Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hong Kong Disneyland Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Manor Update !

Thanks to Michael20183 we have a new video update on HKDL Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Manor and this one is more interesting than ever not only because the works are going fast on these two lands but also because you'll see Imagineers at work on site.

Grizzly Gulch will be the first land to open this summer and i think we can expect the coaster ride to be in tests mode in a month or so. As you'll see on the pictures above and below and on the video new props are now in place on Grizzly Mountain and Grizzly Gulch buildings are getting painted.

As for Mystic Point which won't open before mid-2013 Mystic Manor is also partly painted and for now there are works all around the land. The reason why Mystic Manor building is painted now is because they expect to open a path between Toy Story Land and Grizzly Gulch to avoid to have two dead ends in this part of the park. So, HKDL guests will be able to go from one land to another even if works will still going on on Mystic Point.

You'll find more pictures on Michael's page HERE, and now it's time to watch his HKDL video update, excellent as always!

Pictures and video: copyright Michael20183

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Friday, April 13, 2012

DLP 20th Ann Main Street Party

I've posted recently an article about DLP 20th press event which happened on March 31, and during this memorable evening a party was organized in Main Street U.S.A with projections on Main street facade, etc... The video below will give you a better look of this party, and with the giant puppets and lighting effects on the castle it looked really cool.

Video: copyright Disney

DLP 20Th Ann - Part Three: Tony Baxter "From Concept to Reality" - Full Master Class Video

Here is the part two of the report about DLP 20th anniversary event. Lots of little happenings were organized in each land but the event that each DLP fan was waiting for was Tony Baxter's master class at Discoveryland's Videopolis. For most of them it was just like seeing God in person, and considering that Tony was the lead show producer on Disneyland Paris park i suppose that the comparison is not exaggerated!

So, for all of you who were not at Videopolis yesterday here is the full video of Tony Baxter "From Concept to Reality" master class, filmed by ptitlionwolfi, whom i thanks a lot. The picture above of Tony was shot in front of DLP castle on March 30 while a DLP team was filming him, by Rififi whom i thanks too.

Edited April 16: I'm adding a new video of Tony Master Class this one being in high-def - choose to watch it in the 1080 definition - filmed by the always excellent Fillip Van Tyghem, whom i thanks a lot.

Video: copyright ptitlionwolfi, Fillip Van Tyghem

Picture: copyright Rififi

Thursday, April 12, 2012

DLP 20th Ann - Part Two: Internet Special Show "We don't have twenty years each day"

A special one hour show only broadcast on internet happened yesterday with french anchorman Jean Pierre Foucault. It was called "On n'a pas tous les jours 20 ans" (We don't have twenty years each day). Although the interviews parts are in french you'll find in it archives documents and exclusive shots, including aerial view of the park thanks to cameras which were on the air force plane which drew a "20th" in the sky yesterday morning during the cast members flash mob in Main Street. Have a look!

Video: copyright Disney - TF1

Happy 20th Anniversary Disneyland Paris !

Twenty years ago Disneyland Paris had its first opening day on April 12, and so today it's DLP 20th Anniversary! Unfortunately i was not able to attend the event but others did and thanks to them you will be able to see what happened this morning at DLP. More pictorial reports and video will come soon but for now here is how the day begin, and it began at the entrance of Main Street with a celebration speech of Philippe Gas, DLP CEO...

...Instantly followed by a flash mob of DLP cast members and characters, join in the sky by two acrobatic planes of the french air force who "draw" in the sky a "20th"...

Here is a longer video showing the two planes flying over the park...

Later today DLP guests watched the 20th parade as well as the 20th Anniversary train going up and down Main Street...

...But the show that no one is gonna miss tonight is of course the new Disney Dreams show. Thousands of guests will stand in front of Sleeping Beauty castle and thanks to DLRPMagic you're going to be able to watch it exactly as DLP guests will as this new Disney Dreams video was shot exactly like anyone in front of DLP castle will see the show tonight. It's a whole different experience than the official video that i've posted last week so it really worth to have a new look at this amazing show!

