Showing posts with label star tours 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star tours 2. Show all posts

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Latest Pictures of Star Tours 2 at DLP Discoveryland Two Weeks Before Official Opening on March 26th

With less than two weeks before the official opening of Star Tours 2 at Discoveryland during the launch of Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary on March 26th - and the press event the day before  - let's have a look at the latest pictures of the redesigned Star Tours entrance with pictures of Max, D& contributor and DLPWelcome webmaster.

The new entrance arch will be the only new structure with blue and red lights effects as you'll see on the pictures and video below. Landscaping happened too with new trees that you can guess behind the entrance arch.

A zoom on the Star Tours sign on the entrance arch.

Here is a short video showing the light effects on the arch.

The X-Wing fighter is now fixed on the platform on the roof of the former Star Traders shop - now a meet and greet location with Star Wars characters, with a new element, a small orange ladder on the right of the X-Wing fighter, like the one the pilots use to climb in in the Star Wars movies.

The Star Trader shop is now where the post show was before and here is a picture showing the shop entrance sign.

Soft-openings for DLP cast-members are supposed to start around March 20, and with a bit of luck there might be soft-openings for DLP guests during that week, between the 20 and the 26, but nothing is guaranteed so if you're at DLP at that time check in Discoveryland if there is some soft-openings, if you're not there don't go specially for that and wait for the official opening on March 26.

In the meantime, talking about Disneyland Paris i remind you that the gorgeous Disneyland Paris book is still available and it's the last copies of a book that will not be reprinted so make sure to order your copy now!

The DLP book is at 78€ for the English regular edition and 100€ for the last copies of the French Collector's edition. Additional shipping worldwide for both editions is 19€, except for Belgium or Italy for which it is 29€.

For all orders send me an email with your shipping address at:

Payment can be done with Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. Paypal payment of the amount - including shipping - can be sent directly to: OR by using the Paypal buttons below. For others payment by credit card or bank transfer, please send me an email first at:

The book is still available but we are really entering the final copies - especially for the French edition - so order your copy while it is available as, again, the book will NOT be reprinted!

Paypal button for DLP Book ENGLISH Edition
Paypal button for DLP Book FRENCH Collector Edition:

If you've never seen the book definitely watch the video below showing each of the 320 pages of this fantastic book!

Pictures and video: copyright DLP Welcome

Monday, July 15, 2013

Star Tours Update Coming in 2015 at Disneyland and Disney Hollywood Studios

Be prepared to fly to new Star Tours destinations in two years from now as i've been told that a Star Tours update is scheduled by Disney Parks for 2015 both at Disneyland and WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios!

Considering that Star Wars Episode 7 will also be released in 2015 this new update is quite logical. Not only it'll be the right time to do it on a marketing point of view but most of all this update will make sense because the new movie will certainly introduce new planets in the Star Wars galaxy.

As Star Wars Episode 7 will be one of the most awaited movie in cinema history - and probably very successful - Disney and WDI Imagineers probably expect that Star Wars fans and Episode 7 spectators will be happy to fly to the new destinations that they will discover in this first episode of the new trilogy. Note that this is just my thoughts, but it makes sense, doesn't it?

This news of a Star Tours update also brings another involuntary info about the new movie which is that C3PO and R2D2 will probably be part of Episode 7. Why? Because if WDI introduce new movies in the ride, directly related to Episode 7 new "planets", these movies will of course be played inside the Starspeeder shuttle... And who is the driver of the Starspeeder? That's right, C3PO. If C3PO doesn't exist anymore in Episode 7, or is "dead", or anything else that could have happened to him, how could he still be the Starspeeder pilot "driving" us to what will be Episode 7 "new" planets?

Now, i admit that WDI Imagineers could replace C3PO by a new robot that will be introduce in Episode 7, or slightly change C3PO design if a new C3PO "generation" robot appear in the new movie, but considering how popular C3PO and R2D2 are among SW Fans and young kids chances are that they will keep them in Episode 7... and so in Star Tours, too.

I have no idea how many new movies/destinations will be introduced but probably not less than two, an update with one new destination only will look a bit cheap, wouldn't it, specially on Disneyland 60th anniversary year? Anyway,  i suppose that all this is great news for Star Tours fans, and there is more Star Wars news to come soon, so stay tuned on D&M!

