fantasyland. The good news is that each time the theming is very well done as you can see here, but as they are sponsored by coca cola, i suspect they also pay for it, this explaining that.

All photos : copyright Alain Littaye, except the three Photo-montages by Grandmath of the Disney central plaza forum.

San Diego Comic-Con breaking news : Pixar unveils Wall-E story line

Director Andrew Stanton was at the Comic Con yesterday and unveils the story line of the next Pixar animated: "Wall-E'.

Here it is , as transcript by Scott Chitwood of the excellent web site who was in San Diego.

"In the future, humans have completely trashed the planet with rampant commercialism. They then leave the planet on space liners while robots are left behind to clean up the planet. Unfortunately, 700 years go by and they never return. Eventually one robot, WALL•E, develops a personality. As he roams the planet, he eventually finds a way to get off the planet. He then finds the last remaining space liner containing the 'lost tribe' of humans. However, years in space with all their needs covered by robots have made them literal couch potatoes. They are huge, helpless blobs. Along the way WALL•E also meets and falls in love with another robot named Eve. WALL•E attempts to woo her, but his efforts just might be what ends up restoring the human race to its former glory.

Next up, Stanton introduced "Star Wars" veteran Ben Burtt, who is doing sound design on the film. He played samples of the various robots sound effects then showed animation samples of the robots. We saw WALL•E, Eve, a sidekick hygienic droid named M-O, and Auto who is the auto pilot of the space liner. Burtt revealed that Eve is a probe droid that is held together by magnetic fields. She also features a few special functions and weapons. M-O is an obliterator droid that rolls around on a track ball.

The audience then got to be the first to see footage from the film. We see WALL•E, back on Earth, preparing for another day at work. He's followed by his pet cockroach as he leaves his makeshift house. As he sorts through the human's garbage, he picks out objects that interest him – a bra, a jewelry box, a rubber ducky, and other things. However, his day is interrupted when he sees a big red dot from a laser light. He follows it but doesn't realize what it is. However, he soon discovers that it's a landing guide for a ship... that lands right on top of him. WALL•E escapes by digging underground, then pops up just in time to see what emerges from the ship. Unfortunately, the clip ended before we got to see just what that was."

More news about Wall-E on and a even more detailed story-line at:

Photo: copyright Disney-Pixar

Saturday, July 28, 2007

San Diego Comic-Con breaking news : LIVE with the Indiana Jones 4 cast - Video

Fans were hysterical at the San Diego Comic Con when Steven Spielberg and the cast of the awaited Indiana Jones 4 appeared on the convention screen, as you will see on the video below.

But the big surprise was the return of Karen Allen who will play again the Marion Ravenwood character - the one she played in "Raiders of the Lost Ark"! And the great actor John Hurt will play her father - Abner Ravenwood - yes, the one who was supposedly searching for the Ark of the Covenant in the first movie before Indy gets involved in the search, and find it.

Right now, Steven is filming scenes in Hawai.

No more infos about the story line was revealed, but, always at Comic Con, Hasbro who have the license for some of the coming Indiana Jones 4 products revealed their future action figures. They did a special Indy decor for the display, with Egyptian statues and a real-size Ark of the Covenant. But what intrigued me is this model of a Mayan pyramid, also part of their decor. As we know, the previous Indy expeditions didn't lead him to old Mayan civilisation. So, is this the first proof to the rumours that the "treasure" location of the fourth movie will be in Mexico?

And if you're looking for an Indiana Jones 4 wallpaper, here is a brand-new one!

Photos: copyright Lucasfilm Ltd

Picture of the Mayan pyramid model:

San Diego Comic-Con breaking news : Disney will produce film versions of all "Narnia" Books

This is fresh Disney news from Gordon of the excellent web site:

"The Disney company announced today in San Diego at their Comic-Con presentation that it would produce film versions of every book in the Chronicles of Narnia series. Furthermore, beginning next year with the release of "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" May 16th, moviegoers can expect to see a Narnia film in theaters every following year in May until all books in the series have been translated for the big screen.

"The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" will open May 1st in 2009 followed by "The Silver Chair," "The Horse and His Boy," "The Magician's Nephew" and "The Last Battle."

News from

Photos: copyright Disney

Friday, July 27, 2007

Pirates of Caribbean behind the scenes - Artwork , photos and videos

After the Disney and more "Time machine" introduced earlier this week, I am pleased to introduce today a new series of articles, the "Behind the scenes". Each week or so you will find photos, artwork - when available - and, most of all, great videos that will allow you to have an exclusive look "behind the scenes" of an attraction and i hope you will enjoy this new series.

As Tokyo Disneyland opens yesterday his new version of Pirates of Caribbean it seems to me that it was the right time to have a look back at the origin of one of the best E-Ticket ever made, which, just like the Haunted Mansion, is an attraction you can ride forever...So, here is a special "behind the scenes" article, with lot of artwork, photos, and great videos where Walt Disney will introduce you to this beloved attraction.

You probably have already heard about it, but some of the early concept of the attraction had it designed as a walk-through instead of a flume-ride, as shows the rendering below

Of course, as everybody knows, Marc Davis designed most of the scenes of "Pirates" , and here are some of his great renderings

Here is Walt with Marc Davis and Blaine Gibson with one of the first Audio-animatronics.

And here, with Claude Coats who created the fantastic settings of the attraction.

You can find much more renderings and the whole story of the making of the attraction in the great Jason Surell book - the best book ever written on "Pirates of Caribbean" - a "must have" if you don't have it yet!

These first two part youtube video is from a 1960's Disney tv show for Disneylannd 10th anniversary, and here is Walt introducing the future Pirates of Caribbean attraction to a young Disney ambassador.

And on this other video Bruce Gordon, Marty Sklar, Tony Baxter and many other WDI Imagineers will tell you all the history of the attraction.

Let's end with this great painting done by John Horny for the Disneyland Paris Blue Lagoon restaurant.

Artwork, photos and videos: copyright Disney

All my thanks to freedogshampoo and MegaRob64 for the youtube videos