You might be interested by have a look back at the opening celebration 20 years ago and, good news, DLP has released a video showing the grand opening on April 12, 1992 with Michael Eisner, Roy Disney and Bob Fitzpatrick who was DLP first CEO. Here it is;

Now that DLP has reached its 20th, what can we wish to the park for the next 20 years? Of course, a better financial situation, and for DLP fans new rides which hopefully will come soon, beginning by the awaited Ratatouille dark ride at the WDS and then may be the next ride will be for Disneyland Park. In twenty years from now DLP will very probably ave a third theme park - planned for 2020 - and much more like the Village Nature which is confirmed. Again, Happy birthday Disneyland Paris and all my best wishes for the next 20 years and beyond!

Videos: copyright filipv, Disneyland Paris, dlrpmagic

With DLP 20th Anniversary it's the right time to order your copy of the collector's edition of the Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality book which will tell you all about the creation of the park with 320 pages and 750 pictures and WDI renderings! And during all April to celebrate DLP 20th Ann the book is at its pre-order price of 100 euros! Place your pre-order now for a collector's edition copy while you can get a special offer on this wonderful book! To know how to order and send your payment please go HERE.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What is the common point between the Titanic and DLP Molly Brown Riverboat ?

You've probably heard that in three days it will be the 100th anniversary of the Titanic tragedy, but did you knew that there is a common point between the Titanic and DLP Molly Brown Riverboat ? The answer is simple: the common point is Molly Brown herself as the real Molly Brown, a quite extraordinary woman, was aboard the Titanic on that fateful night, when the ship hit an iceberg. Molly Brown survived and i thought you may be interested to see how she looked. So here is a rare picture of her giving a cup in gratitude to Arthur Rostron, captain of the Carpathia, the ship who saved 706 passengers of the Titanic.

Just a bit of trivia about DLP riverboat who was refurbished last year, so next time you'll board on the Molly Brown, you will know a bit more about the real Molly Brown, who inspired the ship.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Last News From Shanghaî Disneyland !

Here are some fresh news of Shanghaî Disneyland, thanks to Liang Yiwen of Shanghaî Daily as, according to the newspaper, ShanghaI Disneyland "starts forming". Of course the park won't open before 2015 but these news about infra-structure works prove that SDL is becoming little by little a reality:

"After a year of construction, the future Disneyland theme park in the Pudong New Area has started to "take shape" with the land leveled, river channel created and some roads built.

Construction crews have almost finished grading the uneven land to prepare it for the large-scale construction in the next step. To reduce subsidence and create a safe amusement park, the builders have adopted a so-called vacuum-preloading method on the 1.68-square-kilometer plot.

They divided the area into 44 parts and inserted pipes into the land to draw ground water. The builder compared the work to "doing embroidery" on the land and said it meets the standard of an airport runway. The land will not sink by more than 1 centimeter for at least 50 years, according to the builders.

About 98 percent of the necessary soil has been removed to form the river around the theme park, and 84 percent of the soil of the future inner lake has been removed. Construction on Tanghuang Road and Hangcheng Road, the eastern and southern border roads of Disneyland, will be completed and open to traffic by the end of this month, the Pudong New Area construction authorities said yesterday.

The Pudong government is responsible for the construction of 11 Disney-related road projects. The other nine projects, including the Shenjiang lane elevated road, a bus hub and the major entrance road, are expected to be completed by June 2014.

The 11 road projects, which involve streets totaling 40 kilometers, will cost about 9.4 billion yuan (US$1.5 billion). A total of 492 households and 133 enterprises need to be relocated to make way for the road projects.

The theme park will lie in the heart of the 20-square-kilometer Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone. The first Disneyland theme park on the Chinese mainland broke ground last April, and its first phase is due to open for business in 2015. It's the third one in Asia, after Tokyo and Hong Kong, and the phase 1 project will cost 24.5 billion yuan."

Text: copyright Liang Yiwen

Picture: copyright

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