Picture: copyright Disney - Lucasfilm

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Star Tours 2 Officially Open at Tokyo Disneyland - WDI Video

That's it, Star Tours 2 is now officially open at Tokyo Disneyland Tomorrowland and Walt Disney Imagineering just released a video to celebrate the event, and WDI Imagineers explain the changes they did in this new version! Among the new additions,  the hitchhikers droids robots above.

Georges Lucas couldn't be here but he sent a video message to TDL fans!

TDL did several fun TV spot to announce Star Tours The Adventures Continue, among them the two below.

Let's end with this video filmed by a fan on opening day.

Picture and TDL videos: copyright Disney - Oriental Land

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Star Wars land Coming to Disneyland Paris Discoveryland in 2015 ?

Since two months DLP fans forums are talking about something pretty exciting: a "Star Wars land" is supposed to come to DLP Discoveryland in 2015! Disney Central Plaza forum detailed what we might expect in this Star Wars land and so far it is listed on DCP as a "rumor". Of course, i tried to know what is true in all this and, yes, from what i've been told it seems that DLP Imagineering is indeed working on a Star Wars Land project for Discoveryland. I will explain you in details why this Star Wars land is very probably going to be build, but before let's have a look to what is supposed to be planned.

The plan is not only to bring Star Tours 2 at DLP Discoveryland but also to transform what is now the Captain EO theatre, the Star Traders shop as well as the Pizza Planet restaurant to create a "Star Wars land" and as you will see on the Google Earth screen capture below they not only have plenty of room backstage to do it but probably will even have enough room in the future to add new rides if necessary. The back of Discoveryland already don't have the same architecture than the front, so this Star Wars land shouldn't be a problem, esthetically speaking.

What you must NOT expect: I found back a Tim Delaney rendering - which is reproduced in my DLP book among 250 others WDI artwork and that you can find HERE - and in this artwork Tim had envisioned, a long time ago, a kind of Star Wars land with a full scale Millennium Falcon and a Space Mountain dome designed as the Death Star. This will certainly not happen, so don't even think about it as Space Mountain will definitely keep his beautiful dome as it is right now.

What you CAN expect: Of course, Star Tours 2 will replace the original version and the pre-show will have the same changes than in the U.S versions, but according to the DCP forum - and for a big part confirmed to me - the plans apparently are to do big changes in the Star Tours post-show, which will be welcome as since IBM is not anymore the attraction sponsor the great games which were there on DLP opening day have been replaced by arcade games. I don't know yet exactly the DLPI plans but a Star Tours shop will very probably take place in this quite large area, hopefully with great theming. Close to the exit the Star Traders shop might become a Star Wars photo location and what kid wouldn't be happy to have his picture with his favorite Jedi?

Young kids will also probably be happy with the plans for what is now the Captain EO theatre as apparently DLP is planning to replace it with the Star Wars Jedi Academy like the popular one at Disney Hollywood Studios. Sure, if you're 8 years old its more enjoyable to become a young padawan - a Jedi apprentice - but i think it will be a cute and fun addition even if DLP Jedi Academy may not be located outside as it is at DHS for obvious weather reasons. All of you have heard about the DHS Jedi Academy but some may have never seen it in real so i post below a video showing the full DHS show.

The next transformation is an exciting one as the idea seems to be to transform the Pizza Planet restaurant - located a bit backstage behind Space Mountain - by Star Wars famous Mos Eisley Cantina which appeared for the first time in the Episode 4, i.e the first Star Wars movie to have been released. Not only it's for sure the most famous Star Wars "restaurant", the one that everyone remember from the movies, but it shouldn't be too difficult too to recreate it. From the outside it looks like this - below a picture of a diorama model by Stefan Weber:

And here is the same model but showing the inside.

Here are two pictures, the first one is the original model for the movie, and the next one is another model, non-official.

I remind you that in the movie the Cantina is located on Tatooine, in a desert environment, which mean that DLPI would probably have to recreate a bit of desert landscape all around it, which is not the most difficult thing to do. And they have the space to do it. Some additional creatures like the one you saw on the diorama and a land speeder waiting at the entrance would be welcome, too.

To be perfectly honest, this "Cantina" addition is the one on which i didn't had confirmation yet but it'll make sense to build it and if this Cantina project is finalized you can be sure that Lucas Film will keep an eye on the theming to make sure that the restaurant will be faithful to the original one. This next picture will give you an idea of where is what in La Cantina.

Now, we all remember that the Cantina is full of aliens from all over the galaxy. In this case it's probably DLP guests who will be the aliens (!) but it would be nice if the cast members who will work inside the Cantina could be a little bit "themed" - if french regulations allows it, which remains to be proven...

And what about the Cantina musicians, by the way? They have to be there, right? DLP have the choice of real musicians wearing masks or audio-animatronics musicians. My guess is that DLP might prefer "real" one for financial reasons but WDI AAs would be welcome..

For those of you who don't remember the Cantina scene from Star Wars Episode 4, here is the video.

Is this Star Wars land going to be build at DLP? Very probably, yes, and here is why: One year ago, during a press event, a dinner was organized with a selection of web masters and Philippe Gas, DLP CEO. I was part of the dinner but it's another web master who asked him if DLP was planning to replace Star Tours 1 by Star Tours 2. To what Philippe Gas answered that they will be very happy to do so but unfortunately the attraction have a cost - read: an important cost - and for the same cost DLP could have a brand new attraction. One of the problem is that DLP had bad experiences with previous upgraded attractions. They did Space Mountain Mission Two and expected it to be a success as big as they had in 1995 when Space Mountain opened, and it hasn't been the case. And Captain Eo just brought in more guests than HISTA during one week or so. So, we can understand why DLP execs can a bit dubious with upgraded rides even if in this case i think they're wrong as everyone will agree that Star Tours 2 is considerably better than the first version.

But, at the time of this dinner we didn't knew the real price of Star Tours 2, and it was hard to understand why Philippe Gas thought that ST2 cost was high. Thanks to Oriental Land company who always reveal the cost when they bring a new ride at TDL or TDS we know now that TDL will invest 7 billion Yen to bring Star Tours 2 - $84 Million which makes around 63.5 M euros. Even if the costs are always a bit higher in Japan because of anti-sismic regulations, the price for DLP is certainly not under 50M euros, and probably closer to 55M. I can understand now why Philippe Gas thought that it's quite a lot of money to upgrade a ride, as popular as it can be. Not to mention that it's also harder for DLP marketing to advertise an upgraded ride than a brand new one.

But DLP have two problems: the first one is that Star Tours 2 will be introduced to all the others parks next year except at DLP, and the pressure by DLP fans would surely grow in the next years. And also, to put it more simply, the original ride is really getting old, so sooner or later DLP couldn't escape to upgrade it. The second problem is located next door to Star Tours. As i told you Captain EO is not tremendously successful and obviously they can't keep it for years and years. Captain EO closed on April 2 but the main problem for DLP is: what can they put in instead of EO? WDI don't do anymore 3D movies considering - and they're right - that because a new 3D movie is released almost each week in normal theatres it's better to use 3D technology in rides - like in Toy Story Mania or in the upcoming Ratatouille ride at WDS.

And it's at that point that someone probably came with this brilliant idea: what about having a Star Wars land in the back of Discoveryland? And this concept change everything as DLP marketing will be able to "sell" or advertise not only an upgraded ride but a whole new land, and a new land dedicated to one of the most popular movie mythology in the world! And God knows that there is a lot of Star Wars fans in Europe. Not to mention that, as i told you, there is still plenty of land backstage to eventually add a new Star Wars attraction in the future if needed. Honestly, if they do it for real i think it's a very smart move from Philippe Gas and DLP Imagineering as this Star Wars land is probably the best way to resolve both the ST1 and Captain EO problems at the same time.

For sure, this Star Wars land will cost more to DLP than a simple upgrade of the ride but the benefit on many points will be greater. For instance, once DLP will have this Star Wars land why wouldn't they organize Star Wars week-ends like they do at WDW? It's very popular, and for sure it would bring fans from all over Europe in the park...and in DLP hotel rooms, right? So, for all these reasons, i'm quite sure that a Star Wars land will come to DLP, and from what is said on the DCP forum it won't be before Ratatouille opening which is scheduled for 2014. But 2015 might be the year that both Jedis and Empire forces will land again at DLP Discoveryland!

Pictures: copyright Disney, Lucas Film, Mark Dermul

Cantina Video: copyright Lucas Film

Cantina pictures from

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Disneyland Paris Update

What's new about Disneyland Paris future? DLP fans are desperately waiting for an official announcement of the Ratatouille dark ride, Star tours 2, and more. Next year will be DLP 20th Anniversary and chances are that no new attraction will open in 2012. Of course the park have scheduled to celebrate the 20th and you can count on different events including a new show which is supposed to have dazzling never-seen-before visual effects but in terms of rides i will not bet on anyone, except if DLP execs change their mind very soon about Star tours 2 and finally decide to bring the ST 2 at DLP Discoveryland.

However, recently, two interesting rumors appeared on the web. The first one is basically saying that the banks - the famous banks who accept or not to deliver to DLP the needed amount of money to build new attractions - decided that they won't give anymore money and that it was time for the WDC to bring some cash to DLP. DLP fans discussed this rumor on forums and one of the reason - if this rumor is true as i remind you it's still only a rumor - might be because of the bank crisis. It's true that European banks, and specially French banks, are going through pretty difficult times right now so this might be a good reason, although they could also take this "bank crisis" as alibi to don't deliver new cash to DLP...

Anyway, here comes the second rumor and this one as you will see is more interesting. Apparently a Mice Chat member discussed about DLP - and specially WDS future - with a WDI Imagineer at the D23 Expo and here is what he's saying:

"I finally got SOME news on France after coercing (ok, waterboarding ) the right Imagineer. Turns out the situation is eerily similar to ours. You have a great park (DL) in some level of disrepair which is being plussed up at the approach of its birthday and you’ve got a second gate (WDSP instead of DCA) which has been under-performing and although it has received a few new ride (like ToT, we did too) and some smaller ones (the whole Toy Story playplace like we got Monster’s Inc) which triggered some ‘place-making’, it’s still not ‘winning’ like Charlie Sheen would say…

… so what do you do?

… well, that’s kinda why John Lasseter was visiting your WDS recently. He made the same argument about the lack of cohesive theming, the lack of character and the necessity for a large place-making project. In fact, the Imagineers already have an overall re-design similar to what they have for DCA. Yep, a big big deal

However, between the economic situation in Europe and the non finished work in the US (includiing the two major expansions on both coast), it is a matter of spreading themselves too thin. At the same time, the argument is being made for it being almost the best time for such an investment.

Bottom line: keep your fingers crossed for a major announcement from Tom Staggs closer to the end of the year, as the overall 20th of DLP gets on the way.

Or not .

But it is there RIGHT NOW, just laying on ice for a little while longer…"

If the story is right it will be indeed a good news, and if it's not that's exactly what the WDC should do as soon as possible, i.e a huge placemaking at the WDS just like they did one at DCA. In fact, i don't think there is any other solution, the WDS desperately need a kind of "Marshall Plan" to resolve the problem once and for all. Right now the WDC must pay for DCA placemaking as well as WDW New Fantasyland, not to mention Shanghaî Disneyland and the Avatar project so may be DLP fans will have to wait a bit more but next year DCA and WDW NF will be almost finished and in 2013 the WDC might have some fresh cash available for DLRP.

There is another good argument in favor of this placemaking rumor and it's the now official departure of Bob Iger in 2015 ( even if Iger will stay at the Disney board until 2016 ). My guess is that Iger will be pleased to resolve all the problems due the end of Eisner era before leaving the company. In two words, Eisner has been the one who almost destroyed the company and Iger the one who would have saved it. My feeling is that this rumor is true and that sometime next year Tom Staggs and DLP CEO Philippe Gas might announce this WDS placemaking, but considering the hard times for the world economy as long as it is not announced officially it's better to consider it as "one more rumor".

Now, do i have some news more reliable than rumors? Yes, i do, and the latest news i've got about Ratatouille is that a final announcement - read: decision - is awaited before the end of this year. Note that it doesn't mean that the decision will be necessarily the one expected by DLP fans, it means that a decision will be taken and announced and you better cross your fingers that it will be positive. However, even if Ratatouille was confirmed officially in two months don't expect an opening in 2012 and not even in 2013 as it was previously envisioned. DLP Imagineers need two years to build the whole Ratatouille area - and test the new ride - and this will put the Ratatouille opening in 2014 or late 2013 with a bit of luck.

About the WDS placemaking, now. Yes, the project indeed exist as well as a rendering showing the vision of WDI Imagineers ( don't ask me, i don't have it ) and apparently it looks great. All what the park needs now is money - as usual. About Star Tours 2, it's a bit more complicated. As i've told you in a previous update DLP execs are a bit reluctant to bring it right now at DLP, mainly because of the cost of ST2 ( estimated around $50 M ) as for the same price they can have a brand new dark ride. They're also afraid that the investment don't bring more visitors to the park, like it happened with Space Mountain Mission 2 or the comeback of Captain EO which has been for them a not-so-good experience on a business point of view.

All this is perfectly understandable and unfortunately a news that i had recently might reinforce DLP execs in their fear about the ST2 investment. Apparently - and although Star Tours 2 is acclaimed by DL and WDW visitors - the attraction update didn't bring more guests inside the parks. At least not enough to be considered as a major increase in parks attendance. If this is true - and it has yet to be confirmed - that's not only a bad news for DL and WDW but also for DLP as Philippe Gas might be more reluctant than ever to spend the needed amount for ST2. However, Tokyo Disneyland has apparently decided to update their own Star Tours so DLP will not escape to ST2 sooner or later, hopefully as soon as possible, and of course i will keep you updated. In the meantime, just pray that this WDS placemaking becomes a reality!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Last News from Disneyland Paris and HKDL - Now Updated with new Toy Story Land Official Visuals and Video !

A short update today with the latest news about DLP and HKDL. Let's begin with Disneyland Paris. DLP management has hold its breath all last week as the french government wanted to increase the VAT on all theme parks and amusement parks from 5.5% to 19.6%. They finally cancelled this very bad idea and replaced it with a 2% tax on all hotel rooms from and above 200 euros. This concerns not only DLP hotels but all hotels in France, of course.

An increase of the VAT would have been literally devastating for the park as it would have mean that the ticket price would have jump to more than 80 euros and of course it would have had an effect on the parks activity with probably less visitors, etc... Thanks God this was cancelled by the french government as the other theme parks were infuriated by a VAT increase and specially the Futuroscope theme park. Jean Pierre Raffarin, former french prime minister and who is at the head of the Vienne department where the Futuroscope is went really angry with Sarkozy who finally decided to cancel this VAT increase. Who would have said that Disneyland Paris future would have been saved indirectly by one of its main competitor in France - the Futuroscope?

A 2% tax on hotel rooms will have a totally different effect. 2% on a 200 euros room makes an increase of 4 euros only and someone who can afford to pay 200 euros on a room can of course pay 204 euros, so this new 2% hotel tax shouldn't have a bad effect for the park.

Talking about DLP future i am sorry to say that there is no news at all about the two awaited attractions "Ratatouille" and "Star Tours 2". I don't think that there is any major problem or cancellation on the Ratatouille dark ride but if the park don't start soon the works on the Ratatouille ride and area they will have a real timing problem for a 2013 opening. Even if works were beginning right now the ride probably wouldn't be ready before summer 2013. I remind you that DLP 20th anniversary is next year - so in 2012 and not 2013 - and so a Ratatouille opening in 2013 was schedule to give a new impulsion after the 20th Anniversary year. This might work well as long as the Ratatouille ride would indeed open in spring or summer 2013, and for this they really have to start the works as soon as possible...

No news too on Star Tours 2, and this is not good news. It doesn't mean that they won't bring ST2 at DLP Discoveryland but it probably means that DLP fans will have to wait at least until 2014 to get it. Though, if the park finally choose to install ST2 and have it ready for the 20th anniversary, they still have the time to do it, but here, too, works should start right now and the least we can say is that no signs are going in this direction.

Let's move to Hong Kong Disneyland, now. Toy Story Playland is scheduled to open next November at HKDL and the park is recruiting 1,000 new cast members for its biggest expansion since it opened in 2005. Park managing director Andrew Kam Min-ho said "In addition to increasing our physical footprint by 23 percent, the new projects will increase overall park attractions, entertainment facilities and shows to more than 100". HKDL also expect that daily visitor arrivals will rise from 38,000 to 40,000 with the opening of Toy Story Playland. Above and below, two pictures showing the entrance of Toy Story Land with the giant Woody instead than the giant Buzz at the WDS.

HKDL just released these new Toy Story Land visuals, the main one is at the top and below the three visuals for the three attractions.

And here is the video of the press conference in which you'll some shots of Toy Story Land. The language is in chinese but the images are in international language!

Also, the HKDL Haunted Halloween will begin September 22 as you may have read in my previous article HERE and the park released three CGI animated videos. The first one below introduces the Main Street Haunted Hotel...

The next one is all about the new Thaddeus Oswald traveling circus...

And this last on shows a bit of everything but also have some still images with the text in chinese which will be hard to understand for non-chinese

Pictures and Videos: copyright Disney

Click HERE for direct access to the TDS Wallpapers HD iTunes page
or READ my article first HERE.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Star Tours 2 : Darth Vader goes to Disneyland

This good old' Darth Vader was back at Disneyland yesterday for Star Tours 2 Grand Opening and Disney Parks with a perfect timing released this promotional video which is quite fun. And if you missed the DL ST2 Grand Opening show, you can see the full video of it on my Star Tours site HERE. Have a look!

Video: copyright Disney - Lucas Film Ltd

Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Disney Parks video promote DLR "Soundsational Summer"

Disney Parks released a new video to promote the "Disney Soundsational Summer". You'll find in it some footage about Star Tours 2 and the new Disneyland “Mickey’s Soundsational Parade” BUT also new footage of the Little Mermaid attraction! Have a look!

Video: copyright Disney

Thursday, May 19, 2011

First Star Tours 2 Commercial !

Editor's Note: Want to see the first Star Tours 2 commercial featuring many Star Wars characters like Darth Vader, Admiral Ackbar, Chewbacca as well as a host of other characters in the background, including Boba Fett, Stormtroopers, Jawas, Ewoks, Emporers Imperial Guards, a Tusken Raider and even a member of the Cantina Band? Then, jump to the D&M Star Tours section HERE!

Picture: copyright Disney - Lucas Film Ltd

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Star Tours 2 Pre-Show Videos - Plus: On Ride Audio !

Disney fans who were at WDW last week-end had the luck to try the awaited Star Tours 2 and it seems that everyone is pretty enthusiastic about the new version of the ride. Videos were not allowed inside the attraction whether it was in the pre-show or the ride itself but the will of transgression was too strong for some of them and on my latest post on the D&M Star Tours website you will find some videos that will show you more of the pre-show decor. AND also the full on-ride audio of one Star Tours 2 trip!

Jump to the D&M Star Tours website to watch and hear all this!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Details about Star Tours 2 - Plus: how to create your own Star Tours 2 Galactic Passport !

Editor's Note: Want more details on Star Tours 2: The Adventure Continues? Want to create your own Star Tours Galactic Passport? Then jump to my new articles on the D&M Star Tours web site HERE.

And if you've not seen it yet i remind you to don't miss the D&M ollectibles sale HERE as it may be your last chance to find a copy of the now totally out of stock Disneyland Paris book!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Star Tours “ Mall Tours ” Backdrop Reveals Star Tours 2 Hangar

The Star Tours “Mall Tours” had its first stop at the Aventura Mall in Miami, Florida. Guests could meet C3P0 or R2D2 and have pictures with them. But the most interesting is this big backdrop which reveal what is very probably the new Star Tours hangar from which our new Starspeeder 1000 will depart.

Jump to my new Star Tours web site where i've posted today THREE new articles! It's HERE and, as i've enhanced last week-end the site layouts, be prepared for a jump in outer space!

Picture: copyright Disney-Lucas Film Ltd

Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Star Tours 2 rendering shows Boba Fett chase scene

A new Star Tours 2 rendering was released recently, apparently included in an email sent to WDW annual passholders. Interesting rendering showing what might be another "destination" near planet Geonosis. You can see on the rendering the Starspeeder being chased by Boba Fett vessel and also - in the background - the first Death Star under construction. Star Tours 2 open in a bit more than two months at DHS and it's going to be a very exciting moment!

Picture: copyright Disney-Lucas Film

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

C3PO will be the Starspeeder pilot in Star Tours 2 !

You better don't miss Tom Fitzgerald's article on the Disney Parks blog if you want to know more about today major news: C3PO will be the Starspeeder pilot in Star Tours 2! Jump to the full article HERE.

And while i talk about C3PO, watch what unfolds when C-3PO and R2-D2 land on earth and discover a Currys & PC World Megastore in this FANTASTIC new TV Ad.

Picture: copyright Disney

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

DLP Update : A look at Disneyland Paris future

As promised, we will have a look today at Disneyland Paris future. Recently, two DLP fans web sites - Disneytheque and DLRP Today - did articles about it and since then all DLP forums keep talking about it. Although all is not wrong in the Disneytheque article the one from DLRP Today seems to be more accurate. You can have a look at them HERE and HERE.

Toy Story Playland or Toy Story Mania?

This year, in June or July, the new Toy Story Playland will open at the Walt Disney Studios with what will be, basically, three carnival rides themed on the Toy Story theme. There is no doubt that WDI Imagineers will do a great and probably enjoyable theming on this little land and DLP fans will be happy to have three new rides at the WDS, but they will be a little bit less happy when they will know that, at exactly the same location, Toy Story Mania was also envisioned to be build.

Considering the financial situation of the park and the huge price difference between Toy Story Playland and Toy Story Mania nobody needs to be a genius to understand that once again it's the budget price which had the final word. Although i'm sure that young kids will enjoy Toy Story Playland rides we must not forget that all three will be outdoor attractions and when we see the incredibly freezing temperatures we have this winter in Paris we can wonder if Toy Story Playland was finally the right choice for the guests.

Ratatouille, 20th anniversary attraction?

Disneyland Paris 20 th anniversary will be in two years from now and of course the biggest DLP fan question remains the same: what will be the 20th anniversary attraction? Since months everyone wonder which one between the Ratatouille and Little Mermaid dark rides will be the next E-Ticket and i'm sorry to say that, if no announcement have been done it's probably because nothing yet is totally sure.

As usual it's all about money and although 2009 guests attendance was good, last year financial results were not fantastic. So, what is doing the park when they need to build a E-Ticket attraction and don't necessarily have the money for? Well, they do exactly like we do when we want to buy a new home or a new car, they go to see their bank and ask if they can borrow some money! They did a financial plan which was sent recently to the banks, and now everybody - including us - is waiting for its approval and the funds which will come with it. It will take probably some months to have the bank's answer but the park still have some time before the works must begin to make sure that a new E-Ticket will open on time in April 2012.

However, considering that almost two years are generally needed for this kind of attraction, next June will probably be the dead line to begin the works. And, depending where these will be, DLP fans will know immediately - even with no official announcement - what is the final choice. I'm still betting on the Ratatouille dark ride not only for reasons explained in one of my previous article but mostly because the attraction is now on WDI schedule. Historically, when an attraction appear on the WDI schedule it means that the attraction has received the green light from the park. So, if you have to bet on one attraction as the next DLRP E-Ticket, i think you can put your bets on the Ratatouille dark ride. And for more infos about the ride itself, have a look to my previous article HERE.

What about Soarin' ?

Since Walt Disney Studios opening the room to build a Soarin' attraction was kept. the good news is not only that the room is still available but also that the park is still considering to build it......someday. The new "Soarin' over the World" movie is expected to begin in 2013 at Disney's California Adventure and i really think that the main reason why Soarin' is not built yet at the WDS is simply because the new movie is not yet available. DCA and Epcot will probably have it first and then, with a bit of luck (and money!) the ride may come to the WDS. However, all this didn't stop WDI Imagineers to work on the design of the building facade - i remind you that WDS location for Soarin' is in Production Courtyard between the Cinemagique and Stitch live! buildings - and from what i've been told the facade will be beautiful, with an art-deco style just like the buildings nearby. You can find more details about the "Soarin' over the World" movie in the article i did some months ago HERE.

Anything new in 2011 ?

2010 will see the opening of Toy Story Playland - with also the New Generation Festival - but what about 2011? Well, considering that the next year will be the 20th anniversary we can expect that the park will save its money for the big event. However something highly expected will open in theatres in 2011: the new Pirates of Caribbean movie.

It's time to remember that Disneyland Paris is now the only park which didn't "update" the attraction with the Jack Sparrow / Barbosa audio-animatronics. Considering the huge success of the first trilogy and the low budget of this update i was surprised they didn't do it before... until i thought they may envision to do it later. 2011 could be a perfect date for this POTC update and would be a good way to have something new in the park for a low amount of money. We'll see if it'll be the case.

Star Tours 2 at Discoveryland

Star Tours 2 will open next year at Disneyland and Disney's Hollywood Studios and the big question is: when will it come to DLP Discoveryland? I think there is litlle doubt that Star Tours 2 will open at Discoveryland - not only because the attraction really needs an update but also because the budget of this new version won't be excessive - but the only question is when? In the Disneytheque article they announce it for 2013 and they may be right on this one. As the park did with the 2007 15th anniversary which has ended early 2009 (!) the 2012 20th anniversary will probably run through 2013 and a Star Tours 2 opening on that year would be a good way to expand the "birthday party". However we must not forget that 2012 is the 20th anniversary of the Disneyland Park (and not the Walt Disney Studios) and so it would be legitimate that DLP Magic Kingdom have a new attraction on that year. We'll see what happen.

As for the attraction itself - read my previous article for more details about what has been "unofficially" announced - one thing is sure: Star Tours 2 will have not only the new podrace 3D movie presented last September by Jay Rasulo at the D23 Expo, but several different movies - i would say probably four different movies. And this will be a good thing, specially when we think that we've spent the last 20 years with the same ride movie! Until now, Star Tours was probably the only travel agency of the universe offering only one destination!

However, don't expect each movie to be totally different as what will change in each of them will probably be only the "middle" part - the opening and the end of each movie should be the same. Which by the way is logical as our Starspeeder will be supposed to lift off each time from the same base. But, of course, the guest will have a different experience with each movie.

And what about the pre-show, you ask? Well, the biggest elements of the pre-show like the real-size Starspeeder and 3CPO - will remain but you can expect a re-design of some elements. The big Starspeeder in the first room of the pre-show will have a slightly new design on his front as well as the big screen next to it - the one announcing Star Tours destinations - where we can expect a incredibly high-definition screen, and more. Changes will also occur in the second room - the Droid room - and inside the Starspeeder simulators Captain Rex will have a totally different design which is a really good idea as its current style looks more like a robot escaped from the 1979's "Black Hole" movie...

I've also heard that the queue may be interactive and that ,depending of your choice, you will be sent to a Star Tours destination or another. Although i think it would be a good idea it may be difficult to put in place, not to mention the additional budget for this interactivity. As i don't have confirmation on this interactive queue, please consider it for now only as a "rumor".

New Convention Hotel and Disney Village.

Both Disneytheque and DLRP Today articles talked about the future Convention centre and hotel, but i think it's DLRP Today which announced the right location - see DLRP Today map below. This Convention centre and hotel project exist since many years but for the theme of the new hotel, nothing has been announced yet. But considering its location close to the Walt Disney Studios it won't be a surprise if WDI Imagineers choose an art-deco style which will fit perfectly with the WDS buildings style nearby. I, personally, love the art-deco style and nothing could make me more happy than to have a new hotel with the style of the Ambassador Hotel at TDL or the Hollywood Hotel at HKDL. The convention centre and hotel are supposed to open before 2015 and have an investment of 100 M Euros.

In a previous article i told you that the park is also working on an expansion of the Disneyland Hotel, and it's still in the plans. When it will have the green light this new wing which will be build on the hotel parking lot will be a kind-of boutique hotel with its own restaurant and swimming pool and room prices as high as the one of the DLH Castle Club. They were looking for an opening on the 20th anniversary but i cannot confirm you that this will be the case.

As for the Disney Village we're still waiting for the long rumoured changes beginning by the World of Disney shop which will be build in front of the Gaumont Theatres. Once the World of Disney will be open many of the others shops - beginning by the Disney Store - will definitely change but so many different concepts were envisioned since the last two years that i prefer to don't announce you anything before they are really sure. The only thing which is sure for now is that big changes will happen soon to the Disney Village.

A Night Show for the Walt Disney Studios?

Recently i saw on french forums a rumor talking about a lake that should be build behind WDS Hollywood Blvd and Tower of Terror. Well, DLP fans will be happy to learn that more than a simple rumor it's a real project. The Walt Disney Studios generally close each day around 7 p.m, mainly (but not only) because the park don't have a night show. So, the plan is to build a lake which will host not Fantasmic! but the World of Color show - yes, the same one opening in April at DCA.

Why World of Color instead of Fantasmic!, you ask? Well once it is built the World of Color show need less cast-members, so the operation cost won't be as high as Fantasmic! Still, DLP executives are probably waiting to know more about the maintenance cost of World of Color at DCA and then, eventually, and if the funds are available, World of Color will come to the WDS. As this is a long term project, don't expect it before at least 2015. But it's a good news that Imagineers are working on a WDS night show as the park really need one

O-kay, that's all for today. Always remember that DLP choices may change depending of the financial results and funds available or not. Each of my DLP updates are a "picture" of the situation at the time i post it. Next DLP update won't be before some months, the needed time to have confirmed infos and not simple rumors.

In the meantime make sure to check the special offer about the great Disneyland Paris book if you don't own it yet! You will find it right HERE.

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Pictures: copyright Disney, Lucas Film and DLRP Today